Fallout 3 GotY on PS3 or 360?


100 (100%)
I've been interested in Fallout 3 for a time now and with the Game of the Year edition coming out next week I'm definitely wanting to pick it up. My only problem is that I don't know what system to get it on. Is there any discernable differences between the PS3 and 360 versions? I would like it on PS3 mostly because I need to get more long games on it, I've already blown through most of the games that I picked up when I got the PS3 a couple of weeks ago.

Thanks in advance for any advice that anyone gives. :D
Uhh, always try and get a PS3 version as much as possible. Lesser lag which is true.
And you kinda answered your own question there. lol
I've played it on both systems, and it's really a great game regardless of the system you play it on. At the end of the day, I preferred it on my 360 over my PS3, as the graphics seemed smoother (in terms of aliasing), and seemed to play smoother overall. However these are actually very slight differences that really shouldn't make a difference to anyone but the most extreme of game graphics critics. It's the same, extremely fun to play game, on both systems.

I had it for my PS3 first, loved it and thought it looked great. I ultimately traded that for the 360 version specifically for the DLC (since Bethesda was still saying that the DLC wasn't coming to the PS3 at the time,) and that's when I was able to notice the *slight* differences between the two versions.

It's a great game on either platform, so if you want to get it on PS3, you won't be disappointed (unless, of course, you are extremely picky about very insignificant, minor graphical differences.) If graphics are a huge issue for you, then the 360 has a slight advantage, but otherwise the games are identical.
I think this a great deal and I'd probably dig the game a lot but with all the big games coming out from now till the middle of next year there just isn't enough time for me give it the attention it deserves.
I was thinking the same, but I just staarted going to school online so I'll have a lot more free time to play. So I should be able to make at least a little headway in the game.
[quote name='pete5883']If Oblivion is any indication, the 360 version will be the less broken of the two.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. And 360 version can output Fallout 3 at 1080p while it is 720p for PS3.
[quote name='georget93']I've played it on both systems, and it's really a great game regardless of the system you play it on. At the end of the day, I preferred it on my 360 over my PS3, as the graphics seemed smoother (in terms of aliasing), and seemed to play smoother overall. However these are actually very slight differences that really shouldn't make a difference to anyone but the most extreme of game graphics critics. It's the same, extremely fun to play game, on both systems.

I had it for my PS3 first, loved it and thought it looked great. I ultimately traded that for the 360 version specifically for the DLC (since Bethesda was still saying that the DLC wasn't coming to the PS3 at the time,) and that's when I was able to notice the *slight* differences between the two versions.

It's a great game on either platform, so if you want to get it on PS3, you won't be disappointed (unless, of course, you are extremely picky about very insignificant, minor graphical differences.) If graphics are a huge issue for you, then the 360 has a slight advantage, but otherwise the games are identical.[/QUOTE]

Coming from someone with 46 trophies? :drool:
But I see your point. ;)

But yeah, it's really up to Captain Joel.

I found the PS3 version more smoother, especially when it comes to combat.

Xbox 360 on the other hand has a bit more frame rate drop when fighting (especially on mobs).

But anyways, it doesen't really matter. Both are just as good.. That's why they're multi-platformed. :drool:

Reasonably it's like this. Would you rather play video games on your bean bag? or on a computer chair?
[quote name='Count']Coming from someone with 46 trophies? :drool:
But I see your point. ;)

But yeah, it's really up to Captain Joel.

I found the PS3 version more smoother, especially when it comes to combat.

Xbox 360 on the other hand has a bit more frame rate drop when fighting (especially on mobs).

But anyways, it doesen't really matter. Both are just as good.. That's why they're multi-platformed. :drool:

Reasonably it's like this. Would you rather play video games on your bean bag? or on a computer chair?[/QUOTE]
I'm glad it's like that. I was kind of worried about making a bad decision on which to get, but since the only little differences are frame drops and aliasing, I'm happy to just grab it on the PS3 because I need more games for it. The last multiplatform game I grabbed and was disappointed by was Devil May Cry 4, I picked it up on PS3 but the initial install time drove me crazy so I just took it back and got the 360 edition. Hopefully there won't be much of an install time for Fallout.

Also, I really love computer chairs for gaming. They're sweet.
[quote name='Count']Coming from someone with 46 trophies? :drool:[/QUOTE]

Did you really just say that? :shame:

Not sure what my trophy count has to do with anything. I've got 140+ hours logged on the PS3 version, and just over 200 hours on the 360 version, so I feel I've got enough time played in Fallout on both systems to make, and express, an unbiased opinion. I don't care about trophies or gamerscore. Since trophies seem to be such a big deal to you, then it seems worth noting that the bulk of my measly 46 trophies (34 to be exact after checking my profile) are from Fallout. That should, if anything, indicate what (trophy-based) game has gotten the most play time in my PS3. Looking at your gamertag on Xbox does show one thing however, Fallout 3 is not in your games played list. So what are you basing your opinion on the 360 version vs the ps3 version, when it appears that you haven't played it on the 360?

The op has decided on the PS3 version, and he should be quite happy with it. He said he already pre-ordered the PS3 version, so there was no real need to keep this thread going. Why you felt the need to come back here and try to quantify your opinion (as quoted below) as more valid than my own because of my trophy count, sounds like nothing more than someone looking to start a flame war. Especially considering that it appears that you haven't even played Fallout 3 on the 360. Without a link to your PS3 profile, how can we even be sure you played it on the PS3? Sorry, no flame-war takers here, but I do apologize for accusing you for trying to start a flame war if that wasn't your intention, but it certainly reads like you were.

[quote name='Count']Uhh, always try and get a PS3 version as much as possible. Lesser lag which is true.[/QUOTE]

Coming from someone who apparently hasn't played it on 360?:drool:
(Sorry, I just had to. :p)

Lag? Video lag? That must be what you're talking about, since there's no online for Fallout 3. You say 'Lesser lag which is true.' Care to quantify that? Have you got some hard numbers to show where and when framerate drops are happening on each system? Things aren't 'true' just because you say they are or believe them to be. Having played on both, I've noticed occasional slowdowns when there's a lot of action going on on-screen on both systems. It seems a little less pronounced on the 360, but not by much. The graphical quality seems slightly higher on the 360, but again, not by much.

At the end of the day, the differences are so slight, that they're almost not worth mentioning (and in fact, I wouldn't have even bothered to mention except for the fact that the differences between the two versions was specifically what the op was asking about.) The op will get equal enjoyment out of the game regardless of which system he gets it on, and the differences are so slight that the game really isn't any better or worse on either system. He's getting the PS3 version, and he'll be just as happy with that as he would've been if he had chosen the 360 version.

To the OP, enjoy the game, I've loved my first two playthroughs, and am looking forward to starting a third. I'm just trying to get caught up on a backlog of games before I get back to it. If you enjoy exploring in a game, then you'll spend *loads* of time in the capital wasteland. Hope you enjoy it as much as I have. :)

And now I say 'farewell' to this thread. There is no further need for me to post here again.
[quote name='georget93']Did you really just say that? :shame:

Not sure what my trophy count has to do with anything. I've got 140+ hours logged on the PS3 version, and just over 200 hours on the 360 version, so I feel I've got enough time played in Fallout on both systems to make, and express, an unbiased opinion. I don't care about trophies or gamerscore. Since trophies seem to be such a big deal to you, then it seems worth noting that the bulk of my measly 46 trophies (34 to be exact after checking my profile) are from Fallout. That should, if anything, indicate what (trophy-based) game has gotten the most play time in my PS3. Looking at your gamertag on Xbox does show one thing however, Fallout 3 is not in your games played list. So what are you basing your opinion on the 360 version vs the ps3 version, when it appears that you haven't played it on the 360?

The op has decided on the PS3 version, and he should be quite happy with it. He said he already pre-ordered the PS3 version, so there was no real need to keep this thread going. Why you felt the need to come back here and try to quantify your opinion (as quoted below) as more valid than my own because of my trophy count, sounds like nothing more than someone looking to start a flame war. Especially considering that it appears that you haven't even played Fallout 3 on the 360. Without a link to your PS3 profile, how can we even be sure you played it on the PS3? Sorry, no flame-war takers here, but I do apologize for accusing you for trying to start a flame war if that wasn't your intention, but it certainly reads like you were.

Coming from someone who apparently hasn't played it on 360?:drool:
(Sorry, I just had to. :p)

Lag? Video lag? That must be what you're talking about, since there's no online for Fallout 3. You say 'Lesser lag which is true.' Care to quantify that? Have you got some hard numbers to show where and when framerate drops are happening on each system? Things aren't 'true' just because you say they are or believe them to be. Having played on both, I've noticed occasional slowdowns when there's a lot of action going on on-screen on both systems. It seems a little less pronounced on the 360, but not by much. The graphical quality seems slightly higher on the 360, but again, not by much.

At the end of the day, the differences are so slight, that they're almost not worth mentioning (and in fact, I wouldn't have even bothered to mention except for the fact that the differences between the two versions was specifically what the op was asking about.) The op will get equal enjoyment out of the game regardless of which system he gets it on, and the differences are so slight that the game really isn't any better or worse on either system. He's getting the PS3 version, and he'll be just as happy with that as he would've been if he had chosen the 360 version.

To the OP, enjoy the game, I've loved my first two playthroughs, and am looking forward to starting a third. I'm just trying to get caught up on a backlog of games before I get back to it. If you enjoy exploring in a game, then you'll spend *loads* of time in the capital wasteland. Hope you enjoy it as much as I have. :)

And now I say 'farewell' to this thread. There is no further need for me to post here again.[/QUOTE]

Sorry to burst your bubble, but I have an Xbox 360.. a rather large collection of games..

And I've been a very very very very huge Xbox 360 fan before. :drool:
But I'm very unbiased now, the old days were different. :drool:

I was looking at his trophies because It somewhat (Not necessarily) tells how much experience you've got on the PS3 rather than the Xbox 360 (11.4k)

Farewell... on the internetz
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Old days were different for me, too. I used to be extremely hardcore Nintendo.. The new gen kind of changed me. I'm still a Nin-fan, but they don't really carry as many games that hold my interests anymore.
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[quote name='CaptainJoel']I old days were different for me, too. I used to be extremely hardcore Nintendo.. The new gen kind of changed me. I'm still a Nin-fan, but they don't really carry as many games that hold my interests anymore.[/QUOTE]

So true.. :cry:
[quote name='Count']Sorry to burst your bubble, but I have an Xbox 360.. a rather large collection of games..
http://profile.mygamercard.net/Count vyers

Darn it, I wasn't going to post here again, but you've suckered me back in, at least in order for me to clear a couple of things up.

I'm already aware that you have an Xbox 360 and quite a nice collection of games (as I mentioned in my last post, I viewed your gamertag online), so no bubbles need bursting here. My comments were specifically about Fallout, and again, according to your Xbox profile, that is not a game in your games played list. So I was trying to determine where you came to your conclusions about the differences between the PS3 and 360 versions of Fallout if, as your gamertag would indicate, you haven't even played it on 360.

[quote name='Count']And I've been a very very very very huge Xbox 360 fan before. :drool:
But I'm very unbiased now, the old days were different. :drool:

Being unbiased is the way to be, if you ask me. It should be about the games and not the hardware we run them on. However your response does appear biased, when it seems you haven't played Fallout on the system that you're saying doesn't play it as well (360).

[quote name='Count']I was looking at his trophies because It somewhat (Not necessarily) tells how much experience you've got on the PS3 rather than the Xbox 360 (11.4k)

I can somewhat understand that reasoning, but not when the conversation is about only one game in particular, and not about opinions on each system as a whole. The other problem with using trophies to determine experience is that those of us who have had our PS3's before trophies were implemented, have games that didn't have trophies when we played them, and have no intention of going back and playing them over just for the trophies.

Finally, I do apologize for accusing you of trying to start an argument (flame-war). It does seem apparent to me (by the sum of your responses to the op,) that you were just expressing your opinion (which is fine, of course). It just originally seemed like you quoted me for no other reason than to try to instigate an argument by trying to lessen the validity of my opinion by trying to draw attention to something as meaningless as my trophy count (which had no bearing on the discussion being had.) If you're going to quote someone to discuss differences in opinion, that's one thing, but if you're going to quote them to imply their opinion is less valid because you don't think their trophy count is high enough, well, that does give the impression that you're trolling for an argument. Naturally, that's going to elicit a response from the person you're quoting. I no longer think that you were looking for an argument, but were making the trophy comment as more of a tongue-in-cheek kind of thing. Of course, it can be difficult to determine the context in which some comments are made when you can't hear the way it's being said, but instead have to rely on just reading it and trying to figure out 'how it was said' through a message board.

Have a great day, and Count, sorry for any confusion, definitely not looking for any arguments here, and I don't think you are either. :)
[quote name='georget93']Darn it, I wasn't going to post here again, but you've suckered me back in, at least in order for me to clear a couple of things up.

I'm already aware that you have an Xbox 360 and quite a nice collection of games (as I mentioned in my last post, I viewed your gamertag online), so no bubbles need bursting here. My comments were specifically about Fallout, and again, according to your Xbox profile, that is not a game in your games played list. So I was trying to determine where you came to your conclusions about the differences between the PS3 and 360 versions of Fallout if, as your gamertag would indicate, you haven't even played it on 360.

Being unbiased is the way to be, if you ask me. It should be about the games and not the hardware we run them on. However your response does appear biased, when it seems you haven't played Fallout on the system that you're saying doesn't play it as well (360).

I can somewhat understand that reasoning, but not when the conversation is about only one game in particular, and not about opinions on each system as a whole. The other problem with using trophies to determine experience is that those of us who have had our PS3's before trophies were implemented, have games that didn't have trophies when we played them, and have no intention of going back and playing them over just for the trophies.

Finally, I do apologize for accusing you of trying to start an argument (flame-war). It does seem apparent to me (by the sum of your responses to the op,) that you were just expressing your opinion (which is fine, of course). It just originally seemed like you quoted me for no other reason than to try to instigate an argument by trying to lessen the validity of my opinion by trying to draw attention to something as meaningless as my trophy count (which had no bearing on the discussion being had.) If you're going to quote someone to discuss differences in opinion, that's one thing, but if you're going to quote them to imply their opinion is less valid because you don't think their trophy count is high enough, well, that does give the impression that you're trolling for an argument. Naturally, that's going to elicit a response from the person you're quoting. I no longer think that you were looking for an argument, but were making the trophy comment as more of a tongue-in-cheek kind of thing. Of course, it can be difficult to determine the context in which some comments are made when you can't hear the way it's being said, but instead have to rely on just reading it and trying to figure out 'how it was said' through a message board.

Have a great day, and Count, sorry for any confusion, definitely not looking for any arguments here, and I don't think you are either. :)[/QUOTE]

It's cool ;) man
Actually Fallout 3 on the ps3 had better textures than the 360 version, until a recent patch updated the 360 version to equal the ps3 versions textures, the 360 had better aliasing from what i recall. I've only played the ps3 version of the game, but i never had problems except when the game first came out and had that frustrating notification glitch ughhh.
please rename this thread to eHarmony: CAG edition. our new bro-mance match couple: georget93 & Count!!

is CaptainJoel an ordained Minister?
By odd coincidence, I actually AM, Mospeada! Recognized by state and everything.

It may only be valid in Tennessee, though, not really sure.
[quote name='Mospeada_21']please rename this thread to eHarmony: CAG edition. our new bro-mance match couple: georget93 & Count!!

is CaptainJoel an ordained Minister?[/QUOTE]

:oldman: Not cool
I do prefer the 360 controller, but the only big thing that keeps me from wanting to get it is that I have verrrrry little HD space (2.1 gigs) and am trying to hold off on getting a bigger one because I'm getting an Elite for my birthday.
Seriously, this game is amazingly good. I can't get enough. Curse school for pulling me away.

My favorite thing so far is the ability to actually kill anything at all.
Wow you two actually handled this in a very civil manner. I just abandoned n4g.com after enduring through a year of hostile fanboying and flame wars. Cag is a much more civil place.
[quote name='CaptainJoel']Seriously, this game is amazingly good. I can't get enough. Curse school for pulling me away.

My favorite thing so far is the ability to actually kill anything at all.
[quote name='Count']I'm guessing you have super bad karma xD?[/QUOTE]
No, actually. I prefer to be good during my first playthrough. I did accidently kill a crapload of people, though and ended up reloading the game 4-5 times because I didn't want bad karma.

Like, Gomez in the Vault, I totally annhilated him when I was trying to escape because I thought he was going to hit me and I wanted to get the drop on him. I also killed Amata's dad while she was in the room. Made me feel bad for her.

But the fact that I could if I wanted kill everything in sight makes me happy. So far, though, it's mostly Ghouls and Raiders.

And I'm really loving the diverse missions, my favorite person to get missions from so far is the chick that runs the Craterside Supply in Megaton. She's nice.

The only real problem I'm having in-game is not being able to decide what to sink my XP into. I'm trying to be divese, so that I (hopefully) can stand a chance if I get attacked by something really big with little ammo, but I find myself dying quite a bit. Does anything bad happen if I put it on an easier mode? Are there certain trophies you can only get on Normal?
bread's done