Fanboys in the Video Game Business


CAG Veteran
Ever since this next Gen console round have begen lot of people had bcome more & more Fanboys around diffrence types of video game makers like the relationship between SE and sony or temco and Mircosoft. I know when you in the video game business your not suppored to be loyal to one company (Unless your a frist party company) but more and more people look like they are becoming that way, even people in the video game press. I would like to know who do you think has that kinda loyal relationship to a video game hardware maker (Microsoft, sony or Nintendo) that in the video game press, or At a video game company (Example:Temco) And why do think they have that kinda loyal relationship with the (And please try to give a diffrence reason besides money).
This is a pretty good topic but you put it in the wrong forum. This should be in Video Game Discussion or something like that. Also, your grammar and spelling are atrocious. People are gonna be turned off before they even finish a couple sentences. Before you hit the button, check what you wrote. If your English teacher would have a heart attack by reading your post, please take the time to clean it up.
The answer is money. see, people who work in the game business like tecmo and MS aren't 14 year old kids on gaming boards who spend the whole day accusing each other of being fanboys.
I quit reading after the 4th word, learn to organize a paragraph.
[quote name='porieux']It's not a new phenomenon.[/quote]

Are you talking about crappy internet grammar or whatever the hell the OP is talking about?
Why do people support specific sports teams?
Why do people follow religions?
Why do people support specific politicians?

it's all the same..................
[quote name='Zoglog']
Why do people follow religions?
Why do people support specific politicians?

it's all the same..................[/QUOTE]

Are you comparing fanboyism to religion and politics??

Wow, just wow.
[quote name='Malik112099']Are you talking about crappy internet grammar or whatever the hell the OP is talking about?[/QUOTE]

Heh. Both I guess now that you mention it. But originally the latter.
Guess there are more fanboys because the consoles are more expensive and fewer people own all 3 so far.
I think fanboyism is overblown. How much is thier dollar compared to the total dollars spent? I think the non-hardcore gamer and the general populus is a whole much more than the hardcore market. We are like the zealots waiting for the iphone: First adopters who buy it because its new and cool. Whats more of a problem is fanboys in "game journalism" *Cough* Shame Bentenhousen *Cough*
[quote name='sying']*Cough* Shame Bentenhousen *Cough*[/QUOTE]

That dude is always good for a laugh though.
[quote name='spoo']Are you comparing fanboyism to religion and politics??

Wow, just wow.[/QUOTE]

take every console war argument, replace the spots where games and features are mentioned with politcal platforms and representatives, replace console names with candidates or political parties, and voila-- perfect port from teh console warz to politics. same goes for religion ;)
Theres plenty of Fanboys that work in the videogame industry.

They're called 'PR reps' (public relations), aka professional liars.
bread's done