First Metroid Prime 2 Screens

Cool the first one was so good, Multiplayer will be even better. Hopefully there will be a Cooperative Campaign mode like Halo has.
[quote name='maxflight']no worries, they have already confirmed that there will be multiplayer in MP2 :)[/quote]

More info courtesy of

April 14, 2004 - The latest issue of Game Informer Magazine features an initial look at the upcoming first-person adventure sequel Metroid Prime 2. The name of the game is still tentative, and the magazine published few new details, but it did reveal some flashy new screenshots of Samus in action and we've been able to gather some concrete facts based on those.

The game will definitely feature a four-player split-screen mode. It appears that this mode will allow for full deathmatch-style competitions between four Samus characters. Each player will be able to carry weapons and morph into ball form during these matches.
A new character featured in one of the screenshots doesn't appear to be Samus, but looks similar. It's possible that this model is an enemy boss or a playable selection in the multiplayer mode.

Players can look forward to more giant boss battles. In another image, the heroine does battle with a hulking, worm-like beast.

The graphics do not appear to be drastically upgraded over Metroid Prime, but there are significant enhancements. In one image, Samus levitates inside of a watery bubble and her reflection is mirrored on the surrounding shell. It looks very pretty.

Expect much more on the game as we draw closer to E3 2004.
i guess i should finnaly finish Prime 1. Those pics look great.

And, to be completly honest, are right on par with the Halo 2 screens (yes, i know theres more characters in the halo screens...but its nice seeing the cube make pretty)
[quote name='DenisDFat']pretty ugly[/quote]

wow as if your first post wasnt pointless enough, you can say what you think, but no one really cares anymore. posting a short negative comment twice is just hoping someone will pick it up and say "omgZzZ wh4t ar3 j00 ta1k1n6 ab0u7!?!11?!" loser, go back to hating things ^^
I also hear rumors that they'll be changing the control scheme from the first MP... with multiplayer I'd think dual-analog control is a must. But also, with that nubby little c-stick, that could be very bad. I've tried throwing a normal control stick hat on top of the c-stick post, but it still doesn't feel precise.
[quote name='WildWop']I've tried throwing a normal control stick hat on top of the c-stick post, but it still doesn't feel precise.[/quote]
If you have an extra or broken controller, swap out the left control stick for the C-stick in your working controller. I did that and find it to be perfect. Of course, now I have a controller with two yellow nipples, but that's just for company.
[quote name='adamsappel'][quote name='WildWop']I've tried throwing a normal control stick hat on top of the c-stick post, but it still doesn't feel precise.[/quote]
If you have an extra or broken controller, swap out the left control stick for the C-stick in your working controller. I did that and find it to be perfect. Of course, now I have a controller with two yellow nipples, but that's just for company.[/quote]

doesn't it make you look at it a lot? hehe unless you don't leave it out on the table or something
"actually, i'm just responding to people who aren't very good at thinking"

Actually you arn't very good at thinking, because you judge a game based on a couple of low quality magazine scans :|
Ugh. Split screen is for chumps. They'd better have a system link option too. Then it could be played over Warp Pipe, which would be good.
"They'd better have a system link option too. Then it could be played over Warp Pipe, which would be good."

LAN and Online has been rumored... I think even GI mentioned them...

But that is just a rumor and you know rumors...
Hope it will be good. Still weird- metroid mulit player? Hey, at least they haven't made a pshyco weird game where all the Nintendo characters kill each other. Oh wait... (j/k, SUper Smash rocks)
[quote name='DenisDFat']or the fact that the first was ugly, and this is more of the same and first person games suck.[/quote]

yay! he hates it, so we all know that that means it will be good!

mplayer MP looks great, i just pray the single player still rules.
Anything DennisDFat hates is usually good, which means this game is going to be great.

Interested to see how they make a multiplayer game out of something similar to the first Metroid Prime. Can't wait for this if its anywhere near as good as the first.
[quote name='msdmoney']Anything DennisDFat hates is usually good, which means this game is going to be great.[/quote]

Come on now, not every game is good.
I dunno about these screenshots. The multiplayer looks pretty bland. Not "bad" per se, but just bland. I mean what can it have over any other FPS multi-player? I'm still going to get the game for its single player, but multi-player just seems like an afterthought. In fact, a lot of newer games these days just try to add multiplayer because its new and hip, but a lot of the time it just doesn't seem right. Like Zelda multiplayer. that's just wrong.
the only differences between any FPS are weapons and setting. other than that, it's the same, crappy game over and over again
[quote name='DenisDFat']the only differences between any FPS are weapons and setting. other than that, it's the same, crappy game over and over again[/quote]

did you like any of the og fps's ? wolfenstien3d. or doom ?

what do you think of rainbow six and those types? just a different perspective on a fps?
[quote name='paz9x'][quote name='DenisDFat']the only differences between any FPS are weapons and setting. other than that, it's the same, crappy game over and over again[/quote]

did you like any of the og fps's ? wolfenstien3d. or doom ?

what do you think of rainbow six and those types? just a different perspective on a fps?[/quote]

real question, what about call of duty or half life, imo the best current fps. COD is not "another crappy game". that game had me shaking it was so real and visceral.
Rainbow Six 3 was the last FPS I played that I truely enjoyed(PC version)

and if all FPS are the same than wouldn't all RPG's be the same? how do all the latest FF games suck when the early ones did not? Your argument that they are all the same is very flawed.
A lot of the early FFs weren't good, I disliked FF1 and FF2.

Really, only 4 and 5 were the only good old ones.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']Rainbow Six 3 was the last FPS I played that I truely enjoyed(PC version)

and if all FPS are the same than wouldn't all RPG's be the same? how do all the latest FF games suck when the early ones did not? Your argument that they are all the same is very flawed.[/quote]

I think the big change starting at 7 was the use of cg scenes to tell the story. Granted the eariler installments had cutscenes with in game sprites.
bread's done