Ever dislike a movie that everyone loves?

Brick was a horrific movie.....so was Crash....

Now, if someone ever said they hated Thank You For Smoking, I would have to fight them, that's no lie....probably one of the best movies I saw in '06
Napoleon Dynamite.

All the kids my age told me to see the movie and I watched a trailer knowing under a minute it was a hunk of shit.
I am amazed at some of the choices in this thread. I can let some of the comedies go since they are more subjective than most movies.

It's the choices like Eternal Sunshine, Batman Begins, and some of the Pixar movies that that get me. They are absolute masterpieces in my eyes and I could never trust any opinion from someone that doesn't like them. I'm sure some people would feel the same about my choices though.

My Choices:

Superman: The Movie (original) - I can respect what this movie accomplished condsidering the year in which it was made but it just does not hold up in my opinion.

Crash - It's an absolute crime that this won the best picture oscar. It's below average at best.
I don't really like the Big Lebowski, but it isn't as amazing as everyone always makes it out to be.

I really dislike Little Miss Sunshine, but everyone seems to be enamored with it. I found it to be trite, cliched, and had only maybe a full minute of humor scattered throughout the film.
[quote name='tholly']Brick was a horrific movie.....so was Crash....

Now, if someone ever said they hated Thank You For Smoking, I would have to fight them, that's no lie....probably one of the best movies I saw in '06[/QUOTE]

I loved Brick, but I can understand disliking it. It was an artistic exercise for its own sake, but I thought it was great in every way.
[quote name='The Crotch']Which Crash? The "best-picture-winning" Crash? Or the "so-fucked-up-you'll-never-drive-or-have-sex-again" David Cronenburg Crash?[/QUOTE]

i can imagine they are both bad, but i am referring to the piece of trash that won all sorts of awards that paint drying deserved to win before that god awful film
That Jay and Silent Bob movie was pretty bad. Kevin Smith thinks the is the most clever person around. He tries to hard to be just like normal people.
The Warriors. And Grandma's Boy.

I ussually like most movies I see. Unless its absolute crap. Warriors was a pretty ok movie, but definetally cant see why its so renown. And Grandma's boy made me sit their unamused. I got the same vibe from Half Baked, that was a HORRIBLE movie.

But it truely seems like MOST of you in this thread are choosing the MOST popular movies and saying you hate them just so you can feel like a "bad-ass" and think people are saying, "Omg! He didnt like that movie!? He is such a tough critic! Nothing can stop him hes so cooool!"

But, that goes along with my idea of 80% of CAGers are fake.
yes. fight club. before i saw the movie a friend told me it was her favorite book. i read it, or at least tried to, and after deciding that i couldnt take another moment of the authors writing style i stopped reading the book. then when my friends said i had to watch this movie... all i could think through the whole movie was how much i hated the book.
I hated Napolean Dynamite. Everyone at college was mesmerized, while I was left with a "this is to stupid for me" bad taste in my mouth. And I appreciate stupid humor, Dumb and Dumber and Talladega Nights are in my top 10 all time favorite movies.

Gun Kata - Retarded.

Everyone devoid of emotion, but still have enough emotion to fight? Retarded.

Main bad guy an emotional mess = retarded.

Lobby Matrix ripoff, but not 1/2 as good.... = retarded.

Terrible character development = Example : Christian Bale encounters a number of dogs fenced up and about to be destroyed, so what does he do? He picks one of them up, looks at this so called "poor thing" supposedly creating an emotional arc, when all we feel is embaressed at how ridiculously soppy and cheesy this scene really is. It is in fact so awkward that I find it difficult to watch with anyone else in the room.

Whats up with Taye Diggs smiling all the damn time?

I dont even care to get into the similarities of this and the Matrix, because as far as I'm concerned... they're both rediculous rip offs.

Zelda ripping off the idea of Ladyhawke, acceptable, since the entire story was changed and it didnt feel like a straight rip off, just inspired.

Equilibrium is a straight amalgam of 1984/ Fahrenheit 451/ Brave New World / Other 1950's classical Sci-Fi based off of a War torn world because they were written during WWII.

Matrix is a straight amalgam of Neuromancer / 70's - 90's Anime / the movie Dark City.

The only difference, the Matrix (first one only) made sense.

Kurt Wimmer proved he sucked by directing his follow up.... Ultraviolet.
All Kevin Smith movies besides the first Clerks. I even tried to watch Mallrats a few nights ago and gave up after 50 minutes. I couldn't take it anymore.

I really tried to like the first Matrix movie. I think I've watched it 3 times. But it isn't my type of movie. I do like one of the action scenes in some building where there shooting at eachother with a bunch of columns getting shot.

Napoleon Dynamite was ok. I don't understand why it was so funny to a lot of people.

Rushmore wasn't that funny to me.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']
But it truely seems like MOST of you in this thread are choosing the MOST popular movies and saying you hate them just so you can feel like a "bad-ass" and think people are saying, "Omg! He didnt like that movie!? He is such a tough critic! Nothing can stop him hes so cooool!"

But, that goes along with my idea of 80% of CAGers are fake.[/quote]

I think almost everyone is being truthful in this thread. This thread gives everyone a chance to voice their opinion on how bad hollywood is. If a movie made tons of money and was popular doesn't mean that it has to be liked by everyone.
My wife and I really wanted to see Pirates of the Carribean 2 and we struggled to get through it. It was a terrible waste of time. And it won Entertainment Weekly's people vote for best movie of 2006.
[quote name='jbuck138']All Kevin Smith movies including the first Clerks. [/QUOTE]

I fixed it. I've never seen a Smith film that I liked.
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Dumb and Dumber
Finding Nemo
All Will Farrel Movies
The Ring
Napoleon Dynamite
[quote name='PenguinMaster']Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Dumb and Dumber
Finding Nemo
All Will Farrel Movies
The Ring
Napoleon Dynamite[/quote]

I agree on the 2nd two Lord of the Rings. (I only read half of the Fellowship), but the first one has a lot of story about the characters and the other two are just two long battles.
[quote name='Dach']Blade Runner and Gone with the Wind. But, especially, Blade Runner.[/quote]

I think Blade Runner is the type of movie that (like Apocalypse Now) is much better if you have read the book AND you get the director's cut.

However seeing as it's definately a niche film, I would only go to the effort if you enjoy cyberpunk, PK Dick books, and sci fi.
One movie above all:

Napoleon Dynamite.

I fucking hate that movie with a passion. This film is symbolic of how stupid the masses are. There is no redeeming quality to this film. I rented it once and have since seen it on HBO twice and I hate it more and more with every viewing. Nothing funny, there's no plot, no character development; it's like watching a retard (I really do not want to use this term in such a pejeorative manner, but I really don't have much of a choice in this instance) watch paint peel. I know that I have written multiple indignant reviews of the film here on CAG.

This is the only film that I have ever truly suffered through (and multiple times at that) to see what was with all the hype surrounding it and why it continues to have such a popular following. I have yet to find a single redeeming trait in this film.
Napoleon Dynamite was bad, but at least I know other people who generally dislike it. The movies I really can't stand that everyone loves are any of the Star Wars films. They are so bad.
[quote name='MrBadExample']How anyone can list The Boondock Saints as a favorite is beyond me. Bad acting, bad writing and bad directing all in one steamy pile. I bet the gaffer was incompetent too.[/quote]

I agree, it came off as pretentious. It didn't really captivate me at all. I'd say it was a case of all 'style' no substance.
[quote name='alongx']Napoleon Dynamite was bad, but at least I know other people who generally dislike it. The movies I really can't stand that everyone loves are any of the Star Wars films. They are so bad.[/quote]
No they are not unless you count the Episode I/II, but even then they have some redeeming feature to them be it the action, the sci fi elements, or because you simply were immersed in the story and enjoy it. Movies like Napoleon Dynamite are worse than direct to video releases of films. It makes it to theatres and then all of a sudden explodes with the masses loving the film. Like I said, this is a true movie that should be vehemently hated as their is nothing, absolutely nothing, good or entertaining about the film. Again, how it can be liked is simply beyond me. People should be incensed at how something like that could be even produced let alone thought up.
[quote name='SIUfan']I hated Napolean Dynamite. Everyone at college was mesmerized, while I was left with a "this is to stupid for me" bad taste in my mouth. And I appreciate stupid humor, Dumb and Dumber and Talladega Nights are in my top 10 all time favorite movies.[/QUOTE]

Ironic? I think so. :p

[quote name='munch']I fixed it. I've never seen a Smith film that I liked.[/QUOTE]

All that matters is Life Aquatic is one of the greatest movies of all time. One of my absolute favorites. A+xinfinity for the sig/avy combo :)
I love Pootie Tang and Kung Pao: Enter The Fist but all the critics hate those movies. Two of the funniest movies ever in my opinion. Although the opposite of what this thread is about
[quote name='shaneatlh']I love Pootie Tang and Kung Pao: Enter The Fist but all the critics hate those movies. Two of the funniest movies ever in my opinion. Although the opposite of what this thread is about[/QUOTE]

I'd rather stab myself with a rusty, aids infested spoon then watch Kung Pow again.
[quote name='Salmonday']Cars
The Usual Suspects
X-Men 3
Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Man's Chest
LA Confidential
The Lion King
The Ring[/QUOTE]

Blasphemy. Just kidding; to each their own. But, these two movies are in my top 10 movies of all time.
Van Wilder great movie if u have ever been in college. Grandma's Boy isnt that great but when you drink a little it gets tolerable. Transporter 2 way better then the first one, i mean at least the stuff they showed on the previews happened, it was a mindless action flick. Anyone seen Crank? Crash was hard to follow. Spiderman 1 was cool, better then the Hulk. I like to disagree and argue. Pirates 2 was crap, very crap. One was entertaing. Napleon Dynamite, well you gotta be in the mood, plus it just reminds me of how backwards some parts of Idaho are. ;)
Wow, the Ring shows up alot.

I guess people have no appreciation for hitchcock thrills and good supernatural horror any more, these days it's all about gore and torture.
[quote name='kube00']Whoever said Spawn was a good movie needs to be clubbed....[/QUOTE]

I guess I kinda like it because it's the first kinda non kiddy movie my dad took me to see that I was able to understand. (They took me to see Silence of the Lambs when I was 3 :p )
"Napolean Dynamite was sooo stupid! It was like watching some stupid kid for 2 hours!"

No shit. Thats why everyone likes it. Its a stupid movie. Its funny to laugh at how stupid it is and it shows how everyone takes themselves so damn serious.

"Why do you guys keep staring at that weird kid?" "Cause hes weird."
Napoleon Dynamite was bad, tied with Beerfest for ughness.

Did not like any of the recent Pixar Movies. Finding Nemo being the worst.

Clerks and Clerks 2 were very bad, all my college buddies seem to love em'.

Any sports movie. No matter how brilliant the writing or acting is in these, they all follow the same laughable template and I cannot get over it. Plus they often show footage of sports, which is sleep inducing. ;)

Dunno how popular this is but everyone I know seems to love it, Snatch. I thought it was one of the more lame movies I've seen. I call this type of movie a "director with ADD" movie. Seems like the guy had no idea what direction he wanted to the movie to go in so he grabbed a bag full of action cliches and started filming parts of them. Then about halfway through he'd get bored and film another part.

Thats all I can think of for now.
[quote name='kube00']Van Wilder great movie if u have ever been in college. it was a mindleass action flick. Anyone seen Crank? Crash was hard to follow. [/QUOTE]
You've been to college?

Mindle ass?

Hard to follow?
Matrix - This was all the rave when the first one came out and I wanted to stab my eyes out because I read right through the plot.

Sideways - I'm not snobby enough to even pretend I didn't want to shut it off but I am not proud I watched it all the way through.

Meet the Fockers - I hate sequals and this movie had all the qualities of sequel syndrome.

Crash - Just because a movie has a great "Moral of the story" doesn't make it a good movie. Critics were put up against the wall with this movie, if they didn't like it would they be considered racist?

Groundhog Day - Watching almost the same 10 minutes over and over and over again wore paper thin.

Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels - This movie was a cult favorite the day it hit the video stores and over all I just didn't like it.

The Passion of the Christ - Too violent for my taste. This is all Hollywood could come up with for a modern day/New Testament Ten Comandments?

Ocean's Eleven - ....One long generic movie without one bit of original style.

That is just the first ones that popped into my head.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']"Napolean Dynamite was sooo stupid! It was like watching some stupid kid for 2 hours!"

No shit. Thats why everyone likes it. Its a stupid movie. Its funny to laugh at how stupid it is and it shows how everyone takes themselves so damn serious.

"Why do you guys keep staring at that weird kid?" "Cause hes weird."[/quote]

I'm glad you can appease yourself by watching mindless stupidity.
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']This is the only film that I have ever truly suffered through (and multiple times at that) to see what was with all the hype surrounding it and why it continues to have such a popular following. I have yet to find a single redeeming trait in this film.[/QUOTE] The thing about ND is that it's incredibly true to life. I know the real world is boring for some, but I have a couple friends who love the movie because it's exactly like watching their own lives at 10 years old.

Except for the dancing thing. :lol:
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']I'm glad you can appease yourself by watching mindless stupidity.[/quote]
Thanks, I watch it when I am unable to view the CAG Nintendo forums.

The Ring.

I laughed. It was a really really stupid plot.
I can't help but mention that I laughed when the horse fell off the boat, it just looked so unnatural and funny at the same time.
bread's done