first party Wii component cables up now on Nintendo's store![BACKORDERS NOW SHIPPING]

[quote name='shrike4242']Looks like they did change the cable from the GC cable. The GC HD cable is video only and used the regular cable for audio, this looks like an all-in-one affair with video and audio.

Explains why the GC cable won't work.[/QUOTE]
From what I've read, they won't work because Nintendo has finally desided to change their cable design, after twenty or so years.
Got my cables, now if FYE didn't suck balls, and actually had my pre-ordered Wii...
I used to give then more credit, but after my experience yesterday, I think I'm done with them:

Me: I'd like to trade in these games for store credit
CSR: Oh, we stopped taking games...
Me: Exactly when did this happen?
CSR: Oh, about a month ago.
Me: But you have signs everywhere that talk about your trade in policy.
CSR: (returns to reality) Begins to scans my games for values and gives me quote
Me: Does that include the extra 5 dollars of credit for trading in $25.00 or more?
CSR: Well, just add 5 dollars to what I just told you.
Me: (thinking that I was in twilight zone, where customer service is not expected)
[quote name='bo0']They most likely printed the UPS stickers last night. The trucks have not picked up @ location yet.

They are probably sitting in their boxes on crates waiting for the UPS pick up/Scan.[/QUOTE]

If that's the case, then that means a lot of UPS RED folks like myself will not be getting their cables until Monday, at which time Nintendo CS will be taking MASSIVE DAMAGE. :bomb:
Guess I'll wait and see what everyone thinks of the third party cables. If they're good, I'll cancel my order. I got in on the official ones way too late, but I refuse to play Zelda in anything but progressive scan. Basically, I'll have it, but won't touch it for several weeks.
Wii Component Cables: $30
Express Shipping: $13
Experiencing Wii for the First Time in EDTV: Priceless

Cables came today and I am now super psyched for Sunday!
anyone's package who has theirs as shipped but has no infor on ups site, have new info or perhaps received them? kind of bs that they say shipped but its sitting there
Just read a post on IGN's forums, that some guy called and said his was already to go last night at 5pm, but UPS didn't come pick it up. We may be waiting until MOnday :( I suggest everyone call and bitch them out!!!! I want my 480p
[quote name='sting0r']Just read a post on IGN's forums, that some guy called and said his was already to go last night at 5pm, but UPS didn't come pick it up. We may be waiting until MOnday :( I suggest everyone call and bitch them out!!!! I want my 480p[/QUOTE]

Guy on AVS forum basically said the same thing. They printed the labels yesterday and sent out the tracking info, but the packages did not ship. They're just sitting on the loading dock waiting for UPS to pick them up later today. The guy also said he called CS and they explained this to him and basically told him to fuck off when he asked for any kind of shipping refund.

In a word, infuriating. :hot:
Crap, I just realized my shipment date on the order page says 11/17, I guess I won't be playing the Wii in 480p until monday :(
Got mine in this morning! Used UPS Red and it shipped yesterday afternoon. Then again, I'm in Northern CA, which is close enough to WA.
same thing, my profile says 11/17 shipped, but I got a notification yesterday that it shipped, what kind of bs is this.
Just got notification that my standard shipping order has been shipped! Hooray! Hopefully they make it here before Thanksgiving...
What bullshit. I ordered with RED (Next-Day) and my ordered shipped yesterday. I check my tracking and it is due to be delivered on Monday due to some stupid techincal problem with one of the UPS planes. Why the fuck did I pay $13 for shipping again? I would have been better off with the BLUE shipping or if they had actually shipped my order first like they should have.
I'm just glad mine is shipping. After the rarity of the GCN component cables, I'm happy to get my Wii cables.

That doesn't mean I don't think it's lame of Nintendo to do things this way, but what can you do? I just want my Wii to look the best that it can on my TV. Progressive scan or not, composite just sucks balls.
[quote name='oxidative']I'm just glad mine is shipping. After the rarity of the GCN component cables, I'm happy to get my Wii cables.

That doesn't mean I don't think it's lame of Nintendo to do things this way, but what can you do?[/QUOTE]

I can call and scream until I make a CS rep cry or I get some sort of shipping refund, whichever comes first.
Ordered UPS RED, my cables just came a few minutes ago. They actually arrived at the nearest UPS hub at around 10 last night.

I was order 10xx, in Los Angeles, and the tracking info appeared Thursday afternoon around 3 or 4.
[quote name='outlawmoogle']Ordered UPS RED, my cables just came a few minutes ago. They actually arrived at the nearest UPS hub at around 10 last night.[/QUOTE]

Just for the sake of clarity, can people posting "I GOT MINE!" please include the following pertinent information:

- Date/time you ordered
- Shipping method used
- Where you are
- How/when tracking info appeared
Spoke with CSR, told him my story, about blue ,red, launch, etc, their 'fault' cause they choose the medium in which their product ships. CSR told me he will put in a memo to get a refund on shipping. However they still shipped today and will arrive monday...
[quote name='Tybee']Just for the sake of clarity, can people posting "I GOT MINE!" please include the following pertinent information:

- Date/time you ordered
- Shipping method used
- Where you are
- How/when tracking info appeared[/quote]
Order number ended in 269X
Nov 15th, around 10 AM PST
So. Cal
Tracking info appeared sometime in the late afternoon on the 15th
[quote name='Tybee']Just for the sake of clarity, can people posting "I GOT MINE!" please include the following pertinent information:

- Date/time you ordered
- Shipping method used
- Where you are
- How/when tracking info appeared[/quote]

Got mine about 4 hours ago.

-I'm the OP of this thread, so i ordered pretty early.
-Last night
[quote name='foxout']Spoke with CSR, told him my story, about blue ,red, launch, etc, their 'fault' cause they choose the medium in which their product ships. CSR told me he will put in a memo to get a refund on shipping. However they still shipped today and will arrive monday...[/QUOTE]

Mine shipped today, too. It'll probably take me a day to go through all the menus and to go through Wii Sports and everything anyway.
[quote name='Tybee']Just for the sake of clarity, can people posting "I GOT MINE!" please include the following pertinent information:

- Date/time you ordered
- Shipping method used
- Where you are
- How/when tracking info appeared[/QUOTE]

-Wed 9:15ish AM Cent. Time.
-UPS RED (1 Day)
-Tracking number yesterday late afternoon, not in UPS system til late in the night. Got mine today at 10:30 AM
Just checked my order status, #16xx, and it shipped out this morning.

I should be seeing it Monday or Tuesday. Oh, well. Not the end of the world.
- 945am Wednesday
- UPS Blue (2-day)
- Sioux Falls, SD
- Tracking info appeared late Wednesday
- Received today at about 120pm
Man, this is first class bullshit. I'm RED and 21XX(fairly low), and received my shipping notice yesterday evening, and it still isn't showing on
Just got my cable today. I was late to the boat ordering and I was shocked that it shipped so soon. I'm very happy i got it before launch though.
oh God people, stop complaining! you're out $6, boo-hoo! I understand your concern, but blabbing on this thread about how much it sucks OVER and OVER again isn't going to solve your problem...You took the risk paying the extra money on shipping, get over it. It sucks, but that's life. Nintendo tried, go complain to them if you feel short changed.
I personally don't care about the money, I just want my cables by Sunday :( Not looking good as tracking information still doesn't show up in UPS system :(
Got mine today. 2-day, info up on UPS yesterday, order the day they came up at about 9:10CST.

Figures why they're not around at the store though. Not really much in the way of packaging yet, just a plastic sleeve.
Bizarro! After my earlier complaint and UPS showing it was delayed and would be delivered on Monday, they showed up today afterall. Launch day 480p goodness!
[quote name='sting0r']I personally don't care about the money, I just want my cables by Sunday :( Not looking good as tracking information still doesn't show up in UPS system :([/QUOTE]

same here dude :(

ups red ... ordered DAY ONE.... 10 minutes into availability....... tracking # still does not work :(!!!!!!
[quote name='Tybee']Mine works now. It tells me I got screwed.[/QUOTE]
yay mine works now too!
[quote name='bo0']yay mine works now too![/quote]

Mine works too, it's arrival date is for Monday, guess I got royally screwed :hot:

At least I will have it before thanksgiving holiday
[quote name='sting0r']I personally don't care about the money, I just want my cables by Sunday :( Not looking good as tracking information still doesn't show up in UPS system :([/QUOTE]

Ding. Ding. Ding.

Mine is finally showing up. Just got scanned at 6pm. I'm screwed until Monday as well.
Yes!!!!! I got my cable!!!! Ordered Wednesday morning red, got it today. But no, my local EB/Gamestop "doesn't have the man power" to stay open until midnight. Bunch of pussies! I won't be playing my Wii until Monday becuase of my trip and their bullshit excuses! Oh, and no... no cables at Nintendo World Store.
I ordered UPS Blue and my estimated date of delivery is 11/28. According to tracking info they shipped out on the 17th via ground. WTF?
I too got the estimated delivery date of 11/28. Sucks but at least I'll have them before christmas.
bread's done