Final Fantasy V Advance - Out NOW!


102 (100%)
But what did they add that is new?

Similar to the Game Boy Advance rereleases of its predecessors, the new version will have updated graphics and an optimized system. Four new jobs (Gladiator, Cannoneer, Necromancer, and Prophet) and a new 30-floor bonus dungeon have also been confirmed, as well as additional equipment in the style of previous GBA re-releases.[40][41][42] The game has apparently been retranslated, as the name Reina has been established as "Lenna," as it was in Square Japan's official materials. Also, a GameSpy screenshot of the game has revealed a soundtrack option similiar to that of the previous GBA remakes.[43]

Can't wait ;)
I assume the "retranslation" is compared to the PlayStation compilation? I think Lenna is what I've always seen (emulated).
I'll be picking this up as soon as I finish up FFXII. V and III are the only two Final Fantasy games I haven't finished, so this is going to be a good month for me.
holy crap! Why doesnt squarenix market these rereleases more?

I loved V, but never got to finish it (it was a rental, and I never got too far) I'm picking this up on tuesday
And FWIW, I heard the slow-down that plagued FFIV Advance has been all but obliterated in V and VI. Didn't affect gameplay at all, but still, nice bonus.
[quote name='Kendro']And FWIW, I heard the slow-down that plagued FFIV Advance has been all but obliterated in V and VI. Didn't affect gameplay at all, but still, nice bonus.[/QUOTE]

Actually, the slowdown from IV affected gameplay alot... people would get their turns skipped, some people would get double attacks, some attacks would come out later (or sooner) than they should.

That game was pretty broken.
If the lag and bugs in the battle system are not fixed, then Square can fuck off proper.

I'll let someone else tell me if that shit is working or not first.
This was a damned good and very underappreciated RPG.

I can't help but feel, with FFXII last week and FFIII DS coming shortly, it will continue to be underappreciated. If you want to double team your DS, though, FFIII is only about 25 hours, so it's not as if Squeenix is trying to co-opt ALL your time.
[quote name='slidecage']what part is part 5 here?[/QUOTE]


Edit: Sigh, since it seems like I have to.

FFV was only released on the PS compilation "Final Fantasy Anthology." It wasn't ever on the SNES in America as something else. It was hacked and translated on emulators.

So it's always been V.
[quote name='Strell']..........

Edit: Sigh, since it seems like I have to.

FFV was only released on the PS compilation "Final Fantasy Anthology." It wasn't ever on the SNES in America as something else. It was hacked and translated on emulators.

So it's always been V.[/quote]Well, since it's between FFII US and FFIII US, it's clearly FF2.5.
Good time to make sure I've got them all in some form:

Origins (I & II)
Anthology (V and VI(3 in US))
Chronicles (IV & ChronoTrigger)

Will probably never want XI and will wait for XII to go GH.

By the way, the PS1 collections are still readily available for $15-$20 at amazon. I wonder if they will release a I-X compilation on one of the next gen systems.
[quote name='Strell']..........

Edit: Sigh, since it seems like I have to.

FFV was only released on the PS compilation "Final Fantasy Anthology." It wasn't ever on the SNES in America as something else. It was hacked and translated on emulators.

So it's always been V.[/QUOTE]

thanks wasnt really sure what part was our part 3. Saved me 30 bucks since i already have it on the ps1 dont need it for the gba

Plus how badly part 4 was i dont want to dump 30 on another GBA game
I liked Final Fantasy V a lot less than 4 or 6 despite the job system that's really fun. The characters have no personality whatsoever and the world is lifeless. Final Fantasy IV Advance did suffer from some bugs in the battle system, but they weren't nearly annoying enough to call it "broken".
I got Final Fantastic Tactics (GBA) Different game

1. Final Fantasy 1 & 2 (GBA)
2. Final fantasy 4 (GBA)
3. Final Fantasy 5 (GBA) Coming out today
4. Final Fantasy 3 (DS) coming soon
5. Final Fantasy 6 (GBA) coming out in 2007.
I got FF7, FF8, FF9 for PS1 and FFX, FFX-2 for PS2.
I'll pickup FFXII whenever it drop down $20 :)

Mmmmm..... That's all right !!!
[quote name='Roufuss']Actually, the slowdown from IV affected gameplay alot... people would get their turns skipped, some people would get double attacks, some attacks would come out later (or sooner) than they should.

That game was pretty broken.[/QUOTE]

It's worth noting that the European version of Final Fantasy IV Advance had the slowdown fixed. I need to pick that version up myself.

Anyway, I'm definitely getting V, but I'm not sure when... I'm planning on tearing open FFXII CE this Friday and playing the fuck out of that, so I guess I'll pick FFV and III up after that. I still really wish that VI Advance would hurry up and come out though since that's the one I'm excited about the most... by far.
I've played through the game once before and loved the refined job system from III. As far as RPGs go at the moment, my plate is overflowing (FFXII, Contact, Fire Emblen: TSS, and soon-to-be FFIII).

I guess I'll put this on my Christnas list.
In case anyone is wondering, everyone is getting it today, not just EB / GS... just got it for $24.99 at Best Buy thanks to the GGC.

Can't wait to start playing, which is right

Btw, the game also supports an improved soundtrack, according to the box.
[quote name='Chacrana']It's worth noting that the European version of Final Fantasy IV Advance had the slowdown fixed. I need to pick that version up myself.

Anyway, I'm definitely getting V, but I'm not sure when... I'm planning on tearing open FFXII CE this Friday and playing the fuck out of that, so I guess I'll pick FFV and III up after that. I still really wish that VI Advance would hurry up and come out though since that's the one I'm excited about the most... by far.[/QUOTE]

You'll be interested to know that FFVI is adding two new espers... Gilgamesh and Leviathan.

What they are adding on top of that isn't known.
I did not have any of those slowdown issues with FF IV Advance. Sounds like I was lucky.

Anyway, picked up the game at my lunch break but I have not played it yet. I played a bit of this one on the PS compilation disc but I did not finish it. So, figured I would pick it up and play it along with Final Fantasy III next week.

By the way, anybody heard a release date on Final Fantasy VI Advance?
[quote name='Rags']
By the way, anybody heard a release date on Final Fantasy VI Advance?[/QUOTE]


There isn't alot of info on it other than it's there and the small extra stuff I just posted (which came from a Japanese flyer).
[quote name='Roufuss']2007.

There isn't alot of info on it other than it's there and the small extra stuff I just posted (which came from a Japanese flyer).[/QUOTE]

That's kinda what I had heard for a release, but the last time I saw anything about it was quite a while ago so I thought something might have been released as to a release date.
[quote name='Rags']That's kinda what I had heard for a release, but the last time I saw anything about it was quite a while ago so I thought something might have been released as to a release date.[/QUOTE]

I think they are keeping it a bit hush hush so they don't take wind out of FFV's sails (or sales... either or).
I think VI is due in December for Japan. So I would expect early 07 for the US, since they already have a translation in the SNES version, shouldn't take them that long to localize.

Hopefully GR gets this on Friday, or I'll have to break down and spend my EB credit on it.
1. F U Europe, what with your non-shitty FFIV. You are almost forcing my hand here.

2. Any word on slow down in FFV? Or do I have to get some special Limey version that apparently is knickers 'n trousers beyond ours, wot wot?
[quote name='Strell']
2. Any word on slow down in FFV? Or do I have to get some special Limey version that apparently is knickers 'n trousers beyond ours, wot wot?[/QUOTE]

None whatsoever... it's a perfect port, I'm about 4 hours in.
I almost picked FF5 up tonight at work, but as I was about to buy it I heard from the manager that we're finally having an employee shopping day this weekend. 25% off sounds better than the normal 15% off, so I'll wait.

Oh well, I'm still on Dawn of Souls anyway, so it will be quite a while for I get to FF5. >_
[quote name='Roufuss']This game is really really good... I definitely recommend it, I haven't noticed any problems with it at all.[/QUOTE]

how is the print . if i remember it right part 4 print was very small. and how is the walking i think the system looked werid (ran too fast) on part 4

Also found something interesting i didnt know. Part 4 on the GBA was a port of the wonderswan game. i never knew that.

Im on the fence about picking it up tomorrow but i hated part 4 so dont know to get part 5

why i hated part 4

Type was way too small
Movement just looked way too fast

i can either get it off best buy tomorrow or friday using Best buy bucks for free. OR wait till next weekend and get it off gamefly and rent it. (game should ship monday and i would have it in hand by next friday that is if it dont go to short wait)

right now im tossed in the air

FF 5 or children of mana
FFXII (PS2) & FFIII (DS) will kill FFV for better graphics. I know FFV is very good but i must save my $$$ for FFIII & hope i'll get FFV at CC for $10 again :)
[quote name='Masterkyo']FFXII (PS2) & FFIII (DS) will kill FFV for better graphics. [/QUOTE] shit? You're judging two games from 2006 against one from circa 1996?
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']Roufuss, should I get FF 1 & 2 or this? I need a good portable RPG, but I just can't decide which one.[/QUOTE]

Couldn't go wrong with any of them... I'd go for FF 1 and 2 myself but that's because I'm a huge fan of FF 1.

I like FF 5 but nothing can compare to part 1.

It's all personal preference at that point.

Honestly, for anyone on the fence about FF 5, I say just grab an SNES emulator and the patched rom and try it out for an hour or so and see if you like it or not... FF 5 isn't for everyone, since it's kind of light on story but heavy on gameplay (well, for its time, anyways).

The new translation is very good, as well.

But yea, don't go into FFV expecting some huge story with moving characters like 4 or 6... FFV was very gameplay oriented.
FF DoS since it can be had cheaper

or FFV can be had at with google checkout for a lower than retail price

I was also thinking about making 2007 the year of final fantasy
Beat a different final fantasy each month

FFVI seems to have a may release date so it would be out in time to be played in june. Also seems like the perfect excuse to play through every final fantasy again.

FFXI can just be replaced with FFX2

Anyone down? lol
[quote name='Weedy649']
I was also thinking about making 2007 the year of final fantasy

FFXI can just be replaced with FFX2

Anyone down? lol[/QUOTE]


You will play Mystic Quest instead. Not Pretty Princess Dress Up Game.
I must be one of the few people who really disliked Dawn of Souls. I only played through FF1, but I felt it was way to easy compared to it's NES counterpart.
[quote name='cisco49']is there an order specific order that pays to play these games in?[/QUOTE]

Nope, every final fantasy has a seperate story line(aside from X-2) so feel free to play in whatever order you wish.

The one thing to remember when you do play though, is that the numbers do signify how old the game is.

Like when comparing FF12 to FFV you gotta realize theres a full decade there >_>

So something like final fantasy 1 doesnt stack up to Final Fantasy VI but final fantasy 1 is good in itself and it only gets better when you consider its original release date.
[quote name='slidecage']how long is FF 5[/QUOTE]

About 15 - 20 hours for the main game... not sure how long it'll take to beat the bonus dungeon at the end, probably another 2 hours or so for that.

The times might be a bit longer for someone who has never played FFV before.
[quote name='Roufuss']About 15 - 20 hours for the main game... not sure how long it'll take to beat the bonus dungeon at the end, probably another 2 hours or so for that.

The times might be a bit longer for someone who has never played FFV before.[/QUOTE]

thanks. i dont know to rent it off gamefly or just buy it.

right now i can pick 4 games for free at best buy (thanks to Best buy bucks)

Im thinking

children of mana
SEga collection PSP

i would still have 60 bucks to blow


Magical starsign
Final fantasy 5
Final fantasy 3 (though doubt i want to pay 40 for a ds game)
or other games that come out by DEC 2

so dont know what im going to gragb just yet
[quote name='paddlefoot']I must be one of the few people who really disliked Dawn of Souls. I only played through FF1, but I felt it was way to easy compared to it's NES counterpart.[/quote]

Could be, I felt the same way. I'm glad the bonus dungeon had the tendency to be a bit harder in some places but I greatly missed the need to stock up on more than 50 Heal Potions for, say, the Marsh Cave, the Earth Cave, Gurgu Volcano, the Ice Cave...

God, I never thought I would hit the day where I would miss the possibility of an instant wipe just from hitting up the Ice Cave.
Went ahead and got FF DoS. I asked if they had it at EB, and suprisingly enough, they had a complete used copy. Needless to say, I snagged it.
Does the encounter rate seem really high in this game or is it just me? Will I ever get a item to reduce enemy encounters?
[quote name='cletus']Does the encounter rate seem really high in this game or is it just me? Will I ever get a item to reduce enemy encounters?[/QUOTE]

Yea, I'm pretty far into the game and the encounter rate shot up pretty high. Not to mention that most regular encounters are tougher than most bosses, but oh well.
bread's done