Dungeon Defenders - 1-4 Player A-RPG Tower Defense - Out now! (1200 Microsoft Points)


85 (100%)

Originally released on mobile devices, it's now moving to PC, PSN, and XBLA. It runs on the Unreal 3 engine as well. It follows the recent trend of action-oriented tower defense games, while implementing tons of RPG elements, which allow you to specialize your characters and loot however you like.

I'll let these awesome gameplay trailers speak for the game.






There are more under this Youtube profile, as well.

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I know nobody's replied, but I've gotten my hands on a copy if anyone has any questions.

So far I'm really enjoying it, though! Very deep. So much loot. So many enemies. So little time...
I LOVE tower D games, but when I played this on my iPad the controls were really funky which kinda ruined the experience. Are the controls a lot better now that there's a controller?
[quote name='Nealocus123']I LOVE tower D games, but when I played this on my iPad the controls were really funky which kinda ruined the experience. Are the controls a lot better now that there's a controller?[/QUOTE]

I haven't played it on mobiles, but it took a lot of getting used to (a couple level playthroughs). It's not really the controls so much as memorizing combinations of stick directions and button presses, to place/upgrade/repair turrets while staying in the action.

There are two control schemes, mostly revolving around how you want to control your character. For one, left stick moves your character in all directions while the right stick turns the camera. Other one, the right stick must be used to turn the character AND the camera (think third person games).

As an example of button presses taking some time to get used to:

RB brings up a radial menu. Buy Tower brings up another menu. Picking a tower locks you in place and makes you either cancel, or place a silhouette of the tower. Then you have to choose a direction for it to face. It took me several games, but I've gotten this downpat. I did feel like it was clunky when first starting, but it just takes several games.

All of your "special abilities" like Repair Tower, Heal Self, and other character-specific skills can be remapped at will on all 4 of the D-pad buttons as well. They come mapped fairly well, though. I haven't tried remapping yet, but I was directly told by a dev that it was possible. May have to select something on the radial, then press the corresponding D-pad button to remap.

/wall o text (sorry)
Question: Have they buffed Monk and Squire towers? Love playing a Monk, but the auras are hard on a phone.
[quote name='Tuxan']Question: Have they buffed Monk and Squire towers? Love playing a Monk, but the auras are hard on a phone.[/QUOTE]

I have not played the mobile/phone versions, and I've only given the Squire a serious go so far. My Squire's level 30, with a hybrid mix of stats between towers and hero.

Squire's got the all-around best towers IMHO, with my Slice n Dice turrets single-handedly holding off hundreds of enemies. I was playing with a couple different Monks (and a Huntress) yesterday, though, and the electric + snare + strength drain certainly had a great effect when upgraded and thrown onto corners where enemies would be exposed the longest. Also, the auras were MASSIVE at times.

The game really emphasizes mixing different classes' towers/traps/turrets with eachother. I also love that everyone has equal ability to upgrade/repair everything, and gives everyone reason to watch all of your defenses.

I should probably add that I imagine that phones/mobiles had a limited number of enemies... Well, that's not the case on consoles, for sure! Hundreds of enemies on screen at once. It really gets chaotic. Luckily the frame rate barely stutters.


[quote name='Ryuukishi']I had never heard of this game before today, but it looks pretty fantastic. Anyone know the price?[/QUOTE]

The price is in the title. =X It's going to be $15/1200MSP. I'm hoping to expose the game to more people, as the game hasn't really been promoted too well.
[quote name='Rhett']The price is in the title. =X It's going to be $15/1200MSP. I'm hoping to expose the game to more people, as the game hasn't really been promoted too well.[/QUOTE]
Wow, don't know how I missed that! I'll definitely be checking out the demo at least.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Wow, don't know how I missed that! I'll definitely be checking out the demo at least.[/QUOTE]

FYI (and to anyone who's interested), the trial will supposedly have online play, and you can carry over your saves. I assume this means you're limited to the first one or two levels, and maybe a max level of 5 or so. Still, pretty cool.

Oh, and it has a SERVER BROWSER! Sadly can't see who's playing, but it's a shaq-fu'in server browser on a console, for once in a long time! Shows GT of host, ping, level and class of host, level + difficulty/mode being played, and what phase it's in. (If you join mid-combat, you can only spectate until the next build phase)
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[quote name='xxtwilightxx']been waiting for this game to come out on xbla awhile back. Definitely a day one buy for me![/quote]

Updated OP with 5th Dev Diary video.

A few people (mostly devs) are already level 70... One is a reviewer though. Crazy. I've been playing consistently since Saturday and I'm at 47. Leveling is very steady, but still takes a bit of effort, and completing a mission (as opposed to failing near the end) makes a big difference, too.

The only gripes I've got, if anyone cares:

There's a VERY sticky auto aim function that you can't disable. It makes sense that it exists, but it's very annoying when you're trying to wade through a group of enemies and the camera targets an enemy that's deemed a bigger threat (like an archer, or an ogre) and it's out of the way, which forces you to turn towards that enemy. Mostly only an issue for Squires and melee-oriented Monks, though.

Loot quality is entirely denoted by value, stats, and prefixes . No colors. (Instead, there's a prefix like 'Epic', 'Legendary' and 'Godly') :( (and on that note, it's too bad there's no visible change in appearance besides weapons, when equipped... though the weapons are SPECTACULAR.)

And I guess that's it. o_O

The challenges are difficult. Insane is... insane. Survival is fun, though takes a couple hours to complete. There's a lot of game here... I haven't even given any other class a serious go, besides the Squire. Seen mostly Apprentices online. Pretty popular class. Squire's gotta be my favorite, though.
Yes. It used to be 800, but they raised it. Honestly, it has a lot of content... perhaps a tad more than most $15 games. There's also one PVP map, though I don't dare even go near it.

They're also planning a bunch of DLC, potentially including up to 3 new character classes. That's pretty much all that's been hinted at though. There's an extra map when you beat the game as well, which was supposedly the first DLC a while back, but was included for free (according to a dev, when asked why it was called 'bonus'). Not sure if it's in mobiles. "Glitterhelm"
Trial users can apparently only play with other trial users.. but I convinced two of my friends to buy it instantly, just from them seeing how much I've played it. Hella fun. Worth more than $15 in terms of gameplay if you enjoy this kinda game.

Also, beware assholes. Not everyone knows how to work together properly... I was playing with random people, trying to help them out, and one jackass kept taking ALL the loot, and not repairing any towers (though he did place plenty of them). Please don't do that!
I picked this up on Steam and have been hooked. Has a Torchlight vibe that means many late nights for me...it also kind of reminds me of the Deception games.

Anyway, definitely tons of content so you'll get your moneys worth.
I've been soloing the high level stuff lately with a Squire (probably the only class possible to do this), and it's pretty fun and intense. I actually managed to beat the first boss by myself on Insane, fairly easily. Very cool.

I also have to say that set bonuses (wearing all of the same kind of armor) are very potent later on as well. With Legendary/Epic/Godly gear, it adds a good 3+ bonuses to most stats, on every piece of armor... that increases when you upgrade them.

I also love that bosses and challenges give completely different/unique loot on Insane as well. First boss drops a badass looking rapier for Squires, on Insane.

If anyone gets to 70 (or is close), let me know. I need more high levels to play with (particularly anything but a Squire). If I host a public game, all I get is low level people wanting money or wanting to be power leveled. I want to beat the last boss on Hard, and do most of the campaign on Insane. Perhaps even a challenge or two (I've solo'd most of them, but can't do some others). It would also be easy for us to farm hundreds of thousands of mana.
have a currently level 25 apprentice looking for others who are decent at the game to play with. most randoms in this game so far are absolutely horrible
It's pretty fun so far but kind of frustrating on solo at my current level (playing as an apprentice, lvl 6).

If anyone has this on Steam and wants to play, PM me.
I have heard good things about this from my friends on live, unfortunately don't have any MS points, so I won't be getting this any time soon.
Gave the demo a try and it was alright but everything moves so atrociously slow its ridiculous. I don't think I can stomach playing so slow until I level up enough so I'll be skipping this.
[quote name='Detrian']Gave the demo a try and it was alright but everything moves so atrociously slow its ridiculous. I don't think I can stomach playing so slow until I level up enough so I'll be skipping this.[/QUOTE]

Wha? Doesn't take many points to get your character to a decent speed, and enemies move much faster on harder difficulties. You probably don't want fast enemies. =X

But, not everyone will like it.
didn't like the xbox controls so much in the demo so i got it through steam...the free dlc and extras are well worth it.

i haz portal gunz.
Hey fellow CAG's,

I dl'ed the expansion pack (360) and I can't figure out how to access the Mistymire level or where exactly this new content is. I don't see anything on the menu, and I've beaten all of the standard levels (though not all of them on insane). Do I have to beat the challenges too? Or is the extra level somewhere else on the menu screen?
bread's done