Finally got ComicCon tickets!!!


5 (100%)
Hit F5 for nearly an hour but I finally got ComicCon tickets. This is is my first year going. It better be worth it. Yeah, maybe more of a blog entry, but so what, after all this registration trouble, I'm happy and I'm bragging.
[quote name='dchrisd']Hit F5 for nearly an hour but I finally got ComicCon tickets. This is is my first year going. It better be worth it. Yeah, maybe more of a blog entry, but so what, after all this registration trouble, I'm happy and I'm bragging.[/QUOTE]

Have fun, it's awesome. I went 3 times. In 04, 05 and 06. Had a blast.
I got mine too all GAGs going should meet up and take a pic It would be cool to meet everyone. I would love to meet the ass who always bitches about forum rules, oh thats everyone here lol:cool:

Seriously though lets all take a pic or something when were there
Congrats man, hope you enjoy it. I went back when I was like 9 years old in '94... you can tell its really blown up since then because back then it was like "hey, wanna go to comic con later today?" and now you gotta plan months in advance just to get tickets.
Ya, I've been going since 97'. It blows my mind that all tickets sold out in a day. Luckly, I manage to get a few passes for this year.
[quote name='Ilikecoldbeverages']Congrats man, hope you enjoy it. I went back when I was like 9 years old in '94... you can tell its really blown up since then because back then it was like "hey, wanna go to comic con later today?" and now you gotta plan months in advance just to get tickets.[/QUOTE]

No kidding. My husband and I went to Comic con once, and we had to plan the thing (ticket buying, hotel room) months in advance. But still, I can't believe it sold out the first day!

Prepare for huge crowds when you go, bring lots of money, and an empty backpack. As much money as you feel like you can spend without bankrupting yourself for life, as you will see tons of cool stuff (alot of it limited edition) that you WILL want to buy. Plus you'll want to stuff your backpack with all the cool free giveaway swag from the vendors. And stay away from any fast food restaurant or Starbucks within walking distance of ComicCon, and the horrible food vendors inside the convention center, unless you want to spend an hour standing in line for a cup of coffee or a crappy piece of pizza that will probably make you sick.
[quote name='Spacepest']And stay away from any fast food restaurant or Starbucks within walking distance of ComicCon, and the horrible food vendors inside the convention center, unless you want to spend an hour standing in line for a cup of coffee or a crappy piece of pizza that will probably make you sick.[/QUOTE]

Sounds like GDC, the only fast food place near GDC is Jollibee, a Filipino fast food restaurant that has some very horrifying and disgusting dishes. Despite the disgusting-ness of the food, the place is always jam-packed with people because there is literally no other options that close to the conference center.

I, personally, will never set foot in that place again. They fry their french fries in fish oil and put strawberry mayonnaise on all their burgers. *Shudder*
[quote name='Doomstink']Sounds like GDC, the only fast food place near GDC is Jollibee, a Filipino fast food restaurant that has some very horrifying and disgusting dishes. Despite the disgusting-ness of the food, the place is always jam-packed with people because there is literally no other options that close to the conference center.


Well, at least Comic Con has an entire downtown district filled with funky restaurants with various price ranges within walking distance. Its totally worth it to take an hour out of your con day, and walk to one of them for a meal. And alot of them have BARS that serve ALCOHOL attached (which those crazy families who bring their very young kids to Con avoid because they might see someone drink an evil beer). If there is anything better than Comic Con, its leaving the convention center for an hour to get lunch, and coming back all buzzed because you had beers with your meal.

I'd rather leave the convention center and spend 10 minutes walking to a nice sit down restaurant, and have a relaxing meal (don't forget the BEER), than spending an hour standing in line to get junk food. Or, you could be really cheap and stuff that backpack I recommended with water and snacks.
The following advice is not meant to scare but to educate, because you should know that Comic-Con is a BEAST. However, if you're prepared and enter with realistic expectations you'll have a better time.


Now that you have your tickets, get your hotel room ASAP. Some people have had reservations for months now, and this new influx of people will only make finding a room harder. Rooms near the convention center are expensive and traffic is bad during the con, so I highly recommend getting a hotel further out near a trolley station (or be prepared to park at a trolley station in the morning). You'll have to buy a multipass, but the trolleys are an effective way to get around since they roll through frequently.

There are many places to eat in and around the con, but expect the quality to vary, everything to be overpriced, and lines like everywhere else. Get a local restaurant map if you want to find some decent places since you'll have to go into downtown San Diego. It's also wise to pack a small lunch, snacks, water and any medicine you might need.


Bring your own sturdy backpack/bag and do your shopping early on. Some exclusives are fairly limited, so be prepared to get the ones that you really want first. As well, if you get a bulk of the shopping out of the way quickly you can focus on the rest of the con. Most of the time this area will be crowded, especially around display exhibitors who use their space to promote upcoming movies/shows/whatever. Take note of these exhibitors and avoid them (unless you want to see what they're shilling).


Comic-Con will be packed. Make a list of the panels/events that you want to attend and create a realistic schedule from that, but be ready to be flexible. You can easily have fun wandering about and going to random things, but you may have to put in a bit of effort if you want to do specific things. Do expect lines and wait times for popular panels or even panels before popular panels. Just remember to pace yourself, don't go overboard, and have fun.
Just do what I do with food, pack your own! Seriously, put a lunch in your backpack. Everything is overpriced and subpar unless you want to sit down at a restaurant. Plus, if you have food in your bag you can still stand in a line for your exclusives and eat! Good stuff to pack for a day at the Con:

-2 or 3 andwiches w/no mayo to avoid spoilage(PB & J, Meat & Cheese)
-Bag or 2 of chips
-A few pieces of whole fruit (Small apples, oranges, pears, or bananas)
-Refillable beverage bottle (I have one for water then a small one for Gatorade)
-Gum (in case you're stalking Olivia Munn..I walked right by Kaley Cuoco and still had breadcrumbs on my lip...opportunity missed HA HA!)
-2 or 3 granola or protein bars for sustained energy through the day
-Small bag of beef jerky
-Some hard candy or a 5-hour energy for a quick burst
-Mustard & mayo packets if you need them

You will be super busy at Comic Con to even notice lunchtime. I stood in line for 2 hours to get my exclusive Tron light-up statue and light cycle last year! Avoid the food lines! I brought this much food each day in my backpack and had enough for the entire day. And I still had room for holding some small toys, free stuff, and my jacket (it can get breezy at night).

Of course it's easier to do this if you're not staying in a hotel and have access to a market. If so, you can still at least pack your suitcase with most of these things except the sandwiches and fresh fruit. There will not really be an opportune time to eat lunch at Comic Con..most folks know that there is not enough table space so you will most likely end up eating lunch while standing in a line, or you will plop down in a corner or space on the convention floor to eat. Hell, some people even lie down on the floor to take a nap because they're pooped!
Good tips from both Guerrilla and rexflexall. I always bring my own food, drinks and snacks. And make sure to bring a hat and some sunscreen in case you get stuck waiting outside for Hall H or Ballroom 20.

I live in SD and have been going to ComicCon off and on (mostly on) over the last 15 years or so. It's a great event, but it can be very overwhelming because there is far more to see and do than there is time to see and do. Plus, there are many "either/or" decisions you'll have to make because if you are like me, so many of the events sound interesting and many of them are happening at the same time. And the most popular events require you to stand in line for hours to get in a hall and then watch events that you weren't really interested so you could see your favorite. And then sometimes you are able to just walk in for a great panel with no line at all. It can be unpredictable like that.

One big tip is that if you want to go again the next year, make sure to buy your tickets while AT the show during the "at show pre-sale". Not only will you be able to get tickets for sure, you also get them for less than you pay online during the public ticket sale (and you can get into Preview Night on Wednesday if you are getting the 4-day pass).

The only downside with buying tickets in advance is that if you change your mind, you can't sell/give the tickets to someone else unless you are able to pick up the tickets in person. You MUST pick up your tickets in person and MUST show your ID. This last year they even twice refused to let me pick up my wife's badge even though I had her ID, we have the same last name, we live at the same address and I told them she couldn't pick up her badge because she was driving around waiting to pick me up after I got the tickets. I talked to 2 people who both denied me until I finally asked for a supervisor that gave me a break and let me pickup my wife's badge for her (so she wouldn't have to wait in the long lines the next day). But on the positive side, once you have a valid badge, it doesn't matter who's name is on it because I've never ever seen them check to make sure your ID matches your badge (and I don't think they ever will because with the number of people attending, it would never work).

Getting a hotel near the event is also a good idea because there are some events going on until 2am or so (Spike and Mike's Sick & Twisted Animations, etc.) and it's nice to not have to deal with a long walk/drive to your bed.
bread's done