Ebay and Paypal have been hacked!


CAG Veteran
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Since a lot of peopel use paypal for payment. I thought i should post this.
Ebay and paypal have been hacked. Someone is posting everyone's credit card and pay pal info on the ebay forums.

ebay's pulled down their server to delete the posts but here is a list so far of everyone who's info was posted. If you have and account you might want to check for your username there. I'm assuming everyone's info has been taken and these are just the ones posted on the forums.


It's not in the news yet. Send this around to anyone else who might need to know. Ebay is not releasing any statements on it and i dont expect anything soon. Sigh, time to call my credit card company.
son of a bi...

well looks like i'll be keeping an extremely close eye on all my accounts for a week or 2.

Hackers always seem to amaze me....
yikes. I have no idea how they do this, but I hope it's something like all these people had passwords that sucked ("123456")
On the other hand, it may show a huge vulnerability in ebay's system--which is usually what these huge leaks are about. If they wanted to steal people's money, they wouldn't have posted that info.
My name isn't on the list either. I have a credit card on ebay,but it is dead anyway lol. Far as paypal I don't have a credit card,but I have my bank account on it. Is it only ebay, or can they hack, and get that? When I saw this I really freaked out lol
I know there were a few reports a few months back about it being hacked and Ebay denied the whole thing... I bet this is in relation. I bet that person did hack it and posted the info to get everyones attention that Ebay was lying about the vulnerability.

I have no worries as I am protected with my card but it is alarming.
The site you linked to seems to suggest that the accounts that were comprimised were stolen via phishing scams, and not a site hack. That would be believeable to me, that a bunch of stolen accounts were compiled for this "attack."
[quote name='mikej012']"pepsiman241"


Assuming it's the same Pepsiman we knew here, otherwise, not awesome.

Judging by the feedback he both gave and received, I think this is someone else.
[quote name='mikej012']"pepsiman241"


Assuming it's the same Pepsiman we knew here, otherwise, not awesome.
Not awesome. The pepsiman we know and love probably couldn't hack a pineapple with a machete, let alone hack eBay.
umm this sucks

i changed my passwords for ebay and paypal, however i have a credit card on file w/ebay for seller fees (automatic payment) and i can't figure out how to remove it. anyone know?

also for paypal whenever i try to remove a credit card, it says "cannot remove while an authorization is in process" it's been saying that for like a couple months now wtf. :bomb:
Lol, you guys remember Die Hard 4? Fiiiiiiiiirrreeesale...... :p I can't find the thread, but I hope my dad's not on there.
[quote name='mrelusive']Not awesome. The pepsiman we know and love probably couldn't hack a pineapple with a machete, let alone hack eBay.[/quote]

That name was on the list of the accounts hacked, not the name of the hacker. I think it would be awesome if our pepsiman got hacked, not did the hacking.
I think someone found an exploit during their 'renovation'. I was looking at 360 game listings yesterday*, and right at the top of the page was some sort of porn listing. I'll bet that led to a bogus page for phishing log-in info, and I bet it was EVERYWHERE.

*--No, really. I've been looking for The Darkness or Call of Juarez for $25 or less with shipping. No, really.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']I hope they come down hard on whoever did this. This is more damaging than anything Mike Vick could ever do.[/quote]


(On a related note, Vick just tested positive for marijuana! Good for him!)
[quote name='Tybalt Flux']Hey guys, where -is- this list? I can't seem to find it to double check. Am I just looking in the wrong place?[/quote]

1st post, page 1 :lol:
phew...not on the list.Having a bad day as it is.USPS hasnt delivered the psp I sold to FuZion.Used Priority mail and was dropped off at the post office saturday 9/22/09.I neverd filed an insurance claim before, so anxienty and frustration levels are maxout.
[quote name='dragonreborn23']ummm....WTF?

(On a related note, Vick just tested positive for marijuana! Good for him!)[/quote]

Hell yes. Anyone engaged in identity theft that puts thousands of people at risk for losing money and ruining credit (which is necessary to live) is more of a public menace by a LARGE margin. It isn't even close.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Hell yes. Anyone engaged in identity theft that puts thousands of people at risk for losing money and ruining credit (which is necessary to live) is more of a public menace by a LARGE margin. It isn't even close.[/quote]
what does some hacker(s) being a public menace have to do with animal torture? i think what you mean is that it's a more important issue to you.

further, credit isn't necessary to live -- only to live a particular lifestyle.
Very glad to see that i am not on that list. I was worried for a second, and im actually still worried especially since i bought something recently
*Whew* It doesn't look like I'm on the list. I can't believe that eBay screwed up this badly.

Thanks for the tip, OP. We owe you one.

[quote name='allyourblood']what does some hacker(s) being a public menace have to do with animal torture? i think what you mean is that it's a more important issue to you.

further, credit isn't necessary to live -- only to live a particular lifestyle.[/quote]

I don't think you've thought this through. While credit isn't important, people charging things in your name can get you sent to jail if you don't take care of things. I'd say that's definitely more important than some loser running dogfighting in his basement. Was Michael Vick ever a particularly large threat to the public? No. People always lose sight of the fact that imprisonment has nothing to do with "punishing" someone for their crime.
[quote name='jollydwarf']I think someone found an exploit during their 'renovation'. I was looking at 360 game listings yesterday*, and right at the top of the page was some sort of porn listing. I'll bet that led to a bogus page for phishing log-in info, and I bet it was EVERYWHERE.[/QUOTE]

This is the beauty of using AdBlock Plus.
Hah I've prepared for this possibility by maxing out my credit card while leaving no money in my checking. Being poor is finally paying off. Do your worst hackers.
[quote name='Jeoff']Hah I've prepared for this possibility by maxing out my credit card while leaving no money in my checking. Being poor is finally paying off. Do your worst hackers.[/QUOTE]

bread's done