Final Fantasy IV Advance - Who else got it?

The rumor (unconfirmed as far as I know) is that the source code for FFIII NES was lost a long time ago, which is why it's never been ported (for instance, FFI, II, and IV were ported to the WonderSwan color, but not III).

I don't know if it's true or not; FFI and II for WS were redone with new graphics and everything (all that nice stuff you see in Origins and DoS first appeared on WS). In terms of portables, globally prior to the PSP, anything that was not a Game Boy was doomed, doomed, doomed; same with the WonderSwan (despite a reasonably good assortment of games, honestly). IMO, porting FFIV without any graphical updates (the scope of the NES conversions, that is) was financially much easier than remaking FFIII.

This doesn't explain, of course, why it was never remade for GBA, and is instead being remade with 3-D graphics for DS.

FFIII, by the way, is the best of the NES versions, although I don't know the story so well. ;)
Just picked this up for, technically $15. Got Best Buy to Price Match it down from $30 to $25 because of Circuit City. Then I buy two guitar heroes, which nets me a free $10 gift card via the spend $75 on software get $10 GC promo. I use that to knock it down from $25 to $15.

I have wins.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']Then I buy two guitar heroes....

I have wins.[/QUOTE]

Can I have ONE of those Guitar Heroes? You seem rich enough to spread some Xmas cheer :).
I hated some boss in that game. It was some wall boss and after a set amount of turns, if you don't kill it by then, it's automatic death. Other than that, this was a great game!

(I actually don't hate that boss that much)
[quote name='KaneRobot']Related note: Someone knocked the FF 1&2 compilation for it that bad or just not as good as IV?[/QUOTE]

Oh, it's not that it's bad, it's just that, like the Dragon Warrior ports for the GBC, the difficulty of the overall games were toned down by quite a bit. The overall feelings are...

FF1: Who needs the bonus dungeons when fighting every battle you come across gives you almost more money than you will ever need and all the levels you can imagine? Also, Levels cap at 99 rather than 50 and the introduction of the MP System rather than the Use System makes Mages and Wizards powerhouses. Just toss around spells with impunity! It's all good!

FF2: Awww, no more stat cheats during battle (well, to some degree). However, regular Max HP upgrades help make the system move a lot faster. Good luck getting any spells up to Level 16, though. Most of the time you won't need to do so and the extra power won't matter much. Also, if you really want to go places, buffs are your friend. Seriously. Stacking Berserk, Haste, Protect and Shell will basically make a character (or an entire party, if you have high enough levels in the spells) godly in battle.

Both games go relatively fast though if you beat them in full. I think FF1 took me around 50 hours or so to get 98% and FF2 took me around 40 hours to get 93%. The final bosses never knew what hit them...
[quote name='mykevermin']That's the one; but that version can't be any but the GBA version! What the hell? If FFIV Advance isn't based on Easy Type, was this a picture from the bonus dungeon, or did they put in the easy zeromus?

Now I'm confused; I have the game, and I'm desperate to play it, but I'm also trying to finish "Soul of Rebirth" for GBA FFII first.[/QUOTE]

i heard he is in the bonus dungeon
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']Just picked this up for, technically $15. Got Best Buy to Price Match it down from $30 to $25 because of Circuit City. Then I buy two guitar heroes, which nets me a free $10 gift card via the spend $75 on software get $10 GC promo. I use that to knock it down from $25 to $15.

I have wins.[/QUOTE]

Oh, good. BB has it? I've got a gift card, probably going to pick it up this weekend for my travling over break. I was worried when it doesn't show up on their website.
[quote name='asianxcore']I am thinking of getting this. will it appeal to non-hardcore RPG fans?[/QUOTE]

If you liked SNES Final Fantasy Games, you'll like this, since, you know, it's a SNES Final Fantasy game ported.
FF4 was my first RPG (on SNES), and I doubt I could have been considered hardcore into RPGs then or now.
I love this game. It's easily my favorite Final Fantasy. The quality of this port has me really looking forward to FF III, V, and VI.
Now if Square Enix would port Chrono Trigger and Secret of Mana to the DS or GBA I would be very happy.
Haha... crap, it just got hard. I haven't spent any time leveling like I usually do... 5 hours and I'm at the Magnetic Cave and getting absolutely slaughtered. Time to load up on some items and get a few more levels. Cecil isn't yet at level 20, for reference.
Picked this up the other day, but haven't started it yet... I'm still working on too many other games and just played through most of the FF:Chronicles version on my PS2 earlier this month -- I figure I'll save this for when I visit the folks next weekend or something. :)
Bought it for my GF for Christmas. Now it's just gonna sit there beckoning me until I wrap it. I might end up getting another copy for myself...
[quote name='botticus']Haha... crap, it just got hard. I haven't spent any time leveling like I usually do... 5 hours and I'm at the Magnetic Cave and getting absolutely slaughtered. Time to load up on some items and get a few more levels. Cecil isn't yet at level 20, for reference.[/QUOTE]

I recently played through a good hunk of this on the PSone. The Magnetic Cave totally kicked my ass, it took me a good 10 times to get through it in one piece. I hate level-grinding and ran straight through until this point.
[quote name='GreenMonkey']I recently played through a good hunk of this on the PSone. The Magnetic Cave totally kicked my ass, it took me a good 10 times to get through it in one piece. I hate level-grinding and ran straight through until this point.[/QUOTE]
I generally don't mind level grinding. And particularly at this stage of the game, when I can wander around Troia, getting 500-1000 gil per battle, I have no qualms about using a tent every couple battles (which only cost 100), and it makes things a lot easier.
Just picked it up last night at work. Prob will save it tho for the Christmas weekend.
I spent the past day or two leveling up because Baigan would kick my ass in two turns.. well, took him out today, and somewhere, sometime during the level up (I think), Tellah learned "Thundaga".. fought the turtle guy.. did Thundaga twice, Yang punched him with the lightning claw once, and it was over. Seriously. I beat the boss in three turns, the boss actually got off one attack. It was on Palom, and it missed. One Thundaga shot did 1400 damage, the next did 3460.. wow. hahahaha, that was awesome. Tellah kicks ass.
Alright, I haven't played through FFI in my Dawn of Souls cart, but I've finally finished FFII and the Soul of Rebirth side quest, tediously completing my bestiary to 100%.

Not relevant, you say? Somehow, Square has gone astray from their typical approach to subsequent Final Fantasy games; while none of them have stories in common, there are themes (e.g., the crystals) that tie the games together.

Now, although storywise it was only added in this iteration of FFII, there *is* an interesting (though ultimately superficial) storyline tie-in with FFIV. Find it below.


The young child of the deceased Dragoon, Ricard, turns out to become the last Dragoon, Kain.

I'm finding FFIV Advance waaaay easier than FFIV PS1, and I have a lot more cash laying around. Anyone else comment on the difficulty? I just finished up the Sand Ruby cave.
[quote name='GreenMonkey']I'm finding FFIV Advance waaaay easier than FFIV PS1, and I have a lot more cash laying around. Anyone else comment on the difficulty? I just finished up the Sand Ruby cave.[/QUOTE]

It definately gets harder. Unless you're going back and forth leveling up and whatnot. I didn't have a problem until I reached the caves right before going to Babel again and fighting Baigan.
OK. Weird. I think i'm doing something wrong.

I just got to the cave of the Dark Elf. When we go in, they're like, "wow, the magnetic force is strong here!" and Yang's all "my claws are okay" and Tellah's all "My magic will protect us!" and I can move around.. but the second I enter a battle, all my guys kneel down and have some blackish thing that loooks like {} surround them (with the character in the middle) and it says "the party was defeated".. and throws me to the main menu.

Is there something i'm supposed to equip or what the hell's the deal?
[quote name='Scorch']OK. Weird. I think i'm doing something wrong.

I just got to the cave of the Dark Elf. When we go in, they're like, "wow, the magnetic force is strong here!" and Yang's all "my claws are okay" and Tellah's all "My magic will protect us!" and I can move around.. but the second I enter a battle, all my guys kneel down and have some blackish thing that loooks like {} surround them (with the character in the middle) and it says "the party was defeated".. and throws me to the main menu.

Is there something i'm supposed to equip or what the hell's the deal?[/QUOTE]

The opposite really, you can't have any metal objects equipped, except for Yangs claws. Which I guess are made of adamantium and aren't magnetic.
[quote name='doomlv20']The opposite really, you can't have any metal objects equipped, except for Yangs claws. Which I guess are made of adamantium and aren't magnetic.[/QUOTE]

Oh, great. This dungeon should be great fun.
[quote name='Scorch']Oh, great. This dungeon should be great fun.[/QUOTE]

I found the magenetic cave brutally hard on the PS1 version of FFIV. Much much worse than I remember the US version being back in the day.

That's pretty much an accurate summation of it.
[quote name='GreenMonkey']I found the magenetic cave brutally hard on the PS1 version of FFIV. Much much worse than I remember the US version being back in the day.

That's pretty much an accurate summation of it.[/QUOTE]
Its always brutally hard. Cecil can't even have a weapon, from what I know. Unless he's allowed to equip a staff or something. And if you think it might be metal equipment, it probably is.
I picked this up a few days ago ($20 after that sweet BB coupon!). The only FF game I've ever completed (or really even tried to play) was VII when I had a Playstation. After beating Chrono Trigger this past fall, I think I've got a better handle on how these games work. I'm through getting the stone from the Antlion (made me freak at first, flashes of Half-Life 2 terrorized my dreams ;) ) and am really, really enjoying it. I've got a LOT of airport time over Christmas to play, so I'm looking forward to really digging in. Any tips for a newbie? :)
[quote name='botticus']Its always brutally hard. Cecil can't even have a weapon, from what I know. Unless he's allowed to equip a staff or something. And if you think it might be metal equipment, it probably is.[/QUOTE]

Pretty sure he can have a bow and arrow.

Any tips for a newbie?

Stock up/level up now. When you go to Baron for the second time and go through a door to a dungeon, just walk up and down the strip, beating enemies and gaining levels for a few days. When you get low on health or MP, just go back to the village and rest in the inn. You'll gain gold and experience at a rate of 300 to 350 per battle, but it's worth it. All I kept doing was thundaga with Tellah and it'd kill 'em all in one swoop. I could manage six to eight battles before running back and staying at the inn to recover MP and HP.. sure, it's cheap, but it paid off for the boss fight.
The days and nights I spent with this game! I remember this was one game I had dreams about b/c I played it so much.

I remember spending probably a good 20 hours in that one room looking for a Pink Puff to fight and hoping a Pink Tail would drop. It got me to Lvl 99 before I ever got it. The sad thing was that I never got Excalibur and had the Defense Sword still equipped - nevermind that I didn't even know about the Crystal Sword. Those were the days back when you had to PAY to call Nintendo's tip line and there was no FAQ community. Secrets were truly passed around and rumoured (like the Pink Puff that I thought might not have existed).

Rydia + Crystal Armor + Lvl99 = easy cleanup - sad I remember that! :) :) :)
Why does everyone have such a problem with the Magnetic Cave? See those two buttons at the top of your GBA? Press them. You run away. Just run the whole dungeon and level up before or after. Easy.
Maybe I'm just a newb because I've never played an RPG with ATB before, but I'm finding it decently challenging. Water God dude just handed me my ass.
Love this game. Played it a crapload when it came out, and playing all the time now. Can't wait for FFIV (FFIII for the SNES I believe) to come out sometime next year.
[quote name='Vegan']This game has more story in the first 2 hours than all of FF X. I'm having a lot of fun with this game.[/QUOTE]
This game has more story than FF5+6 combined.
Dunno about 5, but 6? C'mon. 6 had twice as many characters, and after their personal stories, everything that interconnects them alone is fascinating. It was amazing subtle at times, but brilliantly incorporated. Shadow's dreams were enough to make me drop my controller and marvel at how well FF6 was constructed.
Maybe this is because this is my third or fourth time going through an iteration of this game, but wow, the storyline sure is... overly dramatic. Not sure why I never noticed it before.
[quote name='Strell']Dunno about 5, but 6? C'mon. 6 had twice as many characters, and after their personal stories, everything that interconnects them alone is fascinating. It was amazing subtle at times, but brilliantly incorporated. Shadow's dreams were enough to make me drop my controller and marvel at how well FF6 was constructed.[/QUOTE]
6's characters were quite disparate. They had their own stories, but it seemed like mini-side quests to learn about them. It's like reading 15 tiny books one after another to describe each character. I think it would have been better had many the characters' stories intertwined a little more. However, it seems that after a character's story had been touched on, they really wouldn't come back to it again.
So I finally got to crack this open today and start playing. As much as I love Final Fantasy IV, I can't stand what's been done with this game for the most part. The map-scrolling's unnaturally slow, the revised script (especially the first playable "mission" your given), the fact that I can attack 2-3 times before enemies decide to smack me for 1 hp damage, and you most likely will defeat the first boss without witnessing the damned things namesake move.

Edit: Might I add that I hope this crap doesn't happen to FFV and FFIV.
[quote name='Strell']Dunno about 5, but 6? C'mon. 6 had twice as many characters, and after their personal stories, everything that interconnects them alone is fascinating. It was amazing subtle at times, but brilliantly incorporated. Shadow's dreams were enough to make me drop my controller and marvel at how well FF6 was constructed.[/QUOTE]

I agree. :applause: VI is one of my all-time favs.
[quote name='Moxio']Where did you guys get your copies? I'm looking to pick this up.[/QUOTE]
You can get it for $20 at Best Buy after the coupon.
[quote name='MJS']I agree. :applause: VI is one of my all-time favs.[/QUOTE]

Damn straight. Very few games before or since match VI in terms of sheer awesome. That's a quality game right there. Can't wait for the GBA version.
bread's done