Ever get upset over 5 dollars?


So i ordered god of war 3 yesterday.... and who woulda known it but today it just decreased its price by $5. I emailed the [email protected] for them to cancel my shipment (since it just shipped a few moments before I found out; the system wouldnt let me cancel), or asked if they would transfer back 5 dollars back to my bank account...

what do you think guys, i did all i can now right? Geez.. I also used my $10 coupon too from that RDR special offer... I hope that will still work too if it gets cancelled...
if its already marked to ship, you may have to send it back and get your money back and just reorder it with your coupon code (assuming they give it back)
Im so dissappointed and annoyed by this hassling... eff gamestop for doing this to me... well theres a first for everything and like anybody else who got screwed on the console price drop's eve, I guess it was inevitable for me.
[quote name='Azurken']Im so dissappointed and annoyed by this hassling... eff gamestop for doing this to me... well theres a first for everything and like anybody else who got screwed on the console price drop's eve, I guess it was inevitable for me.[/QUOTE]

Right...because GameStop deliberately "effed" you on this purchase. You lost $5 on a quick price change, big deal. If you want to drag out the process then follow the advice already given to you. If $5 is worth all the time and energy you will spend trying to make yourself feel better about this situation, then go for it. But don't act like a child and think that you got screwed out of anything...because you didn't.
[quote name='crushtopher']Right...because GameStop deliberately "effed" you on this purchase. You lost $5 on a quick price change, big deal. If you want to drag out the process then follow the advice already given to you. If $5 is worth all the time and energy you will spend trying to make yourself feel better about this situation, then go for it. But don't act like a child and think that you got screwed out of anything...because you didn't.[/QUOTE]

This. Game prices drop all the time, they didn't see you placed an order then go "hey, lets screw this guy out of $5 measly dollars".
You guys are right, its just that its frustrating to know that gamestop did this right in the nick of time. You guys probably wouldn't understand unless youve had this happen to you before.. and im sure if it was $20 or $100 you would say it differently, but i guess this gives you guys the right to tell me otherwise since it was just that chump change.
[quote name='Tony208']They had it in for you all along, you've been played.[/QUOTE]

Are you calling them trolls or are you talking about gamestop?
Your situation is unfortunate, but Gamestop didn't screw you over. You agreed to a price and they shipped it for that; if the CSR is feeling particularly benevolent, they may refund your money, but they don't have to. Now if they had listed it as $44.99 and charged you $49.99, you'd have a right to be mad. Also, I doubt they'll refund your coupon. That sucks, but they're one-time use codes.
Yeah, I just hope the CSR would do this to me, if the CSR does cancel the transaction for me, but in the end my coupon will get cancelled, I'd prefer if it'd not happen.. oh well..
[quote name='Azurken']Yeah, I just hope the CSR would do this to me, if the CSR does cancel the transaction for me, but in the end my coupon will get cancelled, I'd prefer if it'd not happen.. oh well..[/QUOTE]

Then quit whining and move on. Probably karma giving you a swift boot in the keister.
It is a price drop, happens all of the time. Sometimes you win (purchase a game and it goes up in price the next day), sometimes you lose (your situation). Heck, I remember going to the gas station a few years back, pumped my gas at like $3.00 a gallon, and the second I finished pumping my gas and ended the transaction, they dropped the price per gallon down to $2.70. Yea, I lost a few dollars, but I didn't go in there and whine about it. You just have to move on to the next deal, and hope you get more lucky next time.

You should also really stay away from buying TVs, Computer,....any sort of electronic device. You'll be pretty peeved when you purchase it, and realize it dropped in price hundreds of dollars just a week later. It happens all the time.
If you get upset over a $5 price drop, I suggest making no major purchases in your lifetime. Except potentially a house, as pretty much everything drops in price once you have it
I don't know how it works with gamestop, but with Amazon you could just refuse the package and apply the coupon (if applicable) to the lower price

But, since its probably a once time use coupon...you're screwed. Don't worry though. Heed this advice:

What's a deal? A deal is something you feel is worth buying.

You felt it was worth buying. So it's worth is the price you paid. If it's 5 dollars less today, don't sweat it, because it's still a deal! Yea, you could have saved money...but at that point in time, you felt it was a deal then. So it's still a deal.

You could worry about that 5 dollars now...but in a few weeks I'm sure they'll discount it 10 dollars...that's how biz works
[quote name='Sito']If you get upset over a $5 price drop, I suggest making no major purchases in your lifetime. Except potentially a house, as pretty much everything drops in price once you have it[/QUOTE]

Did you just come in here to bash? I made this topic so I could have some critical opinions and answers.. (i guess look for some sympathy too), but I guess human nature just takes its course again by having more people telling me off...

It wasn't about the money. Yes, I feel some what bad about it and glad too that it was only 5 dollars, but if I made a topic about buying a tv then the next day it dropped by $200 I think people would say differently, because $200 is not easy money for me. I go on this website because I want to save money on video games no matter how much it is, and I assumed otherwise from my fellow CAGers but people here just seem like distinguish my stupidity or unluckiness or whinyness or anything negative and poke at it.
I'm with the OP on this one guys, by definition a Cheap Ass Gamer should sympathize with missing a price drop by 15 seconds. Don't think anyone should give him a hard time.

Simply be polite, contact a csr. With a little bit of kindness on both ends, see if you can get a 5 dollar credit. Plain and simple, it's good customer service to keep you happy. Remind them of this, you might have a shot.
Similar thing happened to me with MH:Tri a few weeks ago. I ordered it at $44.99 and the next morning it dropped to $41.99. Not a big deal at all, but I figured what the hell and sent customer service an email asking if they could refund the difference back to my card. They didn't refund it (don't know why), but instead sent a $3 gift card in the mail. I should also note that I was in no way expecting this, and the email was worded to the tune of "just wondering...", so I definitely wasn't doing the angry customer thing.

I'll be honest, it earned GS some points with me.
[quote name='Azurken']So i ordered god of war 3 yesterday.... and who woulda known it but today it just decreased its price by $5. I emailed the [email protected] for them to cancel my shipment (since it just shipped a few moments before I found out; the system wouldnt let me cancel), or asked if they would transfer back 5 dollars back to my bank account...

what do you think guys, i did all i can now right? Geez.. I also used my $10 coupon too from that RDR special offer... I hope that will still work too if it gets cancelled...[/QUOTE]

life is short. not to devalue money, but yes, you've done all you can. move on.
So GameStop shouldn't be kind and refund $5 to the OP? Most stores let you do a price adjustment within 30 days, GameStop shouldn't be any different.

All it takes is a little effort on the OP's part or threatening to say they'll just return the package because it was defective which is more of a hassle for GameStop then to just refund $5.
I emailed them about charging me $4.18 tax online for a used game purchase using credit (which I know people have complained about). I sent them a short email saying that what they were doing was illegal and the CSR promptly shipped out a gift card for the amount, which I received yesterday.
[quote name='Azurken']So i ordered god of war 3 yesterday.... and who woulda known it but today it just decreased its price by $5. I emailed the [email protected] for them to cancel my shipment (since it just shipped a few moments before I found out; the system wouldnt let me cancel), or asked if they would transfer back 5 dollars back to my bank account...

what do you think guys, i did all i can now right? Geez.. I also used my $10 coupon too from that RDR special offer... I hope that will still work too if it gets cancelled...[/QUOTE]sucks to be you.:lol:
[quote name='DurbanBrown']Yeah sucks, but IN THE end Its only $5. Get over it and stop wasting your time. And mine damn it! Lol[/QUOTE]

wth? you came in here by your own will, you weren't obligated to comment, read, or even click this topic.
Yeah man, this thread kinda pissed me off. This site is pro-consumer, and pro-savings, and OP gets disrespected for asking a question that was simple and in-line with this. Simple question, do you think I can get a price adjustment at Gamestop for a price drop that happened within a reasonable amount of time after I ordered.

Answer: Ask nicely, it's worth it to them to keep you happy.

Result: Gamestop gave you the credit.

All simple and innocent enough. Perhaps it's because you phrased it the way you did, but I could not fault you for that. Yes man, I've made a fuss over a less amount of money. It's not the money, it's the principle.

I'm glad you received the credit, It seems Gamestop is making an effort to be friendlier recently.

[quote name='Azurken']wth? you came in here by your own will, you weren't obligated to comment, read, or even click this topic.[/QUOTE]
i wouldnt dwell on it. man i bought bayonetta for $55. yeah i know so there's no need to say anything :) but i also was able to work out a brand new 360 pro for $175 (thanks CAG: Amazon TIV > Target clearance, along with bonus credit for 360) so all in all im still ahead. and if youre a CAG you probably are too.
[quote name='gaypunk']Yeah man, this thread kinda pissed me off. This site is pro-consumer, and pro-savings, and OP gets disrespected for asking a question that was simple and in-line with this. Simple question, do you think I can get a price adjustment at Gamestop for a price drop that happened within a reasonable amount of time after I ordered.

Answer: Ask nicely, it's worth it to them to keep you happy.

Result: Gamestop gave you the credit.

All simple and innocent enough. Perhaps it's because you phrased it the way you did, but I could not fault you for that. Yes man, I've made a fuss over a less amount of money. It's not the money, it's the principle.

I'm glad you received the credit, It seems Gamestop is making an effort to be friendlier recently.[/QUOTE]

I actually didn't recieve it yet, and yeah I know the title may come as whiney but all in all, I never even stated I got screwed over by gamestop, it just felt like it. But I appreciate the support from CAGers who care about well you know saving.
I chased a dude down the hall for 5 bucks in high school. 5 dollars can buy you a used retro game, therefore 5 bucks goes a long way. Sometimes Gamestop will email you if they owe you any money or unused credit, maybe they will.
bread's done