Favorite DS RPG?

Tales of Hearts
The world Ends with you
Super Robot Taisen W

also like
Mario and Luigi 2 and 3
Tales of Innocences (too bad I got stuck near the end)
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Chrono Trigger
SMT: Devil Survivor
Suikoden Tierkreis
My World, My Way

and then some that I liked but not my favorites,

Super Robot Taisen OG Saga Endless Frontier
jk on Nostalgia, this game is terrible
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I stopped playing Nostalgia after 5 minutes, why? I just didn't feel like exploring this giant house for items or what not.

I never got around to beating The World Ends With You... All my data got deleted...

I guess my favorite DS RPG is the Pokemon Games, and The World Ends With You. I'm going to be playing FFIV and Phantasy Star 0 for awhile to.
Pokemon Platinum

But, if you were looking for a more "traditional" answer, then Super Robot Taisen OG Saga Endless Frontier has been my favorite so far.
Dragon Quest IV, simply because it was my first time playing a DQ game and I could NOT put it down. Chrono Trigger didn't grab me like I had hoped :whistle2:k
My two absolute favorites that I would recommend to anyone
Dragon Quest IV
Dragon Quest V

My lesser favorites
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (only pick this up if you're a fan of the series)
Super Robot Taisen OG Saga: Endless Frontier
Soma Bringer (it's a Diablo II clone so it's extremely import-friendly, but if you like to go the illegal route you could also download the full fan translation)
Final Fantasy III
Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings

I've played Chrono Trigger and I'm currently still playing The World Ends With You (also one of the highest-rated games on the DS) but I wouldn't consider them to be amongst my favs.
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The World Ends With You

I also greatly enjoyed:
- Disgaea DS
- Anything with "Dragon Quest" in the title (haven't gotten around to DQV yet, though I'm sure I'll like that one, too)
- Etrian Odyssey (not an easy game, though)
- Front Mission
- Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time (like DQV, Bowser's Inside Story is in the ol' backlog)
- The Rune Factory games (great if you like Harvest Moon, otherwise this might be an acquired taste)
The World Ends With You met the astronomical amount of hype I had for the game after the tons of acclaim all the review sites heaped on it.
Wow pretty much everyone has mentioned The World Ends With You. I recently bought it on amazon and I should get it today. I have high hopes for this game!

Some of my favorite DS RPGs are:
Puzzle Quest
Rune Factory: A Fantasy Harvest Moon
Final Fantasy III
[quote name='BIG5']Dragon Quest V. So much better than DQIV. Recruiting metal slimes is fun![/QUOTE]

Well in general the recruiting system in V is really what help made it so much more fun. DQ V was the one on the SNES that I really enjoyed back in the day and I was glad when it finally ported over to the DS. Much happiness ^___^
Dragon Quest V by far is the most impressive. Mainly because it was never released in the U.S. until its recent DS release.

It came out at about the same time classics like FFVI and Chrono Trigger came out. If it was released in the U.S., the game would have about the same respect.

For those of you still working on DQIV and loving it, V will simply blow you away.
I never finished Kingdom Hearts 358/2 days, just lack of interest right now.

I guess I'll be playing DQIV next, after FFIV.
I'm curious . . . I played DQ8 awhile back, but never got into it, would I still be able to get into Dragon Quest IV and V?
[quote name='x-striker']I'm curious . . . I played DQ8 awhile back, but never got into it, would I still be able to get into Dragon Quest IV and V?[/QUOTE]

Maybe, but I kind of doubt it. All DQ games are pretty similar, so if you don't like one, you probably won't like the others.
DQIV is just OK so far. It's kind of bland - I'm just starting Chapter 2 though so maybe it picks up? There is a lot of grinding and the story also makes no sense...
FFIV, but I'm a real sucker for nostalgia and man did that game deliver. Besides that one, both FFCC games on the DS, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon, and Ys Book 1 & 2 (But I'm a sucker for anything Ys, so biased as usual).

I still need to get Chrono Trigger (yep, another childhood classic) and I want to play Phantasy Star 0, Kingdom Hearts DS, DQ IV + V, and a few others. One day. :p
[quote name='javeryh']DQIV is just OK so far. It's kind of bland - I'm just starting Chapter 2 though so maybe it picks up? There is a lot of grinding and the story also makes no sense...[/QUOTE]

It eventually starts to come together and you will eventually get to a point where you can auto-battle most common enemies which will make things go faster. If you can afford to, at least get to chapter 5. I think it took me around 10-11 hours to get that far.

Basically, I got DQ4 near launch and couldn't get into it despite previously owning and enjoying the NES version. I put it down for a long time, almost a year and now I look forward to playing it a little every night.
[quote name='Halo05']It eventually starts to come together and you will eventually get to a point where you can auto-battle most common enemies which will make things go faster. If you can afford to, at least get to chapter 5. I think it took me around 10-11 hours to get that far.

Basically, I got DQ4 near launch and couldn't get into it despite previously owning and enjoying the NES version. I put it down for a long time, almost a year and now I look forward to playing it a little every night.[/QUOTE]

Thanks - I'm in Chapter 3 right now and at about 6 hours. Chapter 2 took me forever. There is a ton of grinding but I am enjoying it still. Battles are slow though. I'm not sure about how I feel losing my stats and stuff at the start of a chapter.
[quote name='javeryh']Thanks - I'm in Chapter 3 right now and at about 6 hours. Chapter 2 took me forever. There is a ton of grinding but I am enjoying it still. Battles are slow though. I'm not sure about how I feel losing my stats and stuff at the start of a chapter.[/QUOTE]

Play DQV already! It is so much better. :D
[quote name='javeryh']Thanks - I'm in Chapter 3 right now and at about 6 hours. Chapter 2 took me forever. There is a ton of grinding but I am enjoying it still. Battles are slow though. I'm not sure about how I feel losing my stats and stuff at the start of a chapter.[/QUOTE]

You're not losing your stats, you are starting the backstory of a new character. Those stats will not be wasted, just wait a bit. :D

By the way, I would say my favorite RPG I have played on the DS is Chrono Trigger, as it is one of my all time favorite games. It is even more awesome to be able to play it on the go, have a new end game dungeon, final boss and additional backstory on one of my favorite characters.

My favorite RPG that is not a port/remake is Etrian Odyssey II. Great throw back RPG for those that appreciate building a strong party and thinking through your game, rather than just playing for a story. I am not saying a story is bad, I love both types of RPGs, and on this side, EO2 is a gem.
OK, I am still in Chapter 3 playing as Torneko (the merchant) but I finally had my first crossover into the events of another chapter - very cool! I'm guessing the places I couldn't get to (locked doors and treasure and stuff) will be accessible eventually in another chapter somehow. Maybe I'm stupid but it is taking me a long time to figure out how to "trigger" the next event/section in each of these chapters. I keep forgetting that an old school game like this actually wanted you to pay attention to the dialogue and what is going on. I'm so used to just reading everything as fast as I can.... I'm at 10 hours(!) and still in Chapter 3!

You might want to just look up a FAQ at this point, you really shouldn't still be in Chapter 3. Maybe in the NES original (more grinding) but not really in the remake.
I loved the FFIV remake, and I remember loving Dragon Warrior 4 on the NES if that helps any. Also, I've started The World Ends With You and so far I'm scratching my head for all the praise the game gets. It feels like a chore. And if I have to control both characters at once in battle (one with the stylus and one with the d-pad) then I don't think I'll be playing through this. Not when I have a backlog that dates back to the 20th century!

Also, for DQIV, battle speed 1 is the fastest. DQ games generally have very speedy battles :) Anyways, DQV is my favorite DS RPG.
[quote name='Halo05']:shock:

You might want to just look up a FAQ at this point, you really shouldn't still be in Chapter 3. Maybe in the NES original (more grinding) but not really in the remake.[/QUOTE]

fuck that! Don't look at a FAQ, that defeats the old-school vibe! Go with it, you'll figure out the triggers, that's what the fun is all about.
I'm loving Etrian Oddysey 2 right now. The whole pattern of clear another quarter of the map, run back to town revive, heal, sell items, return to dungeone to clear another quarter of the map is very rewarding.
Wow, I haven't played any of these. Not even Chronotrigger. What do you guys suggest I start with?
Etrian Odyssey. Shiren the Wanderer. I like it old school, yet these two games are amongst my first experiences with their respective genre.
[quote name='keithp']fuck that! Don't look at a FAQ, that defeats the old-school vibe! Go with it, you'll figure out the triggers, that's what the fun is all about.[/QUOTE]

I'm trying not to spoil it. These games were made to be explored - I find that if you look at a FAQ for an older RPG then you never take the time to level up your characters which is what the developers probably built in to extend gameplay. Rushing from trigger to trigger would probably involve a few hours of grinding in between which takes away from the fun. If you grind while exploring/looking for the next trigger then I think it makes the game much more fun overall.

I'm FINALLY in Chapter 5 where everything has come together brilliantly (the triggers seem to make much more sense now - maybe I'm just paying more attention to what is going on). I am totally addicted to this game now. I just found the magic key so I'm not sure how far I am (I have about 75% of the map explored and my characters are all around level 17 or 18) and I just passed 17 hours. The boat is great too. If Dragon Quest V is even better then I'm definitely playing that next.
[quote name='Atreyu']Wow, I haven't played any of these. Not even Chronotrigger. What do you guys suggest I start with?[/QUOTE]

I think you answered your own question: Chrono Trigger. :D

Seriously, if you've never played it, it's one of the best RPGs of all time, so you really can't go wrong.
Shiren is bloody hard. i mean really really hard. I mean the game has almost no instruction and you just get dropped in. One day I'll go back to it but it's like the white whale of my backlog right now.

Personally call me a sucker for the fomulaic but I really liked Magical Starsign, it was fun it was cute it was pretty much everything I expected and wanted out of an RPG. TWEWY was GREAT it was everything I didn't know I wanted. Children of Mana was disappointing. It was my first dungeon crawler and I walked into it expecting something more like Magical Starsign.
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