For air traveling CAG's - Can you take food on the plane



I'm flying to Vegas this Saturday (not quite as fun as it sounds, going to visit family, not party 24/7, well, only party 24/7 for a few days). I flew out before, and one thing that is absolutely appaling is the cost of food at the airport. There is a sub shop at the airport, but you're paying over $10 for a sub.

I'd like to stop on the way to the airport to grab something to eat (either some McDonalds or a sub, something of that nature).

So, here's my question, can I get this part airport security? I've tried googling it, and the lists I've seen doesn't directly imply that you can't. I'll call my airline if I can't get an answer here, but I figure there is probably a few CAG's here that travel quite a bit for business or pleasure, so I figured someone might know.
Just to chime in again, yes food is fine.

This thread reminds me of the SNL skit with TSA workers being quizzed about the new rules.

"Anyone, name a liquid!"
"Turkey sandwich"
"No a turkey sandwich is not a liquid."
"But turkey meat can be wet sometimes."
"Even if the meat is wet, a turkey sandwich is still not a liquid."
"What if you run it through a blender?"

(from memory so may not be entirely verbatim)
Thanks everyone. I emailed the site that Thetshell posted (it's funny, I googled it and was around that site, but never saw that page). Here is their email, in case anyone else is interested:

Thank you for your e-mail concerning traveling with food.

Passengers are allowed to travel with food as carry on. Airport officials also said that many airlines were packing extra drinks. TSA screeners work hard to maintain the expensive equipment used to screen passengers and their carry-on bags. Because spilled food or drinks can damage security equipment and other passengers' belongings, there are necessary restrictions on what you can and cannot bring with you to the checkpoint.

All food must go through the X-ray machine. To save yourself time, do not bring food to the security checkpoint unless it is securely wrapped or in a spill-proof container. Unpeeled natural foods like fruit are okay, but half-eaten fruits must be properly wrapped.

When traveling with food, the following tips may be helpful:

Single serving packages of condiments will be allowed but must fit inside your One (1) clear zip-top quart size plastic bag
Solid foods that have been frozen must be securely wrapped
G el packs are not allowed to refrigerate food, only medication
Beverages brought from home or purchased before reaching the security checkpoint must be discarded unless they are in a 3 oz. or smaller container and fit comfortably in your one quart-size, zip-top plastic bag
After clearing security, travelers can now bring beverages and other items purchased in the secure boarding area on-board aircraft
Passengers are allowed to travel with pies, cakes and other bakery products through security checkpoints. However, doing so may necessitate random additional screening prior to boarding.
Please visit our website at for additional information about TSA. We continue to add new information and encourage you to check the website frequently for updated information.

TSA Contact Center
[quote name='lordxixor101']
Passengers are allowed to travel with pies, cakes and other bakery products through security checkpoints. However, doing so may necessitate random additional screening prior to boarding.

"Sir, is that a blueberry pie in your backpack?"

"Umm.. yeah."

"I'm going to need you to take down your pants and bend over." *Snaps rubber glove*
[quote name='lordxixor101']
TSA screeners work hard to maintain the expensive equipment used to screen passengers and their carry-on bags. Because spilled food or drinks can damage security equipment and other passengers' belongings, there are necessary restrictions on what you can and cannot bring with you to the checkpoint.

TSA Contact Center[/quote]

Ha, never seen that before. You were given the non-security sensitive reason for no liquids. Funny!
[quote name='wubb']Just to chime in again, yes food is fine.

This thread reminds me of the SNL skit with TSA workers being quizzed about the new rules.

"Anyone, name a liquid!"
"Turkey sandwich"
"No a turkey sandwich is not a liquid."
"But turkey meat can be wet sometimes."
"Even if the meat is wet, a turkey sandwich is still not a liquid."
"What if you run it through a blender?"

(from memory so may not be entirely verbatim)[/QUOTE]

My all-time favorite thing with those idiots that call themselves "security" was when I bought some DK bongos for $5 out in... we'll guess Illinois. Anyway, the dumb bitch scanned it and made me take them out of the bag so she could inspect them because she really thought they might be a bomb and the cord to plug it into the GC was a detonator. I couldn't make this shit up if I tried. Her (male) co-worker stepped in and pointed out how dumb she was and they were just bongos. :lol:
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']My all-time favorite thing with those idiots that call themselves "security" was when I bought some DK bongos for $5 out in... we'll guess Illinois. Anyway, the dumb bitch scanned it and made me take them out of the bag so she could inspect them because she really thought they might be a bomb and the cord to plug it into the GC was a detonator. I couldn't make this shit up if I tried. Her (male) co-worker stepped in and pointed out how dumb she was and they were just bongos. :lol:[/quote]

I love how you mock a person for trying to save your life and the lives of your fellow passengers. So what if she went a tad overboard? Or maybe she was not yet experienced enough to recognize that they were indeed bongos. Believe me, terrorists can/have/will put bombs into everything under the sun, including their own asses. I've seen all types of prohibited items that were being hidden in the most ridiculous things. Give her some credit for actually giving a shit about your ungrateful ass.

Beverages brought from home or purchased before reaching the security checkpoint must be discarded unless they are in a 3 oz. or smaller container and fit comfortably in your one quart-size, zip-top plastic bag

Who drinks only 3 oz. of liquid? Well, I suppose those little mini-bar liquors are about that size.
[quote name='the ender']I love how you mock a person for trying to save your life and the lives of your fellow passengers. So what if she went a tad overboard? Or maybe she was not yet experienced enough to recognize that they were indeed bongos. Believe me, terrorists can/have/will put bombs into everything under the sun, including their own asses. I've seen all types of prohibited items that were being hidden in the most ridiculous things. Give her some credit for actually giving a shit about your ungrateful ass.[/quote]

Lol, I see in your profile you're a security officer, what a tool. You and captain dumbass can hang out together, but the rest of us will be over here in the real world, not sweating little crap like that. Airport security regularly goes overboard and abuses their power. It's the "when you give a simple-minded, insignificant person some power" rule. I'd wager I've flown a hell of a lot more than you and had a lot more experience what is and what isn't proper for airline security, so unless you're a part of TSA too, why don't you STFU and go back to patrolling your little mall/parking lot/retail store/etc. :lol:
[quote name='the ender']I love how you mock a person for trying to save your life and the lives of your fellow passengers. So what if she went a tad overboard? Or maybe she was not yet experienced enough to recognize that they were indeed bongos. Believe me, terrorists can/have/will put bombs into everything under the sun, including their own asses. I've seen all types of prohibited items that were being hidden in the most ridiculous things. Give her some credit for actually giving a shit about your ungrateful ass.[/quote]

Lol, I see in your profile you're a security officer, what a tool. I take it you're TSA too? You and captain dumbass can hang out together, but the rest of us will be over here in the real world, the world that is smart enough to see that Bongos obviously aren't a bomb. Airport security regularly goes overboard and abuses their power. It's the "when you give a simple-minded, insignificant person some power" rule. Have fun defending your sorry-ass, low-paying profession though. I'll continue to be the person who actually flies on the plane. :lol:
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']Lol, I see in your profile you're a security officer, what a tool. I take it you're TSA too? You and captain dumbass can hang out together, but the rest of us will be over here in the real world, the world that is smart enough to see that Bongos obviously aren't a bomb. Airport security regularly goes overboard and abuses their power. It's the "when you give a simple-minded, insignificant person some power" rule. Have fun defending your sorry-ass, low-paying profession though. I'll continue to be the person who actually flies on the plane. :lol:[/quote]


No one, including your example, thinks that bongos are a bomb. However, GC bongos include at least two of the four necessary parts to build said bomb. And, on an x-ray screen, it is not possible to be sure if the things you are seeing are manufactured or improvised. So, like the old maxim goes, "better safe than sorry".

I don't doubt that power is abused, and your precious feelings got hurt at some point or another. Yet the fact remains that you seemingly represent a significant portion of the American public, and that is the portion that is so caught up in thier own comfort and convenience that they (you) view anything that adversely affects those things as bad. I wonder if you ever considered that we might know a few things about bombs, terrorist intentions, and recent suspicious activity that you don't.

No, that can't be. You're a red-blooded American, and so you must know more than anyone about anything. Your worth is tied up in your income, judging from your comments about low-pay and that you get to fly often. Congrats! You belong to an elite club of millions that fly often and make money.

Something I have noticed at the airport is that foreigners are always far more grateful and respectful than Americans are. They appreciate what we do, thank us for it, and can recognize the effort we put forth to protect them. All most Americans can do is walk with blinders, only seeing that this is an inconvenience to them, and they can't understand it, so it must be stupid. No wonder the rest of the world hates our arrogant asses.

By the way, I fly too. Can I join your club?

(Disclaimer: I am American as well. I am as guilty as any of our innate arrogance and haughtiness. I just spend 40 hours a week looking at a cross-section of our people, and what I've seen over the past 3 years is unsettling and embarrassing.)
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']Lol, I see in your profile you're a security officer, what a tool. I take it you're TSA too? You and captain dumbass can hang out together, but the rest of us will be over here in the real world, the world that is smart enough to see that Bongos obviously aren't a bomb. Airport security regularly goes overboard and abuses their power. It's the "when you give a simple-minded, insignificant person some power" rule. Have fun defending your sorry-ass, low-paying profession though. I'll continue to be the person who actually flies on the plane. :lol:[/quote]

What a pompous thing to say. You are truly an arrogant ass.

If someone can fit enough explodes in the heel of their shoe ( to damage a plane, what makes you think that bongos 5 times that size shouldn't be at least examined? Learn to respect and be understanding of people a little (or a lot) more.
[quote name='the ender']Simpleton.

No one, including your example, thinks that bongos are a bomb. However, GC bongos include at least two of the four necessary parts to build said bomb. And, on an x-ray screen, it is not possible to be sure if the things you are seeing are manufactured or improvised. So, like the old maxim goes, "better safe than sorry".

I don't doubt that power is abused, and your precious feelings got hurt at some point or another. Yet the fact remains that you seemingly represent a significant portion of the American public, and that is the portion that is so caught up in thier own comfort and convenience that they (you) view anything that adversely affects those things as bad. I wonder if you ever considered that we might know a few things about bombs, terrorist intentions, and recent suspicious activity that you don't.

No, that can't be. You're a red-blooded American, and so you must know more than anyone about anything. Your worth is tied up in your income, judging from your comments about low-pay and that you get to fly often. Congrats! You belong to an elite club of millions that fly often and make money.

Something I have noticed at the airport is that foreigners are always far more grateful and respectful than Americans are. They appreciate what we do, thank us for it, and can recognize the effort we put forth to protect them. All most Americans can do is walk with blinders, only seeing that this is an inconvenience to them, and they can't understand it, so it must be stupid. No wonder the rest of the world hates our arrogant asses.

By the way, I fly too. Can I join your club?

(Disclaimer: I am American as well. I am as guilty as any of our innate arrogance and haughtiness. I just spend 40 hours a week looking at a cross-section of our people, and what I've seen over the past 3 years is unsettling and embarrassing.)[/quote]

Aww, the poor douchebag got his feelings hurt. Here's a tip: Spend less time defending your pathetic existance and go out, get an education and get a real job. Don't pretend for a minute to have any insight on terrorist intentions, you work for the freakin' TSA, not the CIA or another government intelligence agency. Any retard can get your job. Generally speaking, and I know I've been to a hell of a lot more airports than you, TSA's are very young people or people of little to no education. Gee, I wonder which one you are. :roll:

[quote name='SpecTrE3353']What a pompous thing to say. You are truly an arrogant ass.

If someone can fit enough explodes in the heel of their shoe ( to damage a plane, what makes you think that bongos 5 times that size shouldn't be at least examined? Learn to respect and be understanding of people a little (or a lot) more.[/quote]

:lol: Who is this kid? I guess you want TSA's to start inspecting "everything" no matter how irrelevant, you're probably the type that likes...
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']Aww, the poor douchebag got his feelings hurt. Here's a tip: Spend less time defending your pathetic existance and go out, get an education and get a real job. Don't pretend for a minute to have any insight on terrorist intentions, you work for the freakin' TSA, not the CIA or another government intelligence agency. Any retard can get your job. Generally speaking, and I know I've been to a hell of a lot more airports than you, TSA's are very young people or people of little to no education. Gee, I wonder which one you are. :roll:

:lol: Who is this kid? I guess you want TSA's to start inspecting "everything" no matter how irrelevant, you're probably the type that likes...[/quote]

This post is full of unbased claims and assumptions. You put forth no intelligent arguments; instead, you went with mildly offensive insults and words like "freakin" and "retard".

See, the difference is that I put forth an argument that makes sense, and is focused on the issue at hand. You, having no real recourse, took the path of personal attacks on my intelligence, age, and level of education. (I'm older than you, by the way.)

My point is this (and feel free to chime in, CAGs): You are the one that looks "pathetic", "retarded", and "generally uneducated". Despite this, I'll still go to work tomorrow and do my best to keep you safe as you fly.

Good day, sir.
[quote name='the ender']This post is full of unbased claims and assumptions. You put forth no intelligent arguments; instead, you went with mildly offensive insults and words like "freakin" and "retard".

See, the difference is that I put forth an argument that makes sense, and is focused on the issue at hand. You, having no real recourse, took the path of personal attacks on my intelligence, age, and level of education. (I'm older than you, by the way.)

My point is this (and feel free to chime in, CAGs): You are the one that looks "pathetic", "retarded", and "generally uneducated". Despite this, I'll still go to work tomorrow and do my best to keep you safe as you fly.

Good day, sir.[/quote]

You've got to be kidding me, let's take a closer look at your self-proclaimed "brilliant" argument here:

[quote name='the ender']Simpleton. [/quote]

Oh, that's not a personal attack is it? :roll:

No one, including your example, thinks that bongos are a bomb. However, GC bongos include at least two of the four necessary parts to build said bomb.

Hmm, apparently you were there now? The bitch said she thought the bongos themselves were a bomb and the cord was the detonator.

And, on an x-ray screen, it is not possible to be sure if the things you are seeing are manufactured or improvised. So, like the old maxim goes, "better safe than sorry".

Ah, right... I thought you were an expert though? Shouldn't you be able to tell what is and what isn't? The 2nd TSA agent took hardly any time at all to realize the stupidity of his colleague and let me go on my way.

I don't doubt that power is abused, and your precious feelings got hurt at some point or another.

Oh, what do we have here? Is it another personal attack? Why, I believe it is. Hey, I guess that kind of makes you a hypocrit, doesn't it?

Yet the fact remains that you seemingly represent a significant portion of the American public, and that is the portion that is so caught up in thier own comfort and convenience that they (you) view anything that adversely affects those things as bad.

Here's a good question, you've been a TSA for only 3 years now, right? So you started in 2004. I was flying regularly on airplanes a long time before 9/11, guess how many of the planes I was on got hi-jacked, bombed, etc.

I wonder if you ever considered that we might know a few things about bombs, terrorist intentions, and recent suspicious activity that you don't.

No, you don't. To even suggest that you know anything about "terrorist intentions" is just plain assinine. You're a TSA for Christsake not some real-life version of Jack Bauer.

No, that can't be. You're a red-blooded American, and so you must know more than anyone about anything.

Unfortunately, from this conversation I can see you don't know very much about airline security, and that is truly disturbing. But why don't you tell me how many terrorists you've stopped while working at the airline? I sure remember reading a lot about terrorist attacks that originated in Alabama :roll:

Your worth is tied up in your income, judging from your comments about low-pay and that you get to fly often. Congrats! You belong to an elite club of millions that fly often and make money.

So, how often do you fly? What's your income? I doubt you make more than $10 an hour.

Something I have noticed at the airport is that foreigners are always far more grateful and respectful than Americans are. They appreciate what we do, thank us for it, and can recognize the effort we put forth to protect them.
Aww, are you feeling neglected and unappreciated in your line of work? Did you ever stop and think that these "foreigners" as you so obscenely label them might actually just be scared of upsetting you because they fit the stereo-type you're looking for? Hell, you've already clustered minorities together as "foreigners"; I'm sure there's no people in America that were born here that might speak another language or not have white skin :roll:

All most Americans can do is walk with blinders, only seeing that this is an inconvenience to them, and they can't understand it, so it must be stupid. No wonder the rest of the world hates our arrogant asses.

:lol: I'm not even sure how to respond to this, you clearly think you're better than everyone else because YOU (only in your own head) are "keeping people safe." Is that it, slick? You want a pat on the back or something, someone telling you you're doing a good job? Show me all the big terrorist plots you've uncovered, all the hi-jackings you've prevented and all the bombs you've kept off planes.

Oh, what's that, you never have? That's right you're "protecting" Terrorist hot-bed Alabama. :roll:

By the way, I fly too. Can I join your club?

(Disclaimer: I am American as well. I am as guilty as any of our innate arrogance and haughtiness. I just spend 40 hours a week looking at a cross-section of our people, and what I've seen over the past 3 years is unsettling and embarrassing.)

What you see is a sample of the public, generally not at their best. If you flew regularly for business or what have you, you would understand that concepts like stress factor into people's lives and all your job does is add to that stress. You (especially you in Alabama) aren't really keeping anyone safe, all you're doing is wasting time and acting as a visual aid sent straight from GW himself to make people think flying is safe again after 9/11. Guess what? If these "terrorists" you're so concerned about really want to take another plane, they're going to do it, and you're certainly not going to stop them.

So go on, wasting more tax-payers time, it's their money paying your bills afterall right? I'm sure your family must be very proud of the choices you've made regarding your life's work.
ZL, you started the personal attacks with your 'tool' comment and over all condescending tone of the first reply to ender. A tone which has continued through the entire thread.

Odd stance that airport security is worthless unless every single TSA finds a few terrorists in their career. Slamming someone based on their job is very poor form.

Honestly I nearly replied to your first post that having to take bongos out of a bag isn't much of a hardship. I mean if you have something odd to carry on you have to expect security might take a closer look at it. I'd wager very few Gamecube bongos are carried on planes.
[quote name='wubb']ZL, you started the personal attacks with your 'tool' comment and over all condescending tone of the first reply to ender. A tone which has continued through the entire thread.[/quote]

On the contrary, Mr. TSA began the personal attacks with "ungrateful ass"... I took offense, my story was meant to be comical.

Odd stance that airport security is worthless unless every single TSA finds a few terrorists in their career.

No, but heightened airport security is worthless. There was hardly a problem with the security before. Yes, 9/11 was awful, but that certainly didn't warrant nation-wide security the way it is now. The fluids crap was just outrageous. The time and money being wasted so GW can claim it's safe to fly again, is insane. I'd feel just as safe going back to how things were before, when the security didn't take an hour or more to clear.

Slamming someone based on their job is very poor form.

Ya, you're right. But that doesn't happen if someone isn't flaunting their job around like they're America's Holy Airport Savior.

Honestly I nearly replied to your first post that having to take bongos out of a bag isn't much of a hardship.

The story wasn't a "hardship" case, it was meant to be funny. Hence the ":lol: " smiley at the end. Then, some goofball takes offense because he thinks I'm attacking all TSA's for being as dumb as that girl? Even after looking at the item out of the box, the bitch still thought it was a bomb. Who knows what might've happened had the other agent not stepped in.

I mean if you have something odd to carry on you have to expect security might take a closer look at it. I'd wager very few Gamecube bongos are carried on planes.

Probably not, but my job at the time let me go from city to city to store to store to find cheap deals across the states. I'd have been a bad CAG not to take advantage of that position :lol:
You do have a point with "ungrateful ass." Still when I read the posts, you come across as going a wee bit over the top in your responses.
[quote name='wubb']You do have a point with "ungrateful ass." Still when I read the posts, you come across as going a wee bit over the top in your responses.[/QUOTE]
I should quit, but I can't resist.

[quote name='Zenithian Legend']You've got to be kidding me, let's take a closer look at your self-proclaimed "brilliant" argument here:

Oh, that's not a personal attack is it? :roll:

Hmm, apparently you were there now? The bitch said she thought the bongos themselves were a bomb and the cord was the detonator.

Ah, right... I thought you were an expert though? Shouldn't you be able to tell what is and what isn't? The 2nd TSA agent took hardly any time at all to realize the stupidity of his colleague and let me go on my way.

Oh, what do we have here? Is it another personal attack? Why, I believe it is. Hey, I guess that kind of makes you a hypocrit, doesn't it?

Here's a good question, you've been a TSA for only 3 years now, right? So you started in 2004. I was flying regularly on airplanes a long time before 9/11, guess how many of the planes I was on got hi-jacked, bombed, etc.

No, you don't. To even suggest that you know anything about "terrorist intentions" is just plain assinine. You're a TSA for Christsake not some real-life version of Jack Bauer.

Unfortunately, from this conversation I can see you don't know very much about airline security, and that is truly disturbing. But why don't you tell me how many terrorists you've stopped while working at the airline? I sure remember reading a lot about terrorist attacks that originated in Alabama :roll:

So, how often do you fly? What's your income? I doubt you make more than $10 an hour.

Aww, are you feeling neglected and unappreciated in your line of work? Did you ever stop and think that these "foreigners" as you so obscenely label them might actually just be scared of upsetting you because they fit the stereo-type you're looking for? Hell, you've already clustered minorities together as "foreigners"; I'm sure there's no people in America that were born here that might speak another language or not have white skin :roll:

:lol: I'm not even sure how to respond to this, you clearly think you're better than everyone else because YOU (only in your own head) are "keeping people safe." Is that it, slick? You want a pat on the back or something, someone telling you you're doing a good job? Show me all the big terrorist plots you've uncovered, all the hi-jackings you've prevented and all the bombs you've kept off planes.

Oh, what's that, you never have? That's right you're "protecting" Terrorist hot-bed Alabama. :roll:

What you see is a sample of the public, generally not at their best. If you flew regularly for business or what have you, you would understand that concepts like stress factor into people's lives and all your job does is add to that stress. You (especially you in Alabama) aren't really keeping anyone safe, all you're doing is wasting time and acting as a visual aid sent straight from GW himself to make people think flying is safe again after 9/11. Guess what? If these "terrorists" you're so concerned about really want to take another plane, they're going to do it, and you're certainly not going to stop them.

So go on, wasting more tax-payers time, it's their money paying your bills afterall right? I'm sure your family must be very proud of the choices you've made regarding your life's work.[/quote]

I never claimed brilliance in my argument, just that mine actually makes sense. I also never claimed to be an x-ray expert. However, a cord looks like a cord (GC or bomb component), a battery looks like battery (internal manufacturer use or bomb component), and plugs can and do resemble detonators. So your screener's suspicions are not unfounded. She went above and beyond in regards to your safety; why would you bash her for that? The 2nd agent may be more experienced.....or maybe he is the type that doesn't want a hassle from a passenger, or doesn't care as much as the first lady. Did you ever consider that he did you and the flying public a disservice by being so dismissive?

Hypocrite is spelled with an "e", by the way. How the hell did I know that with my sub-par TSA-approved educational level? Luck, I guess. ;)

You can make your arguments about how security was fine before TSA and how worthless we are, but there is one glaring hole in that theory: 9/11. Non-federally regulated security is what led to terrorists taking over 3 planes on 9/11/01 with nothing more than a box-cutter and the threat of a bomb.

Your paragraph about foreigners is absurd. I must've missed the memo about that term being obscene, but I am grouping no one unfairly. I drew my conclusion about their foreign status due to the fact that their passport are from other countries, they speak no English, and their destination is the country that their passport was issued in. What a fool I am! And speaking of hypocrisy, you label an organization of 45,000+ people as dumb and worthless. Talk about obscene.

I'll not engage you in an income-based pissing contest. I do make more than $10 an hour, a good bit more, though. And I live well, as I'm sure you do. Your arrogance and condescension speaks of someone who finds their self-worth in their income.

Nothing, and I do mean nothing, that I said implies that I think I am any better than anyone.

The underlined sentence in your quote speaks volumes about your intelligence and level of comprehension in regards to aviation security. You imply that my only job is to protect Alabama; flights originating in our airport connect to Atlanta, Houston, and Charlotte, to name a few. A terrtorist boarding a plane in my state would likely have plans on striking Atlanta, where you've probably flown through. So my level of attentiveness and security directly affects you, and millions of others passengers, on a daily basis. You're welcome, for the two loaded guns and countless knives and box-cutters (one was artfully concealed) that I personally have stopped from getting on a plane.
I've taken food onto an airplane before... Hell, took a whole backpack full of food with me when I came to pittsburgh, it's no big deal.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']On the contrary, Mr. TSA began the personal attacks with "ungrateful ass"... I took offense, my story was meant to be comical.

No, but heightened airport security is worthless. There was hardly a problem with the security before. Yes, 9/11 was awful, but that certainly didn't warrant nation-wide security the way it is now. The fluids crap was just outrageous. The time and money being wasted so GW can claim it's safe to fly again, is insane. I'd feel just as safe going back to how things were before, when the security didn't take an hour or more to clear.

Ya, you're right. But that doesn't happen if someone isn't flaunting their job around like they're America's Holy Airport Savior.

The story wasn't a "hardship" case, it was meant to be funny. Hence the ":lol: " smiley at the end. Then, some goofball takes offense because he thinks I'm attacking all TSA's for being as dumb as that girl? Even after looking at the item out of the box, the bitch still thought it was a bomb. Who knows what might've happened had the other agent not stepped in.

Probably not, but my job at the time let me go from city to city to store to store to find cheap deals across the states. I'd have been a bad CAG not to take advantage of that position :lol:[/quote]

What makes you enough of an authority on the subject to state that airport security is worthless and unwarranted? I'd wager that the 3,000 people that died due to a lack of heightened security would disagree with you. Additionally, I'd bet they would not be complaining about a little checking of their bongos, or calling the people that are trying to protect them bitches, stupid, assinine, worthless, or any of the other terms you've used against me and TSA in your posts.

I never flaunted my job. I simply defended it against your hateful and angry slurs.

Then, some goofball takes offense because he thinks I'm attacking all TSA's for being as dumb as that girl?

Don't pretend for a minute to have any insight on terrorist intentions, you work for the freakin' TSA, not the CIA or another government intelligence agency. Any retard can get your job. Generally speaking, and I know I've been to a hell of a lot more airports than you, TSA's are very young people or people of little to no education.

I wonder where I got that idea from??

Seriously, subjectively analyze the tone of your posts versus mine. You just come off pissed and upset, with no sound argument or point, other than you don't like TSA. That's nothing new, friend.
[quote name='the ender']I should quit, but I can't resist.[/quote]

Correction, we both should quit.

I never claimed brilliance in my argument, just that mine actually makes sense. I also never claimed to be an x-ray expert. However, a cord looks like a cord (GC or bomb component), a battery looks like battery (internal manufacturer use or bomb component), and plugs can and do resemble detonators. So your screener's suspicions are not unfounded.

Fair enough.

She went above and beyond in regards to your safety; why would you bash her for that? The 2nd agent may be more experienced.....or maybe he is the type that doesn't want a hassle from a passenger, or doesn't care as much as the first lady. Did you ever consider that he did you and the flying public a disservice by being so dismissive?

No, because either he recognized the product immediately (and I believe that was the case here), or was able to quickly decipher that it clearly wasn't an explosive device.

Hypocrite is spelled with an "e", by the way. How the hell did I know that with my sub-par TSA-approved educational level? Luck, I guess. ;)
I would say I'm pretty good when it comes to grammar and spelling on the internet. Poor forms of both agitate me for whatever reason. So, yes hypocrite is spelled with an "e", a typo on my behalf.

You can make your arguments about how security was fine before TSA and how worthless we are, but there is one glaring hole in that theory: 9/11. Non-federally regulated security is what led to terrorists taking over 3 planes on 9/11/01 with nothing more than a box-cutter and the threat of a bomb.
Don't want to get into it much further, but don't you believe that if someone really wanted to hi-jack another plane they could? Aside from keeping the cabin doors locked at all times now, have their been any ground-breaking modifications made that are really saving lives?

Your paragraph about foreigners is absurd. I must've missed the memo about that term being obscene, but I am grouping no one unfairly. I drew my conclusion about their foreign status due to the fact that their passport are from other countries, they speak no English, and their destination is the country that their passport was issued in. What a fool I am! And speaking of hypocrisy, you label an organization of 45,000+ people as dumb and worthless. Talk about obscene.

Fair enough again, but I still think you aren't seeing that many of these people act grateful towards you simply because they fear what you might do to them? Have you been overseas before? (Read: not Canada/Mexico) The few times I've gone I was extra careful to mind my Ps & Qs because I know how much trouble I could get in for upsetting a foreign official, no matter how trivial the offense.

Perhaps you are an exception, but I would say the majority of TSA's aren't very intelligent though, but then again the ones I see the most are in Detroit, so maybe that's not the best gene-pool to base my assumptions on. I would definitely say that many of them are quick-tempered, look how little it took to set you off attacking me for posting that bongo story.

I'll not engage you in an income-based pissing contest. I do make more than $10 an hour, a good bit more, though. And I live well, as I'm sure you do. Your arrogance and condescension speaks of someone who finds their self-worth in their income.
As well you shouldn't that was a very childish way of arguing with you, and I apologize for it.

Nothing, and I do mean nothing, that I said implies that I think I am any better than anyone.

Go back and re-read everything you posted. You seem to fashion yourself a true American hero, and we all should be grateful that people like you are "protecting" people like me. This whole argument began because of your ego, and the fact that you felt I was ungrateful for people like you. You took offense at what was a fairly comical story, why... I don't know, without delving into personal attacks again I'd just assume lack of anything better to do?

The underlined sentence in your quote speaks volumes about your intelligence and level of comprehension in regards to aviation security. You imply that my only job is to protect Alabama; flights originating in our airport connect to Atlanta, Houston, and Charlotte, to name a few. A terrtorist boarding a plane in my state would likely have plans on striking Atlanta, where you've probably flown through. So my level of attentiveness and security directly affects you, and millions of others passengers, on a daily basis. You're welcome, for the two loaded guns and countless knives and box-cutters (one was artfully concealed) that I personally have stopped from getting on a plane.

Hey! Since we're playing grammar-Nazi now, "Terrorist" doesn't have an extra T in it :roll:

Don't be facetious, I obviously know that the planes you're "protecting" don't just stay only in Alabama. To suggest otherwise is just ridiculous. So, of the loaded guns you pulled, where did you find them? Out of curiousity were they on the persons being or stored in their luggage? Were they people that honestly didn't know better or were they terrorists?

I'm sure for every box-cutter and pocket knife you've removed from someone's luggage you've removed 10 cans/sticks of deoderant and toothpaste, the most deadly weapons of all, right?

I'd wager that the 3,000 people that died due to a lack of heightened security would disagree with you.

I'd wager they wouldn't; keep in mind they're all dead. I would wager their families might though, but that the majority of people would say airline security has gone too far. Why do you think the liquids rule was changed? Do you think people appreciated that policy?
You can take both food and drink on a plane... just pick up the drink after security. I just went to Vegas last weekend and had a lot of fun. I recommend the Spearmint Rhino!
bread's done