Fandango Tickets


I need to see first if their is some kind of interest in these items.
Any members interested in winning this type of item?

I want to hold a contest and the winner would recieve this type of item(s)
Their would be more then one winner and more than one prize.

So if I could get some feedback I could then hold this contest.

Also if this isnt suppose to be in this thread then my bad, I didnt know where an appropraite place for this would be because if their is interest. I wanted to build up a little community here to let everyone know that I was going to first let them know in anticipation to the contest.
awesome, glad to see there is some use for these. would like to c more people interested in them cuz they did cost like $8.50 each or somethhing of that nature. i know thats not alot but i have like 6 of them so it does add up. also many codes to xbox and ps. hope to generate more of a crowd before hand though.
glad to c more people interested, i want to get atleast 30 people interested before i start with this. so check back ill update everyone. thanks for the interest.
I would definitely be interested. Took the kids to see Rango last week and between tickets and snacks it was $80. Any relief from that would definitely help.
amazing. thank u guys for the interest. i will be posting the contest soon. keep checking back, ide like to get the word out to as many people before i start. thanks for showing interest. ill set a for sure date within the next 2 days.
bread's done