Ebay seller really goes above and beyond what is called of them


102 (100%)
So, long story short, I ended up buying 4 computer games from a seller on Ebay. I got my package, and it ended up only including 3 out of the 4 games!

I was pretty disappointed / pissed / not really knowing what was going on, but I remained polite and sent a nice email detailing what had happened.

24 hours went by, and nothing, so another email, this time a bit more stern.

The seller wrote back, explained that the game I bought accidently got put into another package, and that buyer wasn't responding to emails at all. The seller offered to let me have anything else from her store that she was selling at a higher price (within reason), or maybe there was something else I was interested in that she hadn't listed, because the game I originally bought she had no more of.

It turns out that out of my list I sent to her, she did have one other game, and she shipped very quickly - I open the package today to find that there is the game we talked about, and ANOTHER one on my list that I had no clue the seller was going to package in.

I email them, making sure it's not a mistake, and it was intentional, that she hopes I "enjoy both games and sorry for everything that had happened".

Incidents like this give me hope for Ebay yet and make me want to strive to be a better seller - I figure for all the negativity you hear about Ebay, that sometimes positive stuff does happen.

The seller's name is Kares43 and I highly recommend them for any PC games needs :D
Nice story, Rouf! It appears that Kares43 is a rare flower growing up from the filth of eBay. Perhaps you should've asked for her number! Unless of course she's actually 43 years old, in which case you should probably be aiming for someone more in your age range. Although, there is something to be said for experience...

But at any rate, congratulations! On *everything*!
[quote name='Porksta']What a coincidence, I just bought some Guild Wars stuff off of them.[/QUOTE]

They are an amazing seller, and all of the stuff is 100% authentic and real at amazing prices.

Everything I got from them looked like it had never been touched and could pass as new, easily.

Basacially it was a situation that I thought would be a lot of trouble that ended very awesome.
Yeah, there's some excellent Ebay sellers. I bought Powerstone 2 off of Ebay and it was supposed to be mint. It wasn't. I sent an email explaining everything and the seller refunded the entire amount. After a gut check (and people in a "morality" thread I created advising me) I settled on returning half of the refund to her. Just felt fair.
I still wound up with a 18 dollar Powerstone 2, though, which is excellent.
What makes this more amazing is that the additonal game she put in, she could have easily have gotten another $15 - $20 off of it no problem... and the game she sent as a replacement was easily double the value of the original game I bought (paid $13 for the initial game, got a game valued at around $25 easy), so these weren't any kind of cheap games just lying around, they are pretty in demand games.

I'm still just pretty amazed at the whole thing.
Great story roufuss, I’m sure the seller would appreciate you taking the time to recommend her, and letting us know what a great persone she is.

It's sad, the way things work. Make one person happy they might tell 2 people, tick off one person and they will tell 50.

Good to see someone on Ebay giving great customer service instead of the usual of 'once you've paid me and I ship out, we're done'.

Whenever I sell guides on here anymore, if the person lists some optional guides and is generally nice to deal with, I've been more inclined to toss in 1-2 extra guides lately. I'd rather see people on here getting use out of them instead of them sitting at my house collecting dust.

Now, on the other hand, if I trade or sell guides to someone at a fair price and one is an in demand guide and they turn around and list it on their TL for Ebayish prices, I'm more than likely going to ask a mod to retract my feedback and I'll switch it to a negative.

There's no love lost between people asking Ebayish prices for stuff and I.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Good to see someone on Ebay giving great customer service instead of the usual of 'once you've paid me and I ship out, we're done'.

Whenever I sell guides on here anymore, if the person lists some optional guides and is generally nice to deal with, I've been more inclined to toss in 1-2 extra guides lately. I'd rather see people on here getting use out of them instead of them sitting at my house collecting dust.

Now, on the other hand, if I trade or sell guides to someone at a fair price and one is an in demand guide and they turn around and list it on their TL for Ebayish prices, I'm more than likely going to ask a mod to retract my feedback and I'll switch it to a negative.

There's no love lost between people asking Ebayish prices for stuff and I.[/quote]I don't really see anything wrong with that.I mean,it was you who traded it to them and made the decision.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Wow...I'm checking out this seller, and all the stuff is definitely legit? Cause these are some pretty nice prices![/QUOTE]

Yea, I think they got a good deal on some of this stuff from wholesale or something similar, because everything I got was 100% legit - real US cases, manuals, games that looked untouched. I think the only thing the seller does is just test the cd key's and that's it.

One of my replacements had a label on it like it was from a warehouse or something, so I'm assuming they just got a killer deal on a ton of merchandise.

But yea, it's definitely legit, I've installed every game they sold me and they all run fine in single and multiplayer.

I would definitely buy again.
Yeah, sellers like that are rare these days. I remember back when eBay was 90% honest people and 10% douchebags.

I once had an incident like that and the seller quickly fixed the mistake and also refunded me the full cost of my order (it was like $12 for two GB games) because he wanted his customers to be satisfied the first time around or their money back.

But you won't find many people like that these days.

Glad things worked out and then some for ya. I've added her to my fav sellers list. She does have some great PC games.
Good to hear your possibly bad situation turned out so well.

Ive had both good and bad experiences on ebay, it can really go either way. I find that buying from smaller sellers (not the people with 50,000 fb's) usually yields better results for me.

Years ago I used to buy and sell alot of Lego on ebay, and whenever someone bought some from me, I'd always throw in a random extra minifig. It cost me next to nothing, I had hundreds of them, but it made some people sooo happy! lol
that is really good to hear.....i always use the utmost care when packaging everything i send out on ebay/half in hopes that others will do the same. ebay karma.
I like to hear there are nice people on ebay. I do lots of buisness on it bying and selling and to find someone like that is a gem.
bread's done