E3 2011: Sony edition. Conference starts at 8pm est/7pm cst!

They said they were giving it away, the full Uncharted MP before the game releases. However, they also said Vita would be available worldwide this year and they are already backtracking on that statement less than 24hours later.

So has it been determined that these "Super Secret" games have already been announced? And are they all PS3 games? Still waiting for my Syphon Filter 4 announcement :(
[quote name='JSiggy']I don't think they are giving away the UC3 MP. I think they said they will be setting up booths, so you can play the multiplayer while you are at subway.[/QUOTE]

i think they said youd get a code to dl the full mp experience on your ps3 a month before the game releases.
It's all a matter of perspective. I respect all of your opinions. For me they all had a few highs and even more lows. Here's my list so far...

Cross Platform
Saint's Row: The Third
The Darkness 2
Ghost Recon: Future Soldier
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3
Battlefield 3

Twisted Metal
Resistance 3

Gears of War 3
Halo Legacy
Halo 4

Wii U
Zelda: Skyward Sword
Maybe Kid Icurus
I actually thought Sony's conference last year was better. Uncharted 3, Bioshock, GoW PSP ports, and the PSVita reveal were all that I liked. I still have no interest in Move or 3D so that brought it down although the Kobe segment was better than last year's Tiger Woods demo.

Not a fan of Sly Cooper. I was hoping the "returning franchise" was Timesplitters but oh well maybe next year. Also liked that they addressed PSN right away, and the show overall didn't have that fun vibe from the presenters like last year (a problem Xbox's conference had last year). Hope Kevin Butler returns next year.
[quote name='8bitArtist']WiiU is going to be nothing but shovelware, poor ps360 ports and maybe 1 ok game a year from a franchise that has been milked to death worse than CoD.

3ds didnt show anything all that great. oh great a mario kart game. SURPRISE! but it has hang gliders this time. oooooooohhhh bbooooooooyyyyyy day 1 buy for me![/QUOTE]

To be honest 3DS has one game that "might" beat out most things that come out this year (megaman Legends 3) Nintendo always gets one good 3rd party (usually capcom this gen) game that makes me want whatever system it comes out for.
[quote name='AdmrlBalls']It's as if Nintendo is just catching up to the PS3 and adding a tablet controller that basically is a dumbed down PS Vita that you can't take on the go. Not sure how they plan to get people who own PS3s and 360s to buy one of these? They still feel gimmicky.[/QUOTE]

They got zelda. I don't give a damn what games come out for wii U I will not be making a purchase. The good thing is that any game that is released for the wii u can be done with ps3 and vita (with stylus). Since the ps vita is 300 I think that Sony needs to have vita and ps3 bundles for about 399. For that price I don't think that it will be an issue to sell both together.
I dont know if it salready been mentioned in this thread, but it struck me that with decent connectivity, Sony is future proofed against the success of WiiU since the PSV could easily double as a WiiU-esque controller for the PS3. A lot of the WiiU features seem to already exist on PSP.

Aside from that, my favorite announcements (I actually clapped at home) were Dust and that 3D television with the trick multiplayer feature. I was surprised by the muted reactions to both. I figured a room full of gaming journalists would have at least heard of Dust before and appreciate the tech it represents. As for the TV, I figure most people have yet to actually shop for a 3D tv so they don't realize what a ridiculous deal that release is going to be.
[quote name='TctclMvPhase']...my favorite announcements (I actually clapped at home) were Dust and that 3D television with the trick multiplayer feature. I was surprised by the muted reactions to both. I figured a room full of gaming journalists would have at least heard of Dust before and appreciate the tech it represents. As for the TV, I figure most people have yet to actually shop for a 3D tv so they don't realize what a ridiculous deal that release is going to be.[/QUOTE]

It's possible to mod active shutter glasses and get the same effect as the television presented at E3.

After watching the video below and finding that old link about modding the active shutter glasses, I'm hunting down an extra pair of glasses.

What someone needs to do is make a left and right set of aftermarket glasses...someone with the know-how is set to make a lot of money.

Here's a video showing passive tech (similar idea) with a multi-player game...and no, passive movie theater glasses won't work on active 3D sets.

[quote name='TctclMvPhase']I dont know if it salready been mentioned in this thread, but it struck me that with decent connectivity, Sony is future proofed against the success of WiiU since the PSV could easily double as a WiiU-esque controller for the PS3. A lot of the WiiU features seem to already exist on PSP.

Aside from that, my favorite announcements (I actually clapped at home) were Dust and that 3D television with the trick multiplayer feature. I was surprised by the muted reactions to both. I figured a room full of gaming journalists would have at least heard of Dust before and appreciate the tech it represents. As for the TV, I figure most people have yet to actually shop for a 3D tv so they don't realize what a ridiculous deal that release is going to be.[/QUOTE]

Can PSV do the golf ball in the sand trick and all that jazz?

Dust seems like amazing tech, but i think everyone is skeptical and thus unresponsive.

Ive played on a tv with the splitscreen tech and it's awesome, but the screens 24inchs and that is not quit ideal. I wonder how good a monitor it would make though. . .
[quote name='basilofbkrst']Can PSV do the golf ball in the sand trick and all that jazz?

I don't see why not. Based on the fact that the Move uses nothing more than a camera I imagine that the same idea could be reproduced pretty easily.

If it has a shortfall compared to the Wii U, I think its going to be price, as Nintendo tends to like that $250 sweet spot, and screen size, for something like the golf example. For the millions who already own a PS3, it could be a price competitive alternative, but I imagine new consumers are still likely to go with a Wii U if its going for $250.
Vita looks ok but probably won't be all that until the 3rd version comes out. All the game videos i have seen on day 1 do not impress me at all. Really dissapointed with resistance and uncharted. All i really want to see are battlefield 3, the last guardian, and of course the new SSX but that is unlikely. Hopefully we will get some better previews in the next few days but what are you guys really looking forward to? Metal Gear Solid Rising is another one I want but they won't be showing off, twisted metal looks like it missed the ball.
[quote name='bjstucker']To be honest 3DS has one game that "might" beat out most things that come out this year (megaman Legends 3) Nintendo always gets one good 3rd party (usually capcom this gen) game that makes me want whatever system it comes out for.[/QUOTE]
the first two games in MML sold like 5 copies. and im not paying $50 on amazon /ebay for the second.

the hardcore fans will by MML and the bandwagoner MML fans (yes theres a lot of these) will be the only ones buying it

EDIT: I'm tired of these 3 big company conferences.
i want the old E3 where it was like mostly focused on the games. half the stuff that wasn't shown here will be shown at other events because how E3 focuses only on the big 3
[quote name='TctclMvPhase']I don't see why not. Based on the fact that the Move uses nothing more than a camera I imagine that the same idea could be reproduced pretty easily.

If it has a shortfall compared to the Wii U, I think its going to be price, as Nintendo tends to like that $250 sweet spot, and screen size, for something like the golf example. For the millions who already own a PS3, it could be a price competitive alternative, but I imagine new consumers are still likely to go with a Wii U if its going for $250.[/QUOTE]

By the time WiiU releases Vita will probably be available for $200, making it cheaper than WiiU for people who already own PS3. PS3 will probably also be $200 by the time WiiU releases. Making PS3 + Vita $400.
[quote name='Cerebral_One']By the time WiiU releases Vita will probably be available for $200[/QUOTE]
Right. Because that would make perfect sense...
[quote name='ZombieToast']Right. Because that would make perfect sense...[/QUOTE]

Why would Vita not get a price cut within a year? PSP went from a $250 (crappy) bundle pack to $200 core pack within the first year.
Regardless of how crappy the bundle may or may not have been, that's still going from bundle to non-bundle. It's not so much of a price drop as it is an "economic version", just like when Microsoft introduced the Arcade version of 360. Also, considering all of the extra crap Sony has thrown into the Vita, they are probably already selling it at a loss. And they have already taken quite a blow with the whole PSN debacle and the less-than-stellar sales of PSP and PSP Go.

I would love for the Vita to drop in price, but I'm really not expecting it unless they decide to take advantage of Black Friday next year (which would be a smart move if sales stay steady until then). Of course, in this case, I won't mind being proven wrong. We'll just have to wait and see. If they drop the price to $200 and announce some good games, I might consider getting a Vita before Wii U.
I don't see what Nintendo has to offer if they're simply going with an HD console. They should of stayed gimmicky. I mean, what could they possibly offer that Microsoft and Sony haven't already covered? And it's going to come out at an awkward time with 360/PS3 still going strong (although I assume MS will release a new Xbox soon as well).
[quote name='timesplitt']the first two games in MML sold like 5 copies. and im not paying $50 on amazon /ebay for the second.

the hardcore fans will by MML and the bandwagoner MML fans (yes theres a lot of these) will be the only ones buying it


So the hardcore MML fans will by it and the bandwagoners will buy it.
No idea what the point of this was but kudos :)

I own both on PS still never played the N64 version or Ton Bonne side story but I enjoyed the 2 originals immensely.
[quote name='panzerfaust']I don't see what Nintendo has to offer if they're simply going with an HD console. They should of stayed gimmicky. I mean, what could they possibly offer that Microsoft and Sony haven't already covered? And it's going to come out at an awkward time with 360/PS3 still going strong (although I assume MS will release a new Xbox soon as well).[/QUOTE]
Each company offers something different that the others don't. Nintendo focuses much more on providing a good local multiplayer experience, which I personally think is very important. More and more 360/PS3 games are omitting local multiplayer as if they think people simply don't have friends. Guys like me simply don't want to play with a bunch of faceless strangers; I want to hang out with friends and play games together and not have to deal with immature kids online.

Also, Nintendo has a great lineup of games. Yes, we have a million Mario and Zelda games, but it's what keeps the fans happy. For 25+ years, these games have managed to remain incredibly fun and unique. And sometimes, I don't want to play the same tired shooters and hack-and-slash games. Their longevity and sales are proof that people still enjoy the Nintendo experience. And Nintendo plays into that big-time.

We're all going to have favorites, but to think that any of "the big three" don't have something unique to offer is downright silly. That is why I support all three. Granted, my 360 gets the most play time, but I love my Wii and PS3 because they bring something different to the table and I would be missing out on some great experiences without them.
Sony probably had the worst Conference out of all of them. Save the lame ass TV for CES. All their games were either announced already or leaked, while Uncharted and TM were only two that looked good.

Vita will be nice tech but will only have 5 really good games for it much like the psp now
[quote name='smiggity']Sony probably had the worst Conference out of all of them. Save the lame ass TV for CES. All their games were either announced already or leaked, while Uncharted and TM were only two that looked good.

Vita will be nice tech but will only have 5 really good games for it much like the psp now[/QUOTE]

You seriously thought MS had a better conference than Sony? Wow..I know most of your opinions I've seen tend to suck, but hot damn if this isn't the most ridiculous.

And you're obviously an idiot if you think the PSP only has 5 "really good games".

edit: thinking about your post more, You've reached troll status, just going to ignore the stupidity
[quote name='ssjmichael']You seriously thought MS had a better conference than Sony? Wow..I know most of your opinions I've seen tend to suck, but hot damn if this isn't the most ridiculous.

And you're obviously an idiot if you think the PSP only has 5 "really good games".

edit: thinking about your post more, You've reached troll status, just going to ignore the stupidity[/QUOTE]

Seriously, both MS and Sony equally sucked.
[quote name='smiggity']Sony probably had the worst Conference out of all of them. Save the lame ass TV for CES. All their games were either announced already or leaked, while Uncharted and TM were only two that looked good.

Vita will be nice tech but will only have 5 really good games for it much like the psp now[/QUOTE]

Are you sure about that conference being the worst. That award goes to Nintendo in 2008 and Microsoft in 2011. Sony wasn't no where's near them. Go to youtube and educate yourself on a bad conference. Those videos will teach on the fine arts on how to really fuck up a conference.

All the games and announcement for the most part were leaked on all 3 platforms, minus some hardware details.

TM wasn't even shown, which means you really didn't see it in its entirety. Only on blurps on media coverage outside of the conference.

TV's don't make a bad conference. Just an added bonus.
[quote name='lordopus99']Seriously, both MS and Sony equally sucked.[/QUOTE]

MS eeasily had the worst with all the terrible Kinect stuff, the horrible actors and pre-recorded crap. The lack of anything really noteworthy, etc.. Sony's was better than that. The UC3 demo was fantastic, the pricing for Vita exceeded everyone's predictions, and they showed off some pretty decent Vita games too. I think all three conferences were disappointing compared to expectations however, but the general consensus is that MS' conference was the worst
[quote name='xmbri']TM wasn't even shown, which means you really didn't see it in its entirety.

That's what I was wondering about. I don't recall TM being shown. I did take a break for like 5 mins so i could have missed it, but I guess not. So basically this dude is talking out of his ass
[quote name='ssjmichael']MS eeasily had the worst with all the terrible Kinect stuff, the horrible actors and pre-recorded crap. The lack of anything really noteworthy, etc.. Sony's was better than that. The UC3 demo was fantastic, the pricing for Vita exceeded everyone's predictions, and they showed off some pretty decent Vita games too. I think all three conferences were disappointing compared to expectations however, but the general consensus is that MS' conference was the worst[/QUOTE]

Agree that all 3 lacked some sort of POW! factor. But MS I feel is on par with Nintendo's 2008 conference. Not only did it lack any POW factor, it was the year that MS said, "You better like Kinect or else". And the way some of them actors on stage try to sell the product to the press, yikes, talk about douche chills.
There are way better ways to convince the gaming public to buy into your product. Not have people spaz out on stage and make it sound like Kinect is the only thing going and the only way to experience gaming on your platform. There are people with limited funds right now and many people out of work, yet you want to jam a 150 camera down their throat and tell them this the future of your console investment.
I am sure they had other games too, but the reason why I don't remember is because of the lack of focus on them. 15 minutes of Kinect would have been fine. Not about the whole fucking conference.
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To defend MS a little, it made more sense to me for them to showcase Kinect stuff than it was to show Tomb Raider for as long as they did. The whole time I was like, "Neat, that's coming to PS3 too, right?"
[quote name='theflicker']To defend MS a little, it made more sense to me for them to showcase Kinect stuff than it was to show Tomb Raider for as long as they did. The whole time I was like, "Neat, that's coming to PS3 too, right?"[/QUOTE]

That TR demo was annoying too. I know they're going for the whole "lara is inexperienced" schtick , but she was so annoying with her "ahhh" .."oh no!"..."I have to get out of here"..."someone help me!" type of lines.

She basically goes from being the top heroine gaming mascot to your typical damsel in distress. Hopefully it isn't as bad as it seemed there. Gameplay-wise, it looked alright
[quote name='ssjmichael']That TR demo was annoying too. I know they're going for the whole "lara is inexperienced" schtick , but she was so annoying with her "ahhh" .."oh no!"..."I have to get out of here"..."someone help me!" type of lines.

She basically goes from being the top heroine gaming mascot to your typical damsel in distress. Hopefully it isn't as bad as it seemed there. Gameplay-wise, it looked alright[/QUOTE]

You are right. Tomb Raider will be coming out on PS3 too. But the ahh and no's were over the top. But gameplay looked nice. I see a little Heavy Rain inspired action sequences in a couple of games like this one and Need for Speed, the Run. Pressing buttons in sequences to deliver the outcome of a action sequence seems to be catching on in a few of the titles.
I imagine the reason they showed Tomb Raider and etc. is because, well, they have something like 3 or 4 exclusives coming out over the next year so they had to pad out the runtime with SOME multiplatform games.

I imagine Tomb Raider is going to follow a kind of Hills have Eyes / The Descent character arc where at first she is overwhelmed then slowly toughens up and rises to the occasion in order to survive so that by the end of the game she is closer to her original character.
[quote name='guardian_owl']I imagine the reason they showed Tomb Raider and etc. is because, well, they have something like 3 or 4 exclusives coming out over the next year so they had to pad out the runtime with SOME multiplatform games.

I imagine Tomb Raider is going to follow a kind of Hills have Eyes / The Descent character arc where at first she is overwhelmed then slowly toughens up and rises to the occasion in order to survive so that by the end of the game she is closer to her original character.[/QUOTE]

Not to go too off-topic, but I so wish they made an actual game based on The Descent. It would be so creepy, and quite different from the usual survival horror settings, and such
[quote name='ssjmichael']That TR demo was annoying too. I know they're going for the whole "lara is inexperienced" schtick , but she was so annoying with her "ahhh" .."oh no!"..."I have to get out of here"..."someone help me!" type of lines.

She basically goes from being the top heroine gaming mascot to your typical damsel in distress. Hopefully it isn't as bad as it seemed there. Gameplay-wise, it looked alright[/QUOTE]

The goal for the game is you are Lara before she becomes the Lara we know i.e. the backstory. She is suppose to be the damsel, not the bad ass we know. As for the lines, you would be freaking out to if you woke up tied, upside in a cave after a boat crash, and being chased by some random guys. I understand the direction they are going. They need a franchise reboot.

MS eeasily had the worst with all the terrible Kinect stuff, the horrible actors and pre-recorded crap. The lack of anything really noteworthy, etc.. Sony's was better than that. The UC3 demo was fantastic, the pricing for Vita exceeded everyone's predictions, and they showed off some pretty decent Vita games too. I think all three conferences were disappointing compared to expectations however, but the general consensus is that MS' conference was the worst

UC3 demo was nice I give it that but Vita to me is just another PSPGo/PSP. We might get 5 games over the lifetime of the system (if it makes it that far) that are worthwhile. To me, this is just another gimmick announcement. When you mix in that Jack constantly talked, the shit was so boring it was hard to pay attention. At least, the overselling of the MS actors kept my attention. I at least got peaks into 3 hot non-exclusives (MW3, ME3, TR), demo'd Gears, and also announced another Halo Trilogy (all non-Kinect). So to me, this is why each one did the same.
[quote name='xmbri']Pressing buttons in sequences to deliver the outcome of a action sequence seems to be catching on in a few of the titles.[/QUOTE]

Unfortunately. I'm in the "make the game revolve around QTE, or don't put them in at all" crowd. I can't even watch scenes in games like that because I'm afraid another QTE will pop up when I'm watching a short cut scene. Also, it's more Shenmue or RE4 inspired, since HR was JUST QTE's.

Anyway, the gameplay for Tomb Raider didn't look Tomb Raider-y at all. Looked like just another action game, but then again I've only played 1 tomb raider game.(the first one)

MS did have the weakest conference, IMO. Strongest was Nintendo, followed by Sony. Sony had some good stuff, but nothing that really "wow"'ed me. Price point on Vita was nice, and so was the UC3 demo but nothing spectacular.
[quote name='Cerebral_One']By the time WiiU releases Vita will probably be available for $200, making it cheaper than WiiU for people who already own PS3. PS3 will probably also be $200 by the time WiiU releases. Making PS3 + Vita $400.[/QUOTE]
Will never happen. PSV is already priced at a loss to compete with 3DS and likely won't see profitability for three years.
[quote name='Jodou']Will never happen. PSV is already priced at a loss to compete with 3DS and likely won't see profitability for three years.[/QUOTE]

How much does it cost to produce? I havent seen any figures yet.
[quote name='TctclMvPhase']How much does it cost to produce? I havent seen any figures yet.[/QUOTE]
It's not being sold at a loss, as they've said that at E3. It may take time to recoup the costs of R&D for Vita, but they're going to make money from day one.
[quote name='ssjmichael']That TR demo was annoying too. I know they're going for the whole "lara is inexperienced" schtick , but she was so annoying with her "ahhh" .."oh no!"..."I have to get out of here"..."someone help me!" type of lines.

She basically goes from being the top heroine gaming mascot to your typical damsel in distress. Hopefully it isn't as bad as it seemed there. Gameplay-wise, it looked alright[/QUOTE]

It makes sense for the beginning of Lara's adventures. I like it, feels realistic.

[quote name='theflicker']To defend MS a little, it made more sense to me for them to showcase Kinect stuff than it was to show Tomb Raider for as long as they did. The whole time I was like, "Neat, that's coming to PS3 too, right?"[/QUOTE]

Too bad they didn't make more core games, whether they utilize Kinect or not. Feels a bit backwards to defend a company for showing a bounty of casual crap.

[quote name='Jodou']Will never happen. PSV is already priced at a loss to compete with 3DS and likely won't see profitability for three years.[/QUOTE]

Whether it is priced at a loss is debatable, we talked about that in the PSP thread. However, even if it is, I see no reason why they wouldn't be able to lower the price by $50 a year after release. The original PSP launched with a crappy bundle that was comprised of a 32mb memory stick, headphones, cleaning cloth, & soft case for $250 and a year later it was available without those items for $200. Those items are typically what you see in a retail priced $5-$10 DS or PSP "gamer's pack".
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']It's not being sold at a loss, as they've said that at E3. It may take time to recoup the costs of R&D for Vita, but they're going to make money from day one.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']It's not being sold at a loss, as they've said that at E3. It may take time to recoup the costs of R&D for Vita, but they're going to make money from day one.[/QUOTE]
That's funny because Kaz Hirai doesn't expect Sony to make a profit until 2015.
[quote name='Jodou']Really.[/QUOTE]

Yes, really. From Sony Exec Scott Rohde...
It's also not going to lose money for us on day one. We're going to do well with this thing.

Source: http://www.gametrailers.com/video/e3-2011-playstation-vita/715473...go to around 1:40 in the video.

Assuming both are right, each PSV will see a profit when it's sold...or at least to sell for at cost. They expect to recoup the costs sunk into R&D and such in three years.
Yeah, I suppose; the quote I read just seemed to take on a whole different tone. Either way, I still don't expect this to see a price drop so soon. I certainly hope for one, though, and I'll probably wait until it happens before I buy one.
Whatever, you guys are just mincing words now. It boils down to your perspective and I'm sure Scott was referring to cost of materials.
bread's done