Etrian Odyssey Post Game


114 (100%)
For anyone who's done the post game I have a few questions.

I did a couple missions no problem. The Wyvern mission I can't get a successful on. I know the barmaid says to kill it quickly, but how many turns is quickly? He's down in about three turns and still no success. ?

And now the main reason I put the game in it's case and the case on the shelf...

The mega dragon on the 25th floor (about where you fought yggdrassil). My team is all maxed at level 70. The highest HP are in the mid 600's and the lowest in the mid 400's. In the first turn, he did some move that hit each character doing around 2500 HP each member, and he's way faster than the team, so he always goes first. So essentially a OHKO with no chance of even landing a hit or upping defense or anything.

Is there a way to increase my stats past level 70? If I have to keep putting my team members to REST and setting them back to level 60 for possible points, I'm done. That's just obnoxious and level grinding is slow work in this game.
The Wyvern
has to be killed on the third turn, or sooner. Best to bring all your big hitters and go all out. It also helps to fill everyone's boost gauge before the battle.

The dragon
breath is best dealt with via the Protector's Antivolt skill, at level 5 or higher (activates first regardless of speed, and nullifies / absorbs volt damage). It's possible to get by with a boosted Immunize 10, or potentially a combination of several things (e.g., Taranis, Immunize, Volt Mist, volt resisting armor) but the battle is much more difficult like that. Head binds and some other status effects do have a slight chance of working, surprisingly, but not often enough that you could rely on them completely. There are two other lizards with fire and cold breath as well, and the same advice generally applies (with some caveats that I'll omit for now, in case you want to figure them out on your own). Yes, this means you will probably have to rest and/or create new characters, unfortunately, but that's what super hard bonus areas are for, I guess.

A couple other notes -
resting does not increase your maximum potential skill points (a level 70 character will have the same total skill points and base stats no matter how many times they've rested; the only exception is the slight bonus from retirement, which is one-time only anyway). Also, you don't have to beat any of the lizards until you've reached the final section of B30; until then you can ignore them, if you want. Although the sixth stratum can be just as aggravating to complete in its own right.
[quote name='q 3']The Wyvern
has to be killed on the third turn, or sooner. Best to bring all your big hitters and go all out. It also helps to fill everyone's boost gauge before the battle.
I really could have sworn I got him on third turn. I must be wrong.

The dragon
breath is best dealt with via the Protector's Antivolt skill, at level 5 or higher (activates first regardless of speed, and nullifies / absorbs volt damage). It's possible to get by with a boosted Immunize 10, or potentially a combination of several things (e.g., Taranis, Immunize, Volt Mist, volt resisting armor) but the battle is much more difficult like that. Head binds and some other status effects do have a slight chance of working, surprisingly, but not often enough that you could rely on them completely. There are two other lizards with fire and cold breath as well, and the same advice generally applies (with some caveats that I'll omit for now, in case you want to figure them out on your own). Yes, this means you will probably have to rest and/or create new characters, unfortunately, but that's what super hard bonus areas are for, I guess.
Oh dear. I ditched the Protector way early in the game (second stratum) as her Provoke (the only ability I was interested in) never worked. Not once. I found her to be absolutely useless, so I left her back at the Guild and took on a second Alchemist.

That was working beautifully, but I got bored of two Alchemists and when I got the Ronin scroll, I changed again. The first thing I maxed on all my characters were their passive skills (HP/TP/attack type/whatever usefull passive skills they had)

Front row:
  • Landsknecht (with swords maxed and heavy on multihit and all-slash)
  • Dark Hunter (whips maxed, viper and climax maxed)
  • Ronin (maxed Kasagiri with most passives maxed)
Back row:
  • Medic (straight up HP healer, maxed most passive skills, maxed Salve II and I believe Patch UP. No unbinds or anything like that.)
  • Alchemist (maxed fire/ice/volt, ignored poison completely. Level 2 on fire/inferno, Level 2 on ice/cocytus, level 2 on volt/thor. He's high on TP points and I don't think he's ever run out of TP since the beginning of the game.)
So I'm going to have to pull out the Protector to deal with the lizard, huh? Any suggestion on who should sit out when I get back to the game? I'd guess the Dark Hunter, but I like her Climax on boss fights. Doesn't always work, but she does pretty well with it.

Also, any suggestions on what Protectors' abilities I should dump points into? Just don't tell me 'Provoke.' ;)

A couple other notes -
resting does not increase your maximum potential skill points (a level 70 character will have the same total skill points and base stats no matter how many times they've rested;
That's what I thought originally, but then I thought maybe I was wrong, maybe I could make super stats by continually resting them and spending the rest of my life re-leveling up.

the only exception is the slight bonus from retirement, which is one-time only anyway). Also, you don't have to beat any of the lizards until you've reached the final section of B30; until then you can ignore them, if you want. Although the sixth stratum can be just as aggravating to complete in its own right.
I hadn't tried Retirement for any characters, but it sounds like it's hardly worth it.
The lizard FOEs will stay put on level 25 + ? (meaning, they don't follow you around or get in your way?) I wouldn't mind doing the final stratum to level up the Protector so I can do the dragon later.

Thanks again for all the info!
[quote name='guinaevere']
So I'm going to have to pull out the Protector to deal with the lizard, huh? Any suggestion on who should sit out when I get back to the game? I'd guess the Dark Hunter, but I like her Climax on boss fights. Doesn't always work, but she does pretty well with it.

I'd actually suggest ditching the Alchemist, at least for this battle. The Dragon isn't weak to any element, and physical attacks usually do more damage against it. Also, that lets you stick the Protector in the back row, where she'll take fewer hits. That way you only need to level her up enough to get the Anti skill. (Your Alchemist will be very effective against the other two lizards, though.)

Also, any suggestions on what Protectors' abilities I should dump points into? Just don't tell me 'Provoke.' ;)

F Guard, B Guard, and Defender are all pretty reliable for reducing physical damage, although at this point in the game they won't make a huge difference. Smite actually does pretty good damage, but you'll need a strong shield equipped (it does damage based on DEF). Beyond that, I'd stick with passives (TP Up so you have enough juice to use Antivolt every turn; DEF Up and Shields reduce physical and elemental damage, respectively).

The lizard FOEs will stay put on level 25 + ? (meaning, they don't follow you around or get in your way?) I wouldn't mind doing the final stratum to level up the Protector so I can do the dragon later.

Yeah, they're completely stationary. Although only one of them appears on B25; the other two have their own lairs. Make sure you do take your Alchemist along in the final stratum!
I have no idea what's going on in this thread, but I found this for $20 at a local used shop today! Score! So am I in for a good time? I figured it was a no-risk proposition given what this sells for these days.
I'm in your debt q3. You've been a great help.

[quote name='ma']I have no idea what's going on in this thread, but I found this for $20 at a local used shop today! Score! So am I in for a good time? I figured it was a no-risk proposition given what this sells for these days.[/quote]A good time? ehh.. that depends on your definition. A long time? Now that I can definately agree with.
[quote name='guinaevere']A good time? ehh.. that depends on your definition. A long time? Now that I can definately agree with.[/QUOTE]

Well that's not exactly a ringing endorsement... ;)
I'm just being honest. It was a game I wanted to play, so I stuck with it. It's a LOT of time-consuming level grinding. Not a very creative story (pretty much same as a lot of other jrpg type stories) and imo, not a ton of fun. If anything, it felt more of a chore after a while.

Botticus nominated it for Best Value, so I'm sure some folks loved it.

If you've picked it up ma, I hope you get a great deal of enjoyment out of it. =)
I really liked it, but it's definitely a niche game. It's very challenging, and has little to offer aside from exploration and strategy. If you enjoy those things and are patient, you should get a lot of enjoyment out of it, but if not, you won't.
Well, it was $20, I knew it was rare, and it was a dungeon-crawling RPG. From what you guys have said it doesn't sound like my thing, but I'll give it a try. If I don't dig it, it will be easy to recover my $20.
This game took forever to beat. I just beat it now in the closest finish I've ever seen. I beat the boss with 1 health point left on one guy out of 5. In fact, he died but he had the skill that resurrected him with 1 life, and managed to survive 2 more turns for the killing blow. I would have just about screamed had I died with the boss so close to going down.

I didn't find the mapping as hard as some had mentioned; I thought it would be like free hand drawing but it snaps very smartly to the grid.
bread's done