

can anyone confirm this

Flagships's Community Manager, Taylor Balbi, has revealed that all Ping0 and Flagship Studios staff have been made redundant. Employees were notified at a company meeting and subsequently informed that the offices will be officially closed on Saturday. Balbi went on to reveal that three of the studio's top brass dug into their own pockets to provide 30 days of pay to all employees.
Word of the studio closure reached Korean distributor HanbitSoft, leading to the release of a statement regarding intellectual property control and the subsequent clarification by their American lawyers that included the following sentence: "It is unfortunate that Flagship turned down additional investments HanbitSoft offered to make that would have allowed it to keep its doors open."

would hate to see mythos go down the crapper
One of my daughter's favorite Spongebob Squarepants episodes had a bit where two hundred Spongebobs went into a tear inside Spongebob's brain trying to recall his own name (after he had forgotten everything but breathing and fine dining), with everything catching fire and such.

For anyone who knows that scene/imagery, that's pretty much been the hellgatelondon.com forums since yesterday.

Yeah, they're fucked.
[quote name='Salmonday']One of my daughter's favorite Spongebob Squarepants episodes had a bit where two hundred Spongebobs went into a tear inside Spongebob's brain trying to recall his own name (after he had forgotten everything but breathing and fine dining), with everything catching fire and such.

For anyone who knows that scene/imagery, that's pretty much been the hellgatelondon.com forums since yesterday.

Yeah, they're fucked.[/quote]
Great episode...sad to see the studio in shambles, but such is life.
mythos is not dead yet a german company habbit something like that owns the rights to game as they provided the cash to flagship to develop it. flag closes they get the game and i would bet they will continue it 4 of the 5 areas are done so should be easy to finish at this point. awsome game i got over 300 hours wrapped up in beta so far
[quote name='evilmojo12542']mythos is not dead yet a german company habbit something like that owns the rights to game as they provided the cash to flagship to develop it. flag closes they get the game and i would bet they will continue it 4 of the 5 areas are done so should be easy to finish at this point. awsome game i got over 300 hours wrapped up in beta so far[/quote]

Isn't HanbitSoft Korean? (SOURCE: http://www.wispcentric.com/content/view/492/73/)

I tried Mythos out for a few days and it wasn't bad and definitely had potential as a action rpg. Of course now, it's "fate" (har, har get it?) is pretty uncertain.

I know I'm probably in the extreme minority here but I personally loathe Diablo II. I recently picked up Titan Quest Gold and loving it immensely! I know it's pretty much known as THE Diablo clone but for some reason I enjoy it much more then it's inspirational predecessor.
[quote name='Pajama_Man']Isn't HanbitSoft Korean? (SOURCE: http://www.wispcentric.com/content/view/492/73/)

I tried Mythos out for a few days and it wasn't bad and definitely had potential as a action rpg. Of course now, it's "fate" (har, har get it?) is pretty uncertain.

I know I'm probably in the extreme minority here but I personally loathe Diablo II. I recently picked up Titan Quest Gold and loving it immensely! I know it's pretty much known as THE Diablo clone but for some reason I enjoy it much more then it's inspirational predecessor.[/QUOTE]

yes you are correct i am sorry could not think of the complete name was on my lunch break. there has been no word denying or saying this is true yet hgl boards are blowing up with messages
Wow... that sucks.

The Hellgate: London founders are gonna be piiiisssseeeddd.

And so am I. I actually enjoy the game when I need a break from diablo, guild wars, or tf2.
[quote name='crystalklear64']Wow... that sucks.

The Hellgate: London founders are gonna be piiiisssseeeddd.

And so am I. I actually enjoy the game when I need a break from diablo, guild wars, or tf2.[/quote]
From what i've been reading, Hellgate: London will continue on under a mixture of ex-flagship/ping-o members and HanbitSoft (Korean publisher). Does H:L have a monthly fee? If not, i might pick this up as i'm almost positive prices will start to drop.
[quote name='SynGamer']From what i've been reading, Hellgate: London will continue on under a mixture of ex-flagship/ping-o members and HanbitSoft (Korean publisher). Does H:L have a monthly fee? If not, i might pick this up as i'm almost positive prices will start to drop.[/QUOTE]

Yes and no. You can play online for free however they also have subscriber content. The subscriber content you have to pay for but if I remember right it comes out to all players around 6 months after it comes out for subscribers only. 90% of the time it is not worth it so no point in paying.
Flagship Studios Still in Operations

San Francisco, CA (July 14, 2008) -- Flagship Studios has announced today that despite rumors to the contrary, the company is still operating.
“It is with deep regret that I must announce that Flagship Studios has laid off most employees. However, the core management and founding team members are still at Flagship.” said Bill Roper, CEO of Flagship Studios. “The past five years have been an incredible experience for us, but unfortunately, we couldn’t sustain the size of the company any longer.”

Flagship Studios owns the rights to all its technology and IP, including Hellgate: London and Mythos. Due to the current situation, Flagship will not be taking any new subscribers for Hellgate: London, and all current subscriptions will not be billed.

Flagship wishes to extend their heartfelt thanks to those that have supported the company and games over the past five years.

About Flagship Studios
Flagship Studios is a creator of innovative entertainment software, designing games that focused on ease of play, replayability, and fun. The studio was formed in 2003 by former executives and developers from Blizzard North® and represents the creators of the worldwide, best-selling Diablo® franchise. With members that are renowned within the gaming industry, Flagship Studios and its Flagship Seattle division embodies a team that has worked together for over a decade and have numerous #1-selling games and multiple Game of the Year awards to their credit.
forums for both hgl and mythos are being closed at midnight friday night games probabbly not to far behind that i would imgagine
This is a problem.

I cannot play Single-Player due to some stupid Securom error that thinks I'm running some emulation software. I don't have anything like that on my computer, no daemon's tools, no nero, nothing that can even make virtual drives.

If the multiplayer part of the game goes down, I'll literally have an unplayable game on my hands :(
The story of Flagship has got to be one of the most dumbfounding, stupidly epic failures in recent gaming history. The whole thing was just completely fucked.
bread's done