EB-Fallout 3/COD5($40)COD4/GTA4($37)MarioDS/64($25) WE WON'T BE BEAT!

son of a b-

i sold my COD4 for 25 bux :p

but i baught it for 20 so....eh

but on topic,

do they say how much more they are going to pay for those listed titles?

2 dollars? :/
lol @ this promo. I was too lazy to drop by EB to dump out some games. I guess it's a perfect chance.

Probably this promo is a result of the stupid promo they ran last month, realizing people won't trade much at crappy promo. In the meanwhile, FS started to mimic EB's promo like T3G1F and now $35 TIV for newer titles. I LOVE THE COMPETITON!!!
no, I read it.

Just making sure, since it makes more sense if it was WaW. COD4 was selling for $20 at TSCC awhile back.

That's good, I'm trading in my COD4 then.
[quote name='danthemightyone']lol @ this promo. I was too lazy to drop by EB to dump out some games. I guess it's a perfect chance.

Probably this promo is a result of the stupid promo they ran last month, realizing people won't trade much at crappy promo. In the meanwhile, FS started to mimic EB's promo like T3G1F and now $35 TIV for newer titles. I LOVE THE COMPETITON!!![/quote]

if futureshop pushes it's GameTrading, EBs ganna have some trouble to deal with. like you said, Futureshop is starting to mimic EB, (its better becasue theysell most things other then games)

and Eb's so called "promotions" trade 2 and pay 20 bux, or trade 9 and get ps3 for 299....... is making me think that they think we are stupid!.

go futureshop!
WOW. Thats amazing. Bye bye Fable 2!
I really really really hope the $37 works with the CE of COD4 for 360.
I haven't played it since April, and $37 for it is INSANE.
Hard to believe a game over a year old like Call Of Duty 4 still gets you $37 in trade in credit + PST and GST. I wonder what Fallout 3, Resistance 2 LE and Call Of Duty: World At War will net me if I choose to trade them in rather than EBay them. They will have to be traded in to help pay for SF4, Killzone 2, MLB '09: The Show and Resident Evil 5. Almost done with the first two games. Trying to sell my Frankenstein Guitar Hero collection to somebody in Ottawa.
Might be time to get rid of GTA4. Could use some money towards SF4. That's a huge trade in value almost a year later.
[quote name='jmillion']hmmm interesting. makes me want to find some clearance GTAIV games[/quote]

i got gta4 when it came out as a gift for ps3. i picked it up for 360 a few weeks ago (a guy on another board picked it up for me for $15 from bbv - usa i think) for the dlc. i think it might be time to trade in my ps3 version.
[quote name='thelostdude']What exactly does that list of games means? That they will give 37 credits for each of those titles or what?[/quote]

no, just that they'll give a higher tiv for any of those games than other stores. i assume they'll try to beat FS by a dollar or two on most.
Wtf this is bullshit, I gotta deal with crappy staff in order to get two dollars more for just games? F-that shit I'll take the hit and get GCs for stuff I actually want (Teeeeee-veeeeee).
$2 is seriously pushing the whole "we won't be beat" thing.

I think EB needs to find non-monetary rewards to entice their customer base back, like the trade x get x free deals. If it comes down to $60 credit at EB or $60 credit at FS, the store that sells the larger variety is ALWAYS going to come out on top.
Like seriously, when will Wal-Mart accept used games?!
for the rest of the titles, EB didn't write how much more they will pay, so it would be around 2-6 dollars i think. and i bet EB knew that people wouldnt go through that much trouble (go to futureshop, check TIV, go to EB, argue with the employee, wait for him/her to call, confirm it just to get 2-6 more)

so basically, a promo without losing any money.

just like EB told the employees not to give out TIVS over the phone or asking,
make sure they BRING to title first, so even if the TIV wasn't what the person expected, he/she'll want to trade it since the game is with them at the moment. god damn it i blame Sneaky EB managers.
I finished Fallout 3 before I finished my other 2 games. They will be giving me $40 for it so I'm trading it in tonight. The game is just too buggy (it has frozen on me several times) but I got a good 35 hours out of it. It will go towards Street Fighter 4. The next game I finish will go towards Killzone 2.
[quote name='roller']From the ad it looks like only the PS3 version of COD4 is $37...[/quote]

I have NOT gone in person yet, but I asked by phone for the TIV of Xbox 360 COD4 and they said $37.

Call of Duty: World at War$40.00
Grand Theft Auto 4$37.00
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare$37.00
Resistence: Fall of Man 2$37.00

Call of Duty: World at War$40.00
Fallout 3$40.00
Grand Theft Auto 4$37.00
Fable 2$37.00
Gears of War 2$37.00


Legends of Zelda: Twilight Princes$37.00
Super Smash Bros. Brawl$30.00
Super Mario Galaxy$30.00
Mario Party 8$30.00
Super Paper Mario$30.00

God of War: Chains of Olympus$20.00
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII$13.00
Need for Speed 2007$13.00S
tar Wars: Battlefront 2$13.00
Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters$13.00

Super Mario Bros.$25.00
Super Mario 64$25.00
Mario Kart DS$25.00
Pokemon Diamond$20.00
Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass$20.00
To add to the list above, I got $37 for Far Cry 2 on the ps3. The best part was i bought it at the 2 for 30 sale at Zellers.
AFAIK EB has never given cash for trade-ins. Personally I'd stick to FS for trading in some of those games, as kathos mentioned, papa needs a new AV receiver! haha
might be YMMV but i recently traded in a bunch of stuff under this deal and prince of persia for the 360 got me $40. not sure if they just rang it up wrong of if this is the new tiv.
Oh CAG, please help me. I'm torn between trading in all these high value games and keeping them (because I bought them new and kept them in mint condition).. I know I probably won't play Prince of Persia, GTA4, Fable 2, COD4, Zelda anymore.. or will I? And they look so pretty in my collection. But on the other hand I'll probably be able to buy back a lot of the single player only titles for cheaper in a year.. maybe? Sigh. I have this irrational attachment to games I bought new.
[quote name='Bencherstyle']^ they did cash b4 (i tihnk)but now its store credit.[/quote]

ok thanks. well better than nothing i guess
gamestop/eb games in the states can give you cash, or at least they did last time i was there, but it's like 10-15% off the trade in value....

anyway, traded in some ps3 games and preordered killzone 2 and the show 09... saints row 2, call of duty 4 were 37 and call of duty waw was 40... i traded in nhl2k9.... but it was only worth 8... if i heard him say 8 i woulda kept it for a trade 3... but two kids were bugging me saying they would buy the games off me for cash and shit, they bugged everyone in line doing the same shit and saying they could sell them games for cheap... fucking teenagers...
bread's done