Final Fantasy Tactics A2 impressions.


46 (100%)
I was really saddened that the laws don't apply the enemy. It was basically the only thing that kept them from killing us, and in later missions, I really miss them.
And dang this game is long.
I actually gave up on this game. I found it took really long to get character skills. I think I fell asleep and then I traded it away.
I liked it alot, but I haven't touched it since Disgaea DS came out.

The one issue I can't get over with Tactics A2 is how slooooowly it plays. It just takes forever to do anything. Afaik there'es no way to turn off the animations or speed gameplay up.

If you have hours at a time to devote to your DS then Tactics is fine, but if you usually game in shorter bursts, it's sometimes hard to even finish a quest in a single session.
I'm currently 75 hrs into FFT:A2 and while I love this game, I do agree that the original was way better than all the portable versions. I rather have the original's job system (JP) than the item based learning system found in FFT:A2.

JP for teh win. :cool:
I agree, sometimes it does feel like I'm playing a PlayStation game... :( If only Square Enix would quit it with the prettiness and do something about making the game run better.
28 hours in, and I still haven't got my frickin' 2nd A ability for my Animist!!!
While I know a lot of people prefer the original FF Tactics to the GBA/DS spin-offs (I am one of those people as well), I am still really enjoying this game. I've completed 252 missions, gotten one of the secret characters, mastered the majority of the jobs, and gotten all but 4 of the Scions.

My mine gripe is that the game takes way too long to play through a battle. I'm decently efficient in my quests, completing most of them in 10-15 minutes or less, but the fact that I can't speed up the character movements or turn off the enemy's movement animation all together is dissappointing. Because of the wait, I am almost always doing something while playing this game (watching TV, lurking on CAG, etc.) while I'm waiting for the AI to complete its turn, which has caused some delay when playing and clocked my playing time at 150 hrs. so far.

I shutter to think what my total play time will be after I finish all 400 missions. Also, for those that haven't started playing this yet, I think the Hard mode is the way to go for your first/only playthrough. I chose Hard when I started my file and haven't found a mission that really challenged me yet.
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Not bad, just takes forever to get through a battle (and never really feels like it should take that long). Starting to wish I put it on hard mode myself. Oh well, 18 hours and 30 minutes. I guess I'll stick this one out. It's enjoyable if you like the last one, or if you're ok with the fact that the story is kids stuff and liked the PS1/PSP one.
[quote name='wjhard63']
My mine gripe is that the game takes way to long to play through a battle.[/quote]

I hear that, and Square-Enix (hell, everybody) needs to realize that not being able to skip a cut scene is never good.

I'm still enjoying the game, don't get me wrong. Strategy/tactical RPGs are pretty much my favorite genre, with the PS Tactics being one of my favorite games of all time. SE could stand to take a few pages out of the Fire Emblem play books.
Haven't played this one, but do battles really take that long? I didn't remember that being an issue in the first FFTA. I do remember manipulating monsters so they would break the law and go to jail though. That was kinda cool.

The JP system in the PS/PSP Tactics is simply put, the Final Fantasy job system perfected. They literally need to just take that system and dump it into a new game.
It just feels like things could've been a bit a little faster. Too many needless menus and stuff that make the game flow seem slow. It's far from unplayable, it just takes a bit of getting used to.

The fact that law's don't effect the enemy stinks though, since, like you said, it would be very satisfying to make the enemy break the law. The punishment isn't so bad though. You just lose your battle privilege (in battle power-up) and won't be able to phoenix down any fallen units. And you won't need to bail anyone out of jail.

I you like the previous FFTA, you'll more than likely enjoy this one. That said, I'm ready for a true sequel of the original Final Fantasy Tactics.
I'm at least halfway done with the game, and I'm disappointed in the main character. Since this is a video game, I expected that he would gain some awesome powers or a job or something, but like all the other Tactics protagonists, he's just better than average.
Man, I'm so glad I have Vaan, he easily overshadows him.
I'm a big fan of all the FF Tactics games, originial and GBA/DS and this one is pretty good. The one problem I have is that the story is lame. Does it always have to be a little kid doing everything? That said, I still enjoyed the game play.
[quote name='hero101']I also hated the fact that enemies don't have to follow the laws and your party only get penalized. :roll:[/quote]

This. WTF?!
Just to correct my earlier post, I've found out that there are only 300 missions, even though there are 400 squares in the quest list. I've gotten through 296, but the last one I'll have to tackle requires that you be a level 77 to complete (due to dispatching/time limits). I'm not a fan of having to grind levels to get 100% in the game, but I want to complete all the missions, so I'm already planning to look for the random monster battles to get the 60 exp. per battle.

On a side note the
heritor job
is awesome for Adelle. Wermut, Lennart, and Adellaide are my favorites.
bread's done