final fantasy advent children releae date?


when the hell is it!!!???? i know i can just download the movie since its subbed and all but i want to buy the dam dvd. when is this movie going to coming out !!!!
theres alot of dvd guys who have the import around me somewhere, try looking in some malls for a dvd kiosk (i've been seeing alot of kung fu dvd kiosks springing up for some reason and they all have advent children, very good quality, and for what i know it's subbed)
last i heard, it was supposed to be January 10th, i think. and this month's egm had an ad for it, but it only said "Coming Soon," but since the ad was even in the magazine, I think the Jan. 2006 date may be final.

but with square, who the hell knows.
gamestop has a date of 4-3-06 posted instore.

hopefully not acurate but last i read they were casting for good english voices so it might be true.
bread's done