
Looks like fun. I will have to download the demo first but definitely looks like my type of game.
Once you play the demo, you've pretty much experienced the whole game, except for the extra levels. I may get it one day.. who knows.
What's this about time limits that I'm hearing about? I don't recall having any times not be recorded and I've let the game sit to try to see if I could hit the time limit.
Oh, I just ran into one while trying to do the E course of puzzles on E7 after about 2:07 in, though I just spent 5 minutes on the previous puzzle when I couldn't figure out the solution right away. I'm guessing it's a total time limit and not a limit per puzzle then?
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Oh, I just ran into one while trying to do the E course of puzzles on E7 after about 2:07 in, though I just spent 5 minutes on the previous puzzle when I couldn't figure out the solution right away. I'm guessing it's a total time limit and not a limit per puzzle then?[/QUOTE]
Right. I have no idea why they would put you on a time limit, because you aren't even rewarded for getting all the way to the end. So it adds frustration with no benefit.
i didn't even know this came out, will probably be picking this up either tonight or tomorrow night. Is it worth the 10?
[quote name='ighosty']i didn't even know this came out, will probably be picking this up either tonight or tomorrow night. Is it worth the 10?[/quote]
Pretty good value for either version.
The PSP version has significantly less value since you can't get new levels from online updates, nor can you send levels to PSN friends over the net.
I tried the demo when they put it up on the Japan store earlier and I really wasn't impressed. I mean the concept was really cool but I found the controls and camera to be super frustrating. I'd line things up according to my perspective and the guy wouldn't go where I wanted him to go even though from where I was sitting it looked like everything was aligned perfectly.
Anyone notice there's like NO US people sending levels? I played and only two or three levels were from the US. A few more from Hong Kong and the vast majority of them came from Japan. And every level that infuriated the hell out of me also came from Japan.
Bumping this up in case people haven't seen that this got a trophy patch today along with a thousand new user levels to play with. This also seems to be the first game to support the screenshot feature that was added firmware 2.50, I think.
I didn't know it added Screenshot support. Um...after downloading the update it said it deleted something, but I missed it. Did anyone catch what that was?
It converted your info over to a new save, then deleted the old one. It'll keep your best times and created levels instead of losing everything.

I have no idea what is the screenshot button though.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']It converted your info over to a new save, then deleted the old one. It'll keep your best times and created levels instead of losing everything.

I have no idea what is the screenshot button though.[/quote]

So I deleted my save file for nothing. Great. Oh well, I only played like 4 stages on A anyway. No big loss.

*begins searching "echochrome" on youtube
[quote name='pete5883']I think Resistance 1 Multiplayer had a screenshot function. If you have a keyboard, I'm sure printscreen does it.[/quote]
This is the new screenshot feature that's built into the firmware to make it easier for developer to add it to their games.
When you bring up the help buttons on screen in a level (forgot which one it is), there is a feature called "Snap". I believe that's for Screenshots.

I got the Trophy "Gimme Five" by uploading some quick, simple puzzles. I wonder if all stats on all levels count for trophies or not.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Bumping this up in case people haven't seen that this got a trophy patch today along with a thousand new user levels to play with. This also seems to be the first game to support the screenshot feature that was added firmware 2.50, I think.[/QUOTE]
LInger in shadow has the screenshotback in oct

There's a new patch coming to the Japanese version of echochrome that adds a new public way to share levels, instead of Sony sorting through submissions to pick what should go out to the public, along with surprising support for the PS Eye that records you, and the great party that has to be going on where echochrome is being played, and lets you upload that to YouTube.

The public sharing of user-created levels probably means that the developers are about to move on to something else for good, so this feature removes the need for Sony to be an active part of the level-sharing.
bread's done