eBay possibly leeching extra undeserved insertion fees from me?


5 (100%)
I would like to hear what you think about this situation:

Early in December 2008, eBay Australia had a free insertion fee promotion for several days, December 9th to 13th to be precise.

The only major condition was that it applies to fixed price listings (Buy-It-Nows) only. Besides that, it's almost 100% free to list any item you want.

Let's say I listed ITEM X. I put ITEM X in 2 categories:

Listing in 2 categories means your insertion fee is doubled. My insertion fee is $0.00 x 2 = $0.00 (due to free listing promotion)

Now let's say on December the 14th (1 day after the free-listing promotion), I changed CATEGORY Y to CATEGORY Z because for example, I decided CATEGORY Z was more appropriate for ITEM X than CATEGORY Y.


My problem is that due to the above category change, I was charged the standard insertion fee for that price range and this happened for several items. It just appeared on my seller's account. I asked eBay Live Help and I eventually got an emailed response:

You are denied for the insertion fee credits because you revised your listings by adding a second category. As advertised on the promotion page, you are only eligible for listing fee credits for listings listed between 00:00:01 Tuesday 9 December 2008 (AEDT) and ends 23:59:59 Saturday 13 December 2008 (AEDT)

If I did add a second category, then I would agree with the response and I will pay the fees. However, I didn't add it, I changed it. I already "paid" for the privilege of having a second category and I had 2 categories in the first place so I don't really see why I was charged.

Not that I can prove I added or changed it either way, the "Revised Information" column only says "Category" and the date/time it was revised.

I haven't replied to the email yet but somehow I don't think I'll be seeing those wasted dollars back.

The suckage of eBay aside, do you think I am or am not entitled to an insertion fee credit?
Totally up to Ebay....

If they think that changing is as equal to adding one in... then yes.

If not.. no. But here you don't have any power what so ever.

I'd ask if it's worth fighting over... how much is the fee?
Here's why eBay sees it as two listings:

Different people "traffic" different categories. Basically, by changing categories, they see it as you ending the item and relisting it in a different one to put it in front of a different audience. It makes some sense, b/c it didn't sell in the first category, so now you're offering it to other people.

Not saying I think this is right, and if you contact eBay, you MAY be able to get your money back.

But I bet it would get double charged if you put it in one category (today), paid the listing fees, then in three days switched. Changing categories is probably something they charge you for because it alters the traffic you receive (much like they charge you for a second category.)

I wouldn't e-mail for help, I'd call or request immediate resolution in chat.

One final note, and what really sways this in eBay's favor (sorry :( ) When you changed the listing, there should have been a note at the bottom explaining any billing changes/additional fees. If it said $0.00, that's one thing, but if it had an amount, you're complaining about something you acknowledged, accepted, and agreed to
bread's done