eVGA GTS 250 1GB $112 Walmart.com

FYi this is the crappy downclocked version
# GTS 250 with 675 MHz core clock

Standard should be 743.

For reference this card is slower than my old 8800 GTS 512MB...................

esp for this price I would not recommend it, I've seen these go down to $50 commonly since they are so crappy.
[quote name='Zoglog']FYi this is the crappy downclocked version
# GTS 250 with 675 MHz core clock

Standard should be 743.

For reference this card is slower than my old 8800 GTS 512MB...................

esp for this price I would not recommend it, I've seen these go down to $50 commonly since they are so crappy.[/QUOTE]
According to Tom's Hardware this card is 3 "tiers" higher/faster than the 8800 GTS.

That doesn't take into account the underclock, but you could easily clock this back to normal factory speeds.
[quote name='Lawyers Guns N Money']According to Tom's Hardware this card is 3 "tiers" higher/faster than the 8800 GTS.

That doesn't take into account the underclock, but you could easily clock this back to normal factory speeds.[/QUOTE]

you do realize that chart only talks in general and is referring to the normal GTS 250.
Also the GTS 250 moniker is purely marketing.

the 8800 GTS 512MB/ 9800 GTX+ / GTS 250 are all the same exact chipset (G92)
Therefore the only performance differentiators are the clock speeds. And this one is clocked less than the 4+ year old 8800 GTS 512MB.......

And you can try to clock it back to normal factory speeds but it will probably become unstable. These card yields are separated into products based on yield production quality. That's the main reason why Nvidia started making so many variations of the same models "GTS/GT/GTX etc"

So what you're getting for these stock lower clocked cards are ones that won't be very good for OCing typically.
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My friend's got a 5770 and LOVES it. I'd personally wait since ATI's 6000 series is supposedly coming out this fall, which means all their others cards will drop in price.
Frys had 5770's for $129 AR right before July 4th. I was going to crossfire them but I figure the performance boost wasn't enough above my 9800 GTX+ SLIs

I think i'm going to wait for 5850's to drop in price and CF them.
Either way my current setup plays just about all games on highest settings on 1920x1080 anyway. Big exception is still Crysis. that game is a beast.........

Btw, even if these were GTS 250 1GB w/ the proper clock speed, this price is too high. (Tiger direct had 2 of them on sale for $103 AR for BOTH)
I have the MSI twin Frozer version of these "Green" GTS 250s that run at the 675mhz. Every game I have played on it at 1680 x 1050 widescreen is beautiful, Bad Company 2 runs with many options on max, Looks better than Current Gen Consoles... other specs I run quad amd and 8gig ddr2...

250s can sling some Compiz Fusion desktop in linux around like butter across 3 screens as well....

Granted like many have said anyway the 250s are getting "old" and the new Geforce 460 are coming to retail price under 200$, and so should not be long and 460s will be 150 area on NEWEGG.com etc....so to wait at this point might be best.?.?.?

Also seems SLI/crossfire really isn't totally worth it, everything I read basically boils down to get 2 150 cards and deal with configuration, power requirements etc... or get same/better performance from 1 slightly less than 300$ card... unless you can afford SLI/Crossfire the best TOP OF THE LINE most expensive cards
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