Final Fantasy XIII-2 (360/PS3) $29.99 FSSS Amazon

[quote name='chopper']Thank you OP although I feel compelled to wait for $19.99 on this one[/QUOTE]

I'm just waiting it out until they actually release the finished game. I've got a good feeling that there is going to be some type of complete version with all the DLC together in one package.
[quote name='kingcobraSS']^ I missed out on that deal so $30 isnt too bad, no tax and free shipping[/QUOTE]

Hell I still have a PS3 and Xbox 360 copy with the novella. I'll beat that $30 price if someone wants one.
[quote name='scblueeyedguy']Hell I still have a PS3 and Xbox 360 copy with the novella. I'll beat that $30 price if someone wants one.[/QUOTE]Sent you a PM.

I'm not sure why this game has peaked my interest so much, but I have played the demo a couple times and it seems to be decent. Is the whole game play the same far as having to select what you want the characters to do each time?
[quote name='Vinny']I'm just waiting it out until they actually release the finished game. I've got a good feeling that there is going to be some type of complete version with all the DLC together in one package.[/QUOTE]

+1 :bouncy:
[quote name='scblueeyedguy']Hell I still have a PS3 and Xbox 360 copy with the novella. I'll beat that $30 price if someone wants one.[/QUOTE]

PM sent
I decided to just buy from amazon warehouse for 22 "like new" condition.

didnt wanna visit best buy and deal with coupons.
[quote name='scblueeyedguy']Hell I still have a PS3 and Xbox 360 copy with the novella. I'll beat that $30 price if someone wants one.[/QUOTE]

Man, if I could pay you off in Amazon Credit, I would. I really regret missing that deal. Sadly I had no stores around me with the novella.
[quote name='RabbitSuit']Man, if I could pay you off in Amazon Credit, I would. I really regret missing that deal. Sadly I had no stores around me with the novella.[/QUOTE]

All the PS3 copies had the novella at my store. Only a few xbox copies didn't. I also have a lot of free novellas because I traded some copies to back to BBY and some to GS.
[quote name='scblueeyedguy']All the PS3 copies had the novella at my store. Only a few xbox copies didn't. I also have a lot of free novellas because I traded some copies to back to BBY and some to GS.[/QUOTE]

Your PM inbox is full, PM me your paypal so I can send funds, thanks
passed up when it was $15 at Best Buy. Would still pass up at $5. 1 star.

I mean, why do you think this game dropped in price so quickly? You do the maths.
[quote name='neuropunk']passed up when it was $15 at Best Buy. Would still pass up at $5. 1 star.

I mean, why do you think this game dropped in price so quickly? You do the maths.[/QUOTE]

Same reason X-2 dropped so fast. It's a rehash of a game that barely needed any major developing because it used a majority of texturing from the original, I assume. That and XIII wasn't the greatest of games to begin with.

I am hugely annoyed anyway with sequels to a FINAL fantasy...
[quote name='chopper']Thank you OP although I feel compelled to wait for $19.99 on this one[/QUOTE]

I feel compelled to wait for $9.99 on this one. :)
[quote name='Jimmienoman']I am hugely annoyed anyway with sequels to a FINAL fantasy...[/QUOTE]
Imagine my disappointment when I discovered that Rad Racer wasn't actually rad.
[quote name='Jimmienoman']Same reason X-2 dropped so fast. It's a rehash of a game that barely needed any major developing because it used a majority of texturing from the original, I assume. That and XIII wasn't the greatest of games to begin with.

I am hugely annoyed anyway with sequels to a FINAL fantasy...[/QUOTE]

I really enjoyed FFXIII I don't get why people didn't like it. The item system was a bit weird and such I admit that. I had no real issue with the linearity of it either. It played well and the story is not near as bad as everyone says it is. The combat system is fun too, even though it feels a bit scripted since you only actively control one character.

[quote name='Thrinn']Imagine my disappointment when I discovered that Rad Racer wasn't actually rad.[/QUOTE]

But, Rad Racer on the NES was rad, I mean come on, it had 3D carsickness mode! Just press select for instant carsickness!
[quote name='Hakudoshi']I really enjoyed FFXIII I don't get why people didn't like it. [/QUOTE]

To me it's not that FFXIII is a bad game it's just that it doesn't really fit with what people expect from a FF game. I certainly didn't expect it just to be a succession of linear paths with a few cut-scenes along the way and a boss at the end of every path. It sounds more like a platform game than a RPG. There's no freedom, no towns, no nothing just mostly straight lines to walk down.

I really think Kitase is messing up the franchise more and more with each game he produces. Kitase wasn't involved with IX, XI and XII and to me those were the last three great FF games. My only hope is that Hiroyuki Ito's big secret project turns out to be FFXV, because then we will have another great FF game.
[quote name='roymustang']I certainly didn't expect it just to be a succession of linear paths with a few cut-scenes along the way and a boss at the end of every path. It sounds more like a platform game than a RPG. There's no freedom, no towns, no nothing just mostly straight lines to walk down.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I can totally see what you mean by this though, and I agree. It really felt odd not having any towns or actual shops in the game. I think it would be fine if after each linear path and boss, it tossed you into a small town or something with real item vendors and stuff.

From what I understand, that's pretty much exactly what FFXIII-2 has. Linear paths and some branching paths now that are more open, and towns between areas.

However, one thing I don't like about XIII-2 is that you only actually ever play 2 of the characters, that's all you get. Your third party slot is filled by a random mob basically. I really liked the Paradigm setup from XIII and wish they would have kept the 6 characters with paradigm's instead of only 2 characters with mobs and paradigms.
FWIW, I'm immensely enjoying this one (only started in the past week or so). Really enjoyed FFXIII as well, so not exactly a surprise...
[quote name='wampa8jedi']FWIW, I'm immensely enjoying this one (only started in the past week or so). Really enjoyed FFXIII as well, so not exactly a surprise...[/QUOTE]

Considering your avatar is based on one of the worst Final Fantasy games, I agree that coming from you it's not really a surprise. :p

I ended up picking this up with the Novella when it was $15 but it will be a while till I play because of my backlog. Wish I could've found the CE for around $30 or less because I really want that soundtrack.

I too, liked FFXIII. Story was bunk, but that is par for the course for every FF since IV, which is the only story I really remember. FFXIII battle system was great though, I'm kind of worried with the comments I've read that XIII-2 is pretty easy.
I will never buy another Final Fantasy game unless the series goes back to how they used to be. Not getting suckered into another one.

and Final Fantasy used to be my favorite series too. Not anymore. So yeah, passing on this and if people passed on the $15 deal, I do not see why they would jump on this. Anyhow, the price on this is plummeting like a rock, and I am ecstatic about that, since the series has devolved, been streamlined and watered down and just ruined and is not final fantasy-like.
I enjoyed 13 overall. My biggest gripe is how long it takes to get going. If 13-2 takes 10 hours to get interesting, I wont be as forgiving.
I liked XIII, but it overstayed its welcome without getting complicated enough. Plus, no way to replay any of the eye bleedingly gorgeous cut scenes unless you replay the game. A HUGE mistake. I sold the game after that because while I enjoyed the story, I wasn't compelled to keep playing.

I might be murdered for saying this, but those of us that grew up in the late Genesis/SNES era and into the PS1 days of JRPGs are getting on in late 20s/early 30s. I got more important crap to do these days... I still want to play these JRPG epics, but I don't want to commit 40+ hours if most of the battles are grind-like scenarios. Certain SRPGs are amazing at providing unique encounters, like Valkyria Chronicles, while others are just "grinders-r-us" (DISGAEA!).

Provide us the awesome set pieces, cool battles, and some of my favorite, well worn tropes in ~25hr games and I'd love that even more. Also, give a difficulty slider and keep the tutorial to a few hours, max.
[quote name='rperez1025'] FFXIII battle system was great though, I'm kind of worried with the comments I've read that XIII-2 is pretty easy.[/QUOTE]

I suggest being careful how you level if you want the battles to stay challenging. One of the reasons this game is easier is they removed the level caps. The side quests grant CP upon completion as well as any CP you gain from the extra battles in that time. If you do anything but race for the end and level up consistently as soon as you have the points you will end up seriously over-leveled. I died and had to retry a lot in XIII until I found the right combinations of accessories and paradigms for the different bosses. And a few of those missions were tricky even at maxed levels. In XIII-2 only one boss took me out more than once.
Definitely only grab this if you enjoyed XIII. Without that familiarity XIII-2 is only decent. The campaign is very easy, but the structure of the game itself is pretty fun to play with. XIII was more polished by comparison, but both do very different things.

Review in my sig, covers all concerns really.
[quote name='TheKbob']I liked XIII, but it overstayed its welcome without getting complicated enough. Plus, no way to replay any of the eye bleedingly gorgeous cut scenes unless you replay the game. A HUGE mistake. I sold the game after that because while I enjoyed the story, I wasn't compelled to keep playing.

I might be murdered for saying this, but those of us that grew up in the late Genesis/SNES era and into the PS1 days of JRPGs are getting on in late 20s/early 30s. I got more important crap to do these days... I still want to play these JRPG epics, but I don't want to commit 40+ hours if most of the battles are grind-like scenarios. Certain SRPGs are amazing at providing unique encounters, like Valkyria Chronicles, while others are just "grinders-r-us" (DISGAEA!).

Provide us the awesome set pieces, cool battles, and some of my favorite, well worn tropes in ~25hr games and I'd love that even more. Also, give a difficulty slider and keep the tutorial to a few hours, max.[/QUOTE]

I'll be turning 35 this summer, so I know exactly where you are coming from and I agree...yet, I keep buying these games and still have sealed PS1 rpgs to play. Someday. Someday.

But if there is an rpg that can have a main quest completed in about 25-30 hrs, but then give side quests/hunts for those who want to continue on, that would be my ideal rpg.

[quote name='elaine_of_shalott']I suggest being careful how you level if you want the battles to stay challenging. One of the reasons this game is easier is they removed the level caps. The side quests grant CP upon completion as well as any CP you gain from the extra battles in that time. If you do anything but race for the end and level up consistently as soon as you have the points you will end up seriously over-leveled. I died and had to retry a lot in XIII until I found the right combinations of accessories and paradigms for the different bosses. And a few of those missions were tricky even at maxed levels. In XIII-2 only one boss took me out more than once.[/QUOTE]

Thanks, that's good to know. Normally when I play rpgs I won't really do any sidequests but just go through the main story and do every 'random' fight along the way. With FFXIII-2, I might make it a point to "push" myself through the main quest faster to keep it challenging.
bread's done