Feminist now UNHAPPY about FAT PRINCESS

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Let the defensive misogyny begin!

(Being one (fat princess, not a feminist), only reason I'm not playing is because I don't have a PS3. :D )
maybe fat girls who are mad about it should lose some fucking weight...

it's one thing to be fat and not care, it's another to be fat and think no one should have an opinion of people who are fat.
I can't wait to see the downloadable content for this game

$0.99 - Cheese Wheel
$0.99 - Party Sub
$0.99 - Giant Cookie (We're talking Bruce Almighty size here)

It's definitely a day 1 purchase from me, with or without voice chat.
If it has voicechat, I have no problems paying 20 bucks for this. This game is going to kick so much ass.
Wouldn't it be worse to NOT make a game with a fat princess? I mean, it's discriminatory to think that all princesses were skinny and beautiful.
Jesus. She's not a feminist, she's just a very unpleasant human being. (There's a difference.) Her existence only furthers the stereotype that ugly chicks have horrible personalities because they believe the world made them that way.

From the moment I saw the pic of her sticking the middle finger I knew I wasn't going to read anything remotely intellectual or adding to a conversation. She comes off as very whiny - she's the equivalent of a fanboy except that her allegiance isn't to Nintendo, Microsoft or Sony...but rather "obesity". I never understood the whole pride in being overweight, it's unhealthy.

Regardless, I thought this was funny. http://i33.tinypic.com/okapav.jpg
Fat Bitch is now UNHAPPY about FAT PRINCESS
Fixed. The Feminists were actually offering constructive criticism.

I never understood the whole pride in being overweight, it's unhealthy.

Same here, it's one thing to be happy with being fat, it's your life, do what you want, that's cool. What's really retarded is the number of fat people taking fat pride to zealotry levels, and demanding that the rest of society cater to them more than the selection at your local buffet.

Sorry, tough shit, I'm not making non-standard size doors just because your tired of entering the garage just to get into your home. If you've reached the point that you can no longer fit into standard seating at the theater or the airport, expect to pay for two seats.

Quite frankly, I consider you all fools, and at the same time grant you my thanks, because with the Zombie invasion finally hits, you fuckers are going to be an awesome distraction.

Finally, that picture is full of win (and cake)

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Keep in mind that it's these fat nutjobs that become the limelight of feminism in its third wave.
[quote name='heavyd853']How is a fat princess a stereotype..........[/quote]

Concurred. One would figure "skinny princess" would be the stereotype. Would these feminist protest a game titled "Skinny Princess"? I think not.
[quote name='ninja dog']This is the first time I've heard this word...but I have a feeling it won't be the last. :roll:[/QUOTE]

If you can think of a better, more succinct way to describe what it does, I'd love to hear it.
They're just taking random posts from the internet to make a story/controversy. Dumb. You can find people insulted by any game, doesn't mean they deserve to be heard.
[quote name='happy']They're just taking random posts from the internet to make a story/controversy. Dumb. You can find people insulted by any game, doesn't mean they deserve to be heard.[/quote]

Exactly. It's just like the Resident Evil 5 controversy, after N'Gai's comments, there were news postings of every blogger coming out of the woodwork.

Some yahoo not liking a game shouldn't be news-worthy, but controversy does get hits which generates ad revenue for sites like Joystiq or Kotaku.
lol who cares its a friggen game, this reminds me of the whole RE5 thing about offending african americans or something.
[quote name='basilofbkrst']I think the important thing here is that it went from ten to thirty dollars.[/quote]

To quote Al Bundy. "IF a woman hates it, you know it's fun"
[quote name='Kanik']Exactly. It's just like the Resident Evil 5 controversy, after N'Gai's comments, there were news postings of every blogger coming out of the woodwork.

Some yahoo not liking a game shouldn't be news-worthy, but controversy does get hits which generates ad revenue for sites like Joystiq or Kotaku.[/quote]

This isn't even comparable to N'Gai's comments, he's at least a respected and intelligent journalist, these really are just random people.
[quote name='happy']This isn't even comparable to N'Gai's comments, he's at least a respected and intelligent journalist, these really are just random people.[/quote]

Oh no, I wasn't referring to his (I actually thought his post was well thought out and was a strong stance). I was comparing it to every person who came after that and really added nothing to the debate, were just random bloggers, and somehow got articles posted about their opinions on sites.
[quote name='chasemurata']Concurred. One would figure "skinny princess" would be the stereotype. Would these feminist protest a game titled "Skinny Princess"? I think not.[/quote]

It could be worse, though I don't know how. Maybe if it were called Bulimic Princess, starring one of the Olsen Twins?
[quote name='brighenne']At least Feminist Gamers are intelligent about it, that first lady just sounds like a retard to me.[/quote]
Those Feminist Gamers scare me... Because I appreciate/enjoy/ogle attractive women in games, I'm a klan member??
Isn't a goal of the game to rescue the princess?

Seems to me this is about rescuing someone who happens to be fat.

Everyone should calm down...
And to top it off, she hated the PS2. (And she has a mustache.) I guess I'm just tired of the victim mentality we've generated with all this "you're special" nonsense. Let's face it, some people are not special. Some people wear helmets so they don't damage the soft-spot on their head. Some people rant about missing extra cheese fries on their order at Lardburger. And some people can't take a joke.....

Fat or not, she should at least lighten up and roll with it. (I mean, I've heard that fat folks are mobile that way....)

If they made this into HOT PRINCESS then that fatass would probably bitch about how Sony's displaying an unrealistic picture of how women should look.

If anything, this game should make her aware of how much trouble being fat can cause.:lol:
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I will purchase anything that disparages fat people. Wall-E and Fat Princess a purchase on Day One. Generation Kill the book, and the DVD release will also be purchased because the Health Nut finds fatties disgusting.
BBW seeking knight in shining armor who enjoys holding hands, long walks on beach, and fighting through hordes of archers, mages, and warriors. Must be able to dead-lift 300 pounds, fully-staffed kitchen a plus. Contact: 806-BIG-LOVIN or [email protected]
[quote name='camoor']BBW seeking knight in shining armor who enjoys holding hands, long walks on beach, and fighting through hordes of archers, mages, and warriors. Must be able to dead-lift 300 pounds, fully-staffed kitchen a plus. Contact: 806-BIG-LOVIN or [email protected][/quote]

I think this is the best post I have ever read. Well done.
I salute brave, creative designers that aren't afraid to break from the norms of game design.

We need more original, provocative games like this and less major licensed-movie games made for a quick buck.
It has been said already, but... the first thing I though when I read that blog was, if it was a skinny chick that you saved, she would be writing: "Oh, so fat girls aren't worth saving?".

Second thought was: the jokes really on her, as now she says she is going to get a 360 :)

This is ridiculous... The fat lady complaining about Fat Princess? Well, first off, she's no Princess, she's just fat. Secondly, the game is about rescuing the princess got fat from "tortures." It's not like the princess is fat to start with... Thirdly, it's a damn cartoony game, just chill fat ladies.

OT, but i gotta get this off my chest... This morning while riding the Subway to work, i happen to stand in front of the row of seat that had five women sat on it. Check this out, all of them are FAT, wait, more like obese row of women. When one of them got off, i was reluctant to sit in that row (i think being around fat people will make you fat too, see Boston Legal for references). Guess what? Since i didn't choose to sit, another lady took the empty space and oh boy, she's fat too!

My wife is 110 pounds and i think she's still a little fat... so just imagine how repulsive it is to see five/six fat ladies on the same row (i still haven't eat my lunch yet).
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The idea is to keep the princess fat and to save her? And this visage is not pleased with that scenario?

I'm not even going to go on a Feminist tangent. I'm just going to say that this particular womans brain isn't firing on all synapses. Or she's just dying to make a name for herself and being a blatant idiot or huge cow hypocrite is the only road she's able to take.
I'm not interested in satisfying the writer's intention by clicking on the link to her blog/rant, but I am quite curious how heteronormativity fits into this equation. Might as well call the game racist since the Fat fuck has the melanin of a white woman, and that means blacks aren't worth saving.

I'm all in favor of feminism, but the woman writing this is a blithering idiot, and y'all are just jumping on an easy target and lazily deriding all feminist thought as bullshit - which is fallacious and incredibly shortsighted on y'alls parts.

I may as well take a poorly written blog about why the Playstation 3 is such a stupid expensive system with no good games ever and no achievements, and use that to insist the inherent wrongness of every criticism of the PS3 ever - if you see my comparison.

EDIT: She named her blog "Shakespeare's Sister?" Well, I'll keep that in mind the next time I'm accused of being arrogant. Wow. Next thing you know, John Tesh's latest jazz album will be called "It's Pretty Much Just Like fucking Coltrane, OK?"
I'm not trying to debate it - just getting my point across.

One blithering idiot complains about a game and all the gamers here react with the same ardent reactionary pithy name calling and broadcloathing of all feminists. It's not "feminists are now unhappy...," it's "one dumbass is unhappy about Fat Princess." She doesn't speak for all feminists, irrespective of whether she claims to.

But gamers don't want to really think about this, and instead merely lapse into these unconscious reactions where all feminists are evil and bitches and so on - rather than realizing the person making the claims about this game can be a complete, utter, depraved, bag of fucking hammers idiot, and feminism can still be just fine.

But who wants the nuance of thought when we can have the subtleties of typical gamer-dolt reactionism?

EDIT: Kanik and HotShot (as always) are on point at least.
What the hell with this feminism stuffs today?! My boss is a female and at home, my wife is the true head of the household. My son hates take daughters to work day... So, what's with this feminism eh?
Ah, understood. And fantastic point. One person, part of a group, does not necessarily speak for the entire group. I shall edit the title to singular instead of the assumptive plural it now denotes.

I stand by my statement that she's not the smartest gal around.
Err... I don't think one chubby blogger speaks for "feminists", or really anyone other than herself.

Anyways, how is a FAT princess a stereotype? It's breaking stereotypes!

To think they haven't even announced Fat Princess's new PMSunami attack yet.
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