Fable Review at GameSpot. Lower than IGN and TeamXbox.

A lot of people bought the system for this game (or so I have heard people say). Just goes to show you should never buy systems for games coming out in the future. Still good reviews though, just not the game of games as it was hyped
[quote name='msdmoney']A lot of people bought the system for this game (or so I have heard people say). Just goes to show you should never buy systems for games coming out in the future. Still good reviews though, just not the game of games as it was hyped[/quote]Even if it got a 9.3 like at IGN, it still wouldn't have lived up to what it was supposed to be. This was supposed to be a mind blowing game that has now been watered down abit. You're right, though, an 8.6 is nothing to sneeze about. It looks like it will be a great game that will be considered one of the best on Xbox if it is around the 9/10 range.
I think this game has a very good shot at bombing. It seems all the reviews are over inflating it a bit. It has a short and unremarkable story mode, lots of key features cut or scaled back dramatically and it really isn't even an rpg anymore according to the reviews. I think a lot of people are going to be very dissapointed with it. I think it still looks fun as a sort of medieval Animal Crossing, but I doubt many people are going to buy it with that attitude.
I think it's funny that people didn't realize Fable had turned to shit (that is to say, branched off from the original idea) - oh- at least a year ago.

Even I was interested years ago.
It still should be pretty cool, even if they did have to cut features. Did people actually expect them to be able to keep everything? Sometimes, you have to be realistic.
[quote name='trustcompany1013']dont forget...AOL Games gave it a 8.6 out of 10 lol[/quote]

That's funny

AOL Games is just gamespot in disguise.

im gonna Rent it

and if plays like Morrowind (bleh hate that game) then i wont buy it
Im not supprised by the 8.6. The scores are pretty good, but it does look like they increased the scores if you read the reviews. I still play on buying, and I just hope it turns out to be as good as we are lead to believe by the scores.
It just makes me wonder how the game scores would've turned out if they hadn't been so open about the game being "the greatest RPG of all time" in the first place.
I didn't realize it was going to be so short. The review says it only takes about 20-30 hours to beat including a bunch of sidequests. That's kind of disappointing I would have liked something a bit longer,
[quote name='zionoverfire']I didn't realize it was going to be so short. The review says it only takes about 20-30 hours to beat including a bunch of sidequests. That's kind of disappointing I would have liked something a bit longer,[/quote]

Not only that, but the reviewer says there is really no incentive to play through the game again. This seems strange considering replayability was supposed to be the game's strong point.

I was all about this game at first, but I think I'm going to wait to pick it up.
I had been saying ever since this game was announced to not believe the ridiculous amount hype it would probably get and that it is a Peter Molyneux game, afterall. .

Am I still bitter about Black & White?.. Yes. ;)
Gamespot gives slighty lower scores than IGN about 60-70% of the time, although recently that trend has been a bit off. An 8.6 is a very good score taking into account gamespot's scale. I actually believe if the game wasn't so hyped it would be much more successful critically, though perhaps not commercially, so I guess MS and team had to weigh the two.
I honestly didn't expect this game to be very good from the outset. I never really followed it, nor had any interest in it, and I am a big RPG fan. I don't doubt that this game is good, but I doubt it has any elements of greatness. Anything done by Peter Molyneux is always way overhyped, and I've never understood it. The original Populous was a lot of fun back in the day. Dungeon Keeper was fun too, but in general all of his games are interesting conceptually, but get boring after a couple of hours and are supported by lackluster and unspectacular gameplay. 20-30 hours these days with little to no replay value is only acceptable supported by outstanding gameplay and storyline for those 20-30 hours. The battle system looks run of the mill for any 3rd person adventure games. Experience/Leveling up tree looks average. Graphics look good but not great. The concept looks fun but not carried through well enough. Will a lot of people buy this game? Absolutely. Does it deserve to be considered anything more than an average RPG? No. Neither the story, gameplay, battle system, or graphics interest me enough to spend more than 20 on it. After Black and White, Peter Molyneux's creative vision can only hold you for the first couple of hours, and after that adjustment you're generally left with an otherwise bland game.
[quote name='maxflight']

where did you preorder it for $30??[/quote]

Probably the EB trade in special for it from a while back.
How amusing, it gets an 8.6 and some of you immediatly talk as though the game were complete rubbish. 8.6 is solid, and considering gamespot gave the score despite how harsh they normally grade means now I know it is worth getting.
[quote name='coolsteel']How amusing, it gets an 8.6 and some of you immediatly talk as though the game were complete rubbish. 8.6 is solid, and considering gamespot gave the score despite how harsh they normally grade means now I know it is worth getting.[/quote]

I don't think the game is rubbish. I just think the description of the game from the review makes the game sound really boring imho.
Gamespot just rates Xbox game slower than the general public. No incentive to replay again? Now that's just stupid. On eof the major points is that you can be good or evil and that there are different reactions to each alignment. Also, you may want to play as a mage one time and as a warrior the next. Using the reviewers logic, KoTOR had no replay either.
[quote name='Stryffe2004']Gamespot just rates Xbox game slower than the general public. No incentive to replay again? Now that's just stupid. On eof the major points is that you can be good or evil and that there are different reactions to each alignment. Also, you may want to play as a mage one time and as a warrior the next. Using the reviewers logic, KoTOR had no replay either.[/quote]

Agreed, but assuming the reviewer was accurate it seems that playing a pure class is pretty pointless/difficult, meaning you'd likely be playing a hybrid every time through anyway.
I still think this game is gonna rock. Is it gonna be the best RPG ever, probably not. But come on what is Molyneux supposed to say? "We're gonna make a decent RPG, but nothing you haven't seen before." He has to sell it, it's his job. Jeez people, understand the theory behind advertising.
Im really looking forward to this game no matter what the reviews.Im more of an action based player so taking out alot of the rpgs stuff does not bother me. and being that school is starting up 20-30 hours is plenty for a game where you can play dark or light side with different character builds.Dont always believe reviewers everyone has there own game they like. Im sure a lot of people will like this game just not as many as previously expected
[quote name='coolsteel']How amusing, it gets an 8.6 and some of you immediatly talk as though the game were complete rubbish. 8.6 is solid, and considering gamespot gave the score despite how harsh they normally grade means now I know it is worth getting.[/quote]

If you reference my statement, don't misunderstand me.
I appreciate reviews like these because they cut through BS advertising and marketing, and give consumers a realistic picture for what they are buying. For CAGs, we want to know what the game is really worth before committing to it with our cash.
There is also a range for deception (or positive promotion, if you prefer) that everyone expects with advertising, but this game seems to have gone beyond that range so much that many are disappointed with the final result.
It's like promoting a fully-stacked convertible sports car, then actually coming out with upgraded options and a hard top. Is it still a smokin car? Hell yeah! But is it what we expected?
But don't get me wrong - I preordered and I'm going to have fun playing it, because it's still going to be a smokin game.
To answer that one guy's question earlier, it was preordered from outpost.com for $30.99, but I think that deal is over now.
Hmm... there are a lot of games that have recently gotten cheaper that I still want to play. I really want to play Fable, but it'll have to wait a bit.

Oh, and I tend to agree with IGN more than Gamespot, but that's me.
XBN gave Fable a 9/10. I read the whole review and at the end they were saying how it wasn't as good as they expected. Still, another good score and the game still sounds very good.
[quote name='sj41']XBN gave Fable a 9/10. I read the whole review and at the end they were saying how it wasn't as good as they expected. Still, another good score and the game still sounds very good.[/quote]

I too read this article and they poo-poo'd a few things. From reading the article you'd think they'd give it an 8.

I'm one to be very thurough when playing games like this, never leave a stone unturned. KOTOR took me near 60hr to complete and I imagine Fable will be no different.

Some articles off of the Xbox.com fable site state that even after the main quest is finished, you can continue playing till you're blue in the face, the world of fable continues on - and I think that's cool.

I think there'll be plenty of replay here.

I can't wait to get my copy...4 days and counting!
I am getting and playing this game no matter what. It has been to long on the making for me to not get it and play the hell out of it ASAP. Of course I loved Morrowind on X-box and Everquest on PS2 and there are people who hated both. You cannot please everyone but some of us are easy to please.
[quote name='mcwilliams132'][quote name='sj41']XBN gave Fable a 9/10. I read the whole review and at the end they were saying how it wasn't as good as they expected. Still, another good score and the game still sounds very good.[/quote]

I too read this article and they poo-poo'd a few things. From reading the article you'd think they'd give it an 8.

I'm one to be very thurough when playing games like this, never leave a stone unturned. KOTOR took me near 60hr to complete and I imagine Fable will be no different.

Some articles off of the Xbox.com fable site state that even after the main quest is finished, you can continue playing till you're blue in the face, the world of fable continues on - and I think that's cool.

I think there'll be plenty of replay here.

I can't wait to get my copy...4 days and counting![/quote]

I thought the same thing.. XBN's review didn't seem to add up to a 9.0/10 to me. But who knows till you play it.

And as far as that being replay value.. how fun was FF:TA after you finished the storyline? I can't imaging I'll play more than an hour or so after the end of the story.
[quote name='Smell']AOL Games is just gamespot in disguise.

im gonna Rent it

and if plays like Morrowind (bleh hate that game) then i wont buy it[/quote]

I concur.
7.5, 8.0, and 9.0 from EGM. I want to read the review by the one who gave it a 7.5. Average score is going down.
[quote name='sj41']7.5, 8.0, and 9.0 from EGM. I want to read the review by the one who gave it a 7.5. Average score is going down.[/quote]
I also want to read the 7.5 EGM review.
[quote name='Kaijufan'][quote name='sj41']7.5, 8.0, and 9.0 from EGM. I want to read the review by the one who gave it a 7.5. Average score is going down.[/quote]
I also want to read the 7.5 EGM review.[/quote]

Someone type it up! :wink:
[quote name='Kaijufan'][quote name='sj41']7.5, 8.0, and 9.0 from EGM. I want to read the review by the one who gave it a 7.5. Average score is going down.[/quote]
I also want to read the 7.5 EGM review.[/quote]

Someone type it up! [-o
The problem seems to be that most people equate "length" of a game with "value" of a game. I'd much rather have a 12 hour game that I can't stop playing than a 60 hour game artificially inflated with random battles to make the game long, yet incredibly boring. If that argument doesn't hold water, than it's difficult to explain away beloved games like Jak and Daxter which only take about 10 hours to get 100% on.
[quote name='Repairman Jack']The problem seems to be that most people equate "length" of a game with "value" of a game. I'd much rather have a 12 hour game that I can't stop playing than a 60 hour game artificially inflated with random battles to make the game long, yet incredibly boring. If that argument doesn't hold water, than it's difficult to explain away beloved games like Jak and Daxter which only take about 10 hours to get 100% on.[/quote]I don't even like really long games. When I play KotOR, I go nuts, knowing this game will take over 40 hours to beat. However when I play Prince of Persia, knowing it's a short game that I will be able to beat makes me want to play it. If Fable is about 10 hours, I would have no problem with it. Shorter games for the most part, are much better for me. :)

I don't have the review of it but ryosnk already has the scores and might have the entire magazine. I should get EGM in about a week.
You know, the reviews are only one person's opinion...

In the end, it's your opinion of the game that's most important. If you like it, good for you. If not...well, that's what you deserve for trusting reviews over your own gut feeling. If you're unsure about it, rent it and give it a try.

I can't be the only one that thinks that way...can I?

Yes, the game was overly ambitious. Because of that, we won't get everything that was promised. That doesn't mean it's a bad game, though. Besides...20-30 hours isn't "short." "Short" would be Max Payne 2.

The Walrus is grumpy today...
[quote name='Pylis']Gothic_Walrus hit the nail on the head, I think.[/quote]No he didn't. He killed my thread is what he did. :wink: I really love this game. It's alot of fun to play and it is something that I will want to put alot of time into. :) I'm very happy that I bought it. :D See. Very Happy smiley.
bread's done