Everybody Votes - New Channel for download

[quote name='rapsodist']I'm not even going to play this off like I'm not complaining -- I know I am. I just find this new channel to be wholly uninteresting to me. I would rather they spend their time fixing the Forecast Channel so that it at least gives me updates within the hour. After being so surprised by the great presentation, depth, and actual usefulness of the News Channel, the Everybody Votes Channel seems like a real let-down.[/quote]
The News Channel sucks, you can't even access the Globe without going through an article first.
[quote name='rapsodist']I'm not even going to play this off like I'm not complaining -- I know I am. I just find this new channel to be wholly uninteresting to me. I would rather they spend their time fixing the Forecast Channel so that it at least gives me updates within the hour. After being so surprised by the great presentation, depth, and actual usefulness of the News Channel, the Everybody Votes Channel seems like a real let-down.[/QUOTE]

i actually HAVE noticed an improvement to the forecast channel... maybe it's just me. it used to only update twice, maybe three times a day. starting last week, it's now about every 3 hours.

granted, that's not hourly like you said (that would be awesome), but i think they've been working on it. at least now it doesn't say that the sun is shining at 10pm.
[quote name='FFBlitzace']I demand 100 free Wii points each time I take time out of my day and answer a question![/quote]

That would be an awesome thing, if you complete every single poll for the week, you'll get 100 or 200 points or something like that.

Nintendo could ask basically whatever they wanted, and people would do it if it were that easy.
It's kinda cool nintendo can release something with out anyone knowing it's coming out. I wonder what else Nintendo has up it's sleave. At least nintendo didn't put a ton of hype behind it.

I saw my Wii was blue and I was WTF ? And I thought it was a cool way to waist 5 min voting. I can't wait to see how accurate I am quessing how the polls turn out. And for the record Cat > Dogs, no matter what a poll says.

And how long untill we see Pizza vs Tacos ? or Ninja's vs Pirates ?

I was tinkering with the Parental Controls. Lets you add a pin and require it for any downloading and what not, also restrict ratings on games. Nothing else new in the settings. You'd think the update would do more than just region setting since you already pick it for weather.
i think this channel could have a lot of potential in the future. im not positive, but i think its more blocks than the web browser, can anyone confirm this?
[quote name='iheartmetal']i think this channel could have a lot of potential in the future. im not positive, but i think its more blocks than the web browser, can anyone confirm this?[/QUOTE]

I can neither confirm nor deny this.
[quote name='snipegod']Did everyone do a Wii System Update before they downloaded the channel from the Wii Shop? Did anyone not do a Wii System Update and download the channel from the Wii Shop?

I ask because I update my system and then downloaded the channel, and now I'm wondering what the system update did. Did the system update update the Wii Shop to deliver the channel or what?[/QUOTE]
I downloaded the channel first from just seeing the thread and then when I tried to go into it, it said I needed an update first and it directed me to go to the system menu.
[quote name='rapsodist']I would rather they spend their time fixing the Forecast Channel so that it at least gives me updates within the hour. After being so surprised by the great presentation, depth, and actual usefulness of the News Channel, the Everybody Votes Channel seems like a real let-down.[/quote]

The updates for the Forecast Channel have nothing to do with Nintendo. It's weathernews that doesn't update the weather information in a timely fashion.

Nintendo does the software, weathernews does the content. Complain to weathernews, or complain to Nintendo and tell them to choose better content providers.

Also, this new channel has a really sweet interface. Though I'm a little annoyed that Nintendo is straying in different design directions. I was hoping that every channel would have the unified design of the main menu. What's grandma going to do when the interface she knows turns into... uhh... something she doesn't know. :/

Anyway, for free, its nice. I would never had paid points for it though.

[quote name='iheartmetal']i think this channel could have a lot of potential in the future. im not positive, but i think its more blocks than the web browser, can anyone confirm this?[/quote]

Everybody Votes Channel - 53 blocks
Internet Channel - 230 blocks

Internet Channel wins.
One interesting feature is that you can submit potential poll questions. Today I submitted "Which would you rather see on the Virtual Console?"

A. Final Fantasy VI
B. Earthbound
[quote name='chakan']One interesting feature is that you can submit potential poll questions. Today I submitted "Which would you rather see on the Virtual Console?"

A. Final Fantasy VI
B. Earthbound[/QUOTE]

Earthbound. ;)

Oh and only only 53 blocks for it? Mine was 100 and something. What gives?
[quote name='zatos']Earthbound. ;)

Oh and only only 53 blocks for it? Mine was 100 and something. What gives?[/quote]I don't know the exact number, but mine indicated I would have 1600-some blocks remaining after the 100-some block download, but after it was downloaded it said I had 1700-some blocks remaining.
[quote name='rapsodist']Don't forget that Nintendo is targeting non-gamers. Non-gamers don't have a preference for either Kraid or Ridley, but they sure would like to tell you whether they prefer vanilla or chocolate ice cream. Just look at all those pointless "About Me" forms that people add to their MySpace.[/QUOTE]

I think you've nailed it there. This isn't something necessarily for the "hardcore" gamer (although the RPGer in me found the statistics-keeping strangely intruiging). This is for the wider casual audience, that bunch that incessantly replies to every "everything about me" forward they get.

It's a fascinating stroke by Nintendo on several levels. One, it's another way to put Miis to use on the console, which is cool. Two, it was a complete surprise, which makes me wonder what other strange channels Nintendo is cooking up. Three, it is the sort of thing a whole family could get into.

I know some people said it was pointless... but, heck, a lot of people (myself included) thought the Nintendogs demo at E3 two years back was pointless too, and Nintendo made us eat crow. Ditto for the Brain Age games. Nintendo seems to have a better pulse on how to reach out to non-gamers better than hardcore gamers do.
Since the channel doesn't really update live, this is the one time I wish the data transfered through WiiConnect24 with the system off. I'd rather just set some votes without waiting between every answer.
To follow on what I said earlier, this makes me really excited.

Regardless of whatever is confirmed and rumored, I see a "Demo Channel" (Wii/VC/DS games) in the future. We all do. That's only somewhat fun. We all knew about the News, the Weather, and the Internet Browser.

Now as useless as this is (for now of course), getting surprises like this is very nice. It really does show that there's potential for some channel ideas and we still are only 3 months in on the systems life :)

Not that I don't want a Demo Channel, Music Channel..etc..I rather get some channels that NONE of us have talked about. We've all talked about the infamous Demo channel, and how they should also incorporate a Music channel. Again, if/when we get them.. it's only so much excitement.

I actually think I'd been more excited about the News/Weather/Internet channels if they just showed up one day :)
People are missing that you can SUBMIT YOUR OWN QUESTIONS.

Some sample questions-

Would you buy more games if registering every game gave you 100 virtual points.
Would you buy Terranigma if it was available on the VC right now
Should Nintendo add online high scores and other content to existing VC games
Should Nintendo make a Demo channel
Would you buy localized RPGs
Even if they came at a $1 to $2 premium
Could the Wii handle an Elder Scrolls game
What is the installed base of the Wii
Whatis the release date for Super Mario Galaxy
With Kid Icarus out now, how soon until Kid Icarus Wii
What about Panzer Dragoon Wii

And so on, somebody is reading these on the Nintendo end. And if they get 10,000 asking for game x to be released on the VC, I bet that game is moved into the VC discussion.
[quote name='vherub']People are missing that you can SUBMIT YOUR OWN QUESTIONS.

Some sample questions-

Would you buy more games if registering every game gave you 100 virtual points.
Would you buy Terranigma if it was available on the VC right now
Should Nintendo add online high scores and other content to existing VC games
Should Nintendo make a Demo channel
Would you buy localized RPGs
Even if they came at a $1 to $2 premium
Could the Wii handle an Elder Scrolls game
What is the installed base of the Wii
Whatis the release date for Super Mario Galaxy
With Kid Icarus out now, how soon until Kid Icarus Wii
What about Panzer Dragoon Wii

And so on, somebody is reading these on the Nintendo end. And if they get 10,000 asking for game x to be released on the VC, I bet that game is moved into the VC discussion.[/QUOTE]

I'm not sure if I'm even following you correctly.
But you seem to have put them as questions to ask Nintendo personally. It's supposed to be a poll, as in "this or that". Alot of people on these boards have been posting samples of a lot of "Yes or No" questions.

Who knows the type of questions that will tickle Nintendo enough for it to be put as an active poll, but to me, I just don't see many "Yes or No" polls.
Downloaded it; it's pretty cool.

Of course, I submitted a question to start out-and-out controversy on the channel. ;)

"Do you believe in a God or Supreme Being?"
[quote name='lilboo']I'm not sure if I'm even following you correctly.
But you seem to have put them as questions to ask Nintendo personally. It's supposed to be a poll, as in "this or that". Alot of people on these boards have been posting samples of a lot of "Yes or No" questions.

Who knows the type of questions that will tickle Nintendo enough for it to be put as an active poll, but to me, I just don't see many "Yes or No" polls.[/QUOTE]

True, it is supposed to be a poll. But you can write whatever you want. It doesn't even have to be a question, simply three different text fields you fill out. It demands a poll question as fiercely as this text space demands a poll.
Think of it as an easy way to email Nintendo, as a Wii owner, telling them what you want.
I think if enough people got together and asked specific "questions" about games, services, etc. Nintendo would take notice. Someone must be reading what is submitted.

It is not about getting your question in as the official nintendo poll question, it is about using your submission to tell Nintendo what you want, and if enough people say the same thing, companies tend to listen more raptly.
as long as they use it to help them determine what will be best for the system, i.e. what vc games to release, new features to add, ways to change things, multiplayer stuff, etc. Could be good.
Wow, this is rather disappointing. Unless Nintendo announces that they will use this specifically to give gamers what they want this is a waste of time and space on my Wii.

There are so many other things that they could have given us, that we actually wanted, but they give us this. It makes me wonder if they are even working on the important things, or working on more crap like this to give us.
Oh c'mon, how long do you honestly think it took them to put this together? You could have a functioning module like this done in a week, implemented within another, and then updated once a week.

We have no clue what this thing may or may not do. Shit. No one even knew about it. Whereas every rumor I've heard regarding Nintendo is about X game, Nintendo pulls this out of nowhere.

You've known about it less than 12 hours and have no clue what it may or may not evolve into. For all we known there could be an Animal Crossing MMOG coming, and it utilizes this module as a form of "town meeting," where you get to vote on things like "do we need a new North bridge?"

Christ people. I realize my suggestion is a long one, but so is every other shortsighted bitchfest going on.
Okay, what the fuck.

Woke up this morning to a blue glow. Sweet!

New update? Sweet!

Downloaded the update it told me I needed... and now I can't connect to the internet.

Error code 050420

What the fuck, Nintendo?
Have to agree with Strell. While this channel is about as useful as an asshole on my elbow, it can't have taken them long to make and I doubt they were sacrificing much time from other projects to put this out.

That said I wish they'd get their shit together and put out a channel people are actually clamoring for like the DS Demo channel. I just don't think the Vote channel was done at the expense of something like that.
[quote name='Scrubking']Wow, this is rather disappointing. Unless Nintendo announces that they will use this specifically to give gamers what they want this is a waste of time and space on my Wii.

There are so many other things that they could have given us, that we actually wanted, but they give us this. It makes me wonder if they are even working on the important things, or working on more crap like this to give us.[/quote]

Then just delete the channel and move on...pretty easy if you ask me.

I also like how several people are claiming that "Nintendo" is wasting time creating these channels that we "don't want" as if the entire corporation has been hard at work creating the Everyone Votes channel to the detriment of everything else.

Nintendo is giving us the choice to download and use these free channels. If you don't like them, that's cool, but stop claiming that they are wasting valuable resources when likely it was a team of a handful of guys doing the work.

EDIT: I swear I didn't read your post dmaul.
I think this is cute. I love the channels interface and having more stuff to fill it up with. I waste more time with the various channels than I do actually playing games on the system.
I like it.

It was unexpected, which is cool, and leads to me wonder what other surprises Nintendo may have in store.

I just want enough channels that there are no empty boxes on my first page of channels. =p
[quote name='sixersballernum3']Okay, what the fuck.

Woke up this morning to a blue glow. Sweet!

New update? Sweet!

Downloaded the update it told me I needed... and now I can't connect to the internet.

Error code 050420

What the fuck, Nintendo?[/QUOTE]

It killed my online as well. I got two different error codes. 220602 and 209576.

I ended up switching the DNS numbers to get the net working again.
[quote name='Lynsanity']It killed my online as well. I got two different error codes. 220602 and 209576.

I ended up switching the DNS numbers to get back the net working again.[/quote]

It seems after the update it switched out my wireless connection for a wired one that I no longer have to my main connection, so it was searching for a nonexistant connection.

I just deleted that and tested the wireless again and set it to main.

Haven't even tried out the channel yet. :lol:

But honestly, whatever it is, it's free, so thumbs up!
This is probably the least favorite of the free channels, but still fun to play around with. It will be interesting if there is a way to browse results from different states / regions to see the difference in responses.

News is a cool idea, but poorly implemented. The text is too hard to read.

Weather is awesome. I use this all the time. My son (he's 5) loves to just zoom out and view the globe and look around at different countries. Weather is by far the best.
I hate the weather as it's not current (at least 5 hours behind every time I've checked) and not accurate (had the temps here in DC at 19 and 18 the next 2 days this morning, when every other weather site/station has them in the 30s).

But all these channels are just useless novelties. Even if the weather was accurate and timely, it's too much of a hassle to flip the TV and receiver and system selector to the right inputs and turn the Wii on, hope the channel loads without a black screen forcing a reset etc. vs. just flipping to Weatherscan which has the current local weather 24/7.
The Everybody Votes Channel? I don't like it!


It's a great idea for giving people who live together (families, roommates, squatters) another silly Wii activity and to encourage people to keep turning on their Wii on a regular basis.
After downloading it I was probably a little to harsh right off the bat.

But Scobie, games should encourage people to turn on their wiis not this.
bread's done