Fire Pro Wrestling R ($8.98/$10.98/$13.98 @ FamilyVideo) (Amazon/Buy/Agetec shipping)

Sofa King Cheap

16 (100%)
11/15 Edit:,, and are shipping out orders.

11/12 Edit: We have a new lowest price after coupon or without coupon (thanks CAG IAmTheCheapestGamer) :

$10.98 after using coupon code NEWMEM3F (for existing accounts only, and not new members? Still works for me as of 11/14 at 10:30 PM EST)

$13.98 without the coupon code.

There is also some $5 off codes for new members that might not work anymore:


If anyone can confirm that they work, give the heads up.


11/11 Edit: Some notes about the release:

The localization producer from Agetec has stated that November 13th is the *ship date* and most stores will not have it in stock on that exact date, but a couple of days later. I guess that means online orders will ship 2 or 3 days later, as well.

For those looking for it in B&M stores, he also stated:

"Actually, Best Buy is a great place place to buy the title at the CL.
Others good places are Gamestop, Blockbuster, K-mart, Freds, Kaybee Toys, Amazon and of course Agetec’s webstore."

CL = checkout lane.

Edit: Some new screenshots are up at Agetec's site:

Edit: A Localization Producer for Agetec has confirmed the release date as being 11/13 (thanks CAG dopehat):

Latest Edit: looks to have the cheapest non-promo/non-coupon related price at $14.13 shipped:

Also, most e-tailers are giving this an early November release date of November 6th.

Edit: Agetec has added new box art and has included a video of the game to their website:

I was hesitant to post this here in the deals forum because it looks like the game will MSRP for under $15 and the links provided below really aren't deals off of that price. However, since Victorious Boxers 2 got CAG love in the VG deals forum here, I'd figure I'd spread the news to fellow bargain hunters looking for a good cheap game. Not to mention if this sells well, it helps the cause for future Spike wrestling games to come to North America.

Anyway, it looks like the critically acclaimed Fire Pro Wrestling Returns from the beloved Fire Pro series of wrestling games (Japan based) is being released in North America with a bargain bin price of around $15 and should be out in mid to late November for the PS2. There is already a CAG forum post about the game here (thread started by CAG pete5883):

The game is up for pre-order here: $12.99 (Nov 14th) sales rank as of 9/9 = 709 $14.99 (Nov 27th) sales rank as of 9/9 = 566 $12.99/12.74 (Nov 14th)

With that price point, buy one for Christmas for everyone you know who has a PS2 or PS3 . :)
Man, this ought to be a fun game. I still have the PS1 version somewhere around here. I imported it and a parallel port adapter just so I could play it. Now I'll know what they're saying without having a printed out booklet next to me. I wonder how much the old PS1 version is going for on Ebay...

I'm picking up a PS3 soon, and if you can swap saves to import wrestlers from PS2 cards, how exactly does that work on the PS3? Can you use the built in browser to download a PS2 save and "insert" it? Can you download PS2 saves and have them work in the PS3?
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Surprisingly, the devil of all game stores(Gamestop) doesn't even have this on their system, otherwise I may have put down a $5 PO if they did and were giving something decent out with it.

How ironic is it that GameStop stores are always pushing people to pre-order games that you know will be easy to find (Madden, Halo, GTA, etc). Yet, they won't offer pre-orders for the smaller, quirky, harder to find games. WTF!

[quote name='Scorch']It's in their system.

Maybe the guy didn't type it in right or something.[/QUOTE]

Nah not their "Store" computer system from may gamestops they will only get 1-2 copies per store because its a budget title and you can not pre-order budget titles hence them not being able to find it in their computer systems. So best luck is to order it online.
[quote name='darkwingduck13']November is here. My frothing demand for this title increases with each moment.[/QUOTE]

Like Ikaruga?
Does anyone have or know of a place to download rosters from the WCW/WWF Monday Night War era (96-02)? That's really the last time I was heavily into wrestling, but it would be nice to play as the stars of that time from WCW and WWF. (nWo, Goldberg, Mankind, Rock, Chris Jericho, Hulk Hogan, etc.)
[quote name='tarouza'] usually has edit packs (they do for the japanese version and i am sure they will for the english)[/QUOTE]

I'm sure they'll do it with a *quickness* for FPZ once it is released. 10 more days, folks!
[quote name='Silly Burrito']Does anyone have or know of a place to download rosters from the WCW/WWF Monday Night War era (96-02)? That's really the last time I was heavily into wrestling, but it would be nice to play as the stars of that time from WCW and WWF. (nWo, Goldberg, Mankind, Rock, Chris Jericho, Hulk Hogan, etc.)[/quote]

That's about the last time I was really into it myself, though I remember playing Smackdown on the PS1 heavily around that time. The TLC and Hell In A Cell matches were great. And just recently, I paid a buddy of mine for a complete copy of WCW Vs The World for PS1(and a case/manual for Nuclear Strike to complete a disc only copy I had from GS) to kinda prep for this game.

Only problem is, I had forgotten how horrid looking the graphics on that game were. Each character looks like a disjointed series of polygons floating around the ring most times. Still a decent game for the era it came from, I suppose.

Last game on the PS2 I tried as far as wrestling goes was either one of the Legends Of Wrestling titles or one of the PS2 Smackdowns(before the S vs R series started). I wasn't that impressed with the upgrades from the PS1 SD series to the PS1 ones though for some reason and the LOR games were annoying as hell to get the move sets down.

I had the people @ FYE check their computers via UPC and item # again last night and 11 days out, they STILL don't have an entry for it, even though their online site has an entry for it.

If all else fails, I may just take the $34 I got from trading some DVDs I wasn't watching(10 or so)into Suncoast and use it on FYE's site(they're the same company) to snag FPWR, even if I gotta pay $2 in tax and $6 fuckin dollars shipping. Anything is better than paying Gamestop for it.
[quote name='RawisJericho']I beleive the edit packs will be up at FPC within the first week after the game comes out.[/quote]

I hope there is an easy way to convert japan saves into the us saves. I know the winning eleven/pro evo community built PC based editors and tools so that one save file could be converted to work with any region version of the game. Otherwise, I am sure there are tons of US Fire Pro fans that will burn the midnight oil making the ultimate game save.

I would like to see a save file that represents the current wrestlers and have classic wrestlers too. Also, some of the best wrestlers from around the world (Japan, Mexico, etc..)
[quote name='MadFlava']I hope there is an easy way to convert japan saves into the us saves. I know the winning eleven/pro evo community built PC based editors and tools so that one save file could be converted to work with any region version of the game. Otherwise, I am sure there are tons of US Fire Pro fans that will burn the midnight oil making the ultimate game save.

I would like to see a save file that represents the current wrestlers and have classic wrestlers too. Also, some of the best wrestlers from around the world (Japan, Mexico, etc..)[/quote]

Theres 500 edit slots in addition to the 300+ guys that come with the game. Combine that with the ability to mix and match individual edits till your hearts content and you should be able to come up with a good mix of old/new wrestlers from any territory.

As for edits and edit packs, the games not even out yet, so there not gonna be any edits for a few weeks after release at least. Unfortunately, its very doubtful that theres gonna be an easy way to convert existing edits and packs. The FPC community is gonna have to start from scratch.

I'll probably just keep playing the Japanese version for a while even after the US game comes out. I have a fed I need to run! :D
Even though the cover is hideous-looking, I am still looking foward to this game more so than any other holiday release this year.

For anyone interested, I am planning on bringing back my Firepro based e-fed, the Firepro Fight Club (FFC) I haven't worked out all the details yet, but for those interested, you can find my past work here

If you're potentially interested in joining a Roleplaying based league such as this, drop me a line.
[quote name='Silly Burrito']Does anyone have or know of a place to download rosters from the WCW/WWF Monday Night War era (96-02)? That's really the last time I was heavily into wrestling, but it would be nice to play as the stars of that time from WCW and WWF. (nWo, Goldberg, Mankind, Rock, Chris Jericho, Hulk Hogan, etc.)[/quote]

I feel the exact same way man. I want to Smackdown and Royal Rumble 2000 back in the day. Is it just me, or is the WWE complete crap now? I tried to watch a year back, but it just sucked compared to the SCSA fueds and the Rock pwning every man on the roster, even the Blue Meanie.

I am looking forward to this game because it reminds me of the WWF No mercy edit slots and I would keep my game updated for each wrestling show (updating attires colors, haircuts, etc.). Lets hope these edit packs are true to the era.
Finally went ahead and pre-ordered this. Stuck the Dark Tower graphic novel in my cart (got an extra 5% off for pre-ordering) and used a $5 gift cert, so I'm paying about 12.50.:D
I just preordered from GoGamer.

I've never bought anything from them before, so hopefully I don't have any problems.

I can't wait for this game. I lost hope in wrestling games after No Mercy.
Hopefully, this game doesn't end up like so many recently, pushed back by 3-6 months. And hopefully(I know I'm wishing for something that won't happen here) Circuit City will carry at least ONE copy, so I can get it for free with the GC I got from them for their $20 guarantee deal a month ago.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Hopefully, this game doesn't end up like so many recently, pushed back by 3-6 months. And hopefully(I know I'm wishing for something that won't happen here) Circuit City will carry at least ONE copy, so I can get it for free with the GC I got from them for their $20 guarantee deal a month ago.[/quote]

This game was finished 2 or so years ago :)

All they are doing is changing the text around on the menus, so it should be ready.
[quote name='RawisJericho']This game was finished 2 or so years ago :)

All they are doing is changing the text around on the menus, so it should be ready.[/quote]

I hope so, it looks pretty cool, especially the CAW mode where you can make damn near perfect incarnations of many wrestlers. I'd love to make versions of the Von Erichs and some of the other old school guys I grew up watching. It's a shame that so many of these guys aren't around anymore, but this sport kills em young I suppose.

One death that kinda shocked me in recent years, was that of Bam Bam Bigelow, though he was a huge guy to begin with. He actually owned a burger stand up the line from me in a place called Hamlin, PA. Just ONE of his burgers was SO HUGE, you could feed FOUR people easily. He was always around the stand too, either helping out in the kitchen or just sitting around and bs'ing with fans or friends who showed up.

How many guys from the 2 major feds are in this to begin with, but simply renamed some weird name to get around copyright issues? Anyone know? Any classic guys in here already?
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']I hope so, it looks pretty cool, especially the CAW mode where you can make damn near perfect incarnations of many wrestlers. I'd love to make versions of the Von Erichs and some of the other old school guys I grew up watching. It's a shame that so many of these guys aren't around anymore, but this sport kills em young I suppose.

One death that kinda shocked me in recent years, was that of Bam Bam Bigelow, though he was a huge guy to begin with. He actually owned a burger stand up the line from me in a place called Hamlin, PA. Just ONE of his burgers was SO HUGE, you could feed FOUR people easily. He was always around the stand too, either helping out in the kitchen or just sitting around and bs'ing with fans or friends who showed up.

How many guys from the 2 major feds are in this to begin with, but simply renamed some weird name to get around copyright issues? Anyone know? Any classic guys in here already?[/quote]

I couldn't tell you what names the agetec people gave them, but I know these guys are in the game.

Terry Gordy
Andre the Giant
Terry Funk
Dory Funk
Abdullah the Butcher
Tiger Singh
Jeff Jarrett
Bret Hart
Dr Death Steve Williams
Davey Boy Smith
Dynamite Kid
Bam Bam Bigelow
Mike Barton (Bart Gunn)
Giant Singh (The Great Khali)
AJ Styles
Petey Williams
D'lo Brown
2 Cold Scorpio
Mike Awesome
Curry Man (Christopher Daniels)
Masato Tanaka
Taka Michinoku sp

I'm sure there are a lot more that I left off the list.

WOW, on a side note, FPR Returns is the number 5 board over at gamefaqs. It is beating out SvR 08 and rightfully so. I didn't think the game would be this popular right now.
You know who would be an interesting character to try and make via a CAW, though I'm sure many have never heard of him. A comic book character whose series I used to read religiously called Groo The Wanderer.
Couldn't resist the Gogamer deal (sub $15? Unbelievable). I LOVE playing FPD on the Dreamcast (the only reason I keep mine around). Hopefully the shipping from them won't take too long. Any word on their service?
Thanks again for the heads up on the deals - this game should be worth a HELL of a lot more than the $15 price tag.
No Play N Trade here, only GS, CC, BB and some indy shops. I tried having them look up the UPC and/or item # in the system @ FYE last week, but I guess maybe until it releases, it's not in their system.

For as much as people dislike FYE, I'd rather pre-order or buy it from them, but their shipping is like $6 for ONE item many times, plus they charge tax on top of that.
Off hand, how many people on here are still getting SVR08? This marks the first year I'm not pre-ordering/picking up the game on the first day. I don't own a 360 or PS3, so the PS2 (lacking a bunch if features) would be the only one I'd get. But, my interest level has been dropping on this title for quite awhile. Frankly, I'm a bit bored by the lack of upgrades/improvements year-to-year, and would rather spend my money on something with a ton of replay value (i.e. FPR). And of course, saving about $40 definitely contributed to changing my mind.

Bottom line - Is any getting both? And why?
[quote name='jupiterjones']Off hand, how many people on here are still getting SVR08? This marks the first year I'm not pre-ordering/picking up the game on the first day. I don't own a 360 or PS3, so the PS2 (lacking a bunch if features) would be the only one I'd get. But, my interest level has been dropping on this title for quite awhile. Frankly, I'm a bit bored by the lack of upgrades/improvements year-to-year, and would rather spend my money on something with a ton of replay value (i.e. FPR). And of course, saving about $40 definitely contributed to changing my mind.

Bottom line - Is any getting both? And why?[/QUOTE]

I preordered the PS3 version from Liongames, b/c I had some credit there, and it was $45. When I heard the 360 version was the only one to feature custom entrance themes, I switched over to that version faster than you can say "BAH GAWD! STONE COLD! STUN CLOD! STUNG COLE!" It's a different game entirely from FPW, and since I don't have a 360/Wii/PS3 WWE game yet, this would be ideal (though perhaps SvR07 at $20 would have been a better idea, I suppose). I can enjoy both, surely. I love FPW gameplay, but if I want the idiocy and pageantry of big time pro wrestling, SvR will fill that need.

I think they're different enough from each other compared to, say, Madden 08 and All-Pro 2K8.

On another note entirely, y'all see the Quartermann over at 1UP put down in the rumor mill that the WiiWare service will see a roster-updated version of WWF No Mercy? :shock:
[quote name='mykevermin']I preordered the PS3 version from Liongames, b/c I had some credit there, and it was $45. When I heard the 360 version was the only one to feature custom entrance themes, I switched over to that version faster than you can say "BAH GAWD! STONE COLD! STUN CLOD! STUNG COLE!" It's a different game entirely from FPW, and since I don't have a 360/Wii/PS3 WWE game yet, this would be ideal (though perhaps SvR07 at $20 would have been a better idea, I suppose). I can enjoy both, surely. I love FPW gameplay, but if I want the idiocy and pageantry of big time pro wrestling, SvR will fill that need.

I think they're different enough from each other compared to, say, Madden 08 and All-Pro 2K8.

On another note entirely, y'all see the Quartermann over at 1UP put down in the rumor mill that the WiiWare service will see a roster-updated version of WWF No Mercy? :shock:[/quote]

I had SvR 08 pre-ordered from liongames but decided I didn't need it. FPR will be good enough for me until I get get SvR for $30 or less.

I roster updated version of No Mercy would be fucking sweet!
[quote name='mykevermin']On another note entirely, y'all see the Quartermann over at 1UP put down in the rumor mill that the WiiWare service will see a roster-updated version of WWF No Mercy? :shock:[/QUOTE]
If they did this, and fixed the slowdown in multiplayer, I would run out and buy a Wii without hesitation (and this is a console I am not really interested in.)

Now I have good news and bad news. Good news is that this is the #1 most popular PS2 game on Bad news is I just looked at my Amazon order, and they're expecting it to ship on November 19, 2007. Which means I only *might* be playing this by December. When will I learn not to preorder from Amazon :bomb:
Some notes about the release:

The localization producer from Agetec has stated that November 13th is the *ship date* and most stores will not have it in stock on that exact date, but a couple of days later. I guess that means online orders will ship 2 or 3 days later, as well.

For those looking for it in B&M stores, he also stated:

"Actually, Best Buy is a great place place to buy the title at the CL.
Others good places are Gamestop, Blockbuster, K-mart, Freds, Kaybee Toys, Amazon and of course Agetec’s webstore."

CL = checkout lane.
[quote name='bmarquardt']Some notes about the release:

The localization producer from Agetec has stated that November 13th is the *ship date* and most stores will not have it in stock on that exact date, but a couple of days later. I guess that means online orders will ship 2 or 3 days later, as well.

For those looking for it in B&M stores, he also stated:

"Actually, Best Buy is a great place place to buy the title at the CL.
Others good places are Gamestop, Blockbuster, K-mart, Freds, Kaybee Toys, Amazon and of course Agetec’s webstore."

CL = checkout lane.[/quote]

Obviously, that producer hasn't seen that even MORE of KB Toys stores are closing and the few that remain around here haven't carried console games in 2 years or so. I certainly hope FPWR is picked up by CC as one of their budget titles that always end up in a huge bin. Though, if this ended up being for sale @ Kmart, I'd definitely think about it.

And JJSP, you'd film the WWF No Mercy footage or of you crappin yer pants?
I'm curious to see how many copies are floating around in the wild after release. A rather niche budget title isn't exactly the sort of thing that stores are going to want to stock in the weeks leading up to the biggest sales period of the year, so it might be a little scarce.

Or not. I mean, it could go either way, but I just don't see stores stocking this too readily. Shame, too, as I'd really like to see this game do well, especially after (apparently) Smackdown being stale and undercooked AGAIN. (Sidenote: Seriously, guys, 2006 was PERFECT. What happened?)

Oh well, FPWR FTW. (Also, acronyms FTW).

Can't wait to get my copy next Thursday. :D
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']And JJSP, you'd film the WWF No Mercy footage or of you crappin yer pants?[/QUOTE]
We'll leave that up to the viewers. ;)
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']But, how reliable is FamilyVideo?[/QUOTE]

I received my GHIII bundle (with 99-cent shipping!) the Monday after it was released.

Others, IIRC, weren't too happy with how long it took them to send out Bioshock; the ship times may be hit or miss, but they are legit and reliable.
Excellent. Thanks for the info Myke, as I've been looking forward to this game and a couple others, but no one has any decent discounts I could get in on.

I tried for Google Checkout @ Amazon or and was about to do the magazine subscription rebate others had mentioned getting $10 back on, but it was only one or the other, not both. What can I say, I am super cheap.

Thanks again though Myke.
OK, this kinda sucks. doesn't seem to accept the pre-paid Visa debit/credit cards apparently, since the card was declined. I checked the card balance after the first rejection of it and it says I still have the full $100 on it, but again, I guess doesn't take these kind of cards.

Oh and NONE of the discount codes from the OP worked for me and believe me, I tried them ALL. :whistle2:X So, I guess I have to hope that CC has this in stock or something.

Hopefully someone @ their site can tell me why this thing got rejected though, since it's supposed to work as a cc.
bread's done