EB Games sells a phone book in place of a PS3

[quote name='reibeatall']Lololol Gamestop Iz Dum I Went Tere Once And They Were Stupid[/quote]

You misspelled "sdoopit."
[quote name='Mugen']If someone is stupid enough to not know the weight difference,they deserve it.[/QUOTE]

Well it DID look like a heavy ass phone book. And they ARE parents.
[quote name='Malik112099']seriously....with all this shit happening so often now why dont people open the damn box in the store before they leave!?[/QUOTE]

what are you kidding me? you really think that a customer needs to open merchandise before leaving a store... cmon now.

sucks for the kid that did that, he was lazy, now hes going to be out of the job.
Nice. Ive been to that EB Games location hundreds of times. Very small store. I imagine it was someone who bought it, carefully took the PS3 out, resealed, and returned it.

Or the family is trying to scam them.
[quote name='whoknows']Why does he need Tony Hawk and Skate?[/QUOTE]

Skate for when he wants to pretend that he's skating, Tony Hawk for when he wants to have fun :razz:
Could be worse, the parents could've been one of those idiots who bought a 'Playstation 3 box' from Ebay around the time the system launched. I heard of scammers nailing people for $1000 or more for JUST a box from a PS3.

I've never opened up games/game systems before while at a store, though after getting ALL THE WAY HOME with an empty case from GS before, I started to when buying used crap from them.

My one buddy just bought what he THOUGHT was MK Deception for PS2 last night, which turned out to be the 'bonus' disc from the collectors edition, with only the original MK on it. He's going back tomorrow to get the right game, if they have a copy of it. Plus, he recently got a used memory card(for the same price it'd cost for a new NYKO brand one) from a relative of his for Christmas. The damned thing is corrupted, so he has to take that back too.

If only GS would check the crap they take in before they sell it, we would have LESS of these problems.
I got a better one, a guy near me bought his son a 360 for Xmas. Opened the box, the system was there and a bottle of transmission fluid under it. All the cables, controller, 2 free games, and headset were gone.
They didn't notice that the seals looked like crap/broken when they bought it? That's the first thing my parents and I check when we buy electronics.
Haha that is really funny. I dont understand how these things happen. Though I wounder if they had phone #s in it.
[quote name='Malik112099']seriously....with all this shit happening so often now why dont people open the damn box in the store before they leave!?[/quote]

Because it was a Christmas present..
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']what are you kidding me? you really think that a customer needs to open merchandise before leaving a store... cmon now.

sucks for the kid that did that, he was lazy, now hes going to be out of the job.[/quote]

Actually Consumerist.com now recommends to all of its readers to open any package you get at a big box/mass retailer while in store to verify what you're getting is what you paid for.

There have been cases this year of rocks being in IPod boxes sold at Texas Target stores and people have had ceiling tiles be in computer hardware boxes at Target and Best Buy.
i can't believe they would actually put something like this on a news site especially when their is no way to prove that it actually wasn't a scam being done by the consumer. i can see the store taking care of the issue because you can't prove one way or the other but for a major news site to run it is just asking for people to claim this has happened and report it to the news hoping it causes the store to give them a new one.
[quote name='Mugen']If someone is stupid enough to not know the weight difference,they deserve it.[/QUOTE]
Totally. I mean, doesn't EVERYONE know that the average phone book weighs seven pounds and that a Playstation 3 weighs eleven? Total idiots. Huh? What do you mean you didn't know how much a PS3 weighs....
[quote name='gothamcentral79']i can't believe they would actually put something like this on a news site especially when their is no way to prove that it actually wasn't a scam being done by the consumer. i can see the store taking care of the issue because you can't prove one way or the other but for a major news site to run it is just asking for people to claim this has happened and report it to the news hoping it causes the store to give them a new one.[/quote]

That's true too. I mean, they just assume that' it's true.
When hardware is purchased, don't stores scan the barcode on the actual item, as opposed to the box?

That's my only point of confusion.
[quote name='007']When hardware is purchased, don't stores scan the barcode on the actual item, as opposed to the box?

That's my only point of confusion.[/quote]
I'm pretty sure there isn't a window in the box, the serial number is a seperate barcode on the outside of the box.
I would have given the retailer a chance to make it right before taking it to the media, or at the very least told the media what they did to make it right. Its unfair to launch a complaint to the internet unless you have tried to resolve it first.
[quote name='mguiddy']I'm pretty sure there isn't a window in the box, the serial number is a seperate barcode on the outside of the box.[/quote]

Ah, fair enough. I don't have a PS3, so that's why I didn't know.
[quote name='007']Ah, fair enough. I don't have a PS3, so that's why I didn't know.[/QUOTE]

I have an 80GB PS3 box right in front of me. I can confirm. Barcode on box only, no window to scan actual hardware.
It has to be a scam. The parents KNEW that it's a damn lie. The mom's mock anger confirmed it -- 'someone wanted a PS3 and stole it' my ass. The mom replaced the system with the phone book before wrapping the gift. She comes across as a typical shopper I see when I go shopping who complain about everything and seem snippy when they don't get what they want fast enough.

Gamestop employees don't like their customers sometimes, but they aren't trying to scam them.

If it's NOT a scam by the parents, then it's probably a manufacturer's problem (ha! fat chance! Where would Sony get a Thousand Oaks phone book?).
[quote name='OMGpenguin']Wow, it must have been a slow day in Utah.

Thousand Oaks is in southern California.[/quote]

A lot of times now the Fox affiliates will run stories from other regions to fill holes in their broadcasts since they all share that myfox___.com domain template.
I thought this story was pretty amusing.

Until I realized that it's in Thousand Oaks...and I work at a Gamestop in the same district. Less than 15 min. away.

Then it became fucking HILARIOUS.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Could be worse, the parents could've been one of those idiots who bought a 'Playstation 3 box' from Ebay around the time the system launched. I heard of scammers nailing people for $1000 or more for JUST a box from a PS3.

I've never opened up games/game systems before while at a store, though after getting ALL THE WAY HOME with an empty case from GS before, I started to when buying used crap from them.

My one buddy just bought what he THOUGHT was MK Deception for PS2 last night, which turned out to be the 'bonus' disc from the collectors edition, with only the original MK on it. He's going back tomorrow to get the right game, if they have a copy of it. Plus, he recently got a used memory card(for the same price it'd cost for a new NYKO brand one) from a relative of his for Christmas. The damned thing is corrupted, so he has to take that back too.

If only GS would check the crap they take in before they sell it, we would have LESS of these problems.[/quote]

I have a better story.

So, my little sister LOVES Pirates of the Caribbean and wanted the game for Wii. We went out and bought it for her when they had the deal where you could get it for $20. Keep in mind we bought it as a "NEW" title, not used. We take it home, wrap it, and save it for Christmas Morning. Christmas Morning rolls around, she opens it and "OMG'S" for a bit, and continues opening presents. While she was playing with something else, I opened up all of the DVD's/Games that we got. As I open the Pirates 3 game for Wii, what do I find inside, but a copy of Prince of Persia: Rival Swords and the instruction manual. Not only could I not believe my eyes, but this meant that they sold me a USED copy of the game as NEW. CONSUMER FRAUD? My sister was in tears because she couldn't play her game. Well, the next day, we called the gamestop that we bought it from and complained. My mom yelled so loud and it must have really got to the manager about where this could go. So, he sent an employee to come to our house and HAND DELIVER another copy of the game (also verifying that it was the right game) along with bringing a $25 gift card for the inconvenience.

Bringing the positive side of things, we got a gift card worth more than the game :)

but I definitely won't buy stuff from gamestop/eb anymore unless it's a LAST RESORT. I'm tired of their sneaky and sly moves.
I never buy games/game consoles from stores like Gamestop, EB, and GameCrazy anymore. The supply is always greater at large chain stores (Bestbuy, Fry's etc.) and if there happens to be something wrong with the item, in my experience, it is much easier to get the problem resolved.
[quote name='ispeshaled']I never buy games/game consoles from stores like Gamestop, EB, and GameCrazy anymore. The supply is always greater at large chain stores (Bestbuy, Fry's etc.) and if there happens to be something wrong with the item, in my experience, it is much easier to get the problem resolved.[/QUOTE]
I bought some used games from Gamestop since they are having a B2G1 Free used sale. The 3 PS3 games I got were pretty much brand new and complete. I just check everything before I leave the store. Paid about $33 for each ps3 game.

Used consoles are another thing...
[quote name='Penguin1084']I have a better story.

So, my little sister LOVES Pirates of the Caribbean and wanted the game for Wii. We went out and bought it for her when they had the deal where you could get it for $20. Keep in mind we bought it as a "NEW" title, not used. We take it home, wrap it, and save it for Christmas Morning. Christmas Morning rolls around, she opens it and "OMG'S" for a bit, and continues opening presents. While she was playing with something else, I opened up all of the DVD's/Games that we got. As I open the Pirates 3 game for Wii, what do I find inside, but a copy of Prince of Persia: Rival Swords and the instruction manual. Not only could I not believe my eyes, but this meant that they sold me a USED copy of the game as NEW. CONSUMER FRAUD? My sister was in tears because she couldn't play her game. Well, the next day, we called the gamestop that we bought it from and complained. My mom yelled so loud and it must have really got to the manager about where this could go. So, he sent an employee to come to our house and HAND DELIVER another copy of the game (also verifying that it was the right game) along with bringing a $25 gift card for the inconvenience.

Bringing the positive side of things, we got a gift card worth more than the game :)

but I definitely won't buy stuff from gamestop/eb anymore unless it's a LAST RESORT. I'm tired of their sneaky and sly moves.[/quote]

Its people like u that made that job hell. An honest mistake and you guys bitch to no end and get people in trouble for honest to god mistakes..

Good lord..
[quote name='Ice2Dragon']Its people like u that made that job hell. An honest mistake and you guys bitch to no end and get people in trouble for honest to god mistakes..

Good lord..[/quote]

Repackaging a USED game as NEW is not a mistake. It is a sham and a way to scam the customer.
Hey jackass, what's the alphabet? Could the Wii drawers be possibly filed as "Pirates of the Carribean" and then "Prince of Persia"? Could they also be the last copies on the floor, hence, the gutting? And was it busy? Because busy people make mistakes.

How the hell is this a scam? The kid messed up. I bet you've messed up or forgotten something at LEAST once. And if some mighter-than-thou asshat made you feel like complete shit for it, it's probably bother you.

And I still don't understand why you state the game was OMG USED. Was it scratched up?

Get over yourself. Seriously. Stop shopping at GameStop. That store will appreciate it.
[quote name='guyinga']It has to be a scam. The parents KNEW that it's a damn lie. The mom's mock anger confirmed it -- 'someone wanted a PS3 and stole it' my ass. The mom replaced the system with the phone book before wrapping the gift. She comes across as a typical shopper I see when I go shopping who complain about everything and seem snippy when they don't get what they want fast enough.

Gamestop employees don't like their customers sometimes, but they aren't trying to scam them.

If it's NOT a scam by the parents, then it's probably a manufacturer's problem (ha! fat chance! Where would Sony get a Thousand Oaks phone book?).[/quote]
Because we all know that ANY employee of ANY retail company iscompletely incapable of pulling stunts like that. Right? :D

Just because it's GameStop doesn't mean they're excluded from theft of that nature.

[quote name='Ice2Dragon']Its people like u that made that job hell. An honest mistake and you guys bitch to no end and get people in trouble for honest to god mistakes..

Good lord..[/quote]

[quote name='reibeatall']Hey jackass, what's the alphabet? Could the Wii drawers be possibly filed as "Pirates of the Carribean" and then "Prince of Persia"? Could they also be the last copies on the floor, hence, the gutting? And was it busy? Because busy people make mistakes.

How the hell is this a scam? The kid messed up. I bet you've messed up or forgotten something at LEAST once. And if some mighter-than-thou asshat made you feel like complete shit for it, it's probably bother you.

And I still don't understand why you state the game was OMG USED. Was it scratched up?

Get over yourself. Seriously. Stop shopping at GameStop. That store will appreciate it.[/quote] Pirates of the Carribean 3
Prince of Persia: Rival Swords

The game with good ol' Jack Sparrow on the cover was labeled as NEW. Unless it was in its original wrapping, then it's no longer considered brand new when it's opened. When an item is opened, it's considered "like new." But since there's no such feature, opened items should fall into the "used" category, regardless if it's been actually used or not. Other retail stores give discounts for items that have had their boxes open. This is no different.

Now how in the world does one get both the instructions AND game for Pirates 3 WRONG?

I dunno about you, but when someone pulls out a game from the cabinet and slaps it into the box, I normally notice if the wrong game's been slapped in. Considering the size of the instruction manuals for the Wii, it's not hard to tell if someone slapped in a wrong game. Unless of course, you're either looking around the store like a child with a small attention span or the game's already been slapped in there before, resealed and written off as new when it isn't.

Just because you do things differently at your store doesn't mean all GS/EB Games employees are excluded from being at fault for any major fuck ups.
bread's done