Favorite Game of 2009?


Not necessarily the best, but your favorite game you played that was released in 2009. For me, while I loved Uncharted 2, Arkham Asylum was hands down my favorite game of the year, maybe of all time. There was not a single moment in that game that I didn't absolutely love, and I will go back and play it again eventually which is something I rarely do.

Uncharted 2 was a close second, but I thought the final boss battle was an annoying let down so it gets second place.
Batman: Arkham Asylum. I wasn't so sure if it was gonna be good when I put my preorder down for it, but I ended up loving every second of it.
Batman AA at the moment. I wish I had bought it instead of renting it. Now I'm playing the waiting game for some sort of GOTY re-release.
Demon's Souls for me.

Originally I had intended to get it on release day, but everyone scared me away with how difficult it was supposed to be. Then, I couldn't stop thinking about it, so when it hit $50 on Amazon, I grabbed it and had a blast.

Batman was great, but there were some parts that keep the game from being my favorite.
I've had the most fun with Demon's Souls, Uncharted 2, and Dragon Age: Origins. If I had to pick just one as the best of the year, I'd go with Uncharted 2.
[quote name='ID2006']Demon's Souls for me.

Originally I had intended to get it on release day, but everyone scared me away with how difficult it was supposed to be. Then, I couldn't stop thinking about it, so when it hit $50 on Amazon, I grabbed it and had a blast.

Batman was great, but there were some parts that keep the game from being my favorite.[/QUOTE]

Was Demon's Souls as punishingly difficult as everyone is making it out to be?
[quote name='funjoe']Was Demon's Souls as punishingly difficult as everyone is making it out to be?[/QUOTE]

I don't think so. Its not too bad if you're cautious and always keep your shield up as you move around. You will die, though. A lot.
[quote name='funjoe']Was Demon's Souls as punishingly difficult as everyone is making it out to be?[/QUOTE]


If you lean towards more the casual side, it will rip you to shreds. If you've been gaming since the SNES, a "hardcore" gamer, it'll be...challenging, and kinda hard, but not as bad some people have made it out to be.


Demons Souls most likely. I plan to Platinum it in the future, but for now I moved on to other games so I can clear some of my backlog.
Surprise of the year:
Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines
Addiction of the year:
I Wanna Be The Guy
Game of the year:
Planescape Torment
Mana Khemia: Student Alliance, I guess. Though that's probably cuz I haven't played many RPGs (or games in general) from 2009.
Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time was amazing, and my personal favorite. Uncharted 2, Batman AA, Halo 3: ODST, and New Super Mario Bros. Wii are all amazing games though.
The only "released in 2009" games I've played this year have been Klonoa, Retro Game Challenge, and Wii Fit Plus (if that counts). They're all great, but out of those, Retro Game Challenge is probably my favorite.

Favorite game out of everything I played this year (not including replays)? Cave Story, with Pokemon Ruby being a very close second.
I still have a good amount of 2009 games to play but so far my favorite is Assassin's Creed II. It improved on ACI in every possible way. I especially loved the story.
[quote name='flameofdoom666']Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time was amazing, and my personal favorite. Uncharted 2, Batman AA, Halo 3: ODST, and New Super Mario Bros. Wii are all amazing games though.[/QUOTE]

I cant wrap my brain around anyone calling ODST amazing.

I would go with Assassin's Creed 2 or Uncharted 2 for my fav's so far this year.
My favorite game would have to be Red Faction: Guerrilla. I probably had the most fun taking out the EDF owned buildings using just a big ol' truck, a sledgehammer and a few dozen
more like thousands
explosive charges.

The expansion packs that're downloadable seem a bit glitchy and on the verge of freezing at times, but they're just as fun as the main game.

It's a shame that there's not much to do after you finish the game though. I would be playing it online if my connection were better, but my connection just plain sucks and I'm too cheap to upgrade.:razz:
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I've liked to many... Batman AA,Uncharted 2,MW2,Street Fighter IV,Tekken 6,Blazblue. That's just to name a few. I guess I would have to go with Uncharted 2 overall.
Hard to decide. I guess it's a toss up between Batman: Arkham Asylum and Shadow Complex. For multiplayer it's definitely MW2.
My Top 3 of 2009:
1. Resident Evil 5 (co-op was a blast)
2. Plants vs. Zombies
3. Batman: AA

Surprise of the Year: Borderlands
Disappointment of the Year: Modern Warfare 2 (possibly the biggest disappointment ever in my opinion)

I've yet to play Uncharted 2, but for now that's how my 2009 Best/Worst of list looks.
My Top 3 of 2009:
1. Resident Evil 5 (co-op was a blast)
2. Plants vs. Zombies
3. Batman: AA

Surprise of the Year: Borderlands
Disappointment of the Year: Modern Warfare 2 (possibly the biggest disappointment ever in my opinion)

I've yet to play Uncharted 2, but for now that's how my 2009 Best/Worst of list looks.
Uncharted 2 by far, the best SP of this generation and the MP is great too. Arkham Asylum is 2nd simply because how surprised I was with the game.

Nothing else really impressed me this year. Some other notable titles for this year:
Kilzone 2 - SP was weak but the graphics were amazing (still are). Killzone 2's MP really sucked me back into the online gaming.
RE5 - I've wanted this game since I first saw it but it felt too much like a generic action game. The MP was ok.
MW2 - I'm sure I'll get flamed for this but I was only a casual fan of MW's MP mode and I don't notice anything different about this outside of the badges (or whatever they call them) even though everyone insists there were improvements... And the SP was terrible compared the awesomeness of the original MW's SP.
Uncharted 2 was the best game I played all year, but I sold it right after beating it. Great story, some great lines, tons of fun, and epic feel.

MW2 will be the one I play the longest.

Demon's Souls is my 3rd choice, even though I haven't touched it for almost a month since loaning it to my brother after getting all kinds of pissed at 5-2.
Street Fighter 4

By a landslide. 220-235 hours on PS3 and 60-80 hours on 360 (before it RROD'd). It was everything I wanted it to be and lots more. Can't wait for Super.
[quote name='crystalklear64']fuck can't decide. 3 way tie.


Trine's that good? Seem slow from the videos I saw, so I end up not buying it.

Dragon Age Origins for RPG.

Street Fighter IV for fighting, though I very much appreciate the fact that BlazBlue was finally released on PS3.

I was rather surprised that no one find Dragon Age Origins to be hard pre-patch. Played it on hard, but reverted back to normal after several frustrating experience. Got almost too easy after the patch, but eh. :bomb:
SFIV - 400-500 hours, 3 hard trails left, Super pre-ordered already, first EVO
God of War Collection - First time playing both games in HD goodness, I can not express the love I have for this series and I do not know how I ever missed out on such a wonderful series, GOW3 pre-ordered, beat both games in about 3-4 days
Modern Warfare 2 - Most anticipated for me and my friends, no let downs, I want spec-ops DLC now
RE5 - I beat this 6x with everyone of my friends that had it, I played it to death
Honorable mentions: New Super Mario Wii, Shadow Complex, Peggle

I have Uncharted 2 sitting, waiting to be played since it came out, I'm sure it will be amazing(do/should i finish 1 first?)
Assassin's Creed 2 is on the way tomorrow from Amazon, I'm not sure if I want to start ^ yet
Dragon Age and of course COD 6
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Guess since I haven't played much made in 2009, I'd go with Shadow Complex. Though, the game was amazing, I'm sure my personal timing helped it too. I was just coming back from an awesome vacation in Vegas for a week (so, the typical after vacation blues (since depression is a little strong) were kicking in). I found an extra 1600 point card from one of the sales at Target quite awhile back, so I splurged for it. It's one of the few games I actually beat. Haven't replayed it for all the achievements, but it was a nice complement (and I know it has gotten mentioned in several potential game of the year nominations).
MW2, Batman: AA, RE5 and Fear 2 are the only 2009 games I've played (and probably the only ones I will play)

Of those I'd probably rank them:

Batman (assuming it stays good, I'm a bit over halfway through I think)
Fear 2

But I enjoyed them all a lot.
Demon's Souls! I haven't played Uncharted 2 or Batman AA yet so I guess I have some games to look forward to while my PS3 goes in for repair a second time.
I'm not saying its the best game of 2009, but I think Ghostbusters is my favorite game.

Just cos I'm such a big fan of the original movies. Plus it's a very decent game.
I would have to say that Borderlands wins the honor of #1 favorite game for me. While I wish the single player storyline was more engrossing, the action made up for it. Batman AA, Left 4 Dead 2 and Dragon Age were excellent as well. If I had a PS3 I would probably have placed Uncharted 2 here as well.

Biggest letdowns for me (based upon hype) were definately Halo: ODST and Modern Warfare 2. Halo Wars was lame as well. Playing it just proves to me that the only real way to play a RTS game is on the PC with a mouse. It just isn't as smooth with the controller.
I tought hard about this the other day. It's going to sound weird but I gotta say Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2. Maybe it's not the best game, but I defintely got more enjoyment out of it than any other game this year. I played and loved Batman AA, Assassians Creed 2, RE5, Skate 2, etc... but they were just quick fixes. I've been playing DW: Gundam 2 off and on since April, spending over 150 hours. After a stressful day it's very relaxing to just mindlessly hack away at giant robots.

But I will say this year wasn't a great year for games. IMO it was missing good JRPGs.

GOTY - Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2
DLC of the year - Shadow Complex
Surprise of the year - Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
Disapointment of the year - King of Fighter XII
[quote name='dmaul1114']MW2, Batman: AA, RE5 and Fear 2 are the only 2009 games I've played (and probably the only ones I will play)

Of those I'd probably rank them:

Batman (assuming it stays good, I'm a bit over halfway through I think)
Fear 2

But I enjoyed them all a lot.[/QUOTE]

Definitely keeping that order having finished Batman. Fantastic game. I downloaded Shadow Complex during the recent sale (thanks again for the tip dallow!), so we'll see where that ends up.
I will have to go with Fallout 3 and Red Faction. I didn't get a chance to play many of the titles listed by other posters in this thread. Plus, I am a little slow sometimes :p.
bread's done