Favorite 360 Game This Year, Thus Far (2008)

I won't vote for a game that I haven't played...but from that list the only game that I plan on buying is GTA IV.
Haven't bought a 2008 360 game yet. Nothing really interests me other than Ninja Gaiden II. Liked the demo will pick it up when I can find it cheap.
out of these, i've played the full versions of:

DMC 4, GTA 4

I've played the demo for:

Burnout, Condemned 2, Ninja Gaiden 2, Bad Company

I've enjoyed GTA 4 the most
hands down GTAIV largely due to, yes I beat it in 3 days but it's a great game to just drive around in and listen to the radio after long hard days. Any game that lets me do that and get me thoroughly relaxed is A+B+V good.
GTA IV. I've bought a good amount of games this year, but only 3 have been 2008 titles- GTA, Lost: Via Domus, and Lego Indiana Jones. So GTA wins easily.
I haven't played many on that list but I'll vote GTA IV anyway. My answer should be "Rock Band DLC"...it's not a game, but it is what has gotten me to play my 360 the most this year.

Poker Smash and Commando 3 are fun.
My favorite game this year is still Call of Duty 4, but that doesn't count. The only other game thats dragged me away from COD4 this year for more than a casual encounter is GTA IV, so that gets my vote.
Bully and Culdcept Saga have been my favorites so far. GRID and Ninja Gaiden II get an honorable mention.
[quote name='whoknows']Haha...no one voted for Condemned 2. That's kind of sad.[/QUOTE]

I'm more surprised that no one voted for Burnout.
[quote name='Sofa King Kool']I loved Condemned 2. I just loved Devil May Cry more.[/QUOTE]

Can't blame you. DMC4 is the best game on that list ;)
The only 08 game I have is GTA IV. To be honest, I did not enjoy it as much as I wanted to. I always found myself going back to other games in between missions because of it's repetitive gameplay. IMO, of corse.
I must be one of the few people who didn't care much for GTAIV... for me, my favorite game of 2008 so far is Ninja Gaiden 2. Always loved the series and always will.
I'd have to say GTA4 because it's the only 360 game I've bought this year. I got DMC4 on PS3 (controls), and I rented Ninja Gaiden 2, which I thought was an absolute joke. I might give Lost Odyssey a try, but not for a while.
[quote name='xcoax']My favorite game this year is still Call of Duty 4, but that doesn't count. The only other game thats dragged me away from COD4 this year for more than a casual encounter is GTA IV, so that gets my vote.[/quote]


But yes, I played every game listed aside from Condemned 2 and Devil May Cry 4. So, of the games I have played, I feel compelled to vote Battlefield: Bad Company, as it's been the most enjoyable of the lot. It satisfied my sweetwater. I just didn't dig Grand Theft Auto 4 - and the wonky controls and camera didn't help matters.

The second half of 2008 will be tasty. :drool:
GTA IV by leaps, bounds and miles.

I enjoyed Lost Odyssey to an extent and while I consider myself a huge NG fan, I was let down by NG2. No game has kept my attention this year like GTA IV.

R6V2 was crap IMO. It was a bigger let down for me than NG2 was. Burnout was a pleasant surprise, but I got bored with it after about 2 weeks of solidly only playing that. Im still playing GTA IV. DMC4 was similar to Burnout, but I never got really deep into the older DMC games, so I beat it, grinded for a few achievements and traded it off.

Now Im excited for all the new sports games (NCAA, Madden to an extent, NHL, and FIFA), and of course the big holiday titles that dont need naming.

MGS4 is my G.O.Y right now though.
Out of that list I've only bought GTAIV and Burnout. I hated the open world turn that Burnout took, and I'm not a huge GTA fan so I wasn't blown over by that either. I bought Condemned 2 but haven't gotten to it yet. That leaves the only other game I've bought GH: Aerosmith, which is fun, but MOTS.

So I don't get to vote. :)
I would probably say Rock Band due to DLC lol, but barring that maybe Guitar Hero Aerosmith?
The latter isn't even a quarter of the game Rock Band is, but it did at least come out this year.
I got my 360 in March '07 so I've spent the time since then catching up on great games since the launch. The only title I've played on that list is GTA4, and I did really enjoy it.
Out of the list on the poll, I have DMC4, Burnout Paradise and GTA 4. My vote goes for GTA 4, simply because of the time I've spent with the game (beyond 70hours). It also had the most story and gameplay compared to DMC 4 & Burnout.
bread's done