Ever been obsessed with buying certain items?(non video game related items)


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Right now I am going crazy buying up goalie equipment for my 16 year old son. Be it on E-Bay or Craigslist I been buying non-stop and cannot stop. He almost has enough full equipment set-ups for three ice hockey goalies. The funny thing is hes not even 100% sure he wants to switch to goalie full time but I still cant stop.

I guess it was because I was a goalie growing up and I know how hard it was to get proper equipment in my area in the 1980's. I pretty much had the same sets for the longest times untill my b-day or x-mas would come up and I could upgrade a piece of equipment here and there.
toys from my childhood when i first discovered ebay. i bought a ton of shit and then turned around and sold it when i got over the joy of purchasing my youth.
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Nintendo64 games. I can't describe the feeling of loss when you realize how low-tech some of those game (Perfect Dark, etc.) were compared to what we are spoiled with now. However, StarFox64 is still the shit.
For a little while I was into collecting Blu-ray steelbooks. I'm glad that phase is over for me, I realized a little too late how overpriced they actually are :roll:
Rubik's cubes. I spend WAY too much money on them. In fact, I'm about to buy an 11x11x11 cube which will run me about $160.

I had an obsession with owning every copy of the Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt cartridge I came by. I didn't go out of my way to buy them, but if I saw one, I bought it. I owned 25 at one point. When it started to spread to the WCTM triple pack and SMB3, I had to stop and ditched em all.
I had a My Little Pony's problem for a long time. I had about 800 MLPs, but then I gave away all my 3rd gen pony's so now I'm down to around 500-600 originals only.
Action figures. If it looks nice & is highly detailed & I've seen the movie/played the game/watched the TV show, I'll buy it. NECA figures especially. Sonic (mainly), Lord of the Rings (I have an entire set of "trilogy edition" figures) Star Wars, Lost, Resdient Evil, Gears of War, Watchmen, horror movies. Now I'm trying to get Bioshock, Kingdom Hearts, & God Of War. I usually pay around $10 (LOTR) to $200 (some Sonics). Anyone whos seen my collection pics knows how much I buy.
Other than beer (hehe)... I'm hooked on buying e-cigarette cartomizers. I have enough to last me three months, but there are so many different flavors. It's like Pokemon... gotta catch'em all!

Other than that, I buy a lot of clothes for my wife and kid. They have more clothing than we have places to keep it... but I just keep buying more. I think this has something to do with my guilt complex.
Guns (not airsoft/paintball). They are so much fun but so damn expensive. If I had a non-student income the spending spree would be more intense.
Marvel/DC/game related/wrestling figures, used to have a DVD problem - I'm actually contemplating a visit to the flea market to unload most of it, clutter is making me insane.
coins, i buy all the oldish rare silver gold etc coins I can find, as long as theyre at reasonable prices. I dont know why and its like a impulse.
Transformers, particularly G1. I was able to kick the habit for the most part but for a while I bought them like crazy. I still have probably about 2000 of the things stored away. I used to buy 3 of each reissue (One for robot mode, one for alt-mode, and one to keep sealed) and other crazy wastes of money.
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