Embarassed to live here.


Thankfully I don't actually live 'in' Portland but this story makes me emberassed to live here.


I mean, who is this guy going to call if his store gets robbed? If a car crashes through a window? Appearently the 'vegans' and animal rights activisits really only have concerns about equality for animals. That, and people that agree 100% with them. Everyone else can take a hike.
Why'd you quote "vegans"? If they don't use animals for anything then they're vegan, do you think they're fake vegans?

In any case you're kind of broad brushing things there, it's the one dude who owns the cafe who definitely doesn't like cops. He's not like the elected representation of all vegans or animal rights activists or anything.
Awww I'm all butthurt.

He's still gonna call the cops. He was a dick to the cop, that much is true. But the cop has a duty to serve and protect. Even if he's not in the cafe it could still get robbed. How often is a cop in the cafe when it gets robbed?

It doesn't make a difference, but yeah, its a dick move by the cafe.
[quote name='SpazX']Why'd you quote "vegans"? If they don't use animals for anything then they're vegan, do you think they're fake vegans?

In any case you're kind of broad brushing things there, it's the one dude who owns the cafe who definitely doesn't like cops. He's not like the elected representation of all vegans or animal rights activists or anything.[/QUOTE]

Because vegans have this false selse of moral superiority that just comes off as such arrogance. Do they really think they're making the world a better place by not eating meat or drinking milk?

Do they eat fruit? Chances are your 'organic, natural' fruit tree was probably planted by an animal crapping out the seed.
[quote name='eldergamer']I mean, who is this guy going to call if his store gets robbed? If a car crashes through a window? Appearently the 'vegans' and animal rights activisits really only have concerns about equality for animals. That, and people that agree 100% with them. Everyone else can take a hike.[/QUOTE]

Did you actually read the article before kneejerking?

But the 36-year-old officer, who was born and raised in Portland, said it's all part of working this city's streets in a uniform.

"We have a unique relationship with the community," he said. "You're there to protect them but on the other hand they don't know what that involves. Being gracious is part of it."

A former Marine who served in Iraq, Crooker didn't take the incident to heart.

"It was not personal," he said. "He was being hostile to my uniform," he said.

Langley, who did not raise his voice during the encounter, agreed.

"It's not about the police," Langley said. "It's about what the police represent to many people who frequent the cafe.

The cafe draws vegans -- of course -- along with homeless people and animal-rights and environmental activists who Langley said have been targets of police abuse and harassment.
[quote name='Sporadic']Did you actually read the article before kneejerking?[/QUOTE]

Eh, guy is still a jerk. I wonder if he would serve him if he was out of uniform.
[quote name='eldergamer']Because vegans have this false selse of moral superiority that just comes off as such arrogance. Do they really think they're making the world a better place by not eating meat or drinking milk?

Do they eat fruit? Chances are your 'organic, natural' fruit tree was probably planted by an animal crapping out the seed.[/QUOTE]

Well there are certainly arrogant vegans, I think that comes with any kind of ideology though and I wouldn't paint all of them the same. And I would think that they do think they're making the world a better place, or at least some other positive outcome, by not eating meat, etc. That is the point.

And while I don't think vegans object to animals crapping out seeds or anything, I don't believe that's a necessary part of organic farming.
It sounds like it wasn't personal, it was about the idea of a police presence in the cafe. It could've been John McClane in uniform and he'd still be kicked out.
[quote name='docvinh']Eh, guy is still a jerk. I wonder if he would serve him if he was out of uniform.[/QUOTE]

The guy maybe a jerk but it was within his rights as a shop owner and he did it politely. If he was screaming "GET OUT OF HERE YOU fuckING PIG", I might understand the outrage a little more.

Both parties seem to agree that it happened since he was in uniform.
[quote name='Sporadic']Did you actually read the article before kneejerking?[/QUOTE]

I did. The guy didnt have anything personal against the officer. He had a problem with police in general. And then he asked the guy to leave. This from a city that embraces tolerance and diversity. You know this guy would be at one of Portland's daily protests had a minority or 'sexual minority' been refused service.

Refusing to serve someone because you disagree with their politics or lifestlye or anything when the owner would likely claim to be an open-minded, tolerant progressive (don't call them liberal any more) is really blatant hypocriosy. (sp)
Owner is a dumbass, I can't imagine how he'd survive in a non pussy town. With this said, there have been laws made that were more "embarrassing" than this...

Edit: Actually, there have been a LOT more embarrassing things to come out of Kalifornya that I'm not proud of...
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[quote name='Sporadic']The guy maybe a jerk but it was within his rights as a shop owner and he did it politely. If he was screaming "GET OUT OF HERE YOU fuckING PIG", I might understand the outrage a little more.

Both parties seem to agree that it happened since he was in uniform.[/QUOTE]

Oh, I'm not arguing that he was breaking the law, certainly he's allowed to do what he wants.
I did. The guy didnt have anything personal against the officer. He had a problem with police in general. And then he asked the guy to leave. This from a city that embraces tolerance and diversity. You know this guy would be at one of Portland's daily protests had a minority or 'sexual minority' been refused service.

If they were denied service because they were a minority, then it would be a bigger deal. But this guy wasn't denied service because he was white. He was denied service because he was a police officer.
Looks like OP saw the article as an opportunity to take a strike at a group he particularly dislikes. Thing is, nothing in the article helps advance his point at all.

Despite him purposely misunderstanding the entire thing, I think we can direct our attention to something possibly more telling:

The cafe draws vegans -- of course -- along with homeless people and animal-rights and environmental activists who Langley said have been targets of police abuse and harassment.

I'm curious how much truth there is to this, and if it is true, I wonder what would bring about police harassment of environmental activists.
Here's a question for white people, I've been curious about this (since the Sotomayor confirmation and the 9/11 Mosque):

Do you feel like you're in danger of becoming a minority? Are you afraid of becoming a minority? Do you feel the world is against you, especially if you're Christian?
[quote name='Rex_Banner']Vegans and Animal rights people usually don't have a lot of screws in there heads left.[/QUOTE]

Oh, no. I don't have any screws in my head.

How many do you have?

Also, I have a box of screws in my toolbox. Are they a particular length or type of screw?

Can you give me a diagram of where the screws go?

Are there guide holes just underneath the skin?
[quote name='IRHari']Here's a question for white people, I've been curious about this (since the Sotomayor confirmation and the 9/11 Mosque):

Do you feel like you're in danger of becoming a minority? Are you afraid of becoming a minority? Do you feel the world is against you, especially if you're Christian?[/QUOTE]

As a white man, here are my answers.

No. No. Yes, but not because I'm white or Christian.
[quote name='IRHari']Here's a question for white people, I've been curious about this (since the Sotomayor confirmation and the 9/11 Mosque):

Do you feel like you're in danger of becoming a minority? Are you afraid of becoming a minority? Do you feel the world is against you, especially if you're Christian?[/QUOTE]

No. No. Not the world is against as much as blaming. There is a trend that everyone in America is a victim and white/Christians is an acceptable group to blame for most problems.

I just look white although I am Venezuelan/Lebanese but I got grief from hippies in college.
Interesting. Discriminatory behavior is now suddenly within one's rights as a business owner. Interesting how the left choose principles with one hand but only pragmatism with the other.
I grew up in Los Angeles. I've lived in 8 states, almost exclusively in their respective urban centers. The most awful, racist act I've ever personally witnessed occurred in Portland and it was an officer that did it.

Just sayin.
[quote name='eldergamer']Because vegans have this false selse of moral superiority that just comes off as such arrogance. Do they really think they're making the world a better place by not eating meat or drinking milk?

Do they eat fruit? Chances are your 'organic, natural' fruit tree was probably planted by an animal crapping out the seed.[/QUOTE]
I have several very good friends who also happen to be vegan. None of them have that sense of moral superiority. In fact, I ordered pizza with one of them today, he simply ordered his own medium pizza with only sauce and veggies. He said nothing about the sausage, pepperoni, extra cheese pie that I ordered.

I think you're projecting that sense of outrage. It probably stems from weakness and indecision about your own choices.

[quote name='bmulligan']Interesting. Discriminatory behavior is now suddenly within one's rights as a business owner. Interesting how the left choose principles with one hand but only pragmatism with the other.[/QUOTE]

First, police officers are not a protected class. Second, he was not refused service for being a police officer, but because he was in uniform. Third, service was not refused based on his race, gender, or sexual orientation, but because of his professional uniform.

It doesn't matter whether it's a police uniform, no suit jacket and tie, no-shirt-no-shoes, or a t-shirt with giant flashing LED titties, you're allowed to absolutely refuse service on the basis of mode of dress.

Get your head out of your ass and stop looking for false corollary.
[quote name='bmulligan']Interesting. Discriminatory behavior is now suddenly within one's rights as a business owner. Interesting how the left choose principles with one hand but only pragmatism with the other.[/QUOTE]

First, police officers are not a protected class. Second, he was not refused service for being a police officer, but because he was in uniform. Third, service was not refused based on his race, gender, or sexual orientation, but because of his professional uniform.

It doesn't matter whether it's a police uniform, no suit jacket and tie, no-shirt-no-shoes, or a t-shirt with giant flashing LED titties, you're allowed to absolutely refuse service on the basis of mode of dress.

Get your head out of your ass and stop looking for false corollary.
[quote name='bmulligan']Interesting. Discriminatory behavior is now suddenly within one's rights as a business owner. Interesting how the left choose principles with one hand but only pragmatism with the other.[/QUOTE]

You gonna do something about it, or you gonna keep white knighting?
[quote name='Sporadic']Did you actually read the article before kneejerking?[/QUOTE]

And what happens if the guy is robbed, and a bunch of vegans and homeless people are currently in the cafe? Will the man wait until everyone leaves to do anything about the robber?

Sounds like a good wait to get a whole bunch of money and get off scott free....
[quote name='eldergamer']Because vegans have this false selse of moral superiority that just comes off as such arrogance. Do they really think they're making the world a better place by not eating meat or drinking milk?

Do they eat fruit? Chances are your 'organic, natural' fruit tree was probably planted by an animal crapping out the seed.[/QUOTE]

All people who follow the same diet generally share the same opinion about everything, right? :roll:
[quote name='rabbitt']
I'm curious how much truth there is to this, and if it is true, I wonder what would bring about police harassment of environmental activists.[/QUOTE]
I'm pretty sure that if I were to become a cop, I'd be in it just for the beating hippies part.
[quote name='IRHari']Interesting. Righties are outraged when cops are discriminated. See: Rand Paul.[/QUOTE]

No, the cafe owner was perfectly within his rights as a business owner to ask the officer to leave. My problem is when people pick and choose what kind of discrimination restrictions they want to impose on private business owners to suit there own, emotional needs.

I'm still marveling at your lack of reading comprehension abilities.
[quote name='Quillion']I have several very good friends who also happen to be vegan. None of them have that sense of moral superiority. In fact, I ordered pizza with one of them today, he simply ordered his own medium pizza with only sauce and veggies. He said nothing about the sausage, pepperoni, extra cheese pie that I ordered.

I think you're projecting that sense of outrage. It probably stems from weakness and indecision about your own choices.


First, police officers are not a protected class. Second, he was not refused service for being a police officer, but because he was in uniform. Third, service was not refused based on his race, gender, or sexual orientation, but because of his professional uniform.

It doesn't matter whether it's a police uniform, no suit jacket and tie, no-shirt-no-shoes, or a t-shirt with giant flashing LED titties, you're allowed to absolutely refuse service on the basis of mode of dress.

Get your head out of your ass and stop looking for false corollary.[/QUOTE]

The point is that there should be no such thing as protected classes in a system of "equality". You are blind to the contradictory nature of your own philosophy, possibly because your head is up your own ass, or up your neighbor's.

The cop was denied service because of his position, not merely because of his dress. And secondly, I was not arguing that he should be "protected" and that the store owner was perfectly within his right to ask him to leave.

Man, this new wave of leftyness in the Vs. forum is really lacking in the intelligence quotient department.
[quote name='IRHari']You gonna do something about it, or you gonna keep white knighting?[/QUOTE]

I'm not even sure what that means. I'm guessing there some racist aspect to it, but I can't be sure. What are they teaching kids in school these days because it's definitely not weighted toward communication skills?
[quote name='bmulligan']teaching kids in school these days because it's definitely not weighted toward communication skills?[/QUOTE]
Leftist propaganda like the genocide of native Americans and separation of church and state.

But we're fixin' that I tell you what.
[quote name='IRHari']Here's a question for white people, I've been curious about this (since the Sotomayor confirmation and the 9/11 Mosque):

Do you feel like you're in danger of becoming a minority? Are you afraid of becoming a minority? Do you feel the world is against you, especially if you're Christian?[/QUOTE]

1) I don't think there is anything wrong with being a minority so I feel no "danger" of becoming one. I'm sure I will be a minority by the time I die, but that doesn't bother me.
2) No, it doesn't bother me either way. My skin color doesn't determine who I am.
3) No.
The cafe owner is making the same sort of sterotypical assumption 'because that person looks like a cop he must be a facist pig here to harass us earth lovers!', where you associate an individual with all the attributes of that group. ie "oh a black person in a hoddie, he's a gangster.' 'a brown person speaking spanish, check their papers they're illegal....'
[quote name='eldergamer']The cafe owner is making the same sort of sterotypical assumption 'because that person looks like a cop he must be a facist pig here to harass us earth lovers!', where you associate an individual with all the attributes of that group. ie "oh a black person in a hoddie, he's a gangster.' 'a brown person speaking spanish, check their papers they're illegal....'

This is the equivelent of "well she started it!"
[quote name='bmulligan']The point is that there should be no such thing as protected classes in a system of "equality". [/QUOTE]

Gosh, I'd sure hate to live that kind of society, and thus be without your ludicrous anti-Lefty barbs you always intelligently conjure up, like a paint chip snorting wizard. And what with sooooooooooooo many of them having existed all around the world at any given time in history, it is a very real threat I must contend with, right alongside brutal unicorn attacks and leprechauns pissing on my garden gnomes, which come alive at night and fight vampires.
[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']Oh, no. I don't have any screws in my head.

How many do you have?

Also, I have a box of screws in my toolbox. Are they a particular length or type of screw?

Can you give me a diagram of where the screws go?

Are there guide holes just underneath the skin?[/QUOTE]

No need to get butthurt dude, it was just an observation.
He thinks FoC is mad.

[quote name='Strell']He thinks FoC is mad.


LOL. Not at all dude. I'm just saying alot of this Vegan/Organic/Aniaml rights type of people can get pretty counterproductive and downright hyprocritical. It's time people grow some balls and call them on their shit, like they would if someone was Pro-life or had some form of Moderate/Center-right political stance.
yeah, calling them on their shit involves saying 'they're missing some screws'....thats some real productive criticism right thar.

let me try. hey vegans/animal rights groups, you're a bunch of cocksucking hippies! yeah, look at me, look how brave i am, i called you on your shit!
[quote name='Rex_Banner']I'm just saying alot of this ______________ people can get pretty counterproductive and downright hypocritical. It's time people grow some balls and call them on their shit, like they would if someone was Pro-life or had some form of Moderate/Center-right political stance.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='Strell']He thinks FoC is mad.


I am mad. Every time I google "head screws", I get these rough oral sex websites. My hand is all chapped and I'm not any closer to a diagram for head screws.
[quote name='bmulligan']Interesting. Discriminatory behavior is now suddenly within one's rights as a business owner. Interesting how the left choose principles with one hand but only pragmatism with the other.[/QUOTE]

Really? Civil rights and equality are now dictated by jobs? You have a lot to learn about discrimination and civil rights.
[quote name='Rex_Banner']Vegans and Animal rights people usually don't have a lot of screws in there heads left.[/QUOTE]

Oh? So meat-eaters do have screws in their head left? Is it from the Frankenstein operation you underwent? Would explain the monstrous nature, no?

BRILLIANT comment there Rex.

I'm vegan and I don't have a problem with cops. With bad cops of course, but not all cops. If you read the comments in that article, someone who is familiar with that place said its an anarchist hangout. Now, that makes the entire article make sense. Anarchists are against all vestiges of power and do in fact get into shit with cops. That is the clientele he is catering to and according to Rand Paul any businessman (and libertarian fanatics) can discriminate against people of color. So, it is legal for him not to serve a cop. But, hey good luck to him if he needs their help...
bread's done