Embarrassing Moments in Gaming


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A rather dumbfounding; if not just dumb, moment would be when I sold my Sega CD and Genesis. My father had placed an ad in the local newspaper (as this was a long ways before the Internet had boomed), and while showing a prospective buyer the goods I noticed a loose audio cable. I reattached it correctly, and the audio began to work properly - for the first time ever. :oops: I put in Eternal Champions: Challenge from the Dark Side, and thought, "Wow, this sounds amazing." However, I did sell it to that father and son team. Later that day, we went to Toys N' Joys and bought a Sega Saturn and Panzer Dragoon, and didn't look back.

Sidebar, I'd really like to see Panzer Dragoon Super Jimmy Lee HD Remix released on Xbox Live Arcade.
I imagined what it would be like for a casual observer to see - or more specifically, hear - a Resident Evil cutscene.

I didn't play the damn game for days after.
Selling your Genesis wasn't dumb...you made the smart move. You can get the emulator and every genesis/mega drive game ever made in a 30 second download today :p
I used to think that in Ken's Stage of Street Fighter 2, the people in the background on the boat were shouting "Hello Ken!" and "Arrrrrrrrr you Ken?" when in reality it was Ken's Dragon Punch and Fireball. D'oh. D'oh indeed.

Someone I know also traded Final Fantasy 7 right when it was released for WCW Nitro for PS1. Fail.
Playing Guitar Hero or Rock Band in public then when I finish a song, I raise the horns in the air with both arms and look around then feel awkward and quickly put my arms down...
I went to an arcade to play some DDR....no that's not the embarrassing part...It had been raining outside so I came in and wiped my feet off on the carpet. I decided to play some doubles so I put my $2 in, picked a song, played for about 10 seconds and slipped and fell onto the floor. I quickly stood up to see if anyone had noticed, and about 4 or 5 people were staring at me....total embarrassment...
When I was playing Mercenaries, I stumbled upon a three way firefight between the Chinese, the North Koreans, and the South Koreans. Trying to get further in the good graces of the Chinese and the SK, I figured I'd pitch in. Unfortunately, due to the major firefight going on, and the general fuzziness of my old TV, I perhaps was a bit too careless in checking who I was shooting at. In my defense, many of the uniforms and insignia are hard to make out in the haze and the smoke.

After accidentally running over what turned out being an SK infantry man, and getting the little warning buzzer letting me know that the SK were displeased, I shouted at the screen, "Oh come on, you all look the same!" , referring, of course, to the uniforms. Soon after I said this, I realized how completely racist that ended up sounding, I was duly shamed, despite being alone in the house.
I had one last night, I was playing Pacman CE and the game ended, so I restarted the same level but the controls seemed a bit off.

A few seconds later I realised I was trying to play the Replay :oops:

I must have been "playing" the replay for a good 45 secs before I cottoned-on.
[quote name='benjamouth']
I must have been "playing" the replay for a good 45 secs before I cottoned-on.[/QUOTE]

So you were changing into a t-shirt at the same time?
hehe, I've done that before ben. That game's not always real clear about that.

Back in the day when I tried to suffer through the original TMNT on the NES, a guy at the afterschool care place told me if I attacked a certain door 100 times it would open a be a warp to the end. Yup, I tried it. More than once. :p
[quote name='benjamouth']I must have been "playing" the replay for a good 45 secs before I cottoned-on.[/quote]

Before you cottoned-on? What the fuck?

Do you mean caught on?
VioletArrows has yet to discover the liberating freedom of intoxicants. Next time, before a performance, do what the pros do: Pound a bottle of cheap wine, Huff some aerosol deodeorant, whatever it takes to put you in that "Performing Mood".

Then you can add "Performing GH/RB While Totally High in front of my embarassed friends and relatives" to your list of Embarassing VideoGame Moments.
I remember the first time I played Street Fighter III, I was in an arcade and so I'm playing against this guy and so I got RYU and I think he had Guile. So I jumped in the game. Round 1 - I walked up to him and Shoryuken, he parried the move. I was so shocked a I stopped playing and said.. "damn you parried my Shoryken.. how the hell did you do that" It was first time ever seeing SFIII and knowing about the parry system. I was embarrassed.
[quote name='HeadRusch']VioletArrows has yet to discover the liberating freedom of intoxicants. Next time, before a performance, do what the pros do: Pound a bottle of cheap wine, Huff some aerosol deodeorant, whatever it takes to put you in that "Performing Mood".

Then you can add "Performing GH/RB While Totally High in front of my embarassed friends and relatives" to your list of Embarassing VideoGame Moments.[/quote]

I have, but it's not worth the migraine afterwards. (not a hangover, a railroad spike to the back of the skull and one in each ear)
I remember two girls showing up to my house and suprising me while i was playing Lunar - damn that game makes you feel gay when hot girls show up and you're in highschool.
I was playing in a Smash Bros. Melee tournament at work.

During the match, I knocked a guy off the level and then attempted to wavedash to grab the ledge and prevent him from coming back. Instead, I made the common mistake of air dodging off the stage, essentially committing suicide.

I wanted to slam the controller into my hand in frustration. However, my grip on the controller slipped and it ended up slamming into the ground, disconnecting my controller, and causing everyone in the room to stare at me. I also took 50 damage because I had to plug in my controller.

I still won, but man. Embarassing.
I know it sounds cliche, but this did really happen to my friend, not me. When he was playing Metal Gear Solid 2 at the end where the boss is telling you to do weird stuff like turn off your console, my friend actually did.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']I know it sounds cliche, but this did really happen to my friend, not me. When he was playing Metal Gear Solid 2 at the end where the boss is telling you to do weird stuff like turn off your console, my friend actually did.[/quote]

I knew that had to sucker quite a few people. :lol:
Not finding ladders and doors in GTA4, and looking for hours. Trying to find a way to get over this fenced door in HL2 for a long time and then realizing that you could easily open it.

I had been playing the DDR home version, and I had sucked, but not that bad. I decided I would show others in an arcade type place, however I wasn't aware of the obvious sensitivity differences. I made myself look like a complete doofus.
In Final Fantasy IV, where Cecil has to fight Dark Cecil and you approach the statue and it says something along the lines of "A true paladin...will sheathe his sword". It took me, about 3 months, on and off, to figure out that I just had to stand there. It was retarded.

In Kingdom Hearts, in the Coliseum place, where you fight Fluffy the three headed dog beast. Well anyways, the part where you have to destroy all the boxes in like a minute or so. There's a section where you need to reach the top, and jump to a floating platform to get that box. I didn't know you could stand on the pillar, which actually allowed you to reach it. I can't tell you the countless times I tried to even get up there. I blamed the bad programming.

In Metroid Prime Hunters, thinking that if I was in Trace's alt form, I was 100% invisible, and nobody could see me. Now I know better ;)

Losing to the Champion at the Brawl Tournament Gamestop held, because I thought I was the other character, and walked off.

Taking forever to learn how to tell the difference in team members on Halo. I still don't think I know how to tell, I just shoot everybody.

A really really hot girl was in my house, I liked her from school, don't completly remember why she was there, but it was night, and I was playing Haunting Ground. When those baby mandragora's scream...I screamed so loud, and it was one of those high pitch girly screams. It's as if all the muscles in my body contracted and froze, that thing scared the fuck out of me.

And like mrelusive, I too cried because some jerk of a child wouldn't let me play on those demo stations Wal-Mart has.
[quote name='benjamouth']I had one last night, I was playing Pacman CE and the game ended, so I restarted the same level but the controls seemed a bit off.

A few seconds later I realised I was trying to play the Replay :oops:

I must have been "playing" the replay for a good 45 secs before I cottoned-on.[/quote]

I did that quite a few times on one song in Ouendan, except I actually played the entire song through. I couldn't figure out why I kept messing up in the exact same spot every time. In my defense, I couldn't read any of the text. :oops:
[quote name='Sleepkyng']I remember two girls showing up to my house and suprising me while i was playing Lunar - damn that game makes you feel gay when hot girls show up and you're in highschool.[/quote]

Were you at the part were Luna is singing on the boat? I would've been embarrassed too. At least you weren't playing Rhapsody.

I had a similar experience. In college I was playing Arc the Lad 3 and I got to a part in the story where the main character (Alec) was dancing with one of the female characters, while some very heart-warming/gay music played. Anyways some of my buddies came busting in my dorm room to hang out. They watched as the scene played out. They didn't really say anything but I could just tell by their silence & facial expressions that they questioned my manhood.
[quote name='Riyonuk']
A really really hot girl was in my house, I liked her from school, don't completly remember why she was there, but it was night, and I was playing Haunting Ground. When those baby mandragora's scream...I screamed so loud, and it was one of those high pitch girly screams. It's as if all the muscles in my body contracted and froze, that thing scared the fuck out of me.


That is great.
Honestly I'm the type to not get embarrassed, but rather embrace those moments to weird out my friends...

As far as weirding out friends, these do the trick!


[quote name='leveskikesko']Honestly I'm the type to not get embarrassed, but rather embrace those moments to weird out my friends...

As far as weirding out friends, these do the trick!


You rescued Space Michael!
[quote name='Legendaryhedgehog06']I used to think that in Ken's Stage of Street Fighter 2, the people in the background on the boat were shouting "Hello Ken!" and "Arrrrrrrrr you Ken?" when in reality it was Ken's Dragon Punch and Fireball. D'oh. D'oh indeed.[/QUOTE]

Greatest thing ever. I remember I got Ocarina of Time for Christmas one year and I had to wait till vacation was over to ask my friends how the hell I was supposed to use my shield to deflect deku seeds. I read instruction manuals now. And there's a fight in No More Heroes where I got beat so badly the first time I played it I figured it was one of those fights you couldn't win. It wasn't. Oh, and wandering around in Trace Memory for three hours before I found out you have to close the DS to stamp this piece of paper. Three hours is not an exaggeration.
[quote name='Riyonuk']In Final Fantasy IV, where Cecil has to fight Dark Cecil and you approach the statue and it says something along the lines of "A true paladin...will sheathe his sword". It took me, about 3 months, on and off, to figure out that I just had to stand there. It was retarded.[/quote]


so did I! I trained for hours so I could beat him, and my freind told me I just had to guard. as if that wasnt annoying enough - when Cecil turned into a Paladin and went back to level one, and I was SO angry
Back when my cousin and I (same age) were in middle school, he got Super Mario RPG for Christmas one year. We played through the first hour or so together, and we both loved it. Later, at the grocery store with my mom, I saw a Gamepro magazine featuring a strategy guide for none other than Super Mario RPG. I bought it and took it home. Rather than take the magazine over to his house like a normal person, I instead painstakingly transcribed the strategy guide section onto notebook paper, illustrations and all. It had to be like 10 pages. I then snail-mailed "My Super Mario RPG strategy guide" to my cousin.

He gets my letter in the mail and calls me on the phone. He had a subscription to Gamepro. D'oh!
[quote name='Oatmeal Batman']Back when my cousin and I (same age) were in middle school, he got Super Mario RPG for Christmas one year. We played through the first hour or so together, and we both loved it. Later, at the grocery store with my mom, I saw a Gamepro magazine featuring a strategy guide for none other than Super Mario RPG. I bought it and took it home. Rather than take the magazine over to his house like a normal person, I instead painstakingly transcribed the strategy guide section onto notebook paper, illustrations and all. It had to be like 10 pages. I then snail-mailed "My Super Mario RPG strategy guide" to my cousin.

He gets my letter in the mail and calls me on the phone. He had a subscription to Gamepro. D'oh![/quote]

That's actually a pretty cute story. Reminds me of my middle school days (before the internet) I was the only kid in my class to have all the moves, fatalities, babalities, secrets, etc. for Mortal Kombat II. I typed up the movelist on my computer, made it look all nice, and charged $5 for it. It actually sold pretty well. Probably made about $50 off it and for a 12 year old that's a fortune. Not an embarssing story but I thought I'd share.
[quote name='Oatmeal Batman']Back when my cousin and I...[/quote]

That's actually pretty awesome. I almost did something similar and started on a guide to Space Quest III (I just knew the game too well) in response to a "help wanted" letter in a magazine, but didn't make it very far in writing it. In retrospect it would have been pretty funny to get some kid's stack of handwritten SQ3 tips in the mail.

[quote name='Rodimus'] I was the only kid in my class to have all the moves, fatalities, babalities, secrets, etc. for Mortal Kombat II. I typed up the movelist on my computer, made it look all nice, and charged $5 for it. It actually sold pretty well. Probably made about $50 off it and for a 12 year old that's a fortune.[/quote]

I remember one of my friends would go to arcades with a copy of the Gamepro SF2 guide and charge people to look at it before they played. Pretty enterprising.
bread's done