Explodemon! - PSN Platformer from Buzz! PSP's developers - February 8 - $9.99


36 (100%)

Explodemon! is a 2.5D action platform game with an explosive main character. Mixing classic platforming action – from classics such as Mario and MegaMan – with the refined contemporary gameplay of Halo and Half-Life 2, it brings old-school gameplay bang up to date. Coming from Curve’s deep-seated love of video game culture and history, Explodemon! is wrapped up as a loving homage to SNES-era Japanese action games.
Not much info, but the "homage to SNES-era Japanese action games" line comes through in the video.
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So it's like if Mega Man stole Iron Man's colors, and Viewtiful Joe's helmet. That is one godawful character portrait.
I really hate the character's design but the game looks at least interesting.

The explosion sounds like it was ripped directly from Source (sounds almost identical to the explosion sound used for the dynamite in Gmod).

Depending on the price I'll most likely get this.
[quote name='flybrione']Looks really cool. I love PSN exclusives. Each one I have bought has been great.[/quote]
It's not exclusive. It'll be on PC and WiiWare, as well.
[quote name='smiggity']Really? I thought the Buzz team was in bed with Sony?[/QUOTE]This is weird because I know Relentless Software makes Buzz! (I dunno if Sony owns them or not) on consoles, but I also thought they did PSP (it mentions that on IGN and GameFAQs). It could be one of those things where they outsource the PSP ones, but monitor them. Oh well, I honestly don't care, this game looks awesome.
This game is still alive and is supposed to come out later this year:
PlayStation 3 owners! Hide your treasured possessions and cover your pets in bubble wrap, because Explodemon! will be hitting PlayStation Network with a bang this Q4.

Explodemon! is a 2.5D platform action game brought kicking and screaming into the HD era. Influenced by classic Japanese games from the golden era of the SNES, players use Explodemon’s self-destructive nature to combat enemies and fly through the air, all the while solving a huge variety of physics-based puzzles (and, naturally, causing incalculable collateral damage).

When the peaceful planet of Nibia is attacked by the malicious Vortex forces, the fate of the star system is thrust into the one pair of hands it shouldn’t be: the malfunctioning Guardian robot Explodemon. His comic quest to repel the onslaught and restore peace will take him across three distinct planets over twelve levels, with new abilities and gameplay mechanics introduced throughout.

“We’re really excited to finally be able to reveal Explodemon! to the world,” explains design director Jonathan Biddle, from a blast-proof bunker somewhere below the surface of Nibia. “The game is chock full of gameplay nuggets carefully mined from the greatest titles ever to grace our joysticks. Whether you’re experiencing its intense combat, head-scratching puzzles, or classic platforming, you’ll find we’ve combined all of these elements into an addictive and elegantly balanced package.”

Explodemon! is unrelenting, hard-core brain-tickling action for those who grew up playing platformers, as well as those who’ll discover just how awesome they were.
It looks fun, but could they have been any more unoriginal? Dude looks like Iron Man, Mega Man, and a little touch of Ratchet balled into one. They couldn't have tried any other color scheme besides Yellow and Red? I'm betting a lot of reviewers will focus too much on that clone aspect.
I laughed to myself because when I read the title, I imagined the host of buzz in a mario type of game. I guess this is good, too.
[quote name='Maxim']
The explosion sounds like it was ripped directly from Source (sounds almost identical to the explosion sound used for the dynamite in Gmod).[/QUOTE]

It's no big surprise how many times have I heard the DooM door sound in other games and even TV shows and feature films.

Everyone uses the same set of library sounds so there is bound to be repeats, homages (or the Wilhelm scream)

That is heard in like thousands of movies over the years. So yeah, no shock to me anyway.
[quote name='jh6269']So how's the game?[/QUOTE]

I'll post my thoughts when I get around to playing it later tonight (took 12 hours for me to D/L it...:cry:) and see what I thought of it, hope it plays as nice as the gameplay trailer looked.
[quote name='uncle5555']I'll post my thoughts when I get around to playing it later tonight (took 12 hours for me to D/L it...:cry:) and see what I thought of it, hope it plays as nice as the gameplay trailer looked.[/QUOTE]

Thanks. I am kind of stuck between this game and Tales of Space: About a Blob.
I am interested in this game, as I wanted to play 'Splosion Man but don't ahve a 360. But I will be boycotting it due to the fact that they just blatantly ripped off Splosion Man. Splosion Man was even pitched to them, they turned down the right tp publish it, and came up with this.
[quote name='snowsquirrel']I am interested in this game, as I wanted to play 'Splosion Man but don't ahve a 360. But I will be boycotting it due to the fact that they just blatantly ripped off Splosion Man. Splosion Man was even pitched to them, they turned down the right tp publish it, and came up with this.
You're confusing this with another game, MaXplosion.

If anything it looks like MaXplosion and Explodemon are borrowing ideas from Splosion Man. Not like it matters anyway, every company does this. It's no shock.

Meanwhile.....in Russia
[quote name='jh6269']Thanks. I am kind of stuck between this game and Tales of Space: About a Blob.[/QUOTE]

Sorry for the delay. ;)

Ok, I played it yesterday afternoon to give my impression, I played the first 3 levels of world 1 and really liked what I got to play.

As far as I can tell right now you have two basic buttons to use jump and explode. After a few seconds if you don't use he power his auto-explodes (this will come into play further in than what I've played so far) When he starts out he has a very long charge up time (almost a 2 second recharge) before he can explode again but this is lessened as you go through the level by grabbing speed chargers, (each new level you start from scratch with these) and you'll be able to explode almost once a second.

His only power is to explode, no mega buster or anything like that and he uses that to jump higher (the sooner you explode when jumping he jumps higher for instance), run faster, blow up enemies, move blocks, blow up obstacles, he can wall-jump with a combination of exploding and grabbing onto walls, it's a bit tricky until you get the timing down.

When I finished playing he got a extra power up after defeating the first boss
to allow him to double jump
and I assume more of them are on the way. The reason I mention this is because as you go through the levels there are these hidden items you must collect that increase something (I've forgotten what it was now :lol: ) but some of them you can see but cannot reach, well that is until you start getting these new powers. So be prepared for extra trips to old levels for exploration when you get a new power and expect to revisit the same place a few times. I didn't note whether or not the hidden items you collected the first time are still collected or not or if you have to get them all in one go, I'll check this out if you're interested.

I should mention before I forget at the end of each level you get to visit a power up shop to power up Explodemon for extra powers, such as armor, more explosion power, the ability to not blow up so quickly automatically, etc. You get money for this by collecting little items enemies and boxes drop during he levels, its a nice little touch instead of having to find items to power up you can customize him as needed. Also there looks to be extra planets to explore during the game (each world, I assume has 4 levels in it) so depending on how many worlds are in the game it should take a bit of time to explore and completely find everything in the game. Also while killing enemies and inside some boxes there is orange explode energy that doubles for his life bar, when he gets maximum energy he explodes in a large radius around him, when it's low, it is a very small area around him blows up. One cool element is when you explode very closely to an enemy the game slows down allowing you to pinpoint exactly where you want to land/blow up, this is nice to be able to swoop in and not take damage from leaping into combat like that.

As far as Explodemon himself, he speaks in a off-kilter manner like a super law enforcing robot, who's literally missing a few screws, think messed up pig latin ,the games tone is definitely tongue in cheek, as demonstrated by the opening cutscene. As you go through levels you can (or not if you choose) talk to people for hints or for a small conversations. So that aspect of the game is nice to expand upon the story if you care too or just run around blowing stuff up. The gfx are nice in a megaman kind of way, the opening levels are blue and greenish and the enemies are sometimes hard to see with the backgrounds, that just means you have to be more careful when running around. The music is techo orientated, nothing that has stuck out to me, but also nothing that has made me want to mute the TV either. (even though the game has the loud intro music we all despise on the XMB)

After playing it I liked it, it's a nice little action platformer / puzzler game. The only frustrating bit I encountered was not being able to get all of the hidden items in one go, but as I said after you see you need more power ups he doesn't possess yet, you'll understand why. I think it's worth the money if you like this kind of game or if Megaman X wasn't a game you liked a lot then this might be a game to wait for on sale.

If I were to rate it I'd give it a 7.5 or 8 out of 10, not superb, but a lot better than average.

If you're still not sure watch some gameplay videos and see if that persuades you anymore, hope this was somewhat helpful to have a hands on, overview of what the game is like. :)
Bought this yesterday and got around to playing a few levels today. It's really nothing like Splosion Man, as the only similarity is that the main character explodes but they're in very different games. Explodemon is slower-paced and less of a platformer as you generally enter rooms, take out the enemies, solve a puzzle, or blow up the door to get to the next room and so on.

I only wish that there weren't platforms that prevented you from backtracking when there are two possible paths, one side room and one progressing to the next area.

Edit: Add the ability to mess up a side puzzle for that run of the level to the issues I've had.
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[quote name='GTmaster39']Thanks for the review![/QUOTE]

You're quite welcome. ;)

[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Bought this yesterday and got around to playing a few levels today. It's really nothing like Splosion Man, as the only similarity is that the main character explodes but they're in very different games. Explodemon is slower-paced and less of a platformer as you generally enter rooms, take out the enemies, solve a puzzle, or blow up the door to get to the next room and so on.

I only wish that there weren't platforms that prevented you from backtracking when there are two possible paths, one side room and one progressing to the next area.

Edit: Add the ability to mess up a side puzzle for that run of the level to the issues I've had.[/QUOTE]

I don't like having to second guess which way to go, when as you mention they block you off and you can't go back, so level design could have been a bit tighter, but I guess that's what they were aiming for.

Yeah that's what I alluded to above, I had the same issue in another level when I blew some stuff up screwing up by moving a metal box I needed to reach a platform above and no (easy) way to get the box back where it belonged, so yeah I can see some of the collectables being a pain to get because of that. (guess they're aiming at the hardcore segment to see who's nuts enough to have to collect EVERYTHING...:lol: )
bread's done