Final Fight X: Streetwise PS2 $19.99 at EB Games

nice find...i heard a lot of bad things about this game, but i wouldn't mind trying it out for $20...then again, i'm going to pass just because this game will be $10 in a month
Please, please, please watch some video clips of this game before you think of wasting $20 on this game. As much as I love the Final Fight series, it pains me to see what they've done with this game. X_X
it just doesn't seem like this game will be able to compete with something like the warriors, which actually advanced the beat-em up genre quite a bit IMO. i'll wait on a few reviews, and if this game actually doesn't blow ass and seem like a waste of time, i might throw down 20 to give it a shot. until then, it just looks very substandard. people got tired of repetitive, simplistic brawlers ages ago, so i'm not sure what capcom is thinking if they put another one out.
Wow, even if this game is as bad as It looks, Capcom really lost faith in their new Final Fight. You would think they could still charge $30 or $40 just for the hardcore fans, but instead they want to release at $19.99 so everyone can buy it. Score.
Thanks OP, preordered one. EB dosen't charge your card until it ships, right?

I figure if its a price mistake, awesome, I got in on one. If it ends up being universal, I'll cancel my order, if the game ends up getting very horrible reviews, I'll cancel... but if it gets decent reviews and IS a price error, I've already got one locked in.

It all works out.
[quote name='Roufuss']Thanks OP, preordered one. EB dosen't charge your card until it ships, right?

I figure if its a price mistake, awesome, I got in on one. If it ends up being universal, I'll cancel my order, if the game ends up getting very horrible reviews, I'll cancel... but if it gets decent reviews and IS a price error, I've already got one locked in.

It all works out.[/QUOTE]

They have never charged my credit card until the item is shipped. The only company I have ever dealt with that charges before the item has shipped was
PSM bashed it. I think it was a 4/10 or so. I guess it's so bad that they have the drop the price before it even comes out. :p
This might be worth $20 right here... didn't even know this was in it (from Gamespot):

To talk much more about Final Fight: Streetwise's main single-player mode would be to risk giving away what we know of its storyline. What we can tell you, though, is that if the very thought of a story-driven Final Fight in a free-roaming environment turns you off for some reason, you might prefer the game's more conventional arcade mode for one or two players. Devoid of conversations, side quests, and such, the arcade mode uses the same environments as the story mode, but forces you to fight your way through them in a linear fashion as Kyle, Cody, or one of two unlockable characters. You'll still get to collect weapons, food, and valuable items dropped by enemies along the way, but the gameplay is more fast-paced and, changing camera angles aside, it's quite reminiscent of the original arcade game.

It even has remixed music from the original Final Fight... supposedly the hidden characters are Haggar (who is already confirmed to be playable) and maybe Guy.
I thouroughly enjoyed the old final fight games back in the day and just beat the capcom classics version last night.Brings back great memories.Anyways I like the idea of a free roaming co-op fighter as well as the linear version.Though I do wish it was 19.99 on Xbox as well.I'll hold out until its 19.99 for Xbox.
It would have been nice if they included final fight 2 and 3. Ive already got every version of Final Fight there ever was.
Where does the X come from? Capcom doesn't have it on their site, neither does GameSpot or IGN, and the box doesn't have an X on it.

I hope this price is in store as well, as I'd pick this up quickly as I enjoyed the brief time I got to try out the game.
[quote name='cagface']back up to $40.

Dead unless you pre-ordered. My order is still at 20 and now theres a free comic too.
[quote name='danny-o']Dead unless you pre-ordered. My order is still at 20 and now theres a free comic too.[/QUOTE]

Well back to $40 for everyone else. What's with all the hating by the way? I'm not sure why anyone pays attention to what those rags have to say. With the amount of games they review every month, they can't possibly spend more than a few hours on each. And who says these reviewers posses any kind of taste anyway? Check out some of the trailers at IGN. Looks pretty damn cool to me. It's made by Capcom studio 8, the cats behind Maximo.
It probably will suck arse. I'm glad I have the GBA version. Probably the best Final Fight IMO, just being able to play a near perfect arcade port while being portable makes it a great game. :D
They should have released a Final Fight Collection instead of wasting time making a new game. Capcom seems to be getting some experience with collections.
[quote name='ddp72984']does anyone have a scan of ebgames saying 19.99? thx![/QUOTE]

I think this was online only so theres only an online receipt. I have never had EB back out of a price.

no one has the original page saying 19.99?

sorry for bugging you guys but everyone says it blows, so I'm not spending 40 bucks on it.

[quote name='TehTriggerman']Wouldve got it for 19.99. Ill wait for a price drop now.:cry:[/QUOTE]

Even at $19.99 I'm going to return it EB B&M (they still do this, right? I've heard conflicting reports) or just dump it on Ebay and hope to make a few bucks off of it.

Sounds like Capcom, who were once master of the beatem up genre, can't make a decent one to save their life.
[quote name='mentos888']how much trade in credit does a 40.00 game like this usually get at ebgames/gamestop? 3.6 rating, whoah.[/QUOTE]

You're looking at about... $15? If you're lucky.

Best bet is to throw it out on Ebay, people are paying $30 - $35 for it.
Willing to pay $20 bucks for Final Fight, eh? Buying it because it is 20 bucks, eh?

Well, in that case, I got Bruce Lee for the XBOX right here for $20 bucks. Little Kabuki Warriors action. Gamecube version of Catwoman? How about a Gamestop controller that says Gamestop on the front, IN CHROME!!!!!

I also got a couple of those tools you use to remove the jumper pack from a N64!
[quote name='b3b0p']They should have released a Final Fight Collection instead of wasting time making a new game.[/QUOTE]

Wasting time making a new game? You're the reason the only mario games we got on the GBA were fucking ports.
[quote name='EndlessChris']Wasting time making a new game? You're the reason the only mario games we got on the GBA were fucking ports.[/QUOTE]
Bought them the day they came out even and beat them almost the same day.

I'm not saying they shouldn't make a new game, but if they are going to release crap like this, in the mean time they could have just released a nice collection like the Megaman games. Some of us don't have the originals and prefer not to hunch over our computers playing them.

I'll counter with: you're the reason we get fucking games like this!
[quote name='b3b0p']Bought them the day they came out even and beat them almost the same day.

I'm not saying they shouldn't make a new game, but if they are going to release crap like this, in the mean time they could have just released a nice collection like the Megaman games. Some of us don't have the originals and prefer not to hunch over our computers playing them.

I'll counter with: you're the reason we get fucking games like this![/QUOTE]

I've gotta side with you here b3b0p. I would've loved a Final Fight collection. Sure, it's nothing new, but when a new game is this fucking bad, what's the point?

The side scrolling beat em up genre is dead. We've gotten like 4 games in the last year in this genre and they've all been insanely bad.... the only value the genre still has is in the classics -- the original Final Fight is still entertaining as hell as is the Streets of Rage series... I'd much rather have classic collections with these games then a new, guaranteed failure.
bread's done