Fellow XBOX users...are you satisfied this year?


22 (100%)
I own all three consoles, and love them all the same (actually thats a lie, not a big fan of the wii, havent turned it on since last thanksgiving haha,) however, I have been playing my xbox quite a considerable amount less. After mass effect came out, I havent touched my xbox in a long while.

There hasn't been many exclusives this year, compared to the PS3...

I feel that the PS3 is finally coming on its own now...Heavy Rain, GT5, GoW3, Mod Nation Racers, Socom, LBP 2, 3D Dot game heroes...

Splinter Cell was hyped and was a letdown...but Alan Wake was pure awesome...Was the game that made me buy an xbox tbh....

With Reach, Crackdown, and Gears coming out....I am excited...but I feel this year my PS3 has gotten more play time. What about you guys?

No hating on either console or flaming. Just wanna see if you guys are content.
I'm glad I dumped 360. earlier this year. She was good in the beginning, attractive and entertaining, and rewarded my company. We played well together.

But now, she's a crazy bitch that has multiple personalities and she doesn't know what she wants to be. And she's constantly hitting me up for money. And she doesnt't have much to offer me in return.

So I kicked that bitch to the curb and hooked up with somebody younger and more attractive. We have our disputes, but things are going well, for the moment.
*shurgs* I've had a pretty good year with my Xbox 360, but that might be because I rarely buy new releases. Tales of Vesperia, Batman Arkham Asylum and Alan Wake were great.

I tend to go through cycles with my systems. I almost exclusively play one for awhile and then I stop playing with that one for a couple of months and start playing with another one. Right now I've been playing the crap out of my PSP. (I just picked up Me and My Katamari! I've been wanting to pick it up for awhile, but I wasn't willing to pay more than $15)

...The Xbox is getting Deathsmiles next week. That should be fun.
As far as new releases go, my Wii and PS3 are definitely getting much more playtime this year than the 360. I'm still catching up on my 360 backlog though, so it's still getting some love. But I agree with you, the PS3 is definitely coming along nowadays, and I'd add that the Wii is as well. The 360, on the other hand, has very little to offer this year. I loved Alan Wake and really liked Splinter Cell, but the only other 360 exclusive I'll probably buy is Deathsmiles. There are more than 3 games on both the Wii and PS3 that have come out already this year that I bought/plan to buy. And both of those systems look to have some more games coming out in the second half of the year.

Edit: Forgot about ME2, which was great as well, but it was also on PC, so it's only kind of an exclusive.
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The two big 360 exclusives this year for me have been Alan Wake and Mass Effect 2.

But it definitely feels like I've been getting more quality exclusives on PS3 (God of War III, Heavy Rain and MAG to name a few). With that being said, I play most of my multiplatform games on the 360: Red Dead, Bayonetta, Darksiders, Split/Second, Bad Company 2, Just Cause 2, etc. so I still use it a lot.

Fable III and Reach will definitely strengthen the 360's overall 2010 lineup for me.
Yes I am... I'm still playing fo3 goty, mw2,fifa wc, bf2.
waiting on black ops,halo reach
thinking about getting RDR
I'm totally pleased. I've played a bunch of great multiplatform games this year like Final Fantasy XIII, BioShock 2, Dragon Age Awakening, Bad Company 2, and Darksiders-- but as far as I'm concerned the reigning king of 2010 is Mass Effect 2. Fable III looks pretty decent, and Gears of War 3 is my most anticipated game of 2011.

As far as XBLA, I'm pumped for Hydro Thunder Hurricane and the multiplayer Castlevania game looks like it could be pretty slick too.

Valkyria Chronicles is still the only game that makes me really wish I had a PS3. Aside from that, I couldn't be more satisfied with my Xbox 360. (And this comes from someone who prior to this hardware generation had been a die hard Sony and Nintendo loyalist Japanophile, so Microsoft must be doing something right. :) )
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Sony definitely won E3 2010 and I am furious at Microsoft’s event, especially since I am a one-console man, Xbox360. When I got it, it had so many exclusives it was reminding me of the PS2. With games like Devil May Cry, Gran Theft Auto, Final Fantasy, and Metal Gear going multiplatform and Xbox360 having a microphone, how could anyone resist? Now that PS3 may have Steam and has an internet browser, Microsoft’s Twitter and FaceBook Apps are horrible because you cannot surf the web and the purpose of these apps is to click on the links, which 360 users cannot do at all. PS3s can go to ESPN, Twitter, FaceBook, Hulu (There is a way) and any other website they want and it is all free. XBL is $50 a year and controlled, limited, and watched by Microsoft. I am a fan of Dead Space and PS3 get and Exclusive Edition that works with Move make me happy for PS3 owners and sad for 360 owners because exclusives, especially one-console game exclusives, hurt everyone. For example, less people cannot or will not buy the game, limiting the number of people you can or will play with. Nevertheless, PS3 is a Blu-ray, having the option of 3D gaming and movie watching, having a browser, getting Steam from Valve, a premium service membership, and sharing multiplatform games makes it the best console on the market that will be almost impossible to topple without guaranteeing what PS3 offers. I cannot wait to get the PS3 bundle this holiday. If I could see all this 3 years ago, I would own and play on a PS3 and have an Xbox360 just for exclusives. I have invested in my Xbox too much to abandon it, but when the next generation of console games arrives, I will still be a one-console man, because going multi-console is too expensive; however, I will probably have the next Sony’s platform rather than one from Microsoft. Sorry Microsoft, they made me a deal I could not refuse.
Sony definitely won E3 2010 and I am furious at Microsoft’s event, especially since I am a one-console man, Xbox360. When I got it, it had so many exclusives it was reminding me of the PS2. With games like Devil May Cry, Gran Theft Auto, Final Fantasy, and Metal Gear going multiplatform and Xbox360 having a microphone, how could anyone resist? Now that PS3 may have Steam and has an internet browser, Microsoft’s Twitter and FaceBook Apps are horrible because you cannot surf the web and the purpose of these apps is to click on the links, which 360 users cannot do at all. PS3s can go to ESPN, Twitter, FaceBook, Hulu (There is a way) and any other website they want and it is all free. XBL is $50 a year and controlled, limited, and watched by Microsoft. I am a fan of Dead Space and PS3 get and Exclusive Edition that works with Move make me happy for PS3 owners and sad for 360 owners because exclusives, especially one-console game exclusives, hurt everyone. For example, less people cannot or will not buy the game, limiting the number of people you can or will play with. Nevertheless, PS3 is a Blu-ray, having the option of 3D gaming and movie watching, having a browser, getting Steam from Valve, a premium service membership, and sharing multiplatform games makes it the best console on the market that will be almost impossible to topple without guaranteeing what PS3 offers. I cannot wait to get the PS3 bundle this holiday. If I could see all this 3 years ago, I would own and play on a PS3 and have an Xbox360 just for exclusives. I have invested in my Xbox too much to abandon it, but when the next generation of console games arrives, I will still be a one-console man, because going multi-console is too expensive; however, I will probably have the next Sony’s platform rather than one from Microsoft. Sorry Microsoft, they made me a deal I could not refuse.
Sony winning E3? What? - it;s generally agreed Nintendo did. And the PS3 gets Extraction because of Move, would probably be hard to do on Shitbox. Anyway back on topic...

My system of choice has always been the PS3 as hearing "Frrrrrrmmmmmmmvvvmmmm" from my 360 ruins games with any atmosphere. So all multi-platform games normally get played on the PS3 unless I hear there's a noticeable difference (such as with Bayonetta).

My 360 is mainly being used by the misses who is once again playing through Fall Out 3 (tough this time with all the DLC) so it's still being used. She'll probably pick up New Vegas which is out this year I think so it should have plenty of use.

The only 360 exclusive which interest me which I still haven't picked up is Alan Wake, apart from that I can't think of any exclusives for the system which have excited me. Gears 3 and Reach will no doubt be great but I'll pick them up when they're cheap or borrow them off a friend - I'm in no rush for them.

The PS3 defiantly seems to be the console with better exclusives this year as I really enjoyed Heavy Rain (though can understand why people wouldn't), God of War 3, 3D Dot Heroes and should be getting Demon Souls (now out in the UK - huzzah!) any day now.

Will probably be picking up Bioshock 2 for the 360 soon as that seems to be getting cheaper and the misses wants it (and as she played the first one on the 360 she wants the second on the 360).
I agree with what most are saying. The PS3 us definitely showing up the xbox this year, but in my mind, this started happening last year. The only relevant exclusives the xbox ha last year were Halo: ODST, Forza 3, and Shadow Complex. I think this year is already better for Microsoft, but still doesn't match what Sony is putting out.
Pretty boring year on both consoles IMO. Mass Effect 2 was fantastic, my favorite game of this generation for sure. Alan Wake looks good and I'll play that at some point, but otherwise I've been playing games from last year or beyond--Assassin's Creed 2, Fallout 3, Bioshock 2 etc.

But nothing on the PS3 exclusive wise has me very interested either. I really only enjoy FPS and WRPG games, and very occasionally an action adventure game like AC2 or Prince of Persia.
I just beat this:


game of the year.

this game is the remedy for your gaming lull
I have all 3 now as well, and I definitely am impressed with the ps3's offering so far, and nintendo's line up that's on the way. MS, not so much. I see Reach, and that's about it this year, but I enjoy online on the 360 and any multi platform game will more than likely go on the 360, unless it preforms better on the PS3, which is fairly rare still.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Pretty boring year on both consoles IMO. Mass Effect 2 was fantastic, my favorite game of this generation for sure. Alan Wake looks good and I'll play that at some point, but otherwise I've been playing games from last year or beyond--Assassin's Creed 2, Fallout 3, Bioshock 2 etc..[/QUOTE]

Umm.. Bioshock 2 came out in February this year. Like a week or two after Mass Effect 2 did.

Oh, and Bayonetta played just fine on PS3. They patched it a while back. Very decent game.

The only game I've really played on my 360 this year was Mass Effect 2, and nothing else really interests me on it so far.
Oh my god I just read something fanboy-riffic and I'm too scared to scroll back up and see who it was. I'm satisfied with my Xbox because of the games that have come out since the current gen began. You could argue the PS3 has alot of the same games as well, but I'm not arguing anything because arguing about game consoles is like arguing about who won Hungry fuckin Hippos. I'm satisfied year to year by good service, not what exclusives come out, because regardless there are going to be great games for all the systems out there.

EDIT: and thank you JEKKI, I've been thinking about getting it, and now I will. I had to crack eventually.
[quote name='JEKKI']I just beat this:


game of the year.

this game is the remedy for your gaming lull[/QUOTE]

I cant imagine actually playing that game. I watched along as GiantBomb did their endurance run and while the setting was interesting and the story was pretty engaging (till the very end) it looked like the "game" parts of the game were a chore. It seems like a better game to watch than play.

On topic, for perhaps the last two years I've thought that Sony has had an advantage over MS in the exclusive department. But since I dont own a PS3, my 360 will get a good workout with the multiplatform titles. Looking forward to AC:Brotherhood for example.

But the console that has me most excited is the Wii. Other M, Epic Mickey, and Kirby's Epic Yarn are all titles I see dominating my fall/holiday time.
Im pretty satisfied with the lineup this year. You got Mass Effect 2 and Splinter cell in the first part of the year, Alan Wake and Crackdown 2 in the summer, and Halo Reach and Fable III in the fall. Add to that the many quality XBL games and multiplatform games being released this year and what more could you want?

The bigger problem with the xbox 360 as far as exclusives go is 2011 and beyond. Halo: Reach is the last bungie Halo game, Gears of War 3 will most likely be the last exclusive Epic game, Mass Effect 3(when it releases) will be the last exclusive Bioware game, and we wont be seeing anything new from Lionhead, Remedy, and Ruffian anytime soon after this year. The most disappointing thing at Microsoft's E3 Conference this year was the fact that they didn't show us whats next for the xbox 360 after Halo, Gears and Fable are done. Microsoft is taking a pretty big gamble on kinect and if it doesn't succeed their going to be in some trouble.
[quote name='Sinfulfate']The bigger problem with the xbox 360 as far as exclusives go is 2011 and beyond. Halo: Reach is the last bungie Halo game, Gears of War 3 will most likely be the last exclusive Epic game, Mass Effect 3(when it releases) will be the last exclusive Bioware game, and we wont be seeing anything new from Lionhead, Remedy, and Ruffian anytime soon after this year. The most disappointing thing at Microsoft's E3 Conference this year was the fact that they didn't show us whats next for the xbox 360 after Halo, Gears and Fable are done. Microsoft is taking a pretty big gamble on kinect and if it doesn't succeed their going to be in some trouble.[/QUOTE]
Exactly. I've been wondering about what Microsoft will be rolling out after those big franchises are done for a while now. They're coming out with Kinect, but that doesn't have anything for the core gamers who are into stuff such as the aforementioned titles.
[quote name='Sinfulfate']The bigger problem with the xbox 360 as far as exclusives go is 2011 and beyond. Halo: Reach is the last bungie Halo game, Gears of War 3 will most likely be the last exclusive Epic game, Mass Effect 3(when it releases) will be the last exclusive Bioware game, and we wont be seeing anything new from Lionhead, Remedy, and Ruffian anytime soon after this year. The most disappointing thing at Microsoft's E3 Conference this year was the fact that they didn't show us whats next for the xbox 360 after Halo, Gears and Fable are done. Microsoft is taking a pretty big gamble on kinect and if it doesn't succeed their going to be in some trouble.[/QUOTE]

Crackdown 2, I want.. but I still have barely even touched Crackdown 1. My PS3 backlog is so huge right now it's not even funny.

And, btw.. there's still a rumor that once ME3 comes out, they're going to release ME as a trilogy on PS3.
I've been very satisfied with the 360 this year. Mass Effect 2 and Alan Wake are masterpieces, and Reach and Fable III will likely be great games too.

I'm just not looking forward to Project Shitbox.
That's a good point. Could probably have another Halo at some point but as for other exclusives, guess there'll be new franchises.

As for a ME trilogy on the PS3 - sounds like simple rumour to me. Nothing with any evidence has been given.
[quote name='xilly']Umm.. Bioshock 2 came out in February this year. Like a week or two after Mass Effect 2 did.

Oh, that's right! I got it so much quicker from Goozex than I do most new releases I was thinking it came out last fall.

So yeah, adding that in, 2010 is pretty good for the 360 then.

Mass Effect 2, Halo Reach, Alan Wake, Fable 3, and the multi platform stuff like Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, Bioshock 2, Call of Duty Black Ops, Fallout New Vegas etc.

PS3 has a solid line up, just a lot of it's exclusives aren't in genre's I play anymore, so just a matter of genre interests as to which is better.
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[quote name='dmaul1114']Oh, that's right! I got it so much quicker from Goozex than I do most new releases I was thinking it came out last fall.

So yeah, adding that in, 2010 is pretty good for the 360 then.

Mass Effect 2, Bioshock 2, Halo Reach, Alan Wake, Fable 3, and the multi platform stuff like Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, Call of Duty Black Ops, Fallout New Vegas etc.

PS3 has a solid line up, just a lot of it's exclusives aren't in genre's I play anymore, so just a matter of genre interests as to which is better.[/QUOTE]

Just in case you didn't know, Bioshock 2 was for PS3 as well, so it's not a 360 exclusive. Still an amazing game though.
I think the 360 is going to keep your WRPG and FPS fans very happy, but for different genres it seems to be a bit of a let down this year.
Yep, I'd agree with that. If you're not a shooter or WRPG fan, the Xbox exclusives line up is a bit thin this year (and most).

But that's why I got a 360 as those are the main genres I play, and I seldom enjoy Japanese developed games/genres these days so the PS3 just never appealed to exclusive wise. The Uncharted games are the only ones I've really wished I could play. A handful of other games I'd like to play like the Resistance games etc., but only the Uncharted games have made me fee like I missed out.

Oh, and yeah I knew Bioshock 2 was multiplatform, just brain fart there.
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I bought the xbox 360 a few years ago because they had the best exclusive titles.PS3 was over priced and had too many mediocre games for me but in the last year and a half they've been releasing some really beast titles.Its too late for me to say that PS3 is killing the Xbox because the box still has great games under its name and for me a few more years of releasing better titles then their competitors.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Yep, I'd agree with that. If you're not a shooter or WRPG fan, the Xbox exclusives line up is a bit thin this year (and most).

But that's why I got a 360 as those are the main genres I play, and I seldom enjoy Japanese developed games/genres these days so the PS3 just never appealed to exclusive wise. The Uncharted games are the only ones I've really wished I could play. A handful of other games I'd like to play like the Resistance games etc., but only the Uncharted games have made me fee like I missed out.

Oh, and yeah I knew Bioshock 2 was multiplatform, just brain fart there.[/QUOTE]

360 exclusives were pretty thin last year as well. So thin in fact that most publications said the best 360 game of last year was Shadow Complex, a downloadable game.
So, the question is "are you happy as an xbox gamer this year?" As in, 2010? Also known as the best year in gaming since...since...well ever?

Um, yeah! This has been one of if not THE best year for gaming, particularly as a 360 gamer.

As far as exclusives go, so far we've had ME2 and Alan Wake, two of the finest experiences you'll find in gaming these days. SPlinter Cell Conviction was pretty damn good, too. We have Halo Reach and Fable 3 on the way, which promise to be beyond top notch quality.

In addition, as non exclusives, we have Red Dead, Dragon Age Awakenings, some people may argue things like Darksiders, Bayonetta or Dante's Inferno.

2010 has been amazing so far.
* I went through a stretch of buying 5 PS3 games (3 of them exclusive) from the end of Februrary through the middle of March, and now I haven't and will not buy another PS3 game until next year.

Granted that's because I almost always buy multi-platform games on 360, but there is nothing at all that excites me with the PS3 lineup for the rest of the year. The PSP lineup for this summer and fall (MGS: Peace Walker, Valkyria Chronicles 2, and GoW: Ghost of Sparta) is way more exciting to me than the PS3 lineup in the same time frame.

* FYI that PS3 game stretch was Heavy Rain, Dante's Inferno, MLB The Show, FF XIII, and GoW 3. I no longer own HR or FF XIII (both traded in towards new games as I beat HR day 1 and the DLC the day it came out for pre-order customers and I HATED FF XIII.)
PS3 was far superior last year with Uncharted 2, inFamous, LittleBigPlanet, & Killzone 2. While Xbox 360 just had Left 4 Dead 2.

This year my favorite game so far is Heavy Rain on PS3, but the Xbox 360 has Alan Wake, Splinter Cell Conviction, and Mass Effect 2, so it is ahead overall.

I'm certainly satisfied with the Xbox 360, so much so that I couldn't justify keeping a PS3 for $200. When the Xbox 360 was basically $80 at Target, there is no way a PS3 can be worth $200.
I'm not a TPS/FPS guy so the lol360 doesn't get a lot of play from me.

It's basically my Rock Band and Pinball hall of fame system.

Deathsmiles was nice though.
There isn't much I'm interested in for the rest of the year, so I got rid of mine (just before the value plummeted before E3, yay.) Time to play catch up on PS3. I'll probably get a 360 S when they do some bundles and price drops next year and catch up on 360 games then.
This is a better year for the PS3 but I'm so behind in my collection of Xbox games that I don't really care. I'm still playing catch up and I rarely buy new releases.
bread's done