Final Fantasy XIII coming to 360!

[quote name='roymustang']Lol I found a video version, this guy is insane:

I don't think there's any Sony fanboys left, they all wanna distance themselves as much as possible from this guy.[/QUOTE]

That vid isn't genuine. That's Fragmaster from Somethingawful. He's acting out some stupid posts from NeoGAF.
[quote name='Sarang01']I expected better from you.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='MondiBlue']You do realize that this isn't the first Square game on the 360 right? It isn't even the first Final Fantasy on the 360.

The Final Fantasy series has been on Super Famicon, NintenBLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAHware that can play the game. It hurts Sony because some people were going to buBLAH BLAH BLAHWho cares how many discs the game is going to be? My favorite FiBLAH BLAH BLAHIt is ridicBLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH WORDS WORDS WORDS[/QUOTE]
You guys suck at detecting trolling.

[quote name='mykevermin']Man. Now I know why people troll for a living.[/QUOTE]

So, NOW do you see why I do it? Eh?

I do it for the LULZ, man. >:3
[quote name='mykevermin']Man. Now I know why people troll for a living.[/quote]

Figured you'd give it a try? Honestly, I see nothing wrong with it, as I have been entertained by "trolls" like DenisDFat, DragonLordFrodo and RegalSin2020.

I think watching people fight over consoles is awesome, I get my video game news and a laugh at the same time.
[quote name='willardhaven']Figured you'd give it a try? Honestly, I see nothing wrong with it, as I have been entertained by "trolls" like DenisDFat, DragonLordFrodo and RegalSin2020.[/QUOTE]

When do I get added to the list. :<

Though I could never be as great as DDF.
I'm not a Final Fantasy fan. but just saw the trailer, & it looks cool. & since it's going to be on the 360 , i might just rent it.
[quote name='mykevermin']Man. Now I know why people troll for a living.[/quote]

Actually people troll for LULZ. Then after they cause enough shit then they come out and admit that was their intent all along. One popular troll hangout is Habbo Hotel.
[quote name='Paco']Actually people troll for LULZ. Then after they cause enough shit then they come out and admit that was their intent all along. One popular troll hangout is Habbo Hotel.[/QUOTE]

uh oh looks like we have an expert on internets culture, here.

hey man have you ever heard of 4chan it's super-secret underground hacker website that only us cool internet kids know about ^_^
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']uh oh looks like we have an expert on internets culture, here.

hey man have you ever heard of 4chan it's super-secret underground hacker website that only us cool internet kids know about ^_^[/quote]

[quote name='Paco']They rile people up. LIKE AN INTERNET HATE MACHINE. THEY ALSO BOUGHT A DOG![/QUOTE]
but a lot of them are losers who don't even know how is babby formed
[quote name='mykevermin']Do you see?

Do you see what happens, Larry?

Do you see what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass?![/quote]
Did this all start because a Chinaman peed on your rug?
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']but a lot of them are losers who don't even know how is babby formed[/quote]

/b/ how do I sexed? I love this though. These people are going to become voters and government politicians some day.
It's been said already but, I looks like there's no reason to buy a PS3 now, but this is a little hope if a new twisted metal comes out.
[quote name='danked']It's been said already but, I looks like there's no reason to buy a PS3 now, but this is a little hope if a new twisted metal comes out.[/QUOTE]

Man, I could care less about Twisted Metal. It's all about that Vigilante 8 Arcade, for me.
[quote name='Paco']/b/ how do I sexed? I love this though. These people are going to become voters and government politicians some day.[/quote]

Rules 1 & 2 have been violated with this post! :bomb:
[quote name='Monsta Mack']If Dreamcast can have the slogan "It's thinking". Then the 360 should be "It's money bitches!".[/quote]

As odd as this sounds, I'm going to buy this at launch for 360, beat it in a month, sell it, and buy the PS3 version (before it goes GH) to have in my collection as the "true version" for whenever I get a PS3 years from now. Though many are ecstatic that FFXIII is coming to 360 so they can rub it in PS3 owner's faces, I'm merely happy that it lets me prolong having to spend a few hundred much, much later rather than sooner.
[quote name='Kendro']As odd as this sounds, I'm going to buy this at launch for 360, beat it in a month, sell it, and buy the PS3 version (before it goes GH) to have in my collection as the "true version" for whenever I get a PS3 years from now. Though many are ecstatic that FFXIII is coming to 360 so they can rub it in PS3 owner's faces, I'm merely happy that it lets me prolong having to spend a few hundred much, much later rather than sooner.[/QUOTE]

What makes it more "true"? What if reviews (and by reviews I mean reviews, not forum posters claiming that Tidus has 6 jaggies more per screen on the PS3/360 version) show that they're identical?
If both end up being identical, I'd prefer having the PS3 version for collection purposes since most of the Final Fantasy games I own (VII through XII) are on PlayStation systems. If the 360 version ends up superior for some reason, guess I'll have to keep the 360 version and buy a cheap PS3 copy when it becomes GH.
[quote name='Kendro']...since most of the Final Fantasy games I own (VII through XII) are on PlayStation systems.[/quote]
Ooh, okay then. So you're one of those people who only got into the series after it went completely to shit. I see, now.

If the 360 version ends up superior for some reason, guess I'll have to keep the 360 version and buy a cheap PS3 copy when it becomes GH.
So, wait. I deduced from your earlier post that you don't even own a PS3. So even in the situation described here, with a "superior" 360 version, you'd still buy it on PS3? Like, would you still buy a PS3 just to play it on there? Or if you didn't own a PS3, would you still buy a copy of the PS3 version?

Is it that important to you that your copy of Final Fantasy has the word "PlayStation" written on it somewhere?
[quote name='mykevermin']*sigh*

You people just don't get what the significance of this move is for S-E. It's much more than just money. Well, knowing that, I just won't contribute to them anymore.[/QUOTE]

Ultimately, it's all about money myke, you know that. I'm not sure, but isn't Square-Enix a public company? If so, they have responsibiliites to try and make the most money possible, over the long term.

I don't buy into companies should be loyal to other companies. Say there was a movement where people would stop buying PS3's if another Square Enix game came out on it. Do you think Sony would be loyal. They'd throw Square Enix out for the money in a heartbeat.

I really don't see the 4-5 disc argument. Who cares, it isn't like you'll be switching discs in every 5 minutes. Every few hours, you put in a new disc, it really isn't that bad. I could really care less if it came out on 10 discs.

I don't think this is a death nail for Sony or the PS3. Now, if MGS4 comes over, along with FFXIII, that would be a big blow. Really, as of now, I still see reasons why I'd like to own a PS3 (and likely will, one day).
Yeah, it's no difference if 1 disc or 10 disc. Having more than one makes it feel more epic anyway, and was traditional FF way. :p
Long as they get the package thing in order, not like lost odyssey where the discs overlapped each other, that was a poor excuse. They need they're own little section.
[quote name='DarkRequiem']Yeah, it's no difference if 1 disc or 10 disc. Having more than one makes it feel more epic anyway, and was traditional FF way. :p
Long as they get the package thing in order, not like lost odyssey where the discs overlapped each other, that was a poor excuse. They need they're own little section.[/quote]
I actually went out and bought a clear 4-disc case for Lost perfectly :D
[quote name='willardhaven']This is a fun thread.

I wonder when this game will actually drop. It took FF XII about 4 years so maybe we'll see XIII in 2010?[/QUOTE]

Fair guess.

Though whenever they talk about how it's far too early in development to even speculate at a release date I get a little worried.
I thought it was mentioned somewhere they were going for a fall 2009 release date, but maybe i'm mixing it up with something else...
[quote name='mphilips']I thought it was mentioned somewhere they were going for a fall 2009 release date, but maybe i'm mixing it up with something else...[/QUOTE]

You are.
[quote name='willardhaven']We'll be playing Final Fantasy XIV by the time this game drops.[/QUOTE]

I'd be happy if we saw this game by 2011. Took 4 years for XII and it didn't really push any graphical limits so five years for XIII is a good bet. All just speculation at this point though.

Maybe we can set up a "wager" thread. I call November 2010 for release.
FF XII, while pushing the limits of my ability to stay awake, did push the PS2. It's arguably one of the most technically stunning games on PS2.
[quote name='willardhaven']FF XII, while pushing the limits of my ability to stay awake, did push the PS2. It's arguably one of the most technically stunning games on PS2.[/quote]

Arguably being the key word. God of War and Shadow of the Colossus were both very impressive uses of the PS2 hardware. At least both of those games had progressive scan. XII looked like butt on my LCD. For such a big release, it was pretty sloppy not to take full advantage of the hardware.
[quote name='depascal22']I'd be happy if we saw this game by 2011. Took 4 years for XII and it didn't really push any graphical limits so five years for XIII is a good bet. All just speculation at this point though.

Maybe we can set up a "wager" thread. I call November 2010 for release.[/QUOTE]

To be fair, though, Final Fantasy XI and a bunch of expansions did come out during that time... and that was running on a new engine from X.
Honestly I'm not a huge fan of the graphics. I think they are very detailed and clearly took great skill, but look messy and actually give me a headache.

I can't believe it doesn't have 480p, I have it on S-Video on a Wega tube 20" so I can't judge it based on that.

SotC didn't wow me with its graphics, aside from some of the Colossi.

The original God of War is pretty ugly.

I would say SotC was too much for the PS2 to handle. Final Fantasy XII runs much smoother and has much more detailed graphics. I prefer Valkyrie Profile 2's graphics over FF XII though. Same aesthetic goal, but Tri-Ace got there faster and with classier results.

On-topic: If I had to bet I would say holiday 2009. This is earlier than my gut tells me, but I think they're going to rush it out.
[quote name='Chacrana']To be fair, though, Final Fantasy XI and a bunch of expansions did come out during that time... and that was running on a new engine from X.[/quote]

Didn't they use a different team for XI and XII?

I'm hoping they don't rush it out for next year's holiday. If it's that early in the development cycle, I don't see a full glitch free game coming out in less than 18 months.
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[quote name='Chacrana']To be fair, though, Final Fantasy XI and a bunch of expansions did come out during that time... and that was running on a new engine from X.[/quote]

XI was done in 2002 and a separate team handled XII.
This should be good news for Sony and 360 fans. I've always been a Sony fan because of one main reason, final fantasy. The sales on the PS3 are not that spectacular and I was worried that if this was released and didn't sell well, Square might start to kill the franchise off. Now, it should double it's sales and we will hopefully see yet another one. I'll still definately get the PS3 version since I'd rather not have to swap disks, but this is good news.
Hasn't XIII been in development since 2005? I keep thinking its pretty far along in development, and that SE are just being jerks and not showing any gameplay...but I could just be deluding myself.
I'll probably still get the PS3 version for what I suspect will be higher quality pre-rendered cut-scenes and lossless audio; but I'm still glad the 360 version is coming.

If I love, love FFXIII I could see myself getting it for both systems.
Jesus people. The game is still coming out for the PS3. If SE had signed an exclusive deal with MS, then I'd understand some hate but this is getting ridiculous. Everyone should be happy that more people get to enjoy a great franchise but we get this. Makes me sad to be gamer.
[quote name='anomynous']

Apparently this move has causes a suicide.......[/QUOTE]

Obvious fake is obvious. I can't believe anyone fell for that.

Besides, nowhere in the post does he ever say anything about suicide. In fact, he specifically talks about "hav[ing] to forge a life of my own now." So, yeah. the only reason anyone called it a "suicide note" is because the guy never logged in to GameFAQs again, but the reason for that, I can guarantee you, is because it's a troll/joke/gimmick account. Simple as that.

[quote name='depascal22']Everyone should be happy that more people get to enjoy a great franchise but we get this.[/QUOTE]

That's actually my problem with all this; we aren't getting to "enjoy a great franchise," because S-E has run it into the ground and it's utter shit now.

But that's just me.

- Tetsuya Nomura, on character design
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[quote name='CoffeeEdge']That's actually my problem with all this; we aren't getting to "enjoy a great franchise," because S-E has run it into the ground and it's utter shit now.

So your problem isn't that it's being ported to the 360 but the overall quality of the franchise. That's understandable. SE has shown more interest in making games hip and chic instead of focusing on story and gameplay. That being said, some of the later entries were pretty good games once you stop comparing them to the older games in the series.

My problem with all of this is that people won't enjoy the game solely because of the fact that it's also going to be on the 360. That's like me saying that Bioshock sucks ass now that's it's being ported to the PS3. Hell, I'm glad that everyone gets to play a great game whether it be Bioshock or FFXIII.

(Note: Before you guys get your panties in a big ole' bunch, I'm just hoping that FFXIII is going to be a great game. I'll wait for reviews, screenshots, and a demo before I declare it great. I won't be railing for the next year saying how it's going to be the best and I'll never play another game.....)
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Obvious fake is obvious. I can't believe anyone fell for that.

Besides, nowhere in the post does he ever say anything about suicide. In fact, he specifically talks about "hav[ing] to forge a life of my own now." So, yeah. the only reason anyone called it a "suicide note" is because the guy never logged in to GameFAQs again, but the reason for that, I can guarantee you, is because it's a troll/joke/gimmick account. Simple as that.[/QUOTE]
Read it again, but this time take a look at the topic title. Anyways it doesn't mater, if the guy killed himself over something as silly and irrational as FF13 not being a PS3 exclusive then he was nothing more than a ticking bomb anyways. The issues go beyond the surface and something else would have made him go off the deep end.
bread's done