Fable II - Gen Discussion & Info

Will the OP update the title of this when a patch comes out fixing the game ending bugs/glitches? That is when I'll consider buying it.
[quote name='SynGamer']Are you crazy? The dog was a great (dare i say fresh) aspect of the game. How many times do we just aimlessly run around in games? At least the dog gave us something to do and was fun to have around.[/QUOTE]

I think you misread what he was trying to say. Since I'm in the same boat as him, I agree totally.
Wooooooooooo Hoooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry, but I am really ecstatic because I just fixed the abbot glitch! OH YEAH!

I found this guy's fix on gamefaqs and it worked. Thank god, I haven't been able to play this game since the week it came out which is about a month ago.

Abbot glitch fix that worked for me: http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/genmessage.php?board=927246&topic=46621112
[quote name='SynGamer']Are you crazy? The dog was a great (dare i say fresh) aspect of the game. How many times do we just aimlessly run around in games? At least the dog gave us something to do and was fun to have around.[/QUOTE]

he's talking about the end game decision, i believe
[quote name='KingBroly']I'll buy it if
it gives me another dog. Seriously, worst game design choice ever.

Totally agree.
I don't think this game is short at all. I've only got the first two heroes and I think I've put in 15 hours. Is there a way to check?
[quote name='SoulReaver']I don't think this game is short at all. I've only got the first two heroes and I think I've put in 15 hours. Is there a way to check?[/quote]
GO into your log (logbook?) under settings i believe and the game time is displayed in seconds (seriously, what the fuck?!). I've put about 21 hours into the game (beat it)...i still have about a handful of quests to do so i can see about 25 hours total which is an improvement over the first game but PM needs to stop hyping his games.
And there you have it: 1000/1000, I'm done and shipping the game back to Syn, who was fucking awesome to let me borrow it. Good friend.

So yeah....that game was a complete disappointment in the end. I spend all that time going through mediocre combat, killing anything in a single hit with Level 5 Inferno, and all I get in the end is a final boss fight that makes Halo 3's final boss fight look like an epic battle?!

Seriously, Peter Molyneux can fuck off. Yahtzee summed it up properly: "You can, but why would you want to?" Oh right, achievements.

Oh well, I gave Lady Grey one for the road before saving for the last time.

You could send me the 4 dolls I need for Dollcatcher, Hotshot :) You know, if you wanted to. I still need to sacrifice 10 people, shoot 3 people with one shot and then hitch along for the ride when someone gets Hoarder and Completionist.

I don't mean to be offensive, but you haters have no taste. That's probably what people would say about if I panned Gears 2, though, which I probably would if I played it. :)

Or not. I like to think I'm capable of appreciating many things.

I just don't get the disappointment with Fable 2. What were you guys expecting?

Oh well. Whatever. Not like ya paid any money for the game, so I don't suppose it matters in the end how satisfied you were.
[quote name='Jesse_Dylan']I don't mean to be offensive, but you haters have no taste. That's probably what people would say about if I panned Gears 2, though, which I probably would if I played it. :)

Or not. I like to think I'm capable of appreciating many things.

I just don't get the disappointment with Fable 2. What were you guys expecting?

Oh well. Whatever. Not like ya paid any money for the game, so I don't suppose it matters in the end how satisfied you were.[/quote]

I think the disappointment is not determined by whether someone has a lack of taste, but rather whether someone feels that they are getting the time/money worth that they have put into the game.

For 14 hours worth of gameplay I'd say Fable II is enjoyable as a book, not an "Action-RPG". For any amount of money above $15 I'd say I was ripped off and did not get my money's worth.

Fable II has the same kind of flaw that Harvest Moon has, in that for a game that bases its gameplay over a prolonged period of in-game time, it provides far too many resources in the beginning that with a short amount of hard work, you can essentially play the remainder of the game as a "God".

In Harvest Moon, this flaw came from taking care of cows in buildings where time stopped, building up enough gold by selling milk and maximizing profit such that by the end of the 1st month, you can spend the remaining 2.5 years of gametime wandering around town doing nothing and talking with people.

In Fable II, this flaw came from the renting and magic systems. Very early on in the game I was already making 3,000 every 5 minutes, had a Master Longsword and Level 5 Inferno, and at that point I was invincible shortly before finding Hammer.

Ironically, Fable II did away with the epic final boss fight in place of shitting on all the hard work we did in their little sandbox world, choosing to rather bring back the most obscure piece of the storyline (i.e. the music box) as the game's ultimate weapon and in turn, rendering you useless (oh, but I guess you being the only one who can "open" the music box counts for something). But the difficulty curve of the game would've allowed me to run through it with little upgrading at all.

Don't get me wrong, Fable II has an awesome and entertaining storyline, but that's it. I watch movies and anime for storylines, I play games for storylines and entertaining and challenging interaction, and Fable II did not deliver that.

[quote name='HotShotX']I think the disappointment is not determined by whether someone has a lack of taste, but rather whether someone feels that they are getting the time/money worth that they have put into the game.

For 14 hours worth of gameplay I'd say Fable II is enjoyable as a book, not an "Action-RPG". For any amount of money above $15 I'd say I was ripped off and did not get my money's worth.

Fable II has the same kind of flaw that Harvest Moon has, in that for a game that bases its gameplay over a prolonged period of in-game time, it provides far too many resources in the beginning that with a short amount of hard work, you can essentially play the remainder of the game as a "God".

In Harvest Moon, this flaw came from taking care of cows in buildings where time stopped, building up enough gold by selling milk and maximizing profit such that by the end of the 1st month, you can spend the remaining 2.5 years of gametime wandering around town doing nothing and talking with people.

In Fable II, this flaw came from the renting and magic systems. Very early on in the game I was already making 3,000 every 5 minutes, had a Master Longsword and Level 5 Inferno, and at that point I was invincible shortly before finding Hammer.

Ironically, Fable II did away with the epic final boss fight in place of shitting on all the hard work we did in their little sandbox world, choosing to rather bring back the most obscure piece of the storyline (i.e. the music box) as the game's ultimate weapon and in turn, rendering you useless (oh, but I guess you being the only one who can "open" the music box counts for something). But the difficulty curve of the game would've allowed me to run through it with little upgrading at all.

Don't get me wrong, Fable II has an awesome and entertaining storyline, but that's it. I watch movies and anime for storylines, I play games for storylines and entertaining and challenging interaction, and Fable II did not deliver that.


I don't know why I find it so hard to accept that you don't like the game. :) But I feel like if you focus on the issues with money and the magic system, you're missing the point. Similarly, it really is about the experience, not about the challenge (because, I agree, there isn't much).

But then again, I don't play games for the challenge; I play them for the experience, and if they're hard, I get frustrated and give up. (It seems like every time a new Grand Theft Auto game comes out, I get extremely pissed and write angry rants--somewhere--about how it needs an easy mode.)
I really liked the game. I liked playing around in it, exploring, although I didn't explore all of it. I'm still playing around in it a bit, but I feel a bit ripped off by the game's ending. It seemed slapped together, and ended in the most obscure and confusing fashion available (and depending on what you chose) feeling unsatisfied.

I picked the save everyone path in the end, and it's quite possibly the worst ending in the game, because everyone's bugging you like crazy, following you wherever you go. It's annoying. If I stuck with pure evil, at least I wouldn't have to listen to their whining. And the fact that I don't have a dog (worst design choice ever to lose it) because you can't fully explore the world after beating it, then. You can't do everything.

What's the point of an RPG if at some point the game tells you 'oh yeah, you screwed up 5 hours ago, and you can't do anything about it. Start again!' I'm sorry, no. I like the idea of playing a game my way, but I should still be able to do everything with what the game gives me, including the dog. But since you can lose it (again, a poor, poor choice by Molyneux) there's not much point to playing through everything again (including the XBLA game if I wanted the Completionist Achievement)
[quote name='Jesse_Dylan']I don't know why I find it so hard to accept that you don't like the game. :) But I feel like if you focus on the issues with money and the magic system, you're missing the point. Similarly, it really is about the experience, not about the challenge (because, I agree, there isn't much).

But then again, I don't play games for the challenge; I play them for the experience, and if they're hard, I get frustrated and give up. (It seems like every time a new Grand Theft Auto game comes out, I get extremely pissed and write angry rants--somewhere--about how it needs an easy mode.)[/quote]

That's the thing though, without the money (which is very easy to get) and combat/magic system (which is far too easy), all you've paid for is a 14 hour walk in the woods with a cutscene every now and then.

There's also a co-op glitch to get infinite experience, as long as you've leveled up at least once. Pretty effective, too. So you could pretty much max everything in 20 minutes after getting one thing powered up.
[quote name='HotShotX']
Seriously, Peter Molyneux can fuck off. Yahtzee summed it up properly: "You can, but why would you want to?" Oh right, achievements.


I normally don't even seriously pay attention to Yahtzee reviews since they are just fun things to listen to but I disagree with a lot of what he is saying. Not this time, he really, really nailed it.

[quote name='HotShotX']
For 14 hours worth of gameplay I'd say Fable II is enjoyable as a book, not an "Action-RPG". For any amount of money above $15 I'd say I was ripped off and did not get my money's worth.

Fable II has the same kind of flaw that Harvest Moon has, in that for a game that bases its gameplay over a prolonged period of in-game time, it provides far too many resources in the beginning that with a short amount of hard work, you can essentially play the remainder of the game as a "God".

In Harvest Moon, this flaw came from taking care of cows in buildings where time stopped, building up enough gold by selling milk and maximizing profit such that by the end of the 1st month, you can spend the remaining 2.5 years of gametime wandering around town doing nothing and talking with people.

In Fable II, this flaw came from the renting and magic systems. Very early on in the game I was already making 3,000 every 5 minutes, had a Master Longsword and Level 5 Inferno, and at that point I was invincible shortly before finding Hammer.


This is really it to me, I started the game spending just a little time wood chopping to make money to buy a sword, bought some property after that . All good so far, but then I started getting so much money that it didn't make sense. Why is the reward for doing quests money when i'm getting money for just standing there? Not to mention that just insane choice of having rent accumulate when you aren't even playing the game. It broke the quest system because after that there was very little point to doing a lot of the stuff to get a reward I didn't need in the slightest.

But I can live with that to some degree, go get married and have fun right? Marriage and family didn't amount to much, gave the wife money, she gave me sex. Had a kid, kid didn't like me, wanted gifts. Gave them one of the dozen items I got for those quests I didn't care about and all is good in the world. Fable II was not rushed, there was no excuse for such a shallow system. Why couldn't I train my kid or hell even wife to fight? Drag the kid along for some Father daughter bonding time killing things? Give her a puppy even?

There are just tons of other things but the gist is Peter Molyneux had no excuse this time around, he had all the tools to make a game that the first Fable was supposed to be before it was neutered and instead took some big steps back in gameplay that easily break the game. The argument that well you're supposed to just sit back and enjoy the world doesn't hold up, peasant villagers constantly praising or cursing me but doing little else just isn't exciting.
Once I am married, how do I get my wife to stop following me? I used the follow command to have her follow me to the house I bought. Now I can't get her to stop following me. I tried dismiss but it didn't do anything. Thanks.
[quote name='schuerm26']Once I am married, how do I get my wife to stop following me? I used the follow command to have her follow me to the house I bought. Now I can't get her to stop following me. I tried dismiss but it didn't do anything. Thanks.[/quote]

Backhand her. She'll run off.

My problems with the game were

  • Long load times. I've spent 2-3 hours sinply going from load screen to load screen early on (until i finally unlocked each location)
  • Weak combat. Why chain together an attack when it so much easier (and cool) to use Shock level 5? Combine that with a Master gun and you're pretty much invincible...but wait, buy a few resurrection potions and you have no penalty at all.
  • Weak story. Without giving anything away, the story was less than impressive.
  • Spam. Honestly, you think they would have learned with the first game that spamming expressions while funny at first, becomes extremely annoying. It goes against what they want us to do; make decisions. If i want a wife, i'll spam her dancing, flirting, etc until the bar fills, give her a gift, then a ring, and i'm done.
  • The Boss fight was a joke. Like i told HotShotX, when the final sequence played out, i literally said aloud "that's it?!" I couldn't believe Lionhead actually thought this was a proper boss fight considering Lucien is this powerful guy all throughout the game...
  • The Economy. Is horrid. God only knows how much gold i'll get when i get the game back but at a little over 14,000 every 5 minutes when i last played, i'm looking at easily 10's of millions of gold.
  • But worst of all, i never once felt like i was a hero or deserved the attention. I went on some quests, did some things, but everything was so easy that it felt more like training than anything else. I looked at my character and aside from some glowing on my face (will user) i simply looked older than i did when i started the game. You would think that as a will user (75% of my attacks were will powers) i would look a bit...slimmer, yet i was freaking built like an oxen and yeah, just poor design and gameplay choices all around.
At least in other action RPG games you feel some sense of accomplishment...but not in Fable II. It's a fun game. As you're playing you keep telling yourself "it'll get better" or "the final fight will be epic"...and as a sum of its parts the game is indeed fun. But then when you beat it (and discover the final fight is anything but epic)...i just felt like i wasted 20+ hours.
[quote name='KingBroly']I'll buy it if
it gives me another dog. Seriously, worst game design choice ever.

you shoulda picked Family.
Since I beat the game last night, I'll chime in.

The game can be short if you bust right through it. If you do that, the story will suck, the game will feel shallow, and I wouldn't be surprised if you were disapointed.

But, if you spend time with the game, do the extra side missions, buy up real estate....do all that stuff, then the game is remarkably rewarding. I probably put in around 35 to 40 hours in all and I had a great time. The ending was disapointing. The story and execution towards the end just sucked. But, your decision still made me feel like "hey, I get to choose something significant here!" which I liked.

At the end of the day, I never laughed like I did playing this game. I never felt as much emotion as I did when I played this game. It was really good and worth every second of play time.

I am disapointed about the 'after the main quest' stuff. I wanted more side missions post-Luciens defeat. Plus, I have that glitch where my wife disappears and I can't finalize the retribution quest because that stupid ho won't show up. If I see her, I'm just gonna shoot her because I want to sell the house we're in for the "sell a prop for 2 or 3 times what you paid" cheevement. She never gave me a child, so I went and got remarried after this one disappeared. That second wife (and child) are the ones I consider family.
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Yeah even though
Sacrifice is the obvious choice they want you to go for, I can't play Fable II without my dog. >:^O
Also, why doesn't the dog age? If they wanted to be truthful about it, the dog in Fable II near the end would look something like that dog from American Dad.
[quote name='KingBroly']Also, why doesn't the dog age? If they wanted to be truthful about it, the dog in Fable II near the end would look something like that dog from American Dad.[/QUOTE]

I was thinking the exact same thing by the end, I mean the dog was pratically grown when you first see it as a kid, about 20 years go by and that thing is still kicking strong :lol:
I agree that the ending sucked. I had a lot of fun with the game but i thought it was too easy. Raise Dead + Zoom = Win against anything. I ended up beating the game without dying, and the final boss was a total letdown.
Spoiler Country.....

You can't even call that a boss battle, it was an interactive cinema at best. Also, why was Theresa kinda bitchy at the end? Skank used me for her own purposes!

........End spoilers
I sent my 360 in for repair couple weeks ago and it will be back soon. Wonder if my cash will keep adding up? If so I'll be like the Bill Gates of Albion.
[quote name='TC']I sent my 360 in for repair couple weeks ago and it will be back soon. Wonder if my cash will keep adding up? If so I'll be like the Bill Gates of Albion.[/quote]
Cash does indeed add up. When i get my copy of Fable II back on Tuesday i'll take a picture of how much gold i get after about 2.5 weeks. I was making 14,000 every 5 minutes before...i should have quite a bit when i log back in.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']Spoiler Country.....

Also, why was Theresa kinda bitchy at the end? Skank used me for her own purposes!

........End spoilers[/quote]

I feel a expansion a la Lost Chapters coming along with Theresa turning evil.

Anyone know how the game turns out if you choose Love or Wealth? I chose sacrifice and really regret it
So I was prepping my Japanese account for the Resident Evil 5 Demo next week and I saw some Fable 2 DLC.

It is like 900 and something Mb's and its free.

Anyone know what it is? I downloaded it but I do not know if it is compatible with the NTSC version of the game. Tried it out and nothing new that I can see.
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Anyone want to sell me this game if they are done with it? I used up about a week of my pass at Blockbuster on this and I would like to just get it now. PM me if you want to.
Well, I've tried to graze over this thread without catching any spoilers...and now that its going to be 40 bucks, I'm wondering...even the folks that found the ending or the overall experience disappointing...would you have been less disappointed with length or ending if you'd only paid 40 for it?

I'm willing to wait until its even cheaper, but ever since finishing Fallout 3 (and picking up Left4Dead, which is much less about an overarching experience), I've been craving something deep to get into.
[quote name='Arkay Firestar']Well, I've tried to graze over this thread without catching any spoilers...and now that its going to be 40 bucks, I'm wondering...even the folks that found the ending or the overall experience disappointing...would you have been less disappointed with length or ending if you'd only paid 40 for it?

I'm willing to wait until its even cheaper, but ever since finishing Fallout 3 (and picking up Left4Dead, which is much less about an overarching experience), I've been craving something deep to get into.[/quote]
Personally, i've gotten about 21 hours out of it so far, but the final "battle" dropped this game from an 8.5 to a 7 for me. All that work for nothing really. A lot of hype, like usual from PM. I would have been fine with the ending and such had i paid $25 or so. Thankfully i only paid $39.
[quote name='SynGamer']Personally, i've gotten about 21 hours out of it so far, but the final "battle" dropped this game from an 8.5 to a 7 for me. All that work for nothing really. A lot of hype, like usual from PM. I would have been fine with the ending and such had i paid $25 or so. Thankfully i only paid $39.[/QUOTE]

Me personally, I played and finished the original Fable. I found it to be shallow, linear, and not as deep as it tried to pretend it was, but I think its significant that I finished it because I really finish very few games. I didn't even realize I had reached the end of the game until I'd defeated the end boss, and then some terrible transition marked the beginning of the lost chapters (played on PC with extra content already integrated) so I was certainly disappointed by the end, but overall I guess the gameplay and story and style had me interested enough to finish it. Would you say that in most respects its an improvement over the original? I'm tempted to pick it up if doesn't take any steps back from the original, and I can live with a lame ending, having already been well conditioned from the first game in the series. I just would actually like to feel like areas of depth that were really quite shallow in Fable 1—influencing people, buying property, relationships with NPCs, etc—to be, to some degree, deeper (or more satisfying).

If you think it was overall undeniably an improvement over 1, and has new features that make it deeper than 1, then I probably will stay up till midnight and snag a copy for 40.
Along the same lines, I bought Fallout 3, CoD:WaW and a couple other games from Amazon's BF deal and I doubt I will be able to get through all of them during my pathetic 3-week winter break. Is this worth picking this up now for $40 and worth playing over those other games, or is the price going to tank further and would I be better off waiting several months?
[quote name='Darklighter']Along the same lines, I bought Fallout 3, CoD:WaW and a couple other games from Amazon's BF deal and I doubt I will be able to get through all of them during my pathetic 3-week winter break. Is this worth picking this up now for $40 and worth playing over those other games, or is the price going to tank further and would I be better off waiting several months?[/QUOTE]

If you like RPGs like Fallout 3 (long, open-ended, Oblivion-esque [but better]) kiss at least 30 hours goodbye. That's how it was for me. And I finish very few games, so that should tell you that it had some power over me. In fact, I hardly followed the game up till release out of skepticism, and was still impressed. Maybe that's the best way to avoid disappointment, actually. Same goes for Fable 2, I stopped paying attention after the first dog video reveal at an E3 prior.
[quote name='Persona7']So I was prepping my Japanese account for the Resident Evil 5 Demo next week and I saw some Fable 2 DLC.

It is like 900 and something Mb's and its free.

Anyone know what it is? I downloaded it but I do not know if it is compatible with the NTSC version of the game. Tried it out and nothing new that I can see.[/quote]

I'm guessing it's a language pack. Canada has an english language pack on XBLM that's 900+mb and also free.
[quote name='bs000']I'm guessing it's a language pack. Canada has an english language pack on XBLM that's 900+mb and also free.[/QUOTE]

Yes its the English language pack. strange that it wasn't taken down after people found out downloading it Unlocked the LE content.
I was wondering if some kind sole would help me get some co-op achievements. I haven't even tried co-op out yet but I'm assuming some easy ones are
Co-op Expression
Co-op Attack
and give a gift to a friend

If anyone could help me get these and maybe some other quick ones I didn't mention that would be awesome. I could do it still tonight or anytime tomorrow. Just reply in here or send a friend request to Frankysox. Thanks
[quote name='FrankySox']I was wondering if some kind sole would help me get some co-op achievements. I haven't even tried co-op out yet but I'm assuming some easy ones are
Co-op Expression
Co-op Attack

If you have a second controller you can do those in local co-op. It's alot easier that way because you can press and release the buttons on both controllers at the same time rather than trying to time it with someone over Live.
bread's done