First ever game that you beat

SMB 1. i spent sooo many hours on that game..and then my dad bought me Blades of Steel and RC PRo AM and then i was hooked on those games. RC Pro Am and i still cant beat today. that game is hard.
[quote name='integralsmatic']SMB 1. i spent sooo many hours on that game..and then my dad bought me Blades of Steel and RC PRo AM and then i was hooked on those games. RC Pro Am and i still cant beat today. that game is hard.[/QUOTE]

The game isn't hard, it cheats.
Ocarina of Time and that feeling along with my second one which was final fantsy VII can never be replaced.
The first Castlevania game for the GBA... don't remember what's it called. It's either that of FFVI.

Or, it could be either Warcraft 2 or Quake 1, both with the godmode cheat. I must been 10 or 11 at that time.

My memory is really fuzzy on this one, actually. Did copious amounts of "stuff" when I was younger/dumber that kinda effaced some of my childhood memories off the top of my head...

...Don't do "stuff"...
I dont think any of the 2600 games I had could be "beaten". Likewise, several early NES games like Kung Fu simply restarted from the beginning.

No, the first game I remember beating was the original The Legend of Zelda. It took several months to work my way through that geme; even with checking the overworld map in Nintendo Power. I was so pleased with myself when I finally beat Gannon. Who knew there was a whole 'nother quest after that (of course you could just skip to the 2nd quest with the character name "Zelda"). Funny thing though, I never *did* find my way into the right eye on the Death Mountain underworld, so I never got the red ring (though I have gotten the red ring on my 360 *rimshot*).

Gamer Confession: I have never beaten SMB1. Even with all the lives from the stairway-shell trick, I just couldnt do it.
Must have been SMB using the warps, probably 5, before that my bro and sis and I would play atari 2600 pacman till the ac adapter would be oven hot, that was time to stop playing...

first rewarding though was castlevania 2, lots of reading to do, hehehe
The first Legend of Zelda, followed by Contra (cheating my way through, of course) and Ice Hockey (if you consider beating the computer as winning, which I do).
Super Mario Bros. Had a lot of Atari games before that but you could never really beat them. Yeah, Mario Bros. looped just like a lot of Atari games but at least beating that last world and having it loop to 1:1 at least felt like you "beat" the game.
[quote name='Maklershed']Probably Super Mario Bros, Altered Beast, or Bad Dudes. I dont exactly remember which one. The earliest game I remember being most proud of beating however was River City Ransom.[/QUOTE]

Bad Dudes? fuck YEAH! I loved that game. Had that cheasy "voice" intro "BRAD DROODZ" (kinda like "Bwubble Bwibble" and "Braidz Of Steew").

Beat River City Ransom with the help of my brother. That game is the hugest unappreciated NES gem. That and maybe Sunsoft's Batman.
Link to the Past (GBA remake) when i was like 9. Seeing as i'm almost 15, that doesn't seem like much, until i say i got it when i was about 6. i got up to the first palace but the stalfos used to terrify me :D
[quote name='crunchb3rry']

Beat River City Ransom with the help of my brother. That game is the hugest unappreciated NES gem. [/QUOTE]

Completely agree I loved that game!
[quote name='crunchb3rry']
Beat River City Ransom with the help of my brother. That game is the hugest unappreciated NES gem. That and maybe Sunsoft's Batman.[/QUOTE]

That was a fun game indeed
Can't say for absolute certain but I'd guess Super Mario World for the SNES, and my second guess would be The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past also for SNES.
Pitfall :)

Can't recall if any of those 2600 games had actual endings... but I played a bunch of them.

Probably the first real game was Bard's Tale on my Apple IIc
the original kings quest for pc, not the vga upgrade but the move with the arrow keys and have to type everything out versions. coulda been the first space quest. its one of those two back in 1987 i think, didn't have a nes until 89 or 90
[quote name='lordwow']Wolfenstein 3d.[/QUOTE]

NICE, i can't believe some people still remember that game!

Also, does the command line -goobers mean anything to you? :cool:
The first two I can think of where on the Commodore 64. They were Commando and the original Ghost Busters game.
Wow... I am really old... or was really late.... The first game I beat was Wizardry V. Now, I can beat the game in about 12 hours. I still love the game... played so much that I would go in the dungeon with absolutely nothing... and basically ... (is this a kid's forum?) ... B$%CH SLAP LaLa MooMoo butt naked.
Pokemon Blue.

That or Super Mario Brothers: Deluxe Edition (something like that) for the GBC. It was the NES version, just with some other stupid shit.
Beat with help: Super Mario World. My mom loved playing it, so she'd beat the hardest levels for me while I was at school. When I finally beat Bowser and saw the ending screen, she was there cheering me on. Oddly, when I handed her the controller recently, she was terrible. She didn't even know how to pause.

Beat by myself: Pitfall - The Mayan Adventure. Loved this game. Don't really have a story about it. The End.
I would say Wolfenstein 3D or maybe DOOM. My first taste of gaming was FPS games for DOS. Played on an IBM machine that at the time cost $2000.

I owned an NES but I really didn't get into console games until the N64 came out and now, I am console centric and have an outdated PC... Yeah, how things work out.
Super Mario Bros. Well, technically I guess it was Donkey Kong Jr on the NES, but that game takes like 10 minutes to clear.

My first console was an Atari 2600 but I never actually 'beat' any games on that, most games just looped on forever.

Edit: Wow, so someone on the last page before this actually beat Battletoads? Without Game Genie?
I also have fuzzy memories. I know I played a lot of Atari back in the day, would beat my sister at Tanks and Boxing. But the first game I beat? Man, that's hard to remember.

I'm fairly sure it wasn't Mario, cause World 8 gave me fits for a long time. I know I used to play a lot of Karnov and I think that was an early one (only god knows why....). Also, Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest. I was proud of that one (again....not sure why).

I do know that I got into Nintendo Power for being one of the first to beat Rescue Rangers. I still load it up on emulator from time to time and scream "Kill for me Zippy!!"
I wish I could say that it was 'Frostbite' on Atari...I was damn good at that game! But of never ends! ;) So it would have to be Altered Beast...we were a sega gaming family!
Super Mario World. Didn't actually start beating games till the super nintendo. lol Nintendo games were too hard for me when I was a kid.
[quote name='chronodev']What was the first ever game that you managed to beat?

For me, it was the Atari 2600 game Adventure on the first level of difficulty (I'll admit, it was pretty easy :) )

More memorable though, was the first game that I beat on my Commodore 64, one called "Mercenary" which was a lot more complex and challenging.[/QUOTE]

Ditto on Adventure (Atari 2600) being my first beaten game. My conquest of Ultima III (Apple IIe) in 1984 was much more memorable.
I'm not 100% sure, but I'm thinking it was Kirby's Adventure for the NES.

Don't think it was Super Mario Bros though. I was able to get pretty far in that game fairly consistently, but I'd lose on world 8 a lot. Either the crazy maze near the end of the game, the barrage of hammer brothers (I always did hate those guys), or a specific jump where I'd always be a tad short.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']Probably ET for the 2600 (not kidding). The first game I was really excited about beating was Pitfall II for the Atari 2600.[/QUOTE]

I'm pretty sure that this was the first game I beat as well.

The first game that I beat that actually got me excited was either Contra or Life Force...not sure which one came first.
bread's done