For anybody who has worked at TRU or anywhere for that matter..


Tomorrow I am going up to Toys R Us for my very first interview. Could some of you wiser gamers give me some tips on how to make a good impression? Or if you have been interviewed anywhere, just give me some overall info?

Hope I get the job!
[quote name='BigSpoonyBard']Truly, the only skill you need nowadays is bullshitting.[/QUOTE]

And that's why I will never be successful. :cry: :lol:
Tell them what they want to hear. Arrive early to the interview, like 15 minutes. Dress nice, smile a lot and be friendly. Typcially they don't want to hire the pissed off person to work at TRU. They turn you into that person two months after you start there.
It's the same for every situation: dress nice (someone once told me to always dress slightly nicer than your interviewer, dunno if that's true), but also shake hands and eye contact. And yeah, bullshit too, though as with sbly, I suck at it too.
I swear half m Interviews go like this "So I see here you have open availbilty and a reliabe car" me:"sure do" them "so can you start tommorrow??" but i guess if you really want the the job wear a nice button up and a tie etc etc. always say you have open availbility even if you don't basically just BS like everyone else says
I suck at bs'ing person to person. Although, I'm getting incremently better and better with each interview. So try not to be too nervous and remember, if you don't get the job, you'll still come away with something.
[quote name='Odenat']I swear half m Interviews go like this "So I see here you have open availbilty and a reliabe car" me:"sure do" them "so can you start tommorrow??" but i guess if you really want the the job wear a nice button up and a tie etc etc. always say you have open availbility even if you don't basically just BS like everyone else says[/QUOTE]

This part is critical. you have to tell them you can work whenever and can get to the job without a problem. every interview i have ever had involved something along these lines.
I have find that mixing honesty and being comedic and with a touch of telling them want they want works as well. for example,

Why do you want to work here?

It's a paying job, then the interviewer laughs and then you say really though I want to help people and succeed in this field this way etc.

However not to much comedy though like this would be bad lets say they asked you the first question and then follow it up with this.

Why do you want to help people?

Cause you'll pay me for it. no laughs and no job.

Gotta mix it up and being articulate helps a lot. Don't over do it but drop a few big words every few paragraphs.
Usually companies like these are impressed by 3 things: dressing nicely to a interview, interest in the job and company, dedication (in other words, willingness to work god awful hours)
bread's done