Fallout 3 CE $17.99 GameStop In Store "Used" YMMV?

Not sure if this has been posted

Walked into a GS yesterday and picked up a couple of sealed Fallout 3 CEs for 17.99(PS3 and 360).

They were marked as USED(but were still factory sealed) so I got 10% off also.

Glad I missed out on the Sears deals all those asshole resellers got to!:D
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YMMV as it requires your GS to actually have used CEs. But if they do, they'll be the same SKU as vanilla Fallout 3. Happens eventually with everything that's got CEs.
[quote name='StripesOrBars']
Glad I missed out on the Sears deals all those asshole resellers got to!:D[/QUOTE]

Wait, so you get mad at the resellers for hoarding but then you admit to picking up several copies? ;)
[quote name='Survivalism']YMMV as it requires your GS to actually have used CEs. But if they do, they'll be the same SKU as vanilla Fallout 3. Happens eventually with everything that's got CEs.[/QUOTE]

Partially true.

This happens immediately with 99% of all CEs. When GS takes games in as trades they can only be looked up by the actual game, what edition doesn't matter. As such that is how they are sold. There are some rare exceptions like Bad Company Gold Edition, but for the most part used CE are sold for the same price as the used normal edition.
He said they were sealed, so they wouldn't have been trade-ins. Basically, to make room for newer product and to recycle SKU's in the computer, Gamestop will every few months or so take some new games and convert them to used. That's how you'll see used CE's that are still sealed because eventually GS realizes that something is not going to sell at the new price that a particular item has been at for a long time, and rather than drop the price of the new, they convert it to a "used" game in inventory. Doesn't happen very often.
[quote name='Chardyll']He said they were sealed, so they wouldn't have been trade-ins. Basically, to make room for newer product and to recycle SKU's in the computer, Gamestop will every few months or so take some new games and convert them to used. That's how you'll see used CE's that are still sealed because eventually GS realizes that something is not going to sell at the new price that a particular item has been at for a long time, and rather than drop the price of the new, they convert it to a "used" game in inventory. Doesn't happen very often.[/QUOTE]
yeah, thats basically what the GS guy told me.

they had a couple street fighter 4 CEs sealed also(which had a bunch of GS stickers like the FO3s).

not sure the price on them(as i didnt care).

[quote name='Rozz']Wait, so you get mad at the resellers for hoarding but then you admit to picking up several copies? ;)[/QUOTE]

i picked up one for 360 and one for PS3.

each for my collection.
Called local gamestop a week back and they had a copy of the Ce "NEW" for 29.99.
This interest me to call them back and find out if theres a new price (if there is i'l be glad i procasinated to picking it up, since i wanted to play this before getting into new vegas)
[quote name='Leafitachi']Called local gamestop a week back and they had a copy of the Ce "NEW" for 29.99.
This interest me to call them back and find out if theres a new price (if there is i'l be glad i procasinated to picking it up, since i wanted to play this before getting into new vegas)[/QUOTE]

Yeah, don't be in a rush for new vegas...by the time you finish fallout 3 (although you might want to spring for the DLC broken steel, which changes the ending of Fallout 3 and ups the level cap from 20 to 30), they might have patched new vegas to such a degree that it is actually playable.....Fallout 3 had some issues, but New Vegas was released effectively broken.
[quote name='Saix_XIII']Partially true.

This happens immediately with 99% of all CEs. When GS takes games in as trades they can only be looked up by the actual game, what edition doesn't matter. As such that is how they are sold. There are some rare exceptions like Bad Company Gold Edition, but for the most part used CE are sold for the same price as the used normal edition.[/QUOTE]

Well the difference is Bad Company Gold Edition isn't a CE, it's a gold edition. It's a different SKU, so it has its own price and trade-in value. Take something like Resident Evil 5; you'll notice you can't search for the RE5 CE on the website, but if you have one in the store it's the same SKU as the regular version and so they're the same price. In fact, it also has a gold edition as well, which is a different SKU, so it's a different product.
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[quote name='StripesOrBars']Not sure if this has been posted

Walked into a GS yesterday and picked up a couple of sealed Fallout 3 CEs for 17.99(PS3 and 360).

They were marked as USED(but were still factory sealed) so I got 10% off also.

Glad I missed out on the Sears deals all those asshole resellers got to!:D[/QUOTE]

Why did you pick up more then one copy? If I may ask. I agree with the Sear deal that was around here a couple of weeks ago, I've been trying to find one for the longest time just to have stupid asshole buying more then one copy.
[quote name='BargainGamer']Why did you pick up more then one copy? If I may ask. I agree with the Sear deal that was around here a couple of weeks ago, I've been trying to find one for the longest time just to have stupid asshole buying more then one copy.[/QUOTE]

He already said that he bought one for each system - something that I don't consider excessive. Unless he lives in the same town as you, which is not very likely, he didn't cost you a chance at getting the game. It's not like they're CarMax and will ship the fucking game to wherever you are, ya know?
[quote name='BargainGamer']Why did you pick up more then one copy? If I may ask. I agree with the Sear deal that was around here a couple of weeks ago, I've been trying to find one for the longest time just to have stupid asshole buying more then one copy.[/QUOTE]

(i bought one copy for ps3 and one for 360, for my collection)


i missed out because of people like scarhawk and Rozz.

now im happy those "assholes" got to them before me.
[quote name='speedracer']Is it playable at this point? All I hear is about how broken Fallout is.[/QUOTE]

I haven't had any issues with vanilla FO3 on PS3. I have read numerous complaints that getting the GOTY version or buying DLC will add game-breaking bugs.

I experienced serious (hardware-destroying) bugs with the PC version, which has prompted me to boycott New Vegas, as from what I've read, Obsidian basically polished the turd that was the original FO3 engine to make that game and it still has most of the same issues.
Played both xbox 360 and pc vanilla fallout 3 with all added dlc content both to 1550 Gamerscore and the worst bug I ran into was falling through the roof in the PIT (common bug). I had freezing on both (more often on PC of course) occasionally.

Both are very playable. I don't have a PS3, but heard the GOTY edition is problematic.

Worst issue I have experienced so far in New Vegas is my gun at ready position perspective in first person either shifting around on the screen (graphic appears low/high) or the gun ready position graphic disappearing entirely.
[quote name='warreni']I haven't had any issues with vanilla FO3 on PS3. I have read numerous complaints that getting the GOTY version or buying DLC will add game-breaking bugs.

I experienced serious (hardware-destroying) bugs with the PC version, which has prompted me to boycott New Vegas, as from what I've read, Obsidian basically polished the turd that was the original FO3 engine to make that game and it still has most of the same issues.[/QUOTE]

This is essentially correct, GOTY PS3 is borked, but the original and even with downloaded DLC it's fine. Regardless I've managed 100 play hours on the X360 edition with all the DLC and I haven't hit a single bug - I think the reports are greatly exaggerated. I actually ran into the most bugs on the PC version.
Good eye, I may have to check my Gamestop for a CE as I'd love to get the bonuses it came with.

Fallout 3 was pretty much bug free, a few random things here and there but nothing that you could consider breaking the game.

I'm almost completely through New Vegas now, and while it is much more buggy I've only hit a few snags which I'd consider it confusing instead of broken, but I haven't hit any of the major bugs that I have read about. Hopefully an upcoming patch resolves most of them, the last patch made a few game issues I had go away.
Fallout 3 and New Vegas have the same glitches/bugs.

New Vegas just throws in Deathclaws and Cazadors when you wanna get somewhere.
Speaking from the 360 point of view, I had a few issues with Fallout 3 when it came out, but I viewed most of them were 'forgivable', as they were my character getting stuck behind a desk or rubble pile after jumping and crouching and likely trying to go to places where I shouldn't go, ect...I say forgivable because the game is so massive, that I can see that was possible that a few spots got missed getting QA'd every possible way. I played it again a few months later and didn't have any issues.

Fallout New Vegas is a different kettle of fish entirely. I didn't have any issues early one, but after 20 hours I started to get quests that I fully completed but that didn't register as complete, deathclaws that spawned with health bars at zero that were completely undamagable and unkillable (even the mysterious stranger couldn't kill them, resulting in an unending shot of the mysterious stranger), and about a dozen hard crashes during bartering sessions with various traders. It is really disappointing because I was enjoying it a fair bit, but it is quite clear to me that the game is utterly broken at this stage, even after the first patch or second patch.

It so bad I'm trading it in to amazon because if I sold it on ebay, I'd be worried that the buyer might think that I sold them a defective game because a reasonable person could easily think that could be the only reason why the game was crashing so much, despite the disk being in flawless condition.

All I know is that you couldn't pay me enough to play anything that Obsidian has touched and Bethesda purchases are no longer Day 1 affairs for me...I'll wait six months or a year for them to fix it first.
[quote name='speedracer']Is it playable at this point? All I hear is about how broken Fallout is.[/QUOTE]
I had a very good experience with the vanilla version of FO3 on PS3. But now that my main save file has 90+ hours in it and I bought the Brohood of Steel DLC, things are gettin choppy.

So if you never plan to put 100+ hours into it or purchase DLC, you can't go wrong. Fantastic game (and I didn't play it until almost 2 years later).
lol new vegas isnt completely broken.

get to helios one(infinite exp glitch) then to prim(infinite caps glitch).

lvl 30 with (close to) max STATS and SPECIAL, an hour and a half into the game!

(I made a melee character and i one punch almost everything).

Thanks Obsidian!
[quote name='StripesOrBars']lol new vegas isnt completely broken.

get to helios one(infinite exp glitch) then to prim(infinite caps glitch).

lvl 30 with (close to) max STATS and SPECIAL, an hour and a half into the game!

(I made a melee character and i one punch almost everything).

Thanks Obsidian![/QUOTE]

Well, no offense, dude, but that sounds like the definition of "broken"!
[quote name='StripesOrBars']READ.

(i bought one copy for ps3 and one for 360, for my collection)


i missed out because of people like scarhawk and Rozz.

now im happy those "assholes" got to them before me.[/QUOTE]

What the hell are you talking about? I never even ordered a copy from Sears nor knew about that deal. You should really explain yourself better next time, it just looked weird in the OP how you were whining about so-called "resellers" buying all of the copies from Sears then stating that you bought a couple for yourself. We can't magically know what you actually meant, that's why it's important to chose your words wisely on the internet as that's all we can base our assumptions on.
[quote name='K_G']Yeah, don't be in a rush for new vegas...by the time you finish fallout 3 (although you might want to spring for the DLC broken steel, which changes the ending of Fallout 3 and ups the level cap from 20 to 30), they might have patched new vegas to such a degree that it is actually playable.....Fallout 3 had some issues, but New Vegas was released effectively broken.[/QUOTE]

I've put about 20+ hours into New Vegas on the PC (of course), and have encountered various crashes to the desktop, but only within the first few hours of play time. Other than that, I have not experienced one since. However, I would not call the game "broken". Sure, it has a ton of glitches, etc. I won't argue with you on that, but to call a game "broken" means it is absolutely unplayable in one capacity or several.

Plus, if you are fortunate enough to be playing it on the PC, the modding community over at new vegas nexus is doing an incredible job, already, of squashing bugs and updating large portions of the game, on a daily basis. Granted the developer and publisher should not rely upon its fanbase to "fix" the bug-ridden game they released, but where do you think developers then find and hire future employees? Modding has become something larger than just some nerd locked up tight and shackled in front of his/her computer. It has, in a sense, become the digital training ground for ppl passionate enough for game development to really exercise their skills and show off their muscle.

Anyways, sorry about the rant, but I saw that and had to say something.
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Malestrom, I know what you are saying, but I stopped playing PC games because I was tired of the 'sell the beta and then have paying customers do QA for free' business model. For a console game, it shouldn't crash...period. If a console game crashes multiple times doing different things in different places, it is broken.
[quote name='K_G']Malestrom, I know what you are saying, but I stopped playing PC games because I was tired of the 'sell the beta and then have paying customers do QA for free' business model. For a console game, it shouldn't crash...period. If a console game crashes multiple times doing different things in different places, it is broken.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I'm not familiar at all with the console versions of the game, although I have heard all the complaints. My brother, on the other hand, is playing through it on his PS3 and he has not uttered a single word about it crashing on him. I'll have to ask him about it next time I talk to him. Sorry about your experience with the game though, K_G... that's really unfortunate. :/
[quote name='K_G']Malestrom, I know what you are saying, but I stopped playing PC games because I was tired of the 'sell the beta and then have paying customers do QA for free' business model. For a console game, it shouldn't crash...period. If a console game crashes multiple times doing different things in different places, it is broken.[/QUOTE]

Well, I'm primarily a PC gamer and we usually get shafted this way because companies are too lazy to make stable ports that work with PC controls (i.e., a reasonable set of mouse and keyboard controls). So they port games over half-assed because they don't really care that much about that end of the market. We get stuff like the horrible PC versions of the Spider-man games, the somewhat lazy port of Alpha Protocol, et cetera. Frankly, I think games that are developed first on PC or simultaneously on PC and consoles have a better chance of coming out relatively bug-free (and those that aren't tied to a movie IP with a hard release date).

So don't hate the PC market--it's usually the devs doing a crap job because they know that their bread is buttered by the console market. As for New Vegas, I'm sure Bethesda saw this as an easy cash-cow because they already had the engine and a lot of the art and sound assets, so they just needed a new story and to commission a bit of extra art, coding, and voiceover work, dress it up in sleazy Las Vegas packaging (why would I want poker chips with my role-playing game?) and call it a sequel.
[quote name='warreni']
So don't hate the PC market--it's usually the devs doing a crap job because they know that their bread is buttered by the console market. As for New Vegas, I'm sure Bethesda saw this as an easy cash-cow because they already had the engine and a lot of the art and sound assets, so they just needed a new story and to commission a bit of extra art, coding, and voiceover work, dress it up in sleazy Las Vegas packaging (why would I want poker chips with my role-playing game?) and call it a sequel.[/QUOTE]

Back when Black Isle & Interplay released the Fallout 2 game into the market, ppl did the same thing and complained about the litany of bugs/glitches and about how similar the game looked in comparison to its predecessor. However, after spending hours upon hours in the game, they came to realize all of the updates & improvements (large and small) implemented throughout F2 made it a far better game, overall. The writing was superior (and more cynical w/ its pop-culture references), side quests more involved, and perk and karma system even more immersive than before.

Point being -- the Fallout games have never relied upon and/or catered to an over-produced graphic engine in order to tell their stories and immerse the player. All of the aspects I mentioned above (seen in the first two games) are all incredibly apparent in New Vegas, for good or bad. So, taking those key points into consideration, New Vegas is a far superior game to F3, and I absolutely loved F3 even with all of its bugs, limitations and shortcomings. As for your point about getting poker chips with your game -- don't buy the CE version if you do not want them. That's why they offer a regular edition. Options, options, options. In the age of uber-fickle gamers, content is king and options give ppl a choice or, as some may put it, the illusion of purchasing power. However, in most cases, the true intent of a CE (which I am sure I do not need to mention, but I will) is to cater to the die-hard fans, while casual gamers will most likely save their hard-earned cash for future purchases.
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I think Ice T said it best:


Thanks again to the OP I plan on checking a few GameStops tonight to find a Fallout 3 CE.
I had a glitch last night in New Vegas where I had the powerfist equipped and my sniper rifle was upside down on my elbow. My guy was doing melee with the sniper rifle. I haven't had too many issues but, I still haven't done the update on the game yet. Only about 40 hours in New Vegas. 120 on Fallout 3. Here is a pic-
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[quote name='McCarron']I think Ice T said it best:[/QUOTE]

Haha. Well said! :D Although, I do not agree with the "Too Much Talking" point. Tomato vs. Tomato. ;)
[quote name='StripesOrBars']READ.

(i bought one copy for ps3 and one for 360, for my collection)


i missed out because of people like scarhawk and Rozz.

now im happy those "assholes" got to them before me.[/QUOTE]Oh yay I'm an asshole :bouncy::bouncy::bouncy::lol:
EDIT: Oh and yeah, you definitely have the right to call me an asshole. Especially because you're a 3 month old member lmao.
[quote name='scarhawk']Oh yay I'm an asshole :bouncy::bouncy::bouncy::lol:[/QUOTE]

EDIT: Oh and yeah, you definitely have the right to call me an asshole. Especially because you're a 3 month old member lmao.
-slightly off topic alert-

so i got new vegas off of ebay, and seller said it will come with the gamestop pre order stuff. now, it looks like the suit you wont need after leveling up a bit, the gun as well, so the canteen seems to be the only really rare item. does hardcore mode not have any other canteens available? and is it true that if you have the canteen and NOT playing hardcore mode you will often get a message of taking a drink? i LOVE fallout universe, but it seems like it might be better to just ebay the code for a quick $20. thoughts from those that have redeemed it?
Good luck getting $20 for it, but I would sell it. The items aren't anything special. As for the topic, I believe I finally located a copy. I had to call every store within a 10 mile radius. Each time I called, the GA thought they had some in stock, checked the computer to verify, noticed they were delisted, then proceeded to tell me they did not have them. For all I know, they may all have copies in stock!
[quote name='MaelstromB']Back when Black Isle & Interplay released the Fallout 2 game into the market, ppl did the same thing and complained about the litany of bugs/glitches and about how similar the game looked in comparison to its predecessor. However, after spending hours upon hours in the game, they came to realize all of the updates & improvements (large and small) implemented throughout F2 made it a far better game, overall. The writing was superior (and more cynical w/ its pop-culture references), side quests more involved, and perk and karma system even more immersive than before.

Point being -- the Fallout games have never relied upon and/or catered to an over-produced graphic engine in order to tell their stories and immerse the player. All of the aspects I mentioned above (seen in the first two games) are all incredibly apparent in New Vegas, for good or bad. So, taking those key points into consideration, New Vegas is a far superior game to F3, and I absolutely loved F3 even with all of its bugs, limitations and shortcomings. As for your point about getting poker chips with your game -- don't buy the CE version if you do not want them. That's why they offer a regular edition. Options, options, options. In the age of uber-fickle gamers, content is king and options give ppl a choice or, as some may put it, the illusion of purchasing power. However, in most cases, the true intent of a CE (which I am sure I do not need to mention, but I will) is to cater to the die-hard fans, while casual gamers will most likely save their hard-earned cash for future purchases.[/QUOTE]

Hate how the second i saw Fallout they give me the price of New vegas. Thena fter i say, "i repeat fallout 3, THREE!!! Then they would laugh and say naw we don't have it. Is it really that funny asking? Beats wasting the gas giong in person, and hell it gives you something to do geezus. Apparantly the same gamestop that said they had it a week ago doesn't anymore, i don't believe the douche i was talking to on the phone so i'll give them another call in a couple of days when i actually have time to check it out.
[quote name='insideouthouse']-slightly off topic alert-

so i got new vegas off of ebay, and seller said it will come with the gamestop pre order stuff. now, it looks like the suit you wont need after leveling up a bit, the gun as well, so the canteen seems to be the only really rare item. does hardcore mode not have any other canteens available? and is it true that if you have the canteen and NOT playing hardcore mode you will often get a message of taking a drink? i LOVE fallout universe, but it seems like it might be better to just ebay the code for a quick $20. thoughts from those that have redeemed it?[/QUOTE]

The canteen is pretty useful for hardcore mode. Every few minutes you "take a drink" from it and it lowers your H2O meter by about, 15 points or so, so it does help to keep you from dehydrating as often. The armor and gun are pretty useful until about level 10 or so for the armor, and the pistol 'til about 12, when you start finding heavier handguns (that you can afford). I have no idea if the canteen does anything for non-hardcore, but I can say that I haven't come across a single other canteen in the game yet, and I'm level 22 and I search every nook and cranny. :)
The CE PS3 version was on the GS website a few days ago. The price was still $39.99 and unavailable online, but you could at least use the store locator to stil find one. Oh well happy hunting.
[quote name='Leafitachi']Hate how the second i saw Fallout they give me the price of New vegas. Thena fter i say, "i repeat fallout 3, THREE!!!...[/QUOTE]
hahaha it happened to me too, but he didn't laugh but said that they had run out of it a long time ago...
[quote name='scarhawk']Especially because you're a 3 month old member lmao.[/QUOTE]
dont know how to respond to that, lol.

valid point, haha?

(yes, im questioning your intelligence).
bread's done