Favorite video game console intro?

The Mana Knight

41 (100%)
You know, when you turn on a video game console, you're see some fancy startup sequence. Some just have awesome animation, while some just have awesome sound (some may have both). Anyway, which console has your favorite one:



PlayStation 2

PlayStation 3



Xbox 360

My choice would be PS2. I'm not a big fan of the console hardware, but I'll admit I loved seeing it every time I turned on my PS2.
I'd go with the 360 with the original xbox a close second.

The only ones I really don't like are the sony ones, they're too "THIS IS MADE BY SONY!!!111!" if you know what I mean. I'd rather have the console name be the point of the intro, not the company name. The PS1 is nothing but the company name and on the PS2 one the console name is an afterthought, then the PS3 one doesn't say anything about the PS3, but it isn't really much of an intro anyway. The PS2 blocky one does look pretty good, other than that.
God Bless, ANYTHING is better than that AWFUL PS2 intro. I nearly puke every time I turn it on...

Dreamcast takes the cake IMHO
I prefer the lack thereof, i.e., Genesis, NES, SNES, N64 (there wasn't a set intro, though games had them internally), et cetera, et cetera.

If I had to pick from that list, though, I'd probably say, in this order: Dreamcast, then Gamecube, then PSX.

Though I also must note that I really like the intros on any of the Gameboys, and the DS.
I voted for the GameCube, but the Dreamcast, Xbox and Xbox 360 are other favorites.

I also like the PS3, just because it is so fast.
Ugh, I can't stand the original XBOX startup. I use my XBOX as a media center (XBMC). The startup is so loud that I always have to turn the volume down before I turn it on. Plus it's pretty long and not even that cool.
Neo-Geo Pocket~!!!

u turn it on and it's like

deet duh duh deet duh duh deet duh duh deet duh duh diddley diddley deet di di deet di di dit duddudiddley doo doo!!!

oh but console???

I always like Seeeeeeegaaaaaaa~~!!
I'm going to go off the board and say Sega CD 2. I love the intro tune so much, it's my default ring tone on my phone. I also liked the scrolling and scaling graphics. Too bad so many actual games were crap.
[quote name='PenguinMaster']I'd say Xbox 360 is the best, followed by Xbox and then Dreamcast. Why is there no link to the Gamecube startup?[/QUOTE]While searching YouTube, there was only one (unless I entered the wrong keywords), and it didn't have any sound. When I find one, or someone else does, it will be posted.
saturn out of all of those, but the sega mastersyastem start up sound.... like a hot girlfriend whispering the promise of good things to come breathly into you ear... ohhhhh yeaaa......
Im oldschool, I HATE console 'intros' I mean WTF? I turn my console on cos I want to play a game, not look at green bubbles, or purple cubes. Eff all that.

Now the new gen consoles are even worse. They run their intro video and then I have to go thru menus to pick 'play game' I want the gamedisc in my console to load immediately and automatically. fucking toolbars, and menus, and options and shit. I'll use my computer if I want all that crap.
I voted for PS1, aprtly due to Nostalgia, partly cause I actually like it. 2nd is a tie between Dreamcast and Xbox for me. The rest on the list just suck.
The Sega Genesis intro FTW...but I also remember another sega intro...it said the word "Sega" really fast n its sounded like if macho man said it...heh....but the Gamecube intro is pretty kool...plus when you plug in 4 controllers you get a different type of intro sound effect...if Im not mistaken...
Dreamcast, because of the sound of the bouncing ball building the logo. Makes me all fuzzy inside.
Other = NES. No intro = good intro. Intros suck; they take away my game-playing time. Screw all the fucking companies that add 10 non-skippable intro screens to a game I just paid good money for.
Gamecube for SURE. Lol the only intro I've ever kinda liked...you can press those buttons to make new sounds which I liked...and ya its the best by far :p...followed by Dreamcast, followed by 360
Playstation, then Dreamcast in a close second out of the poll options.

[quote name='lordwow']
Yeah, I loved that two, actually probably my favorite.
My vote goes to Dreamcast, followed by GameCube and 360. Maybe those two are tied. The original Xbox would have been cool if it wasn't so damn green.
My favorite, it probably Gamecube. I got one right after launch, from a friend in college, but no games, but that did not matter we were amazed by the start up screen. (Even more then the xbox which he got for himself and another friend)

Second goes to alot of different system, the Genesis, 360, and the PS1 are all very good as well.
I never had the dreamcast, mark me shamed too. So I didn't get a good feel for it out of that one clip. I myself choose the Playstation. When hearing it pop up and seeing it, you knew that 7 times out of 10 you were about to have fun.

A close second for me would be the original Xbox.
I think the Dreamcast one kicks ass. The Sega Saturn one isn't bad either, and I''m fond of the PS2's intro.
Sega is my favourite platform, but I have to say that the XBox had the coolest intro, followed by the 360. The PS 1 intro brought back memories though :)
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