Eye Witness testimony about Bombs in WTC 7 on 9/11

I don't know who Level1 is, but I'll assume he was an informed person, based on my observation of your reaction to my threads so far.

So, you don't want to hear the video testimony of a man who was trapped inside of WTC7 for about 4 -5 hours on 9/11?
[quote name='BuckFush187']I don't know who Level1 is, but I'll assume he was an informed person, based on my observation of your reaction to my threads so far.

So, you don't want to hear the video testimony of a man who was trapped inside of WTC7 for about 4 -5 hours on 9/11?[/QUOTE]

been there, dont that, bought the tshirt, next.

these 911 threads already exist. go bump an old thread.
I don't get it? This is Brand new news. This is a government worker who is saying that there were bombs in the building. This is not news to you?
I'm half way through watching this.

It's interesting, but ultimately kind of useless, since he recanted a lot of it later.

Edit: For those that give a shit, and are short on time, fast forward to 13:00

I've researched WTC7 enough to believe that it's very possible it was brought down with demolitions. But that doesn't necessarily corroborate a conspiracy theory. Knowing all of the sensitive alphabet agencies that were there, it would not surprise me if that building has always been prewired for demolition in the case of sensetive information being compromised.
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[quote name='VanillaGorilla']Heh, I get it, BuckFush. It's like John Cena and "Ruck Fules". Cool.[/quote]

It is creative ain't it.
[quote name='thrustbucket']I'm half way through watching this.

It's interesting, but ultimately kind of useless, since he recanted a lot of it later.

Edit: For those that give a shit, and are short on time, fast forward to 13:00

I've researched WTC7 enough to believe that it's very possible it was brought down with demolitions. But that doesn't necessarily corroborate a conspiracy theory. Knowing all of the sensitive alphabet agencies that were there, it would not surprise me if that building has always been prewired for demolition in the case of sensetive information being compromised.[/quote]

there is no doubt that it's Controlled Demolition. it's been 7 years and n.i.s.t. still "Can't" figure out how it was brought down. It's all scientifically proven. www.ae911truth.org

But then what do you say to operation able danger?
to the war games?
to the lack of a real investigation?
to the lies that were spewed by this administration?

Everyone on the planet knows that there is no real terrorist threat. Everyone on the planet knows that the only terrorists on the earth right now are the american and israeli governments.

I mean this government is so corrupt that they are using the same exact excuse they used to invade iraq to invade iran. It's a joke to them, becuase the american people are so willfully ignorant.
Yep, and I saw the devil in the smoke when the nukes were going off in the building!

No one gives a fuck, move on.

And the interviewer is a joke, the interview is a joke, the whole thing is a joke, and you are a joke.
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[quote name='bigdaddy']Yep, and I saw the devil in the smoke when the nukes were going off in the building!

No one gives a fuck, move on.

And the interviewer is a joke, the interview is a joke, the whole thing is a joke, and you are a joke.[/quote]

Perfect Example of a Blind sheep.

I appreciate the response, I'll be making a copy of your well thought out response and using it for research. There have been many advances in knowledge about the Sheeples brain. A very sensitive species.
[quote name='BuckFush187']

Everyone on the planet knows that there is no real terrorist threat. Everyone on the planet knows that the only terrorists on the earth right now are the american and israeli governments. [/quote]
Oh. You're one of those guys.

Isn't it a bit contradictory to be espousing that the American public are blind willing sheep in one paragraph, only to say "everyone on the planet knows" in another?

I mean this government is so corrupt that they are using the same exact excuse they used to invade iraq to invade iran. It's a joke to them, becuase the american people are so willfully ignorant.

Now I'm known to pay more heed to conspiracy theory more than the average joe. But you, friend, are making me and level1online look like normal hook-line-and-sinker types. (Although it's highly possible you are level1online's joke account)

I've read tons of the 911 theory stuff, with an open mind. And I accept that what we are told is not the truth. I accept that what happened is likely different than what we are told happened. I have even had personal correspondence with Professor Steven Jones on the matter. I know all about his evidence for Thermite etc. However, I still do not find the evidence terribly convincing that it was an "inside job" - as sold to us by the loose change types.

The evidence for the 911 story being full of holes is good, but I'm sorry, as soon as the 911 conspiracy people like you start trying to point fingers about "what really happened" and "who was behind it", their arguments fall apart.
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[quote name='BuckFush187']I don't know who Level1 is, but I'll assume he was an informed person, based on my observation of your reaction to my threads so far. [/quote]


Why yes and I hear this fellow Hex- I mean, er, uh Xeh is just a swell guy, he's really just an upstanding human being. Not to mention, he's a sexy mofo and just brilliant to boot.
[quote name='thrustbucket']Oh. You're one of those guys.

Isn't it a bit contradictory to be espousing that the American public are blind willing sheep in one paragraph, only to say "everyone on the planet knows" in another?

Now I'm known to pay more heed to conspiracy theory more than the average joe. But you, friend, are making me and level1online look like normal hook-line-and-sinker types. (Although it's highly possible you are level1online's joke account)

I've read tons of the 911 theory stuff, with an open mind. And I accept that what we are told is not the truth. I accept that what happened is likely different than what we are told happened. I have even had personal correspondence with Professor Steven Jones on the matter. I know all about his evidence for Thermite etc. However, I still do not find the evidence terribly convincing that it was an "inside job" - as sold to us by the loose change types.

The evidence for the 911 story being full of holes is good, but I'm sorry, as soon as the 911 conspiracy people like you start trying to point fingers about "what really happened" and "who was behind it", their arguments fall apart.[/quote]

who do you think did it based on your research?
The "logic" you are using to say 9/11 was an inside job is the same "logic" that the Bush administration used to say there were WMDs in Iraq.
9/11 was an inside job and then what?


Start a war?

Cheat on your taxes?

Steal directly from the government?

Leave the country?

Ignore the "truth" and live a sheeples' life?
[quote name='BuckFush187']who do you think did it based on your research?[/QUOTE]

I don't know. I just know that I haven't heard an alternative theory about "who" that was more convincing than the official story, even if the official story is full of holes.
WHOA!!! WHOA!!! Hold on, knuckleheads.

First of all, its great to see another 9/11 Truther in this forum. Welcome, to the VS. forum BuckFush. In this forum, the most resistance you'll get is from the typical castrated, hyper-cynical, yuppie liberal. They are all awake to the crimes of Bush & Co. but still trapped in that Left/Right Paradigm in thinking that Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton & the Dems will save them this November.

THERE ARE NO NEO-CON LOVERS HERE. well, with the exception of BigDaddy. Typical retard, here he says "No one gives a fuck, move on." to the subject of 9/11 and in another thread about Iran says "Who cares? Just nuke the whole fucking area and call it a day." He says this, while at the same time sporting a quote of MLK jr in his sig..... so yeah...

Some here do like Ron Paul, but since "no one else is voting for him" they never saw the point of throwing support his way.... (sheep herd mentality)

Only person who seems to have their head screwed on straight is Thurstbucket. But it's a shame, he now suspects that BuckFush is a joke account when it's clearly visible it's been in exitence since 2006. Why would I maintain a joke account for 2 years???? C'mon Thurst, who's the conspiracy theorist now? lol

Lastly, there is a new documentary out. It's called The 9/11 Chronicles: Truth Rising. It's mostly about the 9/11 First Responders, and Truth Activism.

Here's the trailer:

and here's the whole thing:


[quote name='thrustbucket']I don't know. I just know that I haven't heard an alternative theory about "who" that was more convincing than the official story, even if the official story is full of holes.[/quote]

You want a name?

Try this one: Jerome Hauer


Day one of 9/11 this guy was on TV using all the same talking points that Popular Mechanics, Fox News, BBC are using now. Yes, he was already saying terms like "intense heat that weakend the structure" and "fingerprints of somebody like Bin Laden" before any proper investigations were even carried out.




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[quote name='thrustbucket']I don't know. I just know that I haven't heard an alternative theory about "who" that was more convincing than the official story, even if the official story is full of holes.[/quote]

You want a name?

Try this one: Jerome Hauer


Day one of 9/11 this guy was on TV using all the same talking points that Popular Mechanics, Fox News, BBC are using now. Yes, he was already saying terms like "intense heat that weakend the structure" and "fingerprints of somebody like Bin Laden" before any proper investigations were even carried out.




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[quote name='level1online']WHOA!!! WHOA!!! Hold on, nuckleheads.

First of all, its great to see another 9/11 Truther in this forum. Welcome, to the VS. forum BuckFush. In this forum, the most resistance you'll get is from the typical castrated, hyper-cynical, yuppie liberal. They are all awake to the crimes of Bush & Co. but still trapped in that Left/Right Paradigm in thinking that Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton & the Dems will save them this November.

thanx man. Just trying spread some knowledge since most people don't even know that a 3rd building fell on 9.11.

Yea, I saw Truth Rising Day one on its release. Awesome film. Very motivating.
[quote name='BuckFush187']Just trying spread some knowledge since most people don't even know that a 3rd building fell on 9.11.

i think everyone in this forum knows that.
[quote name='BuckFush187']thanx man. Just trying spread some knowledge since most people don't even know that a 3rd building fell on 9.11.

I had a fun time talking to my brother-in-law, an airline pilot, about 9/11.

He was rolling his eyes until I asked him ala Jesse Ventura, "How do you bring down three buildings with two planes?"

He tried arguing the debris from the first two falling buildings damaged WTC 7 bad enough to cause a collapse.

After I laughed at him for a minute while he cycled through more preposterous theories, I held up my hand to stop him from further embarrassing himself.

I have no great quarrel with 9/11 "truthers". I would like to see the community would bend towards model recreations of the events instead of obsessing about interviews and old footage. I would also like to see the community bend towards the appropriate response.

The 9/11 truth movement appears to an outsider like me more concerned about proving a point than taking any sort of action.

Let's try an example:

You're playing blackjack in a casino. You have 21. The house has 20. Regardless of those facts, the dealer collects your money as though you had lost. What do you do?

A.) Argue with the dealer over the rest of the dealer's shift.
B.) Tackle the dealer and punch him until the casino's bruisers relocate you.
C.) Appeal to the pit boss to review the tape.
D.) Leave the casino.
E.) Get a gun and hunt down the casino's employees and owners one by one.
[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']9/11 was an inside job and then what?


Start a war?

Cheat on your taxes?

Steal directly from the government?

Leave the country?

Ignore the "truth" and live a sheeples' life?[/QUOTE]

6.) ???
7.) Profit?
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[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']I had a fun time talking to my brother-in-law, an airline pilot, about 9/11.[/quote]

Next time you talk to your pilot-in-law, please send him to this link

[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']9/11 was an inside job and then what?


Start a war?[/quote]

The war has already begun. It began long since before you were born, it's called the information war. I engage in it nearly everyday with "know-it-all" yuppies.

[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']
Cheat on your taxes?[/quote]

Have you seen America: Freedom to Fascism & The Money Masters ?

[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']
Steal directly from the government?[/quote]

As opposed to becoming self-sufficient? The gov't actually wants you to suckle off their teet. How else would they be able to maintain obedient enforcers and propaganda artists?

[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']
Leave the country?[/quote]

There is no escaping a tyranny as technologically advanced as the one in this country. Eventually it will catch up to you.

[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']
Ignore the "truth" and live a sheeples' life?[/quote]

So the only thing left to do is resist. You do that by waking up your peers, weening yourself off the credit system, eating healthy organic foods, keeping your children out of the jail system, don't buy the narcotics the gov't ships in, canceling your satellite and cable TV, stop buying the propaganda filled newspapers.


but its still cool to be a cheapassgamer :D
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I like how the conspiracy theories have changed over the years; first the planes had bombs in them and were flown by CIA agents, then the bombs were planted on the appropriate floors after the planes hit (as if guys were able to run up all the floors, plant the bombs and get out in the 42 minutes in between impact and collapse), then they were planted two weeks before (meaning somehow the planes were guided into the correct floors, even though you couldn't see the individual floors from the outside of the WTC) and now the topper, THE BUILDINGS WERE ALWAYS RIGGED. You guys get loonier and loonier every time you come up with more, "CONCRETE EVIDENCE."

Where do the reptilains fall in all this?
[quote name='Cheese']I like how the conspiracy theories have changed over the years; first the planes had bombs in them and were flown by CIA agents, then the bombs were planted on the appropriate floors after the planes hit (as if guys were able to run up all the floors, plant the bombs and get out in the 42 minutes in between impact and collapse), then they were planted two weeks before (meaning somehow the planes were guided into the correct floors, even though you couldn't see the individual floors from the outside of the WTC) and now the topper, THE BUILDINGS WERE ALWAYS RIGGED. You guys get loonier and loonier every time you come up with more, "CONCRETE EVIDENCE."

Where do the reptilains fall in all this?[/quote]

What in the world are you talking about? You're using a rehashed straw man argument.

Cheese, do you even realize you're using a straw man argument?
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Level1, do you realize that filling in unanswered questions about 9/11 with MAGIC CONSPIRACY BEANS, defeats your own truth-seeking goal?

The WTC collapse is the most researched engineering failure of the 20th century, every single legit study has come up with the same general story. From insurance researchers, independent contractors, multiple university studies, to several government investigations, to your average schmoe on the street. To claim that EVERYONE ON THE PLANET IS LYING to cover up a gov't plot isn't searching for the truth, it's paranoia. One of the best things about the Bush administration is they haven't been able to keep very much secret, due in large part to their own ineptitude. To believe that anyone in the administration was A) clever enough to think of this, B) Capable of organizing the tremendous amount of resources required - all in secret mind you, and C) stop anyone involved from ever saying anything about it ever; is a fantasy straight from Grimm.

The people you blame for this aren't capable of it. + Every time a legit answer comes around to explain or question part of 'the REAL story'; that story changes. + Scientifically disproved by multiple sources. + leading proponents are in the conspiracy bizz. = Huge pile of wasted time.

Building 7 collapsed because a 10 story chunk of the North Tower fell 400 feet and landed on top of it, crippling it's structural integrity and smashing it's open atrium design. After several hours of fire and failing supports, it fell. End of story. The building wasn't prewired during it's construction, that's just bizarre, and would involve EVEN MORE people who have to have kept their mouths shut since 1987.

I recently read one theory that said WTC7 was brought down to cover up a banking scandal. Yes, to cover up a banking scandal (one supposedly more damaging then IndyMac or Fannie May or Bear Stearns) someone planned flying planes into WTC 1&2 in hopes that WTC7 would be damaged, then some out-on-bail CFO's of huge corporations would run headlong into the area, set up several tons of high explosives and bring the building down, destroying all the evidence.


Sorry dude, but Truthers are no more reliable then moon landing deniers, and deserve to be treated as such, as lunatics.

Seriously, where were the reptilians in all this? Did they plant the bombs? Did Bush41 and the Clintons fly the planes themselves?
[quote name='Cheese']Level1, do you realize that filling in unanswered questions about 9/11 with MAGIC CONSPIRACY BEANS, defeats your own truth-seeking goal?

The WTC collapse is the most researched engineering failure of the 20th century, every single legit study has come up with the same general story. From insurance researchers, independent contractors, multiple university studies, to several government investigations, to your average schmoe on the street. To claim that EVERYONE ON THE PLANET IS LYING to cover up a gov't plot isn't searching for the truth, it's paranoia. One of the best things about the Bush administration is they haven't been able to keep very much secret, due in large part to their own ineptitude. To believe that anyone in the administration was A) clever enough to think of this, B) Capable of organizing the tremendous amount of resources required - all in secret mind you, and C) stop anyone involved from ever saying anything about it ever; is a fantasy straight from Grimm. [/quote]

Even if 911 was an inside job, that doesn't mean Bush knew about it or had anything to do with it. That's where I depart from truthers. They want so badly to say it was planned and carried out by some secret cabal with Bush, but the evidence for that is shit.

The government is so compartmentalized, especially intelligence and military, that it's very possible for very very big things to happen by our government without 98% of the government even knowing about it.

The people you blame for this aren't capable of it.
Which is why I would agree with this statement.

Building 7 collapsed because a 10 story chunk of the North Tower fell 400 feet and landed on top of it, crippling it's structural integrity and smashing it's open atrium design. After several hours of fire and failing supports, it fell. End of story. The building wasn't prewired during it's construction, that's just bizarre, and would involve EVEN MORE people who have to have kept their mouths shut since 1987.

It is still the first building to completely collapse due to fire. Ever. That is something to raise an eyebrow at. The structure being compromised by a chunk stuff is a little reaching to.

It's also worth pointing out that, from what I understand, the 911 commission didn't even cover building 7. Much less research has been done on it comparatively.

I recently read one theory that said WTC7 was brought down to cover up a banking scandal. Yes, to cover up a banking scandal (one supposedly more damaging then IndyMac or Fannie May or Bear Stearns) someone planned flying planes into WTC 1&2 in hopes that WTC7 would be damaged, then some out-on-bail CFO's of huge corporations would run headlong into the area, set up several tons of high explosives and bring the building down, destroying all the evidence.
Yeah. Who knows why it was brought down, or how. I admit that it's collapse is rather suspicious. But I won't try and fling weird ideas out there as to why.

I do find it very unscientific for the truthers to wrap their theories in motive and suspects, that's where they diverge into silly territory. I wish they would just stick with the facts that are suspicious about various events.

Seriously, where were the reptilians in all this? Did they plant the bombs? Did Bush41 and the Clintons fly the planes themselves?

It depends on wich reptilians you are talking about. The one's commonly seen in the base under Dulce likely don't give a shit. ;)
[quote name='Cheese']I like how the conspiracy theories have changed over the years; first the planes had bombs in them and were flown by CIA agents, then the bombs were planted on the appropriate floors after the planes hit (as if guys were able to run up all the floors, plant the bombs and get out in the 42 minutes in between impact and collapse), then they were planted two weeks before (meaning somehow the planes were guided into the correct floors, even though you couldn't see the individual floors from the outside of the WTC) and now the topper, THE BUILDINGS WERE ALWAYS RIGGED. You guys get loonier and loonier every time you come up with more, "CONCRETE EVIDENCE."

Where do the reptilains fall in all this?[/quote]

It's the same with the moon landing, we never left orbit was the first one, then we did, but the astronauts died and we had to fake it. Then others said we went to the moon to talk to the aliens and for some reason made it there but faked it anyways.

This is how you know the bullshit is real smelly. :)
[quote name='level1online']
So the only thing left to do is resist. [/quote]

Hurray! We're getting to something.

[quote name='level1online']You do that by waking up your peers, [/quote]

No. I have no peers and I like that. Also, dumb people are very useful.

[quote name='level1online']weening yourself off the credit system, [/quote]

Gee, that sounds like Dave Ramsey or any conversation with a financial planner. I doubt anybody's goal is a mortgage at 72.

[quote name='level1online']eating healthy organic foods, [/quote]

That's going to happen sooner or later. The price of transporting foods from the Third World to the local supermarket will slowly become more than the cost of locally grown food. Beyond that, scrubbing off an apple and draining grease from hamburger puts it closer to "organic" levels.

[quote name='level1online']keeping your children out of the jail system, [/quote]

I hadn't seen the "take your daughter to prison day" memo yet. Are there people advocating sticking kids in the penal system or pushing them into a life of crime?

[quote name='level1online']don't buy the narcotics the gov't ships in, [/quote]

Uh? Huh? Are you talking about the cocaine sold on the streets or the prescription drugs sold through countless advertisements on TV? I figured out a long time ago my happiness won't be found on the other side of a rolled up 20 dollar bill or inside a bottle of pills. That's just common sense.

[quote name='level1online']canceling your satellite and cable TV,[/quote]

My employer provides it to me for free. Bunny ears won't work next year. Also, even disinformation helps one keep tabs on the owners of America.

[quote name='level1online']stop buying the propaganda filled newspapers.

The Internet has already killed the newspaper industry.


Well, that was disappointing. If I understand this correctly, resistance is having a solid financial plan, eating healthy, raising your kids into law abiding citizens, using medicine for real medical problems and ignoring the outside world.

Well, 4 out of 5 isn't bad.
[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']

Well, that was disappointing. If I understand this correctly, resistance is having a solid financial plan, eating healthy, raising your kids into law abiding citizens, using medicine for real medical problems and ignoring the outside world.

Well, 4 out of 5 isn't bad.[/quote]

No, I'm not advocating you to ignore the outside world. I just mean, that the Internet is a much better source of staying connected than Cable/Satellite TV. There is still freedom on the net.
[quote name='level1online']No, I'm not advocating you to ignore the outside world. I just mean, that the Internet is a much better source of staying connected than Cable/Satellite TV. There is still freedom on the net.[/quote]

Well, that's better.

Any thoughts on the wireless broadcast areas going up for auction after analog TV goes kaput?

It could be the opportunity the gubmint was looking for to take over the Internet.
[quote name='thrustbucket']Even if 911 was an inside job, that doesn't mean Bush knew about it or had anything to do with it. [/quote]

First they think Bush is one of the stupidest humans alive, yet they think he can mastermind a conspiracy of this magnintude. Yeah, that seems to be logical.
[quote name='Cheese']Level1, do you realize that filling in unanswered questions about 9/11 with MAGIC CONSPIRACY BEANS, defeats your own truth-seeking goal? [/quote]

Yeah, I actually used to do that. That's one of the biggest mistakes of films like Loose Change, 2nd edition. They actually attempted to fill in the blanks, and solve the crime, like a who-dunnit murder mystery.

They later (Dylan Avery, Korey Rowe, & Jason Bermas) admitted it in interviews that their film was not 100% accurate. But the fact stills remains: The "official" story of what the gov't told the people is not correct.

If you take a look at their third film Loose Change - Final Cut, you'll see a huge difference. For that film they consulted physicists, scientists, and other experts. Mostly people you'd find on: http://www.ae911truth.org/

So, this crock of shit you're spewing that "every single legit study has come up with the same general story" is an outright lie.

Man, first you use a straw man tactic, then you lie, and then you name call.... and I'm still able to take it like a man because I want to win you over to our side. The side of FREEDOM, TRUTH, and KNOWLEDGE.

Have a nice day! :D
A new book called, "The Truth about September 11th" claims to present evidence that the destruction of the World Trade Center was not the work of terrorists, but was in fact perpetrated by the US government.
[quote name='elprincipe']Crab people, sheeple! Crab people. Think about it.[/QUOTE]

Aw, man - now this 360 fanboy noise is coming to the vs forum, and two years too late!

Oh, wait. That was giant enemy crabs.
[quote name='mykevermin']Aw, man - now this 360 fanboy noise is coming to the vs forum, and two years too late!

Oh, wait. That was giant enemy crabs.[/QUOTE]

Nah, it's from South Park...I don't even have a 360 anyway.
[quote name='mykevermin']Aw, man - now this 360 fanboy noise is coming to the vs forum, and two years too late!

Oh, wait. That was giant enemy crabs.[/QUOTE]
I think you guys are both right.

bread's done