Flash Forward - Thursdays at 8pm/7pm CT on ABC (Not Renewed for a 2nd Season)


170 (100%)

Episode 1 (Pilot) - No More Good Days


Anyone here watch the premiere last night? What are your thoughts on it? I got the same feeling as when I first saw the premiere of LOST. Also for your LOSTies out there, did you notice the Oceanic advertisement on one of the billboards?

If you missed last nights episode, there's an encore tonight at 8pm, or you can watch it via Hulu, see link above.
Is this the one where they all blank out at the same time or something or is that another show?

Also, good to know it's 8 on thursday and friday. I had a madden match last night / this morning and it said 8, but we didn't know which day it meant. :p
I just watched it and thought it was pretty good. My advice to all is at least finish the episode if you're going to say you gave the show a chance. The last 20 minutes had a lot of "oh shit!" moments. At the beginning, I didn't think it would grab me enough to want to see the next episode, but by the end, I had completely changed my mind.

I'm on board with a lot of other comments I've read though (imdb, abc.com, etc.) in that I don't know if they're going to be able to keep it interesting for 5 seasons. The premise is fantastic, and it's well done. But they've already put a timeline on the flashes, and I'm not sure how they can build from that point on. But as a fan of LOST, I'll obviously have an opening once this season is over. And I think that is the exact purpose of this show. They saw us coming a mile away, haha. :)
Thanks for the recommendation OP ill try and catch the encore and give it a go, I love lost, so it would be cool to see the oceanic nod if anything else.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']But they've already put a timeline on the flashes, and I'm not sure how they can build from that point on. [/QUOTE]

Simple. More blackouts! ;)
I watched it and had a quick question after everybody had their "blackouts" there was a scene were the main character was talking to a bunch of other people at a conference table. Was one of the people at the table Seth Macfarland from Family Guy? I checked IMDB.com and it doesnt show him listed in the cast but that doesnt always mean if somebodys in something or not.
[quote name='ajh2298'] Was one of the people at the table Seth Macfarlane from Family Guy? I checked IMDB.com and it doesnt show him listed in the cast but that doesnt always mean if somebodys in something or not.[/QUOTE]

Haha. Thats the one thing about the show that stuck out in my mind too. If that is not Seth than he has a doppelganger. Looks and speaks exactly like him. Small role, but still weird to see him on ABC. I guess having three cartoons isnt enough for the guy=-p
Oh yeah, I almost forgot about him. It's definitely him:
A friend of "FlashForward's co-creator Brannon Braga, MacFarlane was invited to come be a part of the pilot as a lark. But this isn't the last we'll see of him. Rather he'll be "popping in and out" on occasion.

"He's game to do more," says producer Jessica Borsiczky Goyer. "And I'm a ridiculous 'Family Guy' fan. So I just shake in my boots every time he comes around.

"I love it."
[quote name='LinkinPrime']
Also for your LOSTies out there, did you notice the Oceanic advertisement on one of the billboards?

This is what I came to post. Damn, I thought I was extra observant. :(
Its near the beginning when the main guy and the dude from Harold and Kumar are sitting in the police cruiser talking to the dispatcher.
Ehhh...I thought the premiere was ok. As a big Lost fan, I did not think it was as good as the Lost premiere. It just felt like it was trying to be Lost, especially with the randomly inserted oddities (kangaroo).

I didn't really like the transition, seemed really rush.

Oh, the thing I hated the most was the ending.
The lady just happens to notice a tiny black figure moving out of an entire stadium while scanning through random security cameras? Really? And on the same day as the event? She must me a Where's Waldo pro or something.

Rant aside, I think the show has tremendous promise. We'll see...
[quote name='Maklershed']Ok how bout this - the main guy sees a red panda bumper sticker in his dream and it also appears on the side of a bus[/QUOTE]

Didn't catch that. I'll definitely have to keep my eyes open while watching this show like with LOST and FRINGE.
DVR'd it and just watched it. Decent pilot. I'll keep watching for now.

Unfortunately my recording kept having the video and sound stutter and drop out every couple minutes. Hopefully just a problem with the cable last night rather than something wrong with the crappy Comcast DVR (first thing I've taped and watched on it).
Comparing this to the first episode of Lost is a huge oversell. Flashforward was above-average at best. I'm still intrigued, but the first episode felt forced, hokey, and had some ridiculous leaps of logic.
@dmaul - I've had that problem in two different houses I lived in. My signal was fine for straight up tv but for the dvr the picture would stutter and have a lot of artifacts/pixelation. Both times they had to put a signal booster on the line for the dvr to work properly.
I had high hopes going into the show. A great idea that IMO was poorly implemented. I will give it 2 or 3 more episodes, but currently it is ontop of my to cut list. I thought they blew a great opportunity to stretch out the intial shock for at least another episode and leave it more on a cliffhanger or on the edge. IMO the dialog was poor and for some reason I couldn't stand the FBI guy that looks to be the "Jack" of this show.
[quote name='Maklershed']@dmaul - I've had that problem in two different houses I lived in. My signal was fine for straight up tv but for the dvr the picture would stutter and have a lot of artifacts/pixelation. Both times they had to put a signal booster on the line for the dvr to work properly.[/QUOTE]

Not what I wanted to here. I had issues when I moved in July in getting the box to work period--was bad splitter I'd used (did a self install as the cable was still on from the prior resident). Tech switched that out and it had been fined, just hadn't tried the DVR yet since I was only watching sports until this week.

I'll watch a couple other things I have taped (3 movies I taped a while back) and give them a call if it's a problem on them too. I hate comcast with a passion.
I don't know if people know, but this is (at least loosely) based on a book my Robert Sawyer, called (weirdly enough) 'Flashforward'. As such, even though I was quite pumped about the show itself, most of the pilot episode was not a surprise to me. Seems they are going in a different direction in the show though.

Basically, if you enjoyed the show, pick up the book. Robert Sawyer is a fantastic author, and really should be read more.
[quote name='Ugamer_X']Comparing this to the first episode of Lost is a huge oversell. Flashforward was above-average at best. I'm still intrigued, but the first episode felt forced, hokey, and had some ridiculous leaps of logic.[/QUOTE]

I agree. The biggest problem for me was the sub-par acting. I will admit, though, that the end of the episode was pretty cool.
Watched it last night, I overall really enjoyed the pilot, i think this show has promise we'll see. I liked it enough that I may try and re-watch the pilot to see if I can spot some things I missed last night. I did notice the Oceanic Billboard, The Red Panda stickers also. I think they are trying to hard to be viral, almost like they want to be as good as Lost with the viral games

"there is more to the kangaroo" like anyone missed that damn kangaroo in the middle of the street and obviously there is more to it.

"there is more to the tattoe" No shit, they didn't zoom in on it enough for me in the show i think i needed more hints that this guys 3 star tattoe was imporant. :/

Looking forward to next weeks entry tho.

Sidenote: the main character looks a lot like Richard Alpert from Lost even though i don't think it is that guy, but im 100 percent sure that his wife is the actress who plays Penny.
[quote name='DaddyBoJangles']Sidenote: the main character looks a lot like Richard Alpert from Lost even though i don't think it is that guy, but im 100 percent sure that his wife is the actress who plays Penny.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it is Penny. A simple search on IMDB confirms that. Charlie (Dominic Monaghan) is on the show too.
I feel disappointed after watching this due to all the hype and Lost comparisions. This was far from Lost in terms of characters and suspense building. I found the acting to be sub-par. The main character was really boring. The character development was rushed. I hate the segments going into commercials telling you to focus on stuff. The concept is pretty cool; granted I would love to find out how they are going to pull in the answer to how it happened and how some people were unaffected. I will continue to give it a chance but it could drop by the end of the season if the acting doesn't pick up.

I also agree that the actor playing the main character looks like Richard Albert. And yes, his wife is the actress that plays Penny.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']You stopped too soon. You should at least finish the episode, you already invested 30min into it.[/QUOTE]

I rewatched it... No, I didn't. I shouldn't have listened to you.
Not only is it going to go in the direction of Lost, but they already brought a Lost Cast member on. lol PASS
[quote name='VipFREAK']I rewatched it... No, I didn't. I shouldn't have listened to you.
Not only is it going to go in the direction of Lost, but they already brought a Lost Cast member on. lol PASS

Hahaha, whatever dude. You've got some weird ass opinions (not even sure how the things you listed are negative points...or spoilers for that matter). I also like how you deem anything you don't like a complete waste of time. God forbid someone doesn't share your opinion.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Hahaha, whatever dude. You've got some weird ass opinions (not even sure how the things you listed are negative points...or spoilers for that matter). I also like how you deem anything you don't like a complete waste of time. God forbid someone doesn't share your opinion.[/QUOTE]

I could be mistaking him for someone else since we have so many here.....but I think he's one of several regulars with Asperger's on CAG.

I just tend to ignore their inane ranting.
finally watched the premier last night. very lostish. i wouldnt say im hooked, but ill watch it for another couple of episodes at least. depending on how they execute i think its going to be very good or turn very bad. well see what happens. i figure since they already have a date for the flashforwards, april 20, thats probably going to be right around the season finale and id expect a big cliffhanger then.
Pilot was ok. Ultimately it comes down to, do I want to spend the next 5 years guessing what everything is about and not know whats "really is going on. When Lost started I was eager to go down the rabbit hole as the show progressed since it was a new experience that was exciting. Now the idea of doing it all over again with a new show really isn't that appealing.
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[quote name='Maklershed']Ok how bout this - the main guy sees a red panda bumper sticker in his dream and it also appears on the side of a bus[/QUOTE]

i saw this and the billboard too. It seemed pretty obvious to me. But overall I liked the pilot and will continue to give it a chance. I hope its my replacement for when Lost is finished...i like shows that make me think even if most of time my reaction is WTF?! :)
Didn't get any of the stuttering, sound drop out problems watching another show on my DVR, so hopefully that was just a fluke. Really don't have time to hassle with Comcast customer service right now.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']I'm on board with a lot of other comments I've read though (imdb, abc.com, etc.) in that I don't know if they're going to be able to keep it interesting for 5 seasons. The premise is fantastic, and it's well done. But they've already put a timeline on the flashes, and I'm not sure how they can build from that point on. But as a fan of LOST, I'll obviously have an opening once this season is over. And I think that is the exact purpose of this show. They saw us coming a mile away, haha. :)[/QUOTE]

If they're smart, they won't try. This show seems perfect for the model they use for a lot of shows in Britain: one season, and then you're done. As it stands now, the "flash" date is at the end of April, on (surprise surprise) a Thursday. After that, I really don't know where they could take the show, although it's a little early to worry about that.

The pilot was okay. I'm going to give the show a few more weeks because I like the premise, but it's got some work to do to prove that it's more than an attempt to try and emulate Lost.
I like it so far, though I have trepidations.

I agree it's a really strong premise, but my concern is that dumb it down too much and don't give their audience any credit. You're beaten over the head with everything. To follow the Lost example, it's when that show has done this that it struggles. Once Lost decided that it was just going to be what it is and not try to explain itself every five seconds, it really took off.

At the same time, I understand that the show is just starting off and they need to get as many viewers as they can locked in. I'm excited to continue watching.
[quote name='bvharris']I like it so far, though I have trepidations.

I agree it's a really strong premise, but my concern is that dumb it down too much and don't give their audience any credit. You're beaten over the head with everything. To follow the Lost example, it's when that show has done this that it struggles. Once Lost decided that it was just going to be what it is and not try to explain itself every five seconds, it really took off.

At the same time, I understand that the show is just starting off and they need to get as many viewers as they can locked in. I'm excited to continue watching.[/QUOTE]

Couldn't agree more with the hitting the audience over the head part. How many times must something be implied rather obviously to the audience only to be explained further by the characters (i.e.
John Cho not having a vision because he died
). Also, the dialog has been pretty terrible, but even worse have been the attempts at humor. That said, the concept is good enough; and I've been entertained enough to stick with it for at least a few more weeks.
[quote name='zzl365']Couldn't agree more with the hitting the audience over the head part. How many times must something be implied rather obviously to the audience only to be explained further by the characters (i.e.
John Cho not having a vision because he died
). Also, the dialog has been pretty terrible, but even worse have been the attempts at humor. That said, the concept is good enough; and I've been entertained enough to stick with it for at least a few more weeks.[/QUOTE]

In the latest EW the writers bitch about the networks forcing them to do that shit. Apparently they think we are stupid.
[quote name='homeland']In the latest EW the writers bitch about the networks forcing them to do that shit. Apparently they think we are stupid.[/QUOTE]

Most of us are.
2nd episode was decent... a little boring at times. I'll give it another couple episodes at least.

I accidently set my DVR season pass to the SD channel though....fixed it for next week.
bread's done