Fallout 3 GOTY $20 at Amazon

Sweet deal. I've been intrigued for a long time, but honestly, I had Oblivion and just the general feel and layout of the game was a turnoff for me. I can't put my finger on specifics, I think it was just the look and first person aspect of it all. I constantly hear about how great these games are and really don't want to miss out but I didn't enjoy Oblivion, and that was with putting hours and hours into it.

Is Fallout any different from this aspect? Or is it the same feel/layout/engine?
Didn't get into Oblivion at all but i dropped about 60-70 hours into each Fallout game and that's not counting expansion packs.

Fallout 3 is still my favorite 360 game.

Thanks for the post OP I bit. I've got the standard and all expansions but for this price i'd like to have the hard 2 disc copy of the GOTY pack.
[quote name='Dalerax']Sweet deal. I've been intrigued for a long time, but honestly, I had Oblivion and just the general feel and layout of the game was a turnoff for me. I can't put my finger on specifics, I think it was just the look and first person aspect of it all. I constantly hear about how great these games are and really don't want to miss out but I didn't enjoy Oblivion, and that was with putting hours and hours into it.

Is Fallout any different from this aspect? Or is it the same feel/layout/engine?[/QUOTE]

Its more like a shooter then classic RPG. Fallout is one of my favorite games of all time but I never got that far into Oblivion. Don't judge Fallout by Oblivion, they are rather different games in my opinion and I would give Fallout a chance.
I want to play it but I hear the PS3 version is full of glitches and bugs. Specially one with the save file. Guess I'll debate about it for a few.
Does anyone know if using a save file from the original Fallout3 in the GOTY version creates a problem? How do you start the expansions from a finished game?
[quote name='DarkZion']Damn, I was hoping Amazon would price match GameStop on this, but they were taking too long so I just got it from GameStop.[/QUOTE]

Same here.
[quote name='Dominick331']Does anyone know if using a save file from the original Fallout3 in the GOTY version creates a problem? How do you start the expansions from a finished game?[/QUOTE]

if I recall the GOTY is just the regular game wit ha 2nd disk that includes all the DLC which you install on your hard drive so you can use your Fallout 3 regular save. At least thats the case with the 360 version
[quote name='Dalerax']I constantly hear about how great these games are and really don't want to miss out but I didn't enjoy Oblivion, and that was with putting hours and hours into it.

Is Fallout any different from this aspect? Or is it the same feel/layout/engine?[/QUOTE]

I felt the same about those two games as others have posted in here. I tried Oblivion, and didn't even play past the first dungeon area you start in, but I'm playing Fallout 3 right now and have sunk more than 24 hours into it already.
I concur with the others here. As much as I tried, I just could not get into Oblivion. However, According to Raptr, I put 46 hours into Fallout 3. Absolutely loved it.

One thing: Even though I had the game since its release, I only got into it this year. The text is kinda small in the game, and on my old TV, it was hard to read. I upgraded last Black Friday to a bigger TV, and that did make all the difference (at least for me).
I didnt really get into this game until I sat down and played it hardcore. This is a game that you can just pick up for 15 minutes at a time. If ur gonna play this game and you have a spouse, prepare to get bitched @ :)
[quote name='hamberger']Dooooohhhhh when they gonna drop that PC price :whistle2:x[/QUOTE]

My thoughts exactly.
I'm missing ALL the DLC's.
Didn't some people say that the GotY version (if not wrong the DLCs) was bugged with freezes and such (like New Vegas)?
I really love this game, I ve player it on PC and think of getting the PS3 version. But I heard many players said the ps3 version freeze many times. Anyone can answer this please? Thank you.
The PS3 version was a buggy and glitchy mess when I played it- seemed to freeze at least once every 20 minutes. Apparently it only becomes an issue when your save file exceeds ~10mb. I started off with a completed save file from the original, so I can't confirm if things are good up to the 10mb point.
[quote name='Dark Lord Greg']if I recall the GOTY is just the regular game wit ha 2nd disk that includes all the DLC which you install on your hard drive so you can use your Fallout 3 regular save. At least thats the case with the 360 version[/QUOTE]


Though I think the game disc does look different, ie says GOTY Disc 1 on it, but otherwise I believe it's the same disc. The second disc has all the DLC on it which you put in the Xbox 360 first to copy off the DLC. Then put in the game disc.

The game "scans" for the DLC and when you start the game you get messages that prompt you to go to areas where the DLC missions are. That way if you have the completed the main game the game will tell you where to go next.

I bought this game late last year for $29.99, didn't really start playing it until a month or so ago. I love this game! One of my favorite games by far. It takes awhile to really get into it, so stick with it because eventually it will "click", it did for me anyway. Also a little friendly advice, the Fallout Wikia page will help you greatly, but try not to absorb too much at once, or you may feel overwhelmed, lol.

As far as Oblivion comparisons go, I have played Oblivion, and I have to say I like Fallout 3 a lot more. It's a matter of preference, really. The games kind of play the same, but Fallout 3 feels...fresher, I guess.

Anyway, for $20 you can't go wrong! I highly highly recommend this game.
These guys are like 2 weeks late to the party. It's been $20 at Gamestop since their sale began, which is where I bought it. I kept holding out for Amazon to match, but I finally caved. Better late than never, I suppose.
Decent review... and like mentioned, the reviewer states the extra content is all on the 2nd disc (and can be passed around amongst friends).

Thanks. Got 1000 on the PC version but never got the DLC. Guess I'll have this on the XBox and beat it in the future at that price. Great game.
[quote name='DarkZion']Damn, I was hoping Amazon would price match GameStop on this, but they were taking too long so I just got it from GameStop.[/QUOTE]
Same, gutted copy from gamestop :(
[quote name='ryheeles']The PS3 version was a buggy and glitchy mess when I played it- seemed to freeze at least once every 20 minutes. Apparently it only becomes an issue when your save file exceeds ~10mb. I started off with a completed save file from the original, so I can't confirm if things are good up to the 10mb point.[/QUOTE]

Could someone please confirm this for the PS3 version? And how do you avoid your save file's size to be
[quote name='Azuvidexus']Could someone please confirm this for the PS3 version? And how do you avoid your save file's size to be
Yeah, I have also heard the ash pile story. If you kill something with a critical hit using an energy weapon, it turns them to ash. They never disappear, so if you run around using energy weapons constantly, you can get a lot of them sitting around.

I've got the regular version and have been thinking about upgrading to GOTY for almost a year now. I am going to bite on this methinks. Thanks op!
Great game but when I had it in late 2009 it was buggy as hell for the PS3. Very fun but would often hard freeze. It's funny I'm not into the fantasy genre at all and the Fallout universe seemed much more interesting to me, but I've sunk way more time into Oblivion. In Fallout there's not much to do that seemed worthwhile after you complete the main quests and add ons (a few side missions were ok) but there was no reason to randomly explore for me. With Oblivion I'm about 55 hours in and have completed the main quest, shivering isles, knights of the nine, and tons of side quests but there are still probably hundreds I haven't. F3 GOTY is definitely a good game but I ended up liking Oblivion more. YMMV.
[quote name='ryheeles']The PS3 version was a buggy and glitchy mess when I played it- seemed to freeze at least once every 20 minutes. Apparently it only becomes an issue when your save file exceeds ~10mb. I started off with a completed save file from the original, so I can't confirm if things are good up to the 10mb point.[/QUOTE]

I had multiple freezings in the 360 version as well. (my file was easily over 10mb) It would freeze about twice an hour or about twice per DLC, (this was late in the game so I guess it was just too much data or something.)
It was a real pain replaying some parts.
Only had about 1 or 2 freezes in the main campaign. (not bad seeing as how HUGE this game is)
Newl, were you seeing these freezes with the more recent patches or was that a while ago? It'd be a shame if such a high profile game still had freezing issues after two years worth of patches.
good deal if you pick it up for xbox, i hear ps3 version has serious game breaking glitches so I just bought the regular edition with all DLC downloaded from the ps store
The only problem i had with the ps3 version was on the DLC itself.

This was with a GOTY edition on the DLC content buggy, glitchy and freezes

The original game played fine one the GOTY disc go figure
[quote name='jubeininja69']you need to link to the ps3 version too.[/QUOTE]

or you could click the button that says PS3? it's not that big of a deal.
Both versions still freeze a ton, moreso when your save file is large. Nothing's really changed, but yeah the PS3 version is pretty damn bad.
[quote name='PrinnyOtaku']Both versions still freeze a ton, moreso when your save file is large. Nothing's really changed, but yeah the PS3 version is pretty damn bad.[/QUOTE]

I played through the GOTY on the PS3, regular game and all DLC, and never had the game freeze once.
I didn't claim that everyone who plays the game will experience freezes... I only had two myself, I'm just echoing what I've heard others say.
The freezing is a mixed bag of experiences. Some never had any problems, some only had a small number of problems (like myself), and some have had excessive problems.

I'd just say to save often. Deleting the game data (NOT your save) and reinstalling the game has helped for some on PS3, so I have heard.
I think a lot of it might be perception. Some people freak out over freezing, even if it occurs rarely. While I don't like it, FO3 is a fairly epic open world game. You have to expect some bugs and glitches. I have played through the original and it froze maybe 4 times in like 60-80 hours worth of playing.
I broke down and ordered it. I also got New Vegas CE for $30 at GameStop a week or two ago, so now I've got the whole Fallout 3 experience. Just hope I can make the time to play them both!
The framerate is worse on the PS3, is this correct?

I want to replay it again since I had it for the Xbox but now I have a PS3.
bread's done