Election Day 2012: I Voted for Kodos

[quote name='cancerman1120']Did anyone catch the intro to Colbert? OMG that was fucking hilarious.[/QUOTE]

Yt link? Too drunk to work goggle
Bill Maher on Twitter: Karl Rove in a huge public spat right now with math. I know its comfy in the bunker, but at some point you have to come up for cyanide pills
[quote name='nasum']Yt link? Too drunk to work goggle[/QUOTE]

Nothing available. Most likely it will be up tomorrow though at Comedy Central.
[quote name='nasum']Futher mucker[/QUOTE]
Yeah I was kinda disappointed too. I think I dislike him even more than Romney.
[quote name='dafoomie']The war that was really lost tonight was the one being fought by moderate Republicans vs the right wing elements of their party. They're going to tack hard to the right towards the culture warrior and tea party elements.

I see them shifting on immigration in order to attract the Hispanic population which is largely religious and very socially conservative. They'll likely put one on the ticket in 2016, possibly a woman as well. Romney could never pursue this as he lacked credibility with the right on social issues and had to toe the line on immigration or he would've never made it through the primaries. Tacking to the center will be seen as a losing strategy going forward, they'll go back to the Bush strategy of going hard at the conservative base.[/QUOTE]

They're going to go hard right and move to the middle on immigration?

I agree with one of those.
[quote name='Clak']Yeah I was kinda disappointed too. I think I dislike him even more than Romney.[/QUOTE]

I am glad...maybe they will put him up in 2016 and get crushed.
Well I guess we cannot feel too bad for Romney. He wakes up tomorrow with 250 million in the bank. He can go back to paying no taxes again.
Yeah, surely the republicans aren't dumb enough to keep moving to the right and pandering to the tea party.

That works in House races and red state senate races. But it isn't going to win presidential elections or close senate races. For better or worse we're a center right nation that looks to be moving to center left with the younger generations and the increasing minority population.
[quote name='cancerman1120']I am glad...maybe they will put him up in 2016 and get crushed.[/QUOTE]

I'd look for people like Christie, Jindal and their ilk to be bigger players than further right types like Ryan.

On the left it's Hillary if she decides to go for it, if not it will probably be between Biden, Cuomo and O'Malley.

The Republican party is going to have to make some fairly radical changes (radical in their case at least). They simply aren't bringing in enough old white people to maintain the party as is.
[quote name='dmaul1114']I'd look for people like Christie, Jindal and their ilk to be bigger players than further right types like Ryan.

On the left it's Hillary if she decides to go for it, if not it will probably be between Biden, Cuomo and O'Malley.[/QUOTE]

My only worry about Hillary and Biden is they would be 69 and 73 at election time. Seems old to me but maybe not.
[quote name='Clak']The Republican party is going to have to make some fairly radical changes (radical in their case at least). They simply aren't bringing in enough old white people to maintain the party as is.[/QUOTE]

And that strategy will just get less tenable as we move toward being a majority minority nation.

At the very least they'll have to soften a large deal on immigration. They could make gains there since that demographic tends to be religious and socially conservative.
[quote name='cancerman1120']My only worry about Hillary and Biden is they would be 69 and 73 at election time. Seems old to me but maybe not.[/QUOTE]

Same here. I'd rather see Cuomo or O'Malley.
[quote name='mykevermin']They're going to go hard right and move to the middle on immigration?

I agree with one of those.[/QUOTE]
Hard right on social issues. Middle on immigration. Bring conservative Hispanics (of which there are many) into the party. Broaden the conservative base. Limited government and fiscal conservatism will take a back seat to right wing religious pandering as it did in the Bush years. They will never win as the party of white America but there is ample opportunity for them to win as the party of social conservatism. That is the lesson they will take from this.
[quote name='dohdough']You can tell that this speech is a hack job.[/QUOTE]
I'm just now noticing the stupid look Romney has on his face while he's speaking. It's like his expressions aren't quite human.

Cue lizard people from V.
[quote name='dafoomie']Hard right on social issues. Middle on immigration. Bring conservative Hispanics (of which there are many) into the party. Broaden the conservative base. Limited government and fiscal conservatism will take a back seat to right wing religious pandering as it did in the Bush years. They will never win as the party of white America but there is ample opportunity for them to win as the party of social conservatism. That is the lesson they will take from this.[/QUOTE]
Which if that's true, means the stupid is going to get much, much more stupid.
[quote name='dafoomie']Hard right on social issues. Middle on immigration. Bring conservative Hispanics (of which there are many) into the party. Broaden the conservative base. Limited government and fiscal conservatism will take a back seat to right wing religious pandering as it did in the Bush years. They will never win as the party of white America but there is ample opportunity for them to win as the party of social conservatism. That is the lesson they will take from this.[/QUOTE]
CBC on Romney's concession speech: "That was kind of pathetic."
[quote name='renique46']

Why is that other guy from Whose Line Is It Anyway? on the far right of the couch?
They just said something amazing to me. The Republicans have not won the Presidency without a Bush or Nixon on the ticket since 1928. Jeb in 2016 if they were smart I guess.
[quote name='nasum']Holy shit, one of the Romney boys bagged quitebthe redhead[/QUOTE]

After living in Utah for 6 years I will say this. Mormons are HOT! :hot: The marriage competition is so fierce that most take great care of their fitness and looks.
[quote name='cancerman1120']They just said something amazing to me. The Republicans have not won the Presidency without a Bush or Nixon on the ticket since 1928. Jeb in 2016 if they were smart I guess.[/QUOTE]
Yeah that was kind of mind blowing, sad as well.
[quote name='cancerman1120']Michelle Bachmann only up by 1,000 in her race with 70% reported. 118k vs 117k.[/QUOTE]

Just saw that. Would be a great end to the night if she ends up losing.
[quote name='dohdough']Ummm...no.[/QUOTE]
52 million Hispanics disagree, fastest growing segment of the population, predominantly Catholic and conservative. Bush got 40% of the Hispanic vote, imagine what a social conservative would get who isn't perceived as 'against them' on immigration.

They're going to double down on political polarization as it bought both Bush and Obama two terms. They're not going to embrace abortion and gay rights, those will be seen as Mitt's failures.
[quote name='dafoomie']52 million Hispanics disagree, fastest growing segment of the population, predominantly Catholic and conservative. Bush got 40% of the Hispanic vote, imagine what a social conservative would get who isn't perceived as 'against them' on immigration.[/quote]
Shyeah...immigration is the only reason why they don't have the the Latino vote.:roll:

They're going to double down on political polarization as it bought both Bush and Obama two terms.
Conservatives already lost the culture wars. Just give it up.
The problem with "Hey, now we'll just support immigration reform!" is that the people voting in the GOP primaries will still include the same xenophobic, "English as national language", "immigrating illegally is the same as being an axe murderer or rapist", "anchor babies are future terrorists", "dirty lazy brown people took my jobs", "Build a giant border wall with barbed wire and machine guns" voters it contains right now.

The GOP can claim whatever they want as a platform. Ultimately it's the base that decides what the party will run on.
Bush wanted a guest worker program including current illegals and to expand H-2A visas. He ran on guns, gays, and god in those white areas.
I'd support a guest worker program if the Federal Government showed me they were going to enforce the Immigration Laws that they already have. But no one's given me an indication that it'd happen.
bread's done