Fire Pro Wrestling R ($8.98/$10.98/$13.98 @ FamilyVideo) (Amazon/Buy/Agetec shipping)

Sofa King Cheap

16 (100%)
11/15 Edit:,, and are shipping out orders.

11/12 Edit: We have a new lowest price after coupon or without coupon (thanks CAG IAmTheCheapestGamer) :

$10.98 after using coupon code NEWMEM3F (for existing accounts only, and not new members? Still works for me as of 11/14 at 10:30 PM EST)

$13.98 without the coupon code.

There is also some $5 off codes for new members that might not work anymore:


If anyone can confirm that they work, give the heads up.


11/11 Edit: Some notes about the release:

The localization producer from Agetec has stated that November 13th is the *ship date* and most stores will not have it in stock on that exact date, but a couple of days later. I guess that means online orders will ship 2 or 3 days later, as well.

For those looking for it in B&M stores, he also stated:

"Actually, Best Buy is a great place place to buy the title at the CL.
Others good places are Gamestop, Blockbuster, K-mart, Freds, Kaybee Toys, Amazon and of course Agetec’s webstore."

CL = checkout lane.

Edit: Some new screenshots are up at Agetec's site:

Edit: A Localization Producer for Agetec has confirmed the release date as being 11/13 (thanks CAG dopehat):

Latest Edit: looks to have the cheapest non-promo/non-coupon related price at $14.13 shipped:

Also, most e-tailers are giving this an early November release date of November 6th.

Edit: Agetec has added new box art and has included a video of the game to their website:

I was hesitant to post this here in the deals forum because it looks like the game will MSRP for under $15 and the links provided below really aren't deals off of that price. However, since Victorious Boxers 2 got CAG love in the VG deals forum here, I'd figure I'd spread the news to fellow bargain hunters looking for a good cheap game. Not to mention if this sells well, it helps the cause for future Spike wrestling games to come to North America.

Anyway, it looks like the critically acclaimed Fire Pro Wrestling Returns from the beloved Fire Pro series of wrestling games (Japan based) is being released in North America with a bargain bin price of around $15 and should be out in mid to late November for the PS2. There is already a CAG forum post about the game here (thread started by CAG pete5883):

The game is up for pre-order here: $12.99 (Nov 14th) sales rank as of 9/9 = 709 $14.99 (Nov 27th) sales rank as of 9/9 = 566 $12.99/12.74 (Nov 14th)

With that price point, buy one for Christmas for everyone you know who has a PS2 or PS3 . :)
I tried:


And none of them worked. I am a new member to Family Video (I just signed up for this order) so they shouldn't be invalid, but all said Invalid or Expired coupon. :\
I tried them all too and ended up even being declined on my $100 gift card a friend got me for my bday(today), so I sent them an email, but I ended up ordering from since none of the coupon codes worked and what the hells 15 cents.

At least GoGamer doesn't gouge on shipping like some sites do($6-7 per item shipping is too much imo).

Hopefully I'll get this by next week or so and be playing it. It's one of the games I was waiting for on PS2.
[quote name='jboss']I tried:


And none of them worked. I am a new member to Family Video (I just signed up for this order) so they shouldn't be invalid, but all said Invalid or Expired coupon. :\[/QUOTE]

Sorry guys/gals that it's not working for you. NEWMEM3F still works for me (took $3 off before I submitted the order). Maybe you have to create an account first, then use the code? I've had an account there for a year and it worked using that account just 2 minutes ago. Unless you get a message that it expired after you hit submit (I didn't submit my order, as I have an order elsewhere)?
Still doesn't work for me or I'd have probably switched my order to FV.

Ahh well.....another $3.15 for a game that people here rave about like crazy isn't so bad.
You people who are getting the $3 code to work... did the code not work for you before, and now it works? Or are you getting it on the first try?
I can't test it our right now, but maybe the problem is that there is a space after the coupon code when you copy and paste. I edited the OP and took it out. Try again?
[quote name='bmarquardt']I can't test it our right now, but maybe the problem is that there is a space after the coupon code when you copy and paste. I edited the OP and took it out. Try again?[/QUOTE]Hmm, still no luck for me. I just made my account with them a couple hours ago too. I've never placed an order with FamilyVideo before so I am definitely a "new" customer.
I already ended up ordering it from, but I'd be annoyed if I tried it now and it worked. Although, I think I did try taking the space out myself earlier and it still didn't work.
[quote name='soccerstud652']Anyone having a problem adding the game to your cart at Family video? I am getting an error.[/QUOTE]

Same problem here, as getting to your cart gives an error message. Instead, click on CHECKOUT instead of MY CART.
I played SvR 2008 all last night and the collison detection has got to be the worst i've ever seen. Straight on punches to people holding weapons are non existant in this game. The altered controls from the past couple years have taken a turn for the worst. The graphics on the 360 version look great atleast...
If any of you guys wanna buy it at a local store, double check to see if you have a MicroCenter close by. Thats usually one of the best places to check for those cheaper games that bigger stores may not carry.
I'm gonna need a new memory card for this game, and I'll want an Action Replay Evo so I can use downloaded saves. Any good deals on either of those items? I haven't bought a new memory card since I first got my PS2, so I have no idea what a good deal is.
i'll be picking it up from gamecrazy tomorrow, but it wont rate higher than smackdown (which will probably get a 7.5 or maybe 8 though i doubt the 8) but i'll take a 7 for $15 over a 7.5 for $60 anyday
My desire to start my own fed is reaching critical mass. I better get an e-mail soon telling me CDUniverse has shipped my pre-order. Man, I can't believe it's finally, really coming out. The GameSpot review clinches it. I've waited since the Saturn days to play a console FPW game in English. FPW2 is STILL in my DS, and has been for months in preparation. :D
I haven't gotten my shippment confirmation from yet, but checked the product page and it says "Very few left In Stock! Order soon -- product may sell out." So it seems there is quite a demand out there, better get your orders in if you haven't yet anywhere!
[quote name='BustaUppa']I'm gonna need a new memory card for this game, and I'll want an Action Replay Evo so I can use downloaded saves. Any good deals on either of those items? I haven't bought a new memory card since I first got my PS2, so I have no idea what a good deal is.[/quote]

I bought a spare memory card during the Movie Gallery store closing sale here, for only $10. Mind you, I could've bought a used one from a local shop for $5, but less of a chance of any real errors occuring with new/sealed stuff. It's one of those Nyko official ones, white and blue I believe.
Finally ordered it for $8.26 shipped at Can't wait!

I'll need to get a Pro Action Replay at some point, but I'll wait for the community to make a bunch of stuff worth downloading first.
$8.26? You got Google Checkout to work? I couldn't get the damn thing to work for the life of me. is 'processing' my order. Hopefully, it won't take till Christmas to receive it.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']$8.26? You got Google Checkout to work? I couldn't get the damn thing to work for the life of me. is 'processing' my order. Hopefully, it won't take till Christmas to receive it.[/quote]
I had a lot of trouble with it. Apparently, you have to sign up for GCO from the checkout page, which wasn't appearing in Firefox for some reason. I thought to double-check it in IE, and low and behold a form appeared.
I just got it to work and ended up cancelling my order for $14.13 and ordered it from for $7.39 total.

Now, to see if this actually SHIPS anytime soon. In the meantime though, I bought a used copy of SD vs. Raw 07 for the PS2 for $14.99 to tide me over till this arrives.
I ordered mine from in October, and the order is still processing... :|
good luck finding it at gamecarzy or gamestop/eb. called all the ones around me (4) and they aren't getting it. some never even heard of it...
I ordered mine from GoGamer and mine is still processing aswell.

I'm guessing the stores wont get it until tomorrow since it shipped from the manufacturer today. We'll see...
Amazon gave me a ship estimate of today, and delivery on Thursday. Since it doesn't seem to have updated as shipped yet, I'll assume that's not happening.

Hope I'll have by the weekend, anyway. just charged me, here's hoping it's gonna be shipping soon. :)

That GCO deal should really be added to the OP. I decided to grab SD vs Raw 07 to prep for playing Fire Pro, since I haven't played ANY wrestling games in forever. Well, except for WCW vs. the World. However, I'm seriously disliking the reversal button press timing crap. Otherwise, my matches on it so far are decent, albeit lackluster affairs, since I seem to play it like I did WCW vs the World. Clothesline, regular move, repeat till I beat my opponent.

I played as HHH in my first 3-4 matches, kicked ass, but now every person I play as, I get my ass handed to me. WTF!!

The multiple levels of 'grapples' are confusing as hell.
Has anyone noticed that the release date on ebgames is moved back to Nov 23rd, which to me means there is an unknown release date now since that is the day after thanksgiving
[quote name='Ockto']Gamespot review.;review

Who cares about the score. He still gave it props despite his complaints.

Better rate higher than Shitdown Vs. Raw 08.[/QUOTE]

The text of the review is fair and accurate, IMO (based on the assumption that they're spot on with regard to the menus, which probably simply replaced the huge Japanese text with English). Then again, the last FPW game I played was Z, which was the PS2 game prior to FPR.

[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer'] I decided to grab SD vs Raw 07 to prep for playing Fire Pro[/QUOTE]

You're comparing apples to dragons, to steal a line from Jon Stewart. FPW has a no-nonsense timing-based system that is nothing like SvR; you'll love it if you get it, but hate the game if you're a button-masher.
I'm definitely not a button masher, but admittedly once I find something that works, I stick with that. I've taken to games that I didn't like in the beginning before and ended up getting the pace down to a science, so hopefully I can do that with FPWR too.

And hell, for $7.39 after Google Checkout $10 off, I'm sure that if I don't get the hang of it, I can probably trade/sell it to someone who's looking for it for $10, since I have a feeling this isn't going to be too widely distributed of a game.

I'll probably take SD vs. Raw 07 up my one buddies tomorrow night and he and I will figure out the grappling system, as well as the timing. It's kinda tough to figure out that sort of stuff with the cpu player breathing down yer neck.

EDIT: It's showing up as $8.39 off the pre-paid Visa I used to order it, so they musta added some sort of fee for GCO or something. Either way, it's still cheaper than FV or GG's.

Oh and my order was sent to the warehouse now, so hopefully that means by Friday I may have it.
My order says "On Order". I looked on their website, but they gave me a bullshit answer. Anyone know what this means?
Received the following e-mail this morning; keep in mind that this was ordered w/Amazon Prime 2-day shipping:

Hello from

We wanted to let you know that there is an unexpected delay with your
video game order you placed on September 09 2007 07:56 PDT.

Unfortunately, we are unable to ship the product(s) as soon as we expected and need to provide you with a new estimate of when
they may be delivered:

"Fire Pro Wrestling Returns" [Video Game]
Estimated arrival date: 11/26/2007 - 11/30/2007
Yup, I got the same e-mail from Amazon.

Question is, was it pushed back because they couldn't fill all orders, or is it just pushed back until next in general?

Either way, it works for me, since this week is all about Mario Galaxy anyway.
It is possible that we're looking at a repeat of Victorious Boxers 2, where the distributor for some stores (Including Gamestop) won't get it in until later. Meanwhile, it will show up at other stores (For VB2, Fry's was the first to get it).
bread's done