Favorite comic book


6 (100%)
What is everyone's favorite comic book?

My personal favorites are:
Dark Knight Returns
and as a continuing series I am partial to JSA
I loved my old Gen13 comics. And Spawn had a good run in there. My favorite book is probably my Jay and Silent Bob bound comic collection. Superman I hated, though.
I havent bought a comic in years, I liked the Flash(Barry Allen not Wally West) and the JLA. Also does DC still put out a Legion of Super Heroes comic that was my favorite?

My favorite comic series was the Crisis on Infinite Earths comics that DC put out in 80's.
Y-The Last Man (must read, personal Fave)
Daredevil (Bendis, Maleev)
Watchmen/Kingdom Come/Batman Long Halloween
Hellboy (when done by Mignola)
One Piece (Manga)
Fantastic Four, Alien Legion, Detective Comics (aka Batman), and by far the best is Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns!!!
[quote name='Tromack']What is everyone's favorite comic book?

My personal favorites are:
Dark Knight Returns
and as a continuing series I am partial to JSA[/quote]

Preacher Sandman and The Dark Knight Returns are definatly my favorite comics, and mabye Hellblazer when it was done by Enis and Dillon (sp?)
Mcfarlane batman
Now i know i might get flamed for this but the Star Wars comics
Green Latern All of them, though i don't like the new guy, Kyle Rayner that much.
Oh yaeh I forgot about Johny the Homicidal Maniac

Greatest comic series has to be crisis on infinite earths, crisis on multiple earths, and zero hour.
Blade of the Immortal probably.

If you want domestic, I'll go with Spiderman.

But truth be told, I can't afford to buy even 1/10 the comics I used to, guess i'm too cheap. I don't even own all the Blade of the Immortal tradepaperbacks and it's my current running fave.
Y the Last Man
Tales of Supernatural Law
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
Blood Syndicate
Jim Lee's Batman
Jim Lee's Superman
Jim Lee's X-Men
Jim Lee Jim Lee Jim Lee
I still gotta finish my collection of Blade of the Immortal. I completely forgot everything except the main characters name, Manji.
I still need vol. 12 of Blade of the Immortal, but i reread all I had over the last 2 weeks because the newe one comes out in a month or so.
When did McFarlane do Batman? I remember his run with Spiderman, then he went on to do Spawn, but I don't recall a Batman run.

I'd go with:

-Spiderman 2099
-Ultimate Spiderman/Xmen
-X-men [initial run with Jim Lee, anything written by Claremont]
-Spiderman [Initial run with McFarlane]
-The Watchmen
-Paul the Samurai
-100 bullets
[quote name='Nirvanaguy777']Ill leave manga out of it
Spiderman 2099
Ghost Rider

Morbius was good! I got his first cameo too!
Amazing Spiderman 101
bread's done